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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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14 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Ooh!  Leah was doing some more Angela-bashing with Makensy.  But then, she dropped the bomb on Makensy that Cam likes her and Chelsie is jealous about it.

Makensy seemed shocked, but probably doesn't believe it because she a bit dim.

Well, there's a way to guarantee Leah goes up if Makensy goes back to Chelsie with that before the Veto ceremony, lol.

These houseguests really can't help destroying their own games!

Edited by HighQueenEB
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Uh-oh.  Sounds like Chelsie is trying to back out of making a move on Quinn.  But she might have to commit to it, because Cam and Makensy are still gung-ho about it.

Cam and Makensy have apparently convinced themselves that Quinn is just waiting for a Double Eviction to take out "a big threat," which, of course, they assume is one of them.

. . . OH, DAMN!  Makensy just told Chelsie about Cam liking Makensy!


Chelsie played it off, though, saying that her being annoyed about Cam and Makensy was just gameplay.

Still, I wonder if that might exactly be the excuse that Chelsie needs to put up Leah with the excuse of "protecting" Cam and Makensy from putting a target on their backs as a showmance?

Chelsie, Cam, and Makensy are still rehashing the talk about their "relationship" while Angela, Kimo, Leah, Quinn, Rubina, and T'Kor are all just chilling in the kitchen, enjoying chili and rice for dinner.

Once alone in the kitchen, Angela starts hinting to Leah that something is going down.

Shows that Angela does care for her, because she's putting her game on the line to give her a heads up.  She tells Leah that she's still devoted to her, and Leah admits that she does sense that something is not quite right.

Meanwhile, Quinn continues to be a terrible player by not talking game at this critical time.  He's busy chatting about shit from three weeks ago.

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11 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Anyhoo! The only drama still going on is Will MJ use the POV and if so who will Chelsie’s replacement be?

No drama on the first question.  Makensy is still using the Veto on Angela as of now.  And Chelsie's replacement she's trying to walk back into being Leah, but Cam and Makensy are still anxious and eager for it to be Quinn.

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And now it seems like the overthinking has begun.  That, or HoHitis.

Chelsie and Makensy are in the HoH room.  Chelsie explains to Makensy about what she thinks really happened with Angela telling them that Quinn and Leah and the trio (T'Kor, Kimo, and Rubina) formed an alliance.

Sounds like Chelsie thinks Angelia either made the whole thing up or just misinterpreted things based on her subsequent convos with Leah and Rubina (separately).  But Makensy . . . actually defends Angela, for once, and keeps listing reasons why she thinks that she was telling the truth.

Chelsie suggests that Makensy have a talk with Quinn, read his body language.  She then said that maybe Makensy should sit down with both Quinn and Leah and get to the bottom of it.  Tell them that she wants to keep nominations the same, but would like to get some stories straight.  Makensy said that Quinn and Leah will just agree with the other.  Chelsie realized that she's right, so she said to talk to them separately, one after another.

They then both agreed that it benefits them if they get Kimo out this week, after all.

Chelsie has to be getting fed up with Makensy, who’s being an annoying, overthinking twit.  Never mind that she's kind of overthinking, too.

Now they're back to backdooring Quinn, thinking that maybe it’d be great for the girls' alliance.  They'll put him next to Kimo and then use the week to decide which one should go out of the two men.

Now Makensy asks Chelsie, “Does your heart break the same way for Leah?”  Chelsie said yes.

They’re giving me a headache.

Edited by Rodney
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Now Cam has joined Chelsie and Makensy, and they've all agreed that the three houseguests they trust the least are Quinn, Leah, and Kimo, so one of them needs to be out next.

Cam says that Quinn is the easiest to get out this week, because no one trusts him.  He's also the only one besides the three of them to win something, both physical and mental.

Now they talk about whom to take down.  Cam says Angela, and Makensy starts whimpering (even though they'd agreed to Angela earlier today).  Cam and Chelsie say that it’s a game move, not personal, and Makensy grudgingly agrees.

About using the Veto tomorrow:

Makensy: [Angela] will owe me her life.
Cam: Just like she owes Leah her life.
Makensy: No, she doesn't care about Leah anymore.

Oy vey.  Makensy's reads are baaaaaaaad.

Edited by Rodney
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17 minutes ago, Rodney said:

About using the Veto tomorrow:

Makensy: [Angela] will owe me her life.
Cam: Just like she owes Leah her life.
Makensy: No, she doesn't care about Leah anymore.

Oy vey.  Makensy's reads are baaaaaaaad.

I guess MJ hasn’t noticed that Angela and Leah are together 24/7 in the kitchen and elsewhere. It’s a bad read from MJ. Personally, I just want Angela gone because I’m so tired of her making every eviction about her. They aren’t worried about Angela. I assume whomever Angela sat next to in the Finals she wouldn’t get many votes. Poor Quinn. That said, he has been living on borrowed time but his game has been a disaster from Day 1. Poor thing. LOL!!!!

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Now they talk about whom they should tell about Makensy using the Veto.

Chelsie tells Makensy not to slur.  Guess she’s been drinking.

Chelsie: Are we overthinking this?

Cam suggests to wait till the morning.  Chelsie thinks that’s a good idea.  She tells Makensy to keep things simple.

As of now, they’ve decided not to tell the trio, but would tell Quinn.  Or both Quinn and Leah.  Two minutes ago, the replacement was Quinn.  Now Makensy wants to ask Quinn to tell her why the replacement should be Leah instead of him, and possibly vice versa.

Now Makensy wants to know if she should tell Angela.

Edited by Rodney
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The hell -- ?!

I walked into my room and turned on my feeds after work and . . . Chelsie and Makensy are STILL up, at five a.m. PST/BBT?!  They're bashing Leah hardcore about how she lies, and she takes in information, but never gives any to anybody.  They don't trust her.  Makensy actually says to Chelsie, point-blank, that she actually trusts Angela more than she trusts her!  And Chelsie shockingly agrees!

What follows is Quinn bashing.  They hate how he plants seeds with people while never actually giving info to anyone.  They want to confront him with what he knows, once and for all.

. . . Questioning Quinn and Leah will have to wait, because they see that everyone has gone to bed but they.  So they head back up to the HoH room to go to bed.

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Chelsie and Makensy are still tracking all the information and where it's gone to see things. They believe that Quinn and Rubina are definitely working together, because he told Rubina and Leah something, but didn't come tell it to them.  Currently, Makensy is saying that Rubina isn't feeling Leah or Quinn.

Chelsie also told Makensy that T'Kor is someone she trusts fully, and she's closer to her than she is with Cam.  Listen to what she says, Makensy!

Chelsie saying that she doesn't see Rubina going to someone, but they do see Leah planting a seed about someone knowing something.  They saying that Leah isn't aware that they (Rubina and T'Kor) are close to them (Chelsie and Makensy).  They say to test information, they should confront Leah and Quinn.  If Rubina made an alliance, then she wouldn't lie about it.  (Yeah, that makes sense.)  Makensy saying that the confrontation might not work, because if Leah really did plant something, then she would know better to cover her tracks.

Makensy questioning how Leah would say something to validate what Makensy and Chelsie said, but that would invalidate everything that she had said previously in the conversation.  Now saying if Quinn really did it in a flirty way, then why would his flirtation be that Rubina tried to start an alliance?  (I guess they haven't had to watch Quinn try to flirt.)

Now Chelsie and Makensy are talking about how the Tucker boot was their move, and it wouldn't have happened without them.  Discussing how ridiculous it is that Quinn tries to claim credit for it when it was their move together!

Chelsie recaps how the night before a celebration party, she went to Quinn and talked him into the Tucker boot, and how Quinn didn't think that they had the numbers.  He's saying now that he's taking credit for something that wouldn't even have been possible if Makensy hadn't won the AI Arena that week.  Makensy really tooting her own horn about winning that competition.

Chelsie questioning how that group (Kimo, Rubina, Quinn, Leah, and T'Kor) are up talking to seven a.m.  How is that possible to do that and not talk about game? Meanwhile, it's 5:30 a.m., and they're up talking game.  Don't let anyone else know!

Chelsie says that Leah should've kept playing dumb, talking about how she dug her grave so badly during that conversation.  Chelsie says that she loves her to death, but she's just not playing this game well.  She said that Leah was describing how she was outside making marshmallows and no one would listen to her, and Chelsie sits up in bed and stares at Makensy.  She says, "We've heard 18,000,000 of your stories!" and describes how her stories go on and on and on.  There's our live feeder validation about Leah.

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Makensy just asked Chelsie if she thinks that T'Kor puts her before Rubina, and Chelsie says, "No, no, no!" without hesitation.  Said that her agreement with T'Kor was that she wouldn't touch her until jury, so now all bets are off.  She says, "Do you see how much time they spend together?"  Makensy says, "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure."  Chelsie says that she's not dumb and laughs about it.

Makensy said that if she goes after T'Kor, then that would make Chelsie mad, and Chelsie says no, it wouldn't.

MJ says, "Wait.  Are we using this Veto tomorrow?"  Chelsie says, "You won and it's yours, so you really get the final say."  Then, she asks that if it's Kimo vs. Angela, do you think that Kimo is going home?  Makensy says no, she doesn't, and then a bit more Leah bashing as they talk about how her vote can't be trusted in that situation.

After they talk about the stories, Makensy says, "I'm using that shit, and I'm using it on Angela," and they both laugh about it.  Chelsie tells Makensy that she would regret it if she didn't use it and then got played and evicted in a Double Eviction.  Makensy says that she's doing a big power move.

Now recapping week one shit.  Makensy says, "People haven't been afraid to fuck me over all game!"  But Chels quickly moves past it to talk about how people haven't been afraid to flip or blow things up every single week in this game.  She leaves a quick aside for Kenney, and they basically are like, "Yeah, that week."  LOL.

Makensy and Chelsie are saying that they're not afraid of Angela, but then say that Leah is.  Makensy said Angela is rocking with whoever rocks with her, then about how she'll beat Angela at everything, even if it's them in the F2.  She can tell Angela's game for her because it's super visible.  Any game she's played, people have given to her.

She did say she's not wanting to take Angela to the F2, and Chelsie said, "I know.  You don't have to explain it."

Chelsie says that when you use the Veto on Angela and Quinn goes up, Cam won't be surprised.  Says that the trio would, but that she thinks that Kimo would feel much better on the block against Quinn than against Angela.  Now talking out how Makensy will explain the Veto use.

Makensy is planning to talk to Quinn about how and why she wants to use the Veto on Angela.  Right now, the reasons don't really work, but her baseline reason is she doesn't know whom to trust, and needs someone who has her back, which is Angela.  Lol.  Very convincing.

Chelsie and MJ still talking in bed.   Current plan is back to Veto Angela, put Quinn up.  Or, as MJ keeps saying "We put Quinn up."   I wonder if that bothers Chelsie.  

OTOH, they agree that before the veto ceremony that Makensey will talk to Quinn and say she has heard things, etc.   She doesn't trust him.   But that MJ will act like she doesn't know who Chelsie will choose. 

Makensy told Angela that she will put up Angela if she wins HoH next week.  Talks about all the reasons why, including that the house would think it were weird if she didn't put her up.  (But they won't think it's weird if she Vetoes Angela?)

Chelsie wants to recap the plan, and Makensy questions again if they do it.  Chelsie says yes, but it's her Veto, so she decides.  But she has to know that she also have to make the big decision to name a replacement, so they're in it together.  (Chelsie is very good at making Makensy feel like she's her partner in this.)  Makensy says that she just can't not do it and be in a position to get flipped on, and how Leah and Quinn will definitely flip to Rubina, T'Kor, and Kimo now that they've talked to Leah.  Chelsie says, "You've got to use that thing tomorrow.  I'm sorry."

She asks if Leah and Quinn would hesitate in a decision like this, and Makensy says, "Absolutely not."  The plan again is Angela off (she then owes Makensy everything, she says!), Quinn on, and that Kimo also owes them because he's safe, too, and it means two weeks in a row that they saved him.  Leah also would be good with Quinn going up since she threw him under the bus multiple times.

The part of the plan that I don't like is Makensy wants to talk to Quinn pre-ceremony.  She is supposed to talk about the vote discrepancy and the Rubina alliance rumor to get what he thinks.  She is supposed to tell him directly that she's using the Veto on someone she feels she can trust and that she won't know what Chelsie is doing, so Quinn will run talk to her, and she'll tell him that her options are Quinn, Rubina, or Leah, and see what he says and does.

Now she's saying that Quinn told Chelsie he'd rather be on the block against Kimo than Angela (next week), and it sets Makensy off about how he's lying to her!  He's really trying to get Angela out and play Makensy in that way.

Makensy questions one last time if Chelsie is still feeling Quinn over Leah, and she says yes.  Then, they talk through reasons why: Quinn is a better liar (no), can win more competitions (yes), and that they're not scared of an Angela/Leah alliance.  Leah already dug her grave, anyway, so they know her game now.

With the discussion closed, they both go to sleep in the HoH bed.

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Man, Leah really went from being in a great spot, with Joe and Quinn salivating all over her, to a terrible spot in having them (possibly) be booted back to back.  And all because she decided she HAD to save Angela for Jury.  The Angela who has once again made up a story in her head due to piss poor attempts to eavesdrop on people and her own rampant paranoia, and thrown Leah under that bus.  Hopefully saving Angela this week works just as well for Makensy. 

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Honestly, I don't feel like Angela threw Leah under the bus as much as I initially thought. In that convo yesterday morning with Chelsie, she was definitely trying to get Quinn put up and implying he was trying to 'groom' Leah into turning against Chelsie's group. 

If this does indeed happen, Angela continues getting saved and who she wants evicted every week. It's actually very impressive.

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Regarding Chelsie, after having just watched the episode, first of all, people whispering means we have to get subtitles. Not everyone's first language is english. I have no idea what they said while whispering. Second of all, Chelsie lying in the diary room and saying she decided to keep Kimo after his speech is BS after she spent days to convince MJ to keep Kimo. I'm disgusted with players lying in the DR. Chelsie, I know you would love Cam to fancy you girl but it seems MJ and Leah are his types. Now stop focusing on that. You are a woman of God after all (yeah right).

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I'm torn on the topic of lying to the DR. I think it honestly makes a lot of sense, even though I DO hate when it happens. So I guess for MY sake, I wish people wouldn't do it, but for their own sake, it just makes too much sense NOT to do (and more players should probably be smart enough to do it, but few of them are as smart as Chelsie). 

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I hated Derrick lying in DR because he wasn’t doing it to lie to Production, he was doing it to lie to us. I feel that’s what Chelsie was doing so I hated it.

Leah did tell Quinn he’s in trouble but for some reason we’re on fish now. Very annoyed they’re keeping the feeds blocked for this crucial morning. Kind of bullshit.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Honestly, I don't feel like Angela threw Leah under the bus as much as I initially thought. In that convo yesterday morning with Chelsie, she was definitely trying to get Quinn put up and implying he was trying to 'groom' Leah into turning against Chelsie's group. 

If this does indeed happen, Angela continues getting saved and who she wants evicted every week. It's actually very impressive.

Remember that conversation a week ago when Angela flat out asked everyone in the room if she thought there’s a BB plant in the house and everyone said Nah. She’s it. If she’s not coming up with this in her own, they’re definitely instructing her in the DR.

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Gooooooood afternoon!  Some highlights before the Veto meeting!

T'Kor was telling Rubina that she was scared, then backed it up and said that she's not scared, but nervous, about today.  As soon as they started talking, all four feeds cut to Cam and Makensy getting ready in the downstairs bathroom.

Cam tells Makensy that they only have very few seconds, but I don't know why.  Makensy is talking about how she is having to talk to Leah, because there's lots of lying, and they have to get to the bottom of it.  She's trying to recap the conversation that she and Chelsie had with Leah last night, and the lies that were told throughout the day by "everyone" yesterday.  Cam mostly nods along.

Makensy says that Leah and Quinn have been together and whispering all morning long.  Haven't even left the unicorn room to change batteries.  Then, we immediately get a feed on them (Leah and Quinn) making their beds.

Makensy confirms to Cam that she is using the Veto right before Kimo walked in, so they broke it up.  I cut to Leah and Quinn, and he was telling Leah to go talk to Makensy about not using it and making a deal with T'Kor.  Unsure of what he meant.

Now Quinn says to ask Makensy to talk to him and Chelsie before making any decision.  He said if they put Leah through all that (last night's conversation), then they're not putting her up.  Says, "That's so obnoxious."  It's fun seeing him annoyed.

Shortly after, we got pets.  So an early Veto meeting.

2 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

The DR is there for a reason; for the audience to know the truth about every player's game. If players lie there, there is no reason for it to exist. Chelsie lies a lot even on camera talks. Not cool and really wrong.

She's probably aware of their machinations and wants to avoid falling victim to them screwing with her actual plans.  Maggie from BB6 did that a lot to avoid her own plans being derailed by them.

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I actually thought the plan all week was for Joe over Rubina if Chelsie could swing it, but all the conversations I heard/read about had everyone (meaning Cam/Chelsie/Makensy) agreeing it was Kimo getting the boot over Joe.  I tend to believe it was last minute, because otherwise I think Cam would've known - I have a hard time believing Chelsie would leave him out of the loop, and he was legit pissed.  

Edited by Katesus7
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I assume Quinn is up. 

Quinn said he wants to talk to Chelsie but she’s upset. If she’s pretending to be upset gross I hate that kind of move.

Makensy is telling Kimo outside in the backyard the reasons for "him" being up, and mentioning Angela constantly sliding by, so yeah.  Quinn's up.

1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Leah with the "It doesn't make sense" of the screwed.  It never, ever makes sense when other people do things in this game you don't want them to do.  

I'm willing to let her slide with that in the immediate aftermath of the Veto meeting.  She was clearly blindsided.  But I won't tolerate it if she's still doing it much later.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Quinn thinks he has Cam and MJ’s vote. Oh man, this guy!

He has Leah's, and that's it.  Cam and Makensy have been gung-ho about getting him out all weekend, so he doesn't have them.  T'Kor and Rubina will obviously want to save Kimo over him.  And Angela's just the icing on the cake.  She's wanted him gone since he cruelly painted her as prejudiced back in week two, a truly despicable thing that he did.

Yeah.  Unless something happens, Quinn is screwed in three days.  And I couldn't be happier.

Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I’m glad Leah is pissed at how Chelsie/MJ were talking to her. They were being so nasty.

Seems that Chelsie has found her new fellow mean girl in Makensy, and it's unpleasant to watch.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

None of these people tend to make good, logical decisions so I’d say there’s still a chance Quinn stays tbh.

Improbable, but not impossible.  Cam, Chelsie, and Makensy have agreed that Quinn and Leah need to be split up, and they're right.

. . . But there's always some small chance that they remember that a trio is more dangerous than a duo and turn their eyes back onto Kimo instead.  I just think that that chance is pretty remote.

Quinn making his victim noises about how he doesn't even make eye contact with Leah for longer than twenty seconds!  What is he supposed to do?!  Leah says that even if he did, how is that a bigger threat than they (the trio)?  Now they're saying that it's bullshit and is so dumb (that part is accurate).

Chelsie retells a story to Kimo, T'Kor, and Rubina, saying that people wouldn't leave her room, and it was four a.m., and she was so tired.  Now they're saying that they don't believe that Leah didn't tell Quinn about things, and how she was trying to put the heat on other people.  Makensy joins them now and says that they're so confused, and Makensy says, "Aren't we all?"  Y'all are the ones who did this, silly rabbits.

Where is Angela? I want to see her celebrating somewhere.

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T'Kor is now stressing out with Rubina in the bathroom about the vote having potential to flip, but saying that things have been so fluid because of the AI Arena.  Whom do they think are the four votes to keep Quinn?  (Hint: there's only one, and that's Leah.)  T'Kor is saying that she wants to work with the girls.  Rubina says that "she" straight-up made up a lie about her and tried to throw her under the bus.  She doesn't know if she can work with "her."  Guess she's talking about Leah.

T'Kor said that she wishes that she had been able to do it herself.  Nominate Quinn.  I'd have loved to have seen that, too.  She wouldn't have had the guts due to her desperation to protect him.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think I’ve reached the part of the season where I’m back to mostly hating everyone so watching any and all of them go will be fun.

Perfectly valid feelings to have, but I actually feel the opposite.  Save for Quinn, I actually like everybody left.  And if Quinn leaves on Thursday, then I'll have a F8 in which I like or love everybody left, something that hasn't happened since BB23.  And in that season, I actually liked everybody who made it to the jury phase!

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I was really starting to come around on Chelsie but she is insufferable when she has power. Just a nasty person. And her non-relationship with Cam irritates me. He doesn’t like you girl. 

MJ on a power trip is kinda funny. Her delusions mostly entertain me but I’m not interested in her becoming Chelsie’s new bitch friend.

I mostly enjoy the trio but T’Kor and Rubina were just having a classic, self-righteous ‘why would people lie’ convo, you’re both safe so stfu lol.

I need DR to rig HOH for Leah and then convince her to put up Chelsie/T’Kor. Now that would be good feeds!

ETA: Chelsie was just gonna do her Chisme (ugh) and when the feeds first turned to her she was saying, ‘I don’t want Quinn to go home,’ so this week ain’t over yet lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Angela has been dropping things to Rubina in the kitchen.  Says that she had no idea what was happening, that she loves Quinn and his love for the game (she actually doesn't love either), but it is what it is, basically.  Said that she didn’t tell Chelsie anything about people and didn’t throw Quinn under the bus.  Said that she couldn’t tell Chelsie anything, anyway, because she doesn’t know stuff.  Said that maybe it’s best for her game to be out of the loop, because then she can’t spill information.

Chelsie looking at Cam with love goggles while also saying how ashy his feet are, and how he’s not tidy and needs to have people pick up after him.  Cam now saying that Chelsie leaves floss everywhere in public spaces and how gross it is.  He says that y’all can’t tell from the cameras, but her breath is bad.  Then, he runs out of the room.

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Chelsie has been trying to do “observations and predictions,” but continually gets interrupted.  When Makensy comes in, she lets her stay and tells her that she’s been letting the feeders know that they butchered an iconic competition, but isn’t giving away what it is.  Yeah, Chelsie.  We have no idea that it was OTEV, you dumb-ass.

Now they’re whispering about Quinn, and Makensy predicts how he’ll say that he didn’t do anything.  She’s reiterating how they have to be broken up (Leah and Quinn, not T'Kor, Rubina, and Kimo.)  Chelsie said that she thinks that Makensy and Cam have a huge chance at beating the trio, and they have to do it, or else they’ll decide who goes home!  Almost like a trio in the F8 all playing for HoH is dangerous and could’ve been prevented.

. . . Oh, wait.

Edited by Rodney
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