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Season 02

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You knew it was too good to be true that Brandon’s tacos becomes a smash hit before he suffers a setback.

He doesn’t want to work for the man but he only wants to work at foodie places which require stories behind the dishes?


Maisha wants every junk food known to man and a Fitbit?

So the boys recycle a volcano and it erupts on their Asian AOC teacher’s face and she approves?

Only on The Chi and porn ...

Ronnie’s backstory wasn’t mixed in that smoothly but his downspiral seemed too quick just because he didn’t get in the Chicago PD.  He made a man of himself in the military but gives up after the first setback?

I don’t know about Emmet’s tough love story.  After 3 babies by 3 different baby mommas he’s going to become responsible?  Also if Jada is am experienced nurse, she’s got to be able to find something besides looking after Ms. Davis?

That home invasion of Ms Davis is rough.  Looks like one of them is tearing up the place while the first guy keeps beating her up.  It better not be about that eviction notice.  I would think a senior getting brutalized like that would be a huge story, which would be bad publicity for the neighborhood, hurting the value of that home., so it would make no sense for them to hire those thugs.

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Oh, Brandon, this is EXACTLY why you need to get Square! If you accepted electronic payments, there wouldn't be any cash on your truck for people to steal from you! He is really lucky that they just took the food and dumped the truck.  Sure, it sucks but he still has the truck and it's undamaged.

I just could not with him when it was revealed that he still hadn't gotten the permits or insurance yet. IDIOT! I know he was excited about his business and he was itching to start making money, but you HAVE to do this the right way - especially since he took money from his girlfriend to get this far. If you fuck up, you are letting her down too so get your shit together, man.

As much as I support having a vision for your food/restaurant, I don't buy into the idea that you have to have a story in order for your food to be good. The woman who Brandon made that dish for is just one of a million people in the industry who spout that kind of thing, but as long as the flavors are good, I don't care what story goes with it. I just want it to be delicious and she even said that his food was tasty, so I don't see the need to tell him that he needs more than that. But what do I know? I'm just the person who pays to eat the food.

I could not believe how much work the kids put into trying to find a way NOT to do their science project. A volcano is like the easiest possible thing to do and the least amount of work. I've seen elementary school kids do that (like second grade). If they had put a tenth of the effort into actually making the stupid volcano as they had trying to find ways not to do their own project, they would have been done already.

It was hard for me to feel TOO bad for Emmett considering that his mom had told him repeatedly that she was moving. The fact that his response to being reminded about his appointment was to mumble that he'd reschedule it and then rolling over to go back to sleep shows that Jada isn't wrong. He is going to keep depending on her as long as she lets him. And she said he'd already rescheduled that appointment THREE times so he is not serious about getting his shit together.

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If the kids put as much effort into actually making their science project as they put into stealing their science project, they could have probably just made the project and done fine!

Emmett is such a hot mess. You would think about the first couple of babies he would have tried a bit harder to get scheduled. I mean, get a planner dude! Just as a start! I feel for him a lot of the time, but he just makes the worst life choices. 

Ronnie really went down hard and fast I guess. I mean, yeah it sucks that he got rejected from the CPD, but he basically read the letter and transformed into a drunk layabout instantly. Like his new junkie pal said, he went through joining the army, serving in a war, tried to make it for himself, and still ended up in jail. 

Always get insurance on your vehicles, especially if your vehicle is also your livelihood. 

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S2.E2: Everyday I'm Hustlin'


Brandon helps Jerrika land a new client; Reg must answer to the leadership of the 63rd St. Mob; Ronnie reels from devastating news and makes a deal with an inmate; Emmett adjusts to his new living situation and starts another side hustle with Amir.



You better get him up to speed

You still got it good:

Family love

Original air date: 4/14/1

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Big score for Jerrika but Brandon wants to keep it real?  If he has ambitions about his food, it's going to involve fake-ass bougie people as clients.  He may not like to work for people but how far is that food truck in gang-controlled South Side going to take him?

Brandon may not have gone to college like Jerrika but he wants to make great cuisine, which isn't cheap to make.

Reggie's new boss Douda seems like a bit like Stringer Bell, a more refined mob boss who can still threaten underlings.

Ronnie makes a deal to show some racist prison game how to make his toilet bowl concoction pruno if they hook him up with their lawyer, who is a black woman?

Meanwhile, Emmet may have just discovered a potential moneymaking opportunity.  Will he get robbed like he did with the sneakers?  They showed Brandon getting robbed so don't go down the road like Shameless, always showing their characters being blocked (often blocking themselves but blocked nevertheless).

If the creator and show runner wasn't a black woman, the weave story line could be kind of offensive?

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At least Emmett finally seems to be trying to get his shit together, to an extent. Of course, he has a long way to go, but maybe being with his dad will at least get him back on the right track with his kids. 

Brandon has to know that if he wants to be a high quality chef, he is going to have to suck it up and deal with hipsters and bougie rich people pretty much all of the time. And her parents need to chill out, the guy is a chef, not a fry cook at McDonald's. And even if he was, so what? Stop being such dicks to your daughter. 

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I agree. The sad fact is that unless you are independently wealthy with endless piles of money to burn, you will have to deal with some of those bougie people, either as investors or customers. Brandon hasn't learned what his girlfriend already knows - sometimes you just have to grin and bear it. There's a line between having principles and cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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On 4/17/2019 at 3:14 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I agree. The sad fact is that unless you are independently wealthy with endless piles of money to burn, you will have to deal with some of those bougie people, either as investors or customers. Brandon hasn't learned what his girlfriend already knows - sometimes you just have to grin and bear it. There's a line between having principles and cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I was surprised that he didn't seem to know that, having worked in an upscale restaurant before.

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S2.E3 Past Due


Brandon gets a new opportunity; Kevin and Maisha form an unlikely friendship; Emmett takes on more responsibility at work; Cruz deals with blowback from Ronnie's confession; Ronnie receives some shocking news; Toussaint gets a lead on her case.



Original air date: 4/21/19

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He seems to be evaluating his life.  That's what these flashbacks to his younger self seem to be about.

I don't think they'd have gotten him out of prison and going back to the neighborhood if they didn't plan to continue his story.

It's hard to root for him as you would Brandon or even Emmet, because they're still young and trying to figure things out.  Brandon is striving to better his lot and Emmet is way behind but at least he's realized that he has to be more responsible.

Also seems like they're kind of replacing Cruz the white cop with this female cop as the one trying to do right by the people in this hood.

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On 4/14/2019 at 6:42 PM, Enigma X said:

I like the show but something seems off and blocking it from being must-see tv for me.

I agree with you.  I like it, it's well acted, I like the characters, but there's something kinda background noise about it for me.  

I find the show frustrating because I like the characters, especially Emmett and Brandon, but they keep getting in their own way.  

And flashback Ronnie looks so old that it's really hard to get invested in those scenes.

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3 minutes ago, DrivingSideways said:

And flashback Ronnie looks so old that it's really hard to get invested in those scenes.

The facial hair actually makes Ronnie look younger.

For me the acting is superb, right down to the kids. It is the writing that I give many side eyes to.

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I finally realized who Ronnie's lawyer is - isn't it the actress who was in Vice Principals?  I just googled her - Kimberly Hebert Gregory.  Damn she's good!

And I totally agree - the acting is amazing.  Glad this show came back, I wasn't sure it would return after Season 1.

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S2.E4: Showdown


Brandon stresses over The After Taste Food Competition and makes a deal with Emmett; an accident at Sonny's threatens Emmett's job; Kevin, Jake and Papa cause mayhem on picture day at school; Ronnie adjusts to a new life he didn't expect.



Original air date: 4/2819

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I still like this show a whole lot and will keep watching but something seems off and different this season. Maybe the direction? I mean I know the actors are more than competent having seen them all along. Especially in the scenes when the kids are at school. For example I've noticed the extras are really mugging for the cameras in the classroom scenes etc and it really sucks. It throws me out of the scene with a major wtf reaction it looks amateurish. I don't understand why this is happening.

ETA: I hate Ronnie and his storyline. I just want his grandma to get better. That attack was too much for me.

Edited by DiabLOL
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So Otis is Reg's boss but like Gustavo Fring, he does some positive on the surface community work, like sponsoring pizza parties for the school when he isn't ordering Reg to hire thugs to rough up Miss Davis.

Seems like kids getting caught up in gang activity is more the exception than the rule.  Only Jake is in danger of living the life and only because his brother who's raising him is kind of in middle management.

It is positive to have young adult characters like Brandon, Jerrika and maybe now Emmett be striving for success.  But maybe Jerrika didn't have to go into real estate right away after college.

Being a broker selling upscale housing to gentrify the neighborhood may not be the most aspirational job, though maybe with experience gained and money earned from this project, she can try to do things better than the older lady developer.

Not sure if Ronnie is getting a redemption story line or if he's going to spiral down again, as his flashbacks showed after he got out of the army.  Will he fare better after getting out of prison?

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S2.E5: Feeling the Heat


Brandon and Emmett come together for some Chicago summertime fun on one of the hottest days of the year; Kevin deals with a death in the family; Ronnie reconnects with Rafiq and gets advice; Toussaint and Cruz make a move on the home invasion case.


Clip: it's a blessing

Original air date: 5/5/19

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On 4/27/2019 at 12:35 PM, DiabLOL said:

ETA: I hate Ronnie and his storyline. I just want his grandma to get better. That attack was too much for me.

I agree! I wish Ronnie would have gone to jail and that we didn't have to see him anymore. I don't like the actor who plays him (not personally), I don't like his voice, his walk, and he doesn't have the best acting skills. I mean, a lot of these actors aren't the best, but he's the most annoying.

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On 5/5/2019 at 9:20 PM, MitaJo said:

I don't like the actor who plays him (not personally), I don't like his voice, his walk, and he doesn't have the best acting skills. I mean, a lot of these actors aren't the best, but he's the most annoying.

Awwwwww....Ronnie had me feeling for him this week.  Being so awkwardly self-conscious at the community center but then being proud of himself for fixing the air conditioner.  And I've never been a big fan of Common but he really plays the hell outta that Brother Rafiq.  

Hustling Emmitt is too cute.  And taking his mom to dinner?  Sweet!  Mom having to school him about being a gentleman.  But damn, Jada--did you really get all gorgeous for that fool who's collecting Sister Wives?

Brandon & Kevin is such a great dynamic.  My heart aches for Kevin.  Alex Hibbert is such a strong, young actor.  And I can't get over that he and Keisha aren't really brother and sister IRL---that's some great casting right there.

And why am I crushing on the drug-dealer, criminal business mogul???

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S2.E6: A Leg Up


Brandon competes in the finals of The After Taste Food Competition. Emmett tries to smooth things over with the women in his life. Kevin and Jake get into a fight. Ronnie and Jada grow closer after a family secret comes to light.



Original air date 5/12/19

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Episode 5 was like the block party from season 1.  It's still a good community despite the violence.

I don't know about Brandon and Emmit showing up on Otis' radar.

Can't be good.

Ronnie redemption continues.  Looks like he and Jada ...

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I'm starting to think that Kevin is more mature than Ronnie and Brendan put together. Emmett is catching up fast I'd say.

I wish Jada  could find a man worthy of her. 

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How damn adorable are the kids on this show??  That party scene with Kevin and Maisha totally melted me.

I love so many of the stories on this show - I would be okay with 86'ing the Ronnie parts to give the other stories more room to breathe.  Especially Jerica's storyline I would like to marinate in more. 

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What is Otis' strategy for helping Brandon as a way to go at the lady cop who's making life hell for Reg?

Looks like Otis gets Brandon a new taco truck.

I know it's frustrating losing that cooking competition but Brandon is desperate enough to turn to the wolf?

I would think if Brandon drove his taco truck out of the hood and into more affluent areas, he'd get more buzz, especially on social media.  Then he might get backing for his own restaurant or at least a regular gig at a more upscale place, where he would get noticed.

Not that black people don't appreciate his food but he's more likely to have a chance to become a celebrity chef of some kind and get legit financial backers.

But that would mean catering to "boogie" clientele.

Also these chefs who do contests don't stop after one.  I bet they'd be trying to get on reality shows and other contests to get their names out there.

Surely someone would be giving him advice about playing the celebrity chef game.

Turning to a crime boss in 2019 is like those desperate neighborhood shop keepers turning to a loan shark in the 1950s.

Doesn't seem necessary but I guess they wanted to show the criminal component of this neighborhood, though rather than the somewhat cliched gang bangers in the hood, this is about some Stringer Bell wannabe pulling all the strings.

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On 5/18/2019 at 9:25 AM, Dee said:

Brandon has no idea who Otis really is.

Jerrika seems to have an idea.

On the surface he’s rich because of a number of pizzerias in the hood.  He’s apparently using those to launder drug money.

I’m sure the cops know Otis but they don’t care enough to take him down or Otis bribes enough politicians.  Kind of lie in The Wire where McNulty and others got sick of seeing Avon and Stringer getting away with shit.

I think periodically big cities take down gang leaders and new guys come to take over.  So these street gang leaders don’t get to retire or live off drug trafficking wealth for decades like the mafia guys did.

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I agree that he had a great storyline on the show, probably the one I enjoyed the most aside from the kids.

It's pretty bad that his harassment was so bad that Tiffany Boone chose to leave the show rather than keep working with him, but that article says that she was not the only actress on The Chi who complained about his behavior. How many people have to complain before something is done? Even in this age of #MeToo, two seasons worth of his costars complaining about his behavior wasn't enough to get him fired. The Chi only got rid of him after he was fired from that Netflix movie.

I'm guessing the producers felt that Jason's character was more valuable to the show than Jerrika's (never mind that they could have just, you know, given Jerrika's character more to do). I'm glad that the producers let her leave instead of forcing her to honor her contract and continue working with him, but it's just another example of not enough being done. Why should she have to leave the show to escape his behavior? He is the one who should have been fired long before she asked to leave.

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8 hours ago, DiabLOL said:

That scene where he cuts Kevin's hair while Kevin sobs destroyed me.

Yes, and in so many ways he's a great character.  I wish they'd just recast the Brandon role rather than lose him altogether.   It's kind of weird, but it's not like it's never happened in TV history.

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Wow. I’m shocked. I hope this means Tiffany Boone will return because her character is great and she’s a fabulous actress. Sad to hear these allegations but Brandon should be recast. Another great character i want to know more about. 

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While I'm glad that he's been dealt with, at least from an employment standpoint, I'm sort of sorry that I have read about this before the end of the season.  It will surely influence how I see the remainder of the show.  Sad that the Brandon character has to go, but I doubt it will be recast.  Producers have to be crapping their britches.  #SorryNotSorry

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S2.E7: Blind Eye

Detective Cruz is left to make a difficult choice; Brandon gets some insight into Douda's past; Jerrika drops a bomb about her career; Emmett tries to figure out who Keisha is dating; Ronnie opens up to Jada, who helps him heal old wounds.



Original air date: 5/26/19

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On 5/21/2019 at 4:16 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yes, what I thought too.  Don't believe that Brandon knows about the guy's dark side.

Well he got warned off by his friends.

But Jerrika has rich people guilt so she quits her job and now Brandon has to earn, not just for them but for Otis.

This is probably the trajectory that ends his character after this season.

Ah ...

Meanwhile, Cruz is an old rookie patrolman, just in 2013.

He upholds the thin blue line to protect a panicky partner who shoots a black man dead.  I guess if he hadn't, his career wouldn't have gotten anywhere and he likely doesn't make detective.

Meanwhile Toussaint also has a back story.  Her teen son is in prison and she has to pay protection money because she killed some gang leader and her son fears for his life in there unless she keeps paying.

Actress really took the usual hard edge off the character as she visited her son in prison.

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