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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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51 minutes ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

Ok while nothing is happening, I went to the IG of Dani.


I'm actually so relieved to see this. I remember on the feeds Dani fretting about eating anything other than brown rice and boiled veggies. She seemed to have some seriously disordered eating. Glad to see her kids get to have cookies.

I love those Sweet Loren's cookies. I've been annoyed for 2 years now that my store never carries the pumpkin ones lol.

Apparently, some fight happened with maybe Lisa and Angela and the feeds were down for it and now go down every time anyone talks about it. Sigh. 

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Angela talking to herself (once again) in the HOH room.  Giving herself a lowkey pep talk about how awesome she is.  Included in that is she has been building and building her social game.  Oh, dear, I don't think she understands the meaning of "social game".  

Edited: Angela quote "And lord help anyone who pisses me off right now".  Yep, there's that social game!

Edited by Katesus7
  • LOL 15

I just tuned in and I actually wish I had rewind access right now, just so I could calculate Matt's like/other words ratio. "I thought, like, you guys, like, might, like..." I don't want to play grammar police, but this is, like, nuts.

22 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently, some fight happened with maybe Lisa and Angela and the feeds were down for it and now go down every time anyone talks about it. Sigh. 

So basically all they're going to let us see is people talking about food, laundry, ants, and housecleaning. That should really boost Paramount+ subscriptions.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently, some fight happened with maybe Lisa and Angela and the feeds were down for it and now go down every time anyone talks about it. Sigh. 

Is this the same rumour from yesterday about the feeds being down or was there an actual fight?

There's been speculation that Angela said something just so awful that the feeds have to cut away the second she opens her mouth, kinda like Jackson towards the end, but 🤷‍♀️, it just seems like Button Boy had a few too many Monster energy drinks to me.

Edited by Callaphera
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Lisa might be decreasing her target now.  She's having a pleasant talk with Quinn and Kimo in the kitchen right now.

And about an hour ago, she made a F2 with Leah, which surprised me, as I thought that Leah doesn't like her.  The two of them also formed a trio with Makensy (whom I think might be preparing for the possibility of Matt going home tomorrow).

Edited by Rodney
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This next week could be epic. Who wins HOH? Who even wants to at this point when you have to nominate at least 3 and have no control over who will be the final two noms? As much as Matt bugs, I want Kenney to leave as he is less useful than furniture at this point. And then the smart ones sit back and let Matt and…Tucker? Joe? Lisa? Fight it out and have Angela spend a week figuring out how to function without staring at the HOH TV for hours on end, coming up with new conspiracies. 


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Lisa is talking to Quinn and T'kor right now.  She thinks that she's done what she's needed to this week.  She feels like she's collected info on with whom the houseguests want to work.  But she's not getting to the point of what she wants to do.

. . . Oh, wait.  It sounds like she's working with Quinn and T'kor.  But she's not laying out any plans with them.  She just asks where their heads are at.  But she wants to add a fourth and potential fifth to them (whom I think are Leah and Makensy).

Okay.  Lisa confirms Leah as the fourth that she wants with herself, T'kor, and Quinn.  She won't reveal the fifth yet, but I think that it's Makensy.  She wants to check in with this person one more time to make sure that the one whom she has in mind is up for it.

Quinn finally speaks, but he wants everyone to be in the same room when they make the alliance official.  Lisa agrees, but she wants to wait till she knows their fifth is up for the alliance.  If not, then she's fine proceeding with just the three of them plus Leah.  Since they're all in different folds, she feels like no one would suspect them.

Lisa tells Quinn and T'kor that "she" has lied to her and played her all week.  I don't know whom she means.  But she likely means Angela.

Quinn then asks Lisa how she feels about tomorrow.  She, Quinn, and T'kor are all in agreement that Matt is the top target if he loses the AI Arena, and then Kenney if he wins.  None of them want Kimo to go.

Lisa suggests Kimo as another number for her, T'kor, and Quinn, and Quinn agrees.  They also agree that no matter what, either Matt or Kenney going splits them up, as Kenney wanting to throw away his game for Matt shows how tight they could be.  They hope that Matt goes home, because they're scared of how good he could be at competitions, and they've all noticed how he's been trying to rope people into alliances.

The meeting breaks up, and they all head downstairs.

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Is this the same rumour from yesterday about the feeds being down or was there an actual fight?

There's been speculation that Angela said something just so awful that the feeds have to cut away the second she opens her mouth, kinda like Jackson towards the end, but 🤷‍♀️, it just seems like Button Boy had a few too many Monster energy drinks to me.

Angela called people Chicago Bears fans???  Wow! 😮😮😮😮

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29 minutes ago, Rodney said:

This exchange just now:

Makensy:  God, can you imagine if you actually got evicted?
Matt:  No, not really.

They really don't know that Matt is number one in line for eviction.  There are going to be some shocked people if he doesn't win the AI Arena competition.

…and this is exactly why Lisa/Quinn/T’kor shouldn’t make any overtures towards BigMak until after tonight’s vote.

Edited by Nashville
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wanted Matt to stay but after the episode edit making him into some kind of poor, misunderstood hero it's clear (which I mean we already knew lol) that Grodner loves him so I actually think he just needs to go so Grodner can't rig anything for him. 

Seriously.  She completely protected him from his completely botched attempt to talk Angela out of backdooring him.  That would've made him look like such a chump, and Grodner clearly doesn't want that for him.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wanted Matt to stay but after the episode edit making him into some kind of poor, misunderstood hero it's clear (which I mean we already knew lol) that Grodner loves him so I actually think he just needs to go so Grodner can't rig anything for him. 

Hmm. I wonder what the AI Arena comp will be. Maybe posing shirtless while smiling?

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I must say, as much as I dislike the fact that the AI Arena twist will favor comp-beast-type players, it’s not all that bad.  An interesting side effect of the twist is that we are going into the live show and the eviction is not a complete foregone conclusion for a change. It does make things less predictable and it makes it a bit more complex for the contestants to game plan their votes. I’m intrigued to see this all play out on tonight’s show.  

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Oh goody, now Thursday nights are going to be spent waiting for ages for the HOH comp to end. I loved the AI comp on the show, but am going to hate the lack of feeds that are the consequence. 

Oh show. Bless your heart for finding the five minutes of conversation that made it look like Kimo was vulnerable tonight. Loved the huge cheer when they found out he won. That was 20% “live show, must perform”, 55% thrilled that it’s Kimo and 25% thrilled it wasn’t Matt.  

Interesting that no one felt the need to give Lisa the head’s up, unless they did and she just didn’t care. I’m actually really excited to see how this week goes. I still don’t know how all the various alliances are shaking out. Hopefully without all the Angela nonsense, I’ll get a better read.

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13 hours ago, argrow said:

Surprisingly, feeds are back up. Don't think they have played the HOH comp though.

It won't start till eight p.m. PST, so eleven p.m. EST.

Chelsie and T'kor were talking in the bathroom.  They're hoping that Lisa doesn't win the next HoH Competition.

They confirm that, yes, if anyone who voted in the majority wins, they've all apparently agreed that Leah, Lisa, and Makensy are the nominees.  Which one is the main target, I don't know, but likely Lisa due to the bulk of the house hatred for her.  Kenney will replace any one of them who comes down.

Kimo joins them, and they further firm up the plan for that.  He also tells them that he heard the audience cheer for him when he won the AI Arena Competition.

Meanwhile, Joseph and Cam are playing bumper pool.  They talk about solidifying the Collective, anyway, despite Angela's antics, but they want to see if one of them becomes the next HoH first.

Quinn and T'kor talk in another room.  They want to get the Collective up and running, too.  They want to target Kenney next if one of them wins the next HoH Competition.  T'kor feels like everybody is targeting Kenney, Lisa, and Makensy.  Leah, too, maybe, but they don't want her to go.  She thinks that Leah is cool with everybody, but it's clear that she's tied to Kenney, Lisa, and Makensy.  They want to see where her head is at.  Their talk breaks up as Quinn leaves.

Makensy is trying to stay calm in the kitchen, but she's very nervous.  She's managing to talk to the others, though, so she's already recovered from Matt.

Edited by Rodney
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In the bathroom, Quinn and Chelsie celebrated Matt being gone.  They're both hoping that Matt was crying in his interview with Julie (but he wasn't).  They want to be part of the BB community after the season.

Kimo emerges from the toilet, and Chelsie calls him a "legend" for winning the first-ever AI Arena Competition.

On another note, I think that @peachmangosteen would agree, since she's the only other one I know who watches this, but Chelsie's look reminds me of Raven Bowens, who plays Chanel DuPree DiMera on Days of our Lives.

Elsewhere, Leah is boring T'kor with a long conversation.  And of course, it's about herself.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I strongly suspect Angela is about to find out if it is possible to raw-dog one’s way to the finale - because if the other remaining HGs have sufficient glial cells to qualify as functional primates, there’s no way in hell they’d trust her enough to want to align with her.  WAAAAAYYYY too unstable.

Here's a rude awakening coming.  Tucker, Quinn, Kimo, Joseph, Brooklyn, and T'kor still do want to work with her.  Loosely now, but loose is better than not at all.

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55 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Chelsie and T'kor were talking in the bathroom.  They're hoping that Lisa doesn't win the next HoH Competition.

They confirm that, yes, if anyone who voted in the majority wins, they've all apparently agreed that Leah, Lisa, and Makensy are the nominees.  Which one is the main target, I don't know, but likely Lisa due the bulk of the house hatred for her.  Kenney will replace any one of them who comes down.

Sooo... anyone else rooting for Lisa's sparkly ass to win HoH now?

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What's funny about the comps so far is they haven't really exactly favored the athletic types, so the big push to get Matt out now "because we may never get another opportunity!" may have been for nothing. Based on what we've seen, the real threats are those who can spell, count, and move with finesse. This is not Matt. 

I guess after this comp we'll see if this coincidence or a pattern, but maybe oops! Should have voted out Kenny instead. He can probably spell and count. (Finesse, not so much.)

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10 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Nope.  All nominees.  He strips the current HoH completely of his or her power when he uses it (though that HoH will still remain safe from nomination or eviction).

I think I'm a little disappointed that I'm in at least three Big Brother online spaces regularly and I haven't seen a single person reference the Cootie Taw since this is just a souped up version.

Edited by Callaphera
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Well, it seems there will be no pre-jury buyback since Julie was going on about Makensy and her power and Quinn and his power with Matt sitting there. So that’s good.

As for the “everyone has this plan and they’re all sticking to it, and Quinn will use his power on week 2 because he says so to other people” plan right now in the house?  Yeah, I’m going to do the wait and see approach on that. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

I think I'm a little disappointed that I'm in at least three Big Brother online spaces regularly and I haven't seen a single person reference the Cootie Taw since this is just a souped up version.

The Coup d’Étât works only in the heat of one moment in which it's used.  Quinn's Deepfake HoH power works for the entire week, controlling both the initial nominations and the possible post-Veto nomination.

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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

Here's a rude awakening coming.  Tucker, Quinn, Kimo, Joseph, Brooklyn, and T'kor still do want to work with her.  Loosely now, but loose is better than not at all.

Quinn ain’t got no choice; unless/until he uses his DFHOH* he has to play nice with Karangela, else she might out his secret power - assuming it still is a secret, that is; is there anybody left in the House who Quinn hasn’t told…?


* Deepfake HoH or Dumb Fuckin’ HoH - take your pick.

Edited by Nashville
Too many commas
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6 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Quinn ain’t got no choice; unless/until he uses his DFHOH* he has to play nice with Karengala, else she might out his secret power - assuming it still is a secret, that is; is there anybody left in the House who Quinn hasn’t told…?

He's told everybody whom he had in mind for the Collective, I believe.  He hasn't told the house majority's targets -- Kenney, Leah, and Makensy -- and he hasn't told Lisa out of fear that she'll go to Leah and Makensy about it.

5 hours ago, Rodney said:


5 hours ago, Nashville said:

I strongly suspect Angela is about to find out if it is possible to raw-dog one’s way to the finale - because if the other remaining HGs have sufficient glial cells to qualify as functional primates, there’s no way in hell they’d trust her enough to want to align with her.  WAAAAAYYYY too unstable.


Here's a rude awakening coming.  Tucker, Quinn, Kimo, Joseph, Brooklyn, and T'kor still do want to work with her.  Loosely now, but loose is better than not at all.


As a meat shield, because they know she’ll continue to grate? 

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