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37 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Angela, Chelsie, and Makensy were together outside, and Angela said, "Can I please just ask the two of you not to vote me out?"  Chelsie flat-out ignored her, while Makensy said, ". . . Did a bug just run across my arm?"

Before getting up to walk away, Makensy said that a lot can happen between now and then.  "You could come down or win the AI Arena."

That IS a really weird thing for Angela to say there, though, right? 

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Angela cornered Joseph and is pleading to him outside.

She says that Leah is the only girl with whom she gets along and talks to her like a human.

Angela is telling Joseph that she wants Joseph to convince Quinn to convince Leah to use the veto on her, because she doesn't want to ask Leah.

Joseph is pretty much saying, "Uh, I can't do that, and why wouldn't you just ask Leah yourself?"

And the conversation got pretty snappy, so they switched feeds.

Feed goes back, and Joseph says Angela that has yelled at Quinn too many times, and it's a pattern.

Joseph is being really "harsh," I guess, with Angela here, but it's a truth that she needs to hear.

OTOH, Angela is about the one person to whom Joseph could confidently talk down, considering that his own BB game is pretty much crap, as well (not that he knows or realizes it).

Joseph is laying it on thick.  He says that Angela has no path to survive this week, in his opinion, other than to win the AI Arena.  Basically one of Derrick's "let death take you" speeches from BB16.

Joseph is honestly grossing me out with how he is talking to her.  Like he's being a friend about it, but not really.  Not saying that Angela deserves some flowery treatment, but she's still a person, and certainly the boogie-picking, farting masturbator shouldn't be talking down to her.

That said, I suspect that at least part of this is just making sure that Angela gets no information out of him, and in the event that Leah does save Angela (which she likely will), Joseph can be the superhero that he always thinks of himself to be, and Angela will be indebted to him.

Kind of psychotic of him, but . . . while I do like Angela, it's not like she deserves anyone's trust.

And she clearly knows that, too.  She put herself on shaky ground during her first HoH in week one, slowly had to work to rebuild her relationships and regain some footing, and then blew all of the work that she'd put in to smithereens just last week.  And she is well aware of that.

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So Angela had a one-on-one with Leah and asked her to use the Veto on her.  She gave her nothing in terms of whether or not she would.  But given that they made a F2, I'm kind of surprised that Leah played it so close to the vest with her.

Now Leah and Rubina are having their one-on-one.

These two clearly don't like each other or just have nothing to talk about.

Rubina is also terrible at small talk.  Or getting to the point.  Or even having a point to make in the first place.  She cuts herself off every ten words to segue to something else or do a stupid voice.

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It's becoming more clear that his Tucker relationship hid the fact that Joseph is horrible at this game, lol.  Like, every non-Quinn/Leah conversation Joseph has leaves the other person coming out of it with an "I hate that guy" reaction.  I have no idea what he thinks that he's doing.

There were multiple points today that Makensy and Chelsie were shit-talking Joseph, and I honestly think that if this week really does have a non-Angela evictee (which is possible, as Cam, Chelsie, Makensy, and Leah are pretty much four people who don't want her to go), then they'll go after Joseph next week.

Chelsie seriously can't stand him, but hides it well.

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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

It's becoming more clear that his Tucker relationship hid the fact that Joseph is horrible at this game, lol.  Like, every non-Quinn/Leah conversation Joseph has leaves the other person coming out of it with an "I hate that guy" reaction.  I have no idea what he thinks that he's doing.

And Leah didn't seem too happy with Joseph over the way he spoke earlier to Angela.  Angela was of course upset, but Leah seemed more upset than Angela with the way that Joseph told Angela she's a Bridge Burner who has Burned not only her own Bridges, but other people's Bridges as well.  


Edited by Thalia
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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

It's becoming more clear that his Tucker relationship hid the fact that Joseph is horrible at this game, lol.  Like, every non-Quinn/Leah conversation Joseph has leaves the other person coming out of it with an "I hate that guy" reaction.  I have no idea what he thinks that he's doing.

There were multiple points today that Makensy and Chelsie were shit-talking Joseph, and I honestly think that if this week really does have a non-Angela evictee (which is possible, as Cam, Chelsie, Makensy, and Leah are pretty much four people who don't want her to go), then they'll go after Joseph next week.

Chelsie seriously can't stand him, but hides it well.

Is it possible that Chelsie, Cam & Leah could convince Quinn to put Joseph up as the replacement nom.  It wouldn't be hard, I don't think, to blow smoke up Quinn & Joseph's asses and convince them both that Joseph would easily win the AI Arena.  Then, if he doesn't, they evict him against whomever he's sitting next to?

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6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Awkward, Angela will probably expect Leah to use the veto on her and if she doesn’t things could get interesting.

She won't use it if she has any gray matter in her brain at all. 

The powers that be in the House will point out that it would:

(1) Be "disrespecting" Quinn's choices and he doesn't want to have to nominate anyone else so that would be bad for her game and ...

(2) It puts someone else in danger which will turn them against Leah if they survive. 

It makes zero sense for Leah to use the veto.  Even if Angela survives, she will still cling to Leah since nobody else wants her around and for damn good reasons.  So no need to "save" little cry baby Angela for any reason whatsoever.

1 hour ago, Rodney said:

So Angela had a one-on-one with Leah and asked her to use the Veto on her.  She gave her nothing in terms of whether or not she would.  But given that they made a F2, I'm kind of surprised that Leah played it so close to the vest with her.

I'm not.  It would be falling on the sword for Angela just like Tucker did.  It would be the death of Leah in the game before she even got in the game.

Of course as veto time gets closer, Angela will turn on the pathetic begging 1000%. 

That is the number one reason I can't stand Angela.  She gives NO REASON why keeping/saving her is good for the other party involved.  It is just 100% endless pity party for Angela time.  EVERYBODY should just play the game for Angela.  You know, the woman who stabbed her biggest protector in the back just a few days ago.

Please *sob* savvveeee me *sniff* because this is my dreammmmm since childhood *fake tears* gets on knees and pathetically begs ... geez. 

Cannot stand this woman at all!  Just plain horrible behavior which should NEVER EVER be rewarded.  Worst thing you can do psychologically to another human being. 

This is worse than Paul's bully boy behavior even since this scars the other person in a deeper way because it makes Angela's victim feel like they are now a bad person if they don't give in to her outrageous demands.

Edited by Skooma
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4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

That IS a really weird thing for Angela to say there, though, right? 

I dunno, sounds perfectly Angela-ish to me.

5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Speaking of Tucker, I just checked out his Instagram and he is living his best life out of the house.  His IG stories contain, among other things, 13 separate clips of members of the public excited to meet him and take photos with him.  

Just another example of where the vomit emoji would come in handy.

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Makensy and Leah had one of their more transparent conversations right now in the storage room.

Seems like Leah does periodically have genuine conversations with Makensy.  She's so confusing to read.

Leah was relaying to Makensy that Rubina brought up the idea of a women's alliance in their one-on-one, and Leah found that to be very convenient and rolled her eyes.

Leah says she's not doing any more one-on-ones today and she'll resume tomorrow.

Makensy says that Chelsie said, "How much do you wanna bet Rubina is trying to work with Leah now?"  Leah says, "Oh, yeah," but then adds, "Don't tell Chelsie anything we talk about."

Leah tells Makensy that Angela didn't ask her to use the Veto, which surprised her.  She'll have the rest of her talks tomorrow and make a decision then.  They adjourn from the Storage Room, but not before laughing about their three-person alliance with Matt in week one and how it ended so quickly.

They meet again in the kitchen, and Makensy says that Rubina said to her, right after losing the Veto, that she wanted to talk with her later, and Leah rolls her eyes.

Leah points to her veto medallion on the wall and does a dance.

She really is happy to have won something.

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4 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Just another example of where the vomit emoji would come in handy.

Aww, I thought it was sweet of Tucker to be so nice to the fans.  I only posted that tidbit to show that he's not sitting around moaning about being voted out.  Good for him.  

Edited by Gemma Violet
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1 minute ago, tinkerbell said:

Angela talks about being on BB was her life-long dream. Did she also dream of being on Price is Right, Let's make a deal, and Dr Phil?  I wonder how the other houseguests would feel about her whining if they knew about her TV career?

Dreams change as you move through life, especially when you fulfill one lifelong dream - gotta find another one!

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Rubina, T'Kor, and Kimo were just having a chat in the backyard while everyone else was inside getting ready for dinner.

Kimo said that he wants to expose Quinn, but T'Kor says that she wants to do it after the veto ceremony.

Rubina said that she was getting weird vibes from Chelsie and that she distances herself from people when they're nominees.  She says that sometimes, she "can't tell" with Chelsie.  Kimo said that he felt the same.  T'Kor did not concur to that, obviously.

Rubina said that she can't deal with the fakeness and said that certain people flock to the HoH every week, but didn't name who.

They realize that all three of them are the only ones not inside eating, and they quickly clear out.

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I’m about to go on a bit of a rant. It’s been awhile.

My thing with Angela is that she’s terrible at this game. But she thinks she should get constant passes at how horrible she is at this game because “this is my dream”. I don’t care. Even if I didn’t know about her previous multiple appearances on TV, I wouldn’t care.  The fact is, no one can trust her. Any given day she can wake up and decide you are against her and are therefore her target. She has no strategy. She does the bare minimum in trying to socialize or strategize with anyone, she prefers to cry about no one wanting to socialize or strategize with her. Basically, she feels that begging to join an alliance is everything she needs to do. Beg to belong and then do zero work to belong. Piss poor game play. 

But in her world, because other HGs SEE her and her messiness, and don’t want to just let her keep on drifting in the house, she’s the ultimate victim. 

And I really dislike Joe and Joe’s mustache. But good for him for finally deciding to stop with the nonsense and telling her that she is done. I refuse to blame him for being the truth teller. She is a hot mess, and he let her know it. 

Of course she’s still going to stay. Rubina is probably gone. But I’m done with blaming any HG for not treating her with the kid gloves she clearly expects.

Sorry, I had to get that out. Angela is really the worst to me. Carry on!

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Joseph and Angela talking in the back yard: I don't know if I've ever heard Joseph talk this much before, and that's a good thing. His sentences are 40% "do you know what I mean?", 20% "it is what it is", and the remaining 40% general blather.

Essentially, he tells Angela she's done unless she wins arena. He advises her to avoid making a scene just in case she stays. Better to preserve her relationships, do you know what I mean? She says she is not planning to blow up. She is hurt that Leah hasn't offered to use veto, but she won't ask her to. Joseph says there's no way that will happen, do you know what I mean? 

He assures Angela that everybody likes her on a personal level. They just don't like her game play, do you know what I mean? It is what it is. 

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Quinn, Rubina and Leah chatting and laughing in the HoH room. Leah is reclining on the bed, head against the pillows, with a blanket draped over her. She looks very comfortable on the bed of a guy she can't stand. The guy who is also stretched out on the bed in the opposite direction, gazing only at her.

I'll say this for Leah, she can adapt to any situation. And she's giving Quinn much to dream about later. As for Ru"Third Wheel"bina, she's probably earning her way out the front door by not leaving the room right now. 

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T'Kor and Kimo in the bathroom: T'Kor says her gut is telling her something, but she doesn't know what it is. Kimo says that Quinn has assured him it's Rubina, but he's not sure. He gets a little teary, and T'Kor gives him a hug. 

T'Kor doesn't want to work with Quinn any more. She wants to work with people who are playing an honest game. People like Makensey. She's also considering Leah as a potential ally, because of a conversation where Leah pointed out various shady things that Quinn and Joseph were doing. Kimo wonders if Leah would really flip on those two. T'Kor says yes, because at the end of the day, Leah is a businesswoman. A businesswoman with a heart.


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The HoH room is full of cockblockers now: Makensey, T'Kor and Kimo have joined Rubina. But Quinn still only has eyes for Leah.

He leaves them to take a shower, but first gives them a topic of conversation: "Which evicted houseguest would you trust to watch your kids?" In other words, "please don't strategize without me." But the joke's on him, because it's a unanimous "Brooklyn!" before he even leaves the room.

Leah tells a story about when she took a shower and couldn't find a towel, and another time when her clothes got all wet while she was showering, and poor Quinn can't catch a break because he misses all of this.

As if we needed more proof of Tucker's magic powers, Leah found some hair thingy of his and wore it for the veto comp. Everyone laughs while secretly plotting how to steal it from her. Apparently he also left a pair of shorts, so... ? 



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Everyone leaves, but Kimo stays behind to talk to Quinn. He asks where Quinn's head is at. 

Quinn: "Well, other people are emerging as targets, so.."

Kimo's sits up. "Wait, am I a target?"

Quinn, after a slight hesitation: "...No. Well.. not this week. And probably not next week."

Quinn says that Rubina and Joseph are bigger targets than Kimo. But he still wants to work with Kimo, T'Kor and Joseph. Kimo suggests that free agent Rubina would also be a good ally.

Quinn says that Kimo and T'Kor need to hurry up and finish their Tucker mourning, then get back in the game and up their social game. They need to pay more attention to people who have been feeling slighted by them, like Makensey. 

Quinn is feeling vulnerable since Angela called out the alliance, and since Tucker pulled him off the block. He thinks that may have caused suspicion with Chelsie and Cam. But he is feeling good about the Visionaries, because nobody knows about that.

Then Quinn gives Kimo a hug and sends him out the door, because he has Leah dreams to tend to.

Edited by 30 Helens
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While Kimo and Quinn are talking about strengthening their alliance, T'Kor talks to Rubina about blowing it up. With Quinn unable to play for HoH next week, she thinks there's a good chance one of the women (or Kimo) can take it. She wants to build a women's alliance with Chelsie, Leah and Makensey (and Kimo). She wants to make history. The boys have ruled the game in the first half, now it's time for the women! 

Rubina is all in. She's at peace, and feeling fearless.

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T'Kor and Rubina talk about Tucker, because all roads lead back to Tucker. They appreciate the game he played, they just wish he hadn't gone so hard, so fast. And hadn't been so stubborn. And paranoid. And hard headed. And... 

Rubina wonders how he was portrayed: hero or villain? She hopes that people got to see his tender side, his funny side. She is grateful for the time they had, but she knows it's better for her game that he's gone. Now she can play her way. She also hopes she is being portrayed as more than her relationship.

They would like to take Tucker's philosophy of breaking rules and playing hard, but do it with a little more smarts and finesse. (And more women!) That's their goal going forward. T'Kor just wants to be the captain of her own ship. She doesn't want to be pulled along.

I'm now hoping that Angela goes on Thursday, because I'd love to see if T'Kor and Rubina can build an army of women (+ Kimo) and tear up the house. 

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The audacity of T'Kor is unreal.  For at least thirty minutes at one time last night, she was having herself a pity party, because she wasn't clued in to Quinn's decision about nominations, didn't mean for Tucker to go, people aren't playing the way she thinks they should, etc.  And she is saying all this to Rubina, who is on the block.  At one point, Rubina even had to point out that she is the one on the block.  T'Kor was sitting there, letting Rubina comfort her, when this girl hasn't even touched the block and is the one who messed up her own HoH in what should've been an easy, straightforward week that she chose to overthink and overcomplicate all due to her misguided desire to please Chelsie and Quinn.

Cry me a river, T'Kor!

Rubina told T'Kor that she felt bad that "we let you down today" (Veto Competition).  Instead of noticing how self-centered T'Kor is, the houseguests feed into her entitlement.

T'Kor and Rubina have since been talking all night, circling the topic of "no one tries to get to know or is interested in them."  Mostly, it's T'Kor saying this and Rubina just feeding into it for the sake of mutual complaining.

She hasn't said it verbatim, but I feel like part of T'Kor is miffed that Chelsie is hanging out with Makensy and Leah more than she is with her, and that after her HoH (and Tucker's eviction), people were allowed to mingle with others and reshuffle the deck, while she's stuck on an island with Rubina and Kimo.  Feelings that she's entitled to have.

The problem is that her solution to this is: 1.) She wants her and Rubina to try to work more closely with Chelsie (lol), and 2.) possibly make a women's alliance with Leah, Makensy, and Chelsie.  Rubina says that they can't necessarily trust Leah, because she might run back to Quinn.

Another part of T'Kor's cope is her saying that she'd rather be on an island with Rubina and Kimo than work with people who went against her on her HoH and didn't include her in a plan.

T'Kor is still dropping in my estimation, while Rubina's self-awareness and observational skills are making her rise.

On other fronts, I think that it's so funny that people are starting to get turned off by Joseph.

He just makes it so clear to everyone just how much of a weasel he is, like when he runs upstairs into the HoH room to break up a conversation and say, "Guys, guess what conversation I just had with Angela?"

T'Kor called him delusional twice in her conversations with Rubina tonight.  I didn't think that she was capable of hating anybody, but T'Kor strongly hates Joseph.

Edited by Rodney
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3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Everyone leaves, but Kimo stays behind to talk to Quinn. He asks where Quinn's head is at. 

Quinn: "Well, other people are emerging as targets, so.."

Kimo's sits up. "Wait, am I a target?"

Quinn, after a slight hesitation: "...No. Well.. not this week. And probably not next week."

How magnanimous of King Quinn to allow Kimo a week or maybe two possibly to live in the house before his execution.

Oh Quinn your fall will be Mighty. 

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That happens a lot tbh. 

In general, Joker's is a cesspool so their ratings mean nothing to me lol. Although, they do probably align pretty closely with how the casuals feel. 

It feels like we're heading toward an easy march to the end for Chelsie, but it seemed like Pentagon was primed for a steamroll for a couple weeks and then it seemed like the 'other side' could have been primed for one for about a week so who knows.

I have been liking Chelsie more now that she doesn't spend most of her time sitting in her room loudly complaining and disparaging everyone to the cameras. I don't watch any of her religion talks though. Not for me. But still, I just find watching someone coast to the end with no real opposition boring.

I'm hoping Leah's annoyance that Chelsie never actually liked her will lead to Leah winning an HOH and getting her evicted but she'd have so many votes in her favor it might be impossible. 

Even though they basically almost always suck, I'm ready for the new twist. And I think AI Arena has been great but I'm ready for it to end as well.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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49 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

and then it seemed like the 'other side' could have been primed for one for about a week so who knows.

I fully believe that the Sixth Avenue could've at least made a nice steamroll of a few weeks.  It's unfortunate for all of them that T'Kor fucked them all up royally with her HoH.  I never thought that she'd be such a disaster as an HoH or that she'd be the one to make Sixth Avenue crash and burn, but there you go.

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Good day!  Bringing you a long sequence of updates from this morning and afternoon!

Soon after wakeup, Joseph and Makensy were in the backyard.  He was laying out his ulterior motives, observations, and masterminding again.

Joseph has really stepped up his game.  In the worst possible way.

But it was amusing.

Joseph told Makensy, "I think you can win things, but I don't think you can win in a jury vote, so I wouldn't be scared sitting next to you in the end."

Oh, nice!  Good thinking, Joseph.  What an eloquent way to put that.

He adds, "I think everyone in the house hasn't really viewed you as a threat, because they can get you out at any point."

Joseph tells Makensy that he has coped with Tucker's eviction by saying to himself, "This guy (Tucker) has been bringing you down . . . and you know my (Joseph's) social game is good enough where I'd be okay without him.  Tucker thought that the game was about creating division.  My game is about bringing people together!"

Joseph always knew that even if someone thought he and Tucker had an F2 (which they did), Tucker would always go before him.  So it all worked out. This was all planned by Joseph.  All went according to plan.

Damn.  Quinn and Chelsie were absolutely right. Joseph's game is "this happened, but I planned for it, so I'm good at this game."

4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This Leah/Quinn convo is half interesting and half embarrassing as hell. When he tried to get closer to her and she was like ‘not too close I haven’t brushed my teeth’ I wanted to crawl out of my skin lol.

It's sincerely embarrassing to watch Quinn try to recreate a Cory/America thing with Leah, as she's just not interested.

And I'm not even trying to be rude about his looks, but, like, dude . . . cut your hair (or at least straighten it or slick it back) and dress up, for a change, and it'd make you more presentable.

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Kimo gave Angela a pep talk in the bathroom about being nominated together.  Kimo tells Angela that she's a "fire sign" (what?) and that she needs to keep fighting.  It's anyone's game.  Angela plans on winning the AI Arena, and it will be a brand-new game.  Angela is being anecdotal about how she's a "spitfire" in real life.

If she's indeed not saved by the Veto, then I actually do like Angela's chances against Kimo and Rubina.  Kimo hasn't been great at competitions and only won a guess-based AI Arena, and Rubina, while she's not terrible, isn't great at competitions, either.

You can tell T'Kor just wants to throw up every time that Angela talks.  She's tried to deny it, but it disgusts her that Angela is still here, and Kimo knows it.  (He's apparently called T'Kor out on it many times.)

As usual, if it's not Chelsie, Kimo, or Rubina, then T'Kor can't add anything to the conversation, and it makes her want to throw up having to be in the same vicinity as someone not in her immediate "clique."

Just by visual cues and body language, I'm starting to see signs of the real T'Kor, and it's honestly more clear to me why her ratings at Jokers have been in the toilet for the last week or so.

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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

It's sincerely embarrassing to watch Quinn try to recreate a Cory/America thing with Leah, as she's just not interested.

And I'm not even trying to be rude about his looks, but, like, dude . . . cut your hair (or at least straighten it or slick it back) and dress up, for a change, and it'd make you more presentable.


Funny you say this.  I've been wondering if Quinn would let Leah cut his hair.*  Usually at some point during the summer they turn to makeovers as an activity.  I remember someone straightened Cameron's, and they were always playing dress up and make up with Cory.   

Speaking as the representative of Woman-Kind (you're welcome), that style is just not flattering to him.   I think he could be the "cute geek" type with a short cut and the glasses. But even cutting to shoulder length would help some. 

*I've also been thinking of another Gilligan's Island Reference, when the Mosquitos landed on the island and Mrs. Howell kept chasing Bingo, Bango, Bongo, AND Irving with a pair of scissors, trying to give them haircuts.  

Edited by Thalia
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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This Leah/Quinn convo is half interesting and half embarrassing as hell. When he tried to get closer to her and she was like ‘not too close I haven’t brushed my teeth’ I wanted to crawl out of my skin lol.

Poor Leah, keeping “Quinn the Creeper” at bay is a full time job!

She’s channeling Bette Davis, any excuse will do!  


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5 hours ago, Rodney said:

Just by visual cues and body language, I'm starting to see signs of the real T'Kor, and it's honestly more clear to me why her ratings at Jokers have been in the toilet for the last week or so.

I think the real T'Kor is just what she's shown us. She values loyalty and integrity, and even if that is not the best path to winning BB, it's the path she's chosen. I can't fault her for adhering to her values. I don't care about her Joker's ratings because Joker's ratings are trash.

As for Quinn, I have many reasons to dislike him, but none have anything to do with his looks. He has naturally curly hair, so what. If he likes it long, that's his choice. I personally find his wispy pube-stache ridiculous, but again that's his choice.

If we want to fault people for their moustaches, Joseph is right there. No need to look any further.

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So Cam and Makensy have been sitting outside for a while talking game and other stuff. At first Chelsie was there but now it’s just the two of them. He has his head in her lap and she’s playing with his hair. Is there a little something going on there or is it just the point of the season where everyone inexplicably wants to cuddle with everyone else?

Not much happening on feeds tonight. Quinn spent a lot of time gazing at Leah in the bathroom, but didn't get much out of her. (As usual.) If she played her cards right this week, she could do so much damage with Quinn as her human puppet.

I don't know who the real target is, but if it's Rubina, I will really miss her. Possibly unpopular opinion, but I love her Woody Woodpecker laugh.





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53 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I don't know who the real target is, but if it's Rubina, I will really miss her.

Well, Quinn, as he said in tonight's episode, really wants it to be Angela, but that's unfortunately (for him) in conflict with Cam, Chelsie, and Makensy.  They were all talking earlier tonight and want to bring T'Kor more in with them, but they all agreed that that'll be impossible as long as Kimo and Rubina are in the picture.  She'll always stay close to them.  So they want to get one of them out instead (which is smarter -- put a dent in a strong trio, not a single who's on her own, has almost nobody on her side, and is an easy eviction later on).

So things might get dicey in the days ahead.

Edited by Rodney
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So yesterday was light on game talk.  In fact, most of the "excitement" was around getting the grill and using it for the first time.

But after that was all over, Leah had her one-on-ones about the Veto.  Here are the Cliff Notes versions of each one.

Leah and Quinn danced around each other for a while before Leah finally told him that she was leaning toward using it on Angela.  He was stunned, but seemed unable to talk her out of it.

Next came the nominees.  She talked to Angela first, and Angela just hemmed and hawed for a while, afraid of asking Leah, before finally coming right out and asking her to use it on her.  Used the idea of being a target consistently, and Leah admitted something that I'd already realized: that if Angela makes it onto the jury, then she's at least a guaranteed vote for her (Leah).

Kimo and Rubina were pretty much the same.  They told her not to use it out of fear of T'Kor being the replacement nominee if either one of them or Angela comes down.

Chelsie went next and asked Leah to use it so that she could get Quinn to put Joseph up.  Not only because she hates him and how he talks up his game with his delusions, but because she thinks that it'd weaken Quinn significantly.  Leah definitely agreed with both points, particularly pointing out how she hates Joseph talking so much like he's a big player in the house when he's done nothing, and she also cites that she did not care for how he talked to Angela on Saturday.

Cam said nothing of huge value, but he did at least hint at wanting Leah to use the Veto, as well.  He didn't offer up a replacement name, though.

Joseph was next and was adamant that Leah not use it.  He went from wanting her to use it on Angela to wanting Angela gone (and I think that their talk that went totally wrong is what snapped him into that).  He said that there'll be three trios going forward -- himself, Leah, and Quinn, Kimo, T'Kor, and Rubina, and Cam, Chelsie, and Makensy -- which signified that, yes, he's ready for Angela to go.

T'Kor was next, but said nothing of value.  From her, it was a lot of whining of how she'd been dragged into alliances without wanting to be.  Boo-hoo.  Poor her.

Makensy took her turn, but the cameras cut away before it could be seen what she was saying.  But I presume that it was the same thing as Chelsie since they're both on the same page of wanting Angela down and Joseph up and out.

There you all go.

  • Like 6

Okay.  Watching live now, and Quinn apparently came in and tried to talk Leah out of using it again, and through a lot of him talking, it sounds like Leah has come around to not using it, after all . . . though she may have just been putting him on about that.

Leah and Quinn later decided on the number of people they want in their alliance, as well as who.  They want five people -- Makensy, Cam, Chelsie, and themselves (though I don't know whether this is as real to Leah as it is to Quinn).

Leah intimated to Quinn that the Diary Room wants her to use the Veto on Angela, and Quinn retorts that the Diary Room wants her to blow up her game.  More like they want Leah to blow up your game, Quinn.  They clearly hate you.

Makensy and Leah sneaking their way into the Pentagon 2.0 over Joseph, Kimo, and T'Kor.

Quinn and Leah said that they want T'Kor as a side option, though.  Of fucking course.

Leah says that T'Kor didn't even mention Kimo or Rubina in their one-on-one.

  • Like 4
8 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

So Cam and Makensy have been sitting outside for a while talking game and other stuff. At first Chelsie was there but now it’s just the two of them. He has his head in her lap and she’s playing with his hair. Is there a little something going on there or is it just the point of the season where everyone inexplicably wants to cuddle with everyone else?

Apparently T'Kor got a little pissy with Makensy over the Cam Cuddle Cam because, according to T'Kor, Makensy knows that Chelsie likes Cam. So there's that.

Of all the HGs to fight over, now it's Cam? I mean, his impression of an end table for the first few weeks was impressive but still.

ETA: Don't get me wrong, Cam's hot. But I've seen him shower and he also seems to be allergic to soap so.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Like 2
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As usual, everything is changing every five minutes. Neither Quinn nor Leah have slept and Button Boy is under strict rules to keep it for the edit. It sounds like Joseph's mustache was going to be a renom target for a hot second and now Kimo might be the boot? So Veto usage is still on the table. I love how it's so up in the air this season. It really is a feedster's dream season. Even we don't know what's going to happen.

Are they doing the Veto meeting today since it's Labour Day? Or do they also get a stat holiday?

Edited by Callaphera
  • Like 3
3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

... now Kimo might be the boot?

Which is what Leah wanted all along.

Ideally for me, Leah would take down Angela and then Kimo would win AI Arena. I love when no one gets what they want lol.

At this very moment (subject to change daily, hell hour by hour), I actually like everyone but I’m not really rooting for anyone. Leah might be becoming someone to root for though. Her game is in a league of it's own and kind of fascinating.

Also, I agree @Callapherathat it's SO fun that we pretty much never know what's going to happen this season. And I'm assuming the meeting will still be today.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Like 11
2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Apparently T'Kor got a little pissy with Makensy over the Cam Cuddle Cam because, according to T'Kor, Makensy knows that Chelsie likes Cam. So there's that.

Of all the HGs to fight over, now it's Cam? I mean, his impression of an end table for the first few weeks was impressive but still.

ETA: Don't get me wrong, Cam's hot. But I've seen him shower and he also seems to be allergic to soap so.

So, that confirms that T'Kor is actually secretly crushing on Chelsie, right?  They're not close enough BFFs for T'Kor to be pissed out of friendship and her loyalty to Chelsie has been extreme even in the BB fish bowl since Chelsie really doesn't seem to feel any sort of bond with T'Kor beyond the transactional nature of any illusory BB alliances & deals.

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