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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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22 hours ago, Callaphera said:

There's debate as to what Joseph's mustache actually said. I'm in the camp of He Narc'd On Himself because of the "I'll explain when I get out of isolation" bit, others think it's about pushing a narrative about Angela.

Now I hate Joseph's mustache for ruining my birthday.

ETA: I turned 41 this year. I've been posting with some of you on the Big Brother threads since I was 24. (I'm pretty sure it was BB8 that I finally delurked for. We'll fudge the math a bit) I hope you now feel as old as I do. Mwah! 😘

I feel much older because I am.

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22 hours ago, Callaphera said:

There's debate as to what Joseph's mustache actually said. I'm in the camp of He Narc'd On Himself because of the "I'll explain when I get out of isolation" bit, others think it's about pushing a narrative about Angela.

Now I hate Joseph's mustache for ruining my birthday.

ETA: I turned 41 this year. I've been posting with some of you on the Big Brother threads since I was 24. (I'm pretty sure it was BB8 that I finally delurked for. We'll fudge the math a bit) I hope you now feel as old as I do. Mwah! 😘

I started BB8 too!!  Something about watching those people made me need to seek out others who understood me.  

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Oh, God, Angela crying AGAIN. Talking to T’Kor about noms. I’d put her up and tell her If she’s gonna cry regardless, I might as well give her a reason.

Apparently it’s because Leah is an option to go up. She just loves Leah, y’all, Leah is one of the few who will talk to her, blah, blah, song and dance. I see you Angela, you hate Quinn and want him up. Which is fine. I just hate her go to strategy of crying pity party. It’s exhausting!

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14 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I just hate her go to strategy of crying pity party. It’s exhausting!

Yes it is. And so emotionally manipulative. Basically "I'm not telling you what to do, I trust you to do the right thing. But the right thing is keeping Leah because she's the only one keeping me from sinking into an abyss of loneliness and despair." She knows T'Kor is empathetic, so she's trying to turn the Leah option into something that would be too painful for T'Kor to do. I hate that kind of shit.

Meanwhile, Kimo is trying to tell Tucker about something that is going on behind his back, but his mouth is full of chips and neither Tucker nor I can understand him. SWALLOW THEN TALK. 

Edited by 30 Helens
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I’m quite impressed by how everyone is turning on Tucker and are yet so pally with him that he has no clue. Angela (who he saved by using the veto on her), Quinn (who he also saved with veto but Quinn was never aligned with him), Tk (who he gave the $5k to) and they’re saying he threw the veto to Cam (idk if that’s true but it’s what they think that matters) and even Rubina thinks he’s just using her with the showmance. They’re all probably right and Tucker was building his numbers by doing these things thinking they will repay him in kind but they’re just going to cut his throat if he doesn’t win the AI or if he’s ever in jeopardy again. I guess his charm has worn off for them and I’m glad to see them playing. 

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To her credit, T'Kor isn't falling for Angela's tears. She's telling Quinn about the conversation, noting that Angela doesn't realize the alternative to Leah is... Angela. She recognizes the problem with losing a potential vote, but she'd actually prefer Angela out than Leah.

She's unsure if she should tell Tucker that Angela has talked about getting him out. Quinn just wants to be there when she does.


Edited by 30 Helens
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T'Kor and Rubina talk about the replacement nom. Neither like Angela and wouldn't shed any Angela-style tears if she left, but they think Leah might be the more dangerous player. They both feel for Makensey. 

T'Kor fills in Rubina about what Angela said about getting Tucker out. They wonder if they should tell Tucker, in order to get him on board with getting Angela out. 

But really, the only question is who's going to run to Tucker with this intel first: Kimo, Quinn, T'Kor or Rubina? Depends on who thinks they can leverage it the most. (My guess: Kimo.) (Edit to add: Maybe this is what Kimo was trying to tell him when his mouth was full of chips? I'll never know, because HALF-CHEWED CHIPS.)

Edited by 30 Helens
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On 8/23/2024 at 4:28 AM, 30 Helens said:

In Quinn's drag scenario, Childish Gambino's Campfire would be playing

Someone has probably already said this but I can’t resist pointing out that there is no such song. Childish Gambino has an album called Camp and there is a song on it called Bonfire. I’m guessing that’s the song Quinn meant, if he actually did say Campfire 

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Cam and Kimo are discussing the Instigator's possible identity. They think maybe Angela, because her reaction to AIQuinn's info seemed fake. Leah also seemed a little fake.

If his goal was to hide his identity, it really was pretty smart of Tucker to tell on himself in the first info dump. Not sure Rubina would agree with that strategy, though.


2 minutes ago, Eyeland Baby said:

I’m guessing that’s the song Quinn meant, if he actually did say Campfire

I can't confirm, because there is no Look Back option, but that's what I thought he said. So either I misheard or Quinn is a poser who references things that he thinks are cool but doesn't really know about. Your choice.

Well, apparently, T'Kor went from going back and forth between Leah and Angela to all systems go on Angela going up.

Kimo isn't as keen on it as I would've thought, though.  I think he knows that putting Angela up puts the alliance in jeopardy and causes drama with Tucker and possibly even Joseph.  I don't know if he fully has Leah figured out, so he'd rather Angela stick around as the devil he knows.

That's just speculation, though, from his conversation with T'Kor earlier.  He's not against it, per se, but he's not completely for it, either.

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Makensey pleading her case to Quinn: I have no allies, I have no enemies. I'm literally no threat to anyone. If I won HoH, it would be House HoH because I have no targets. I'd let the house decide.

Kimo and T'Kor climb into the hammock. Kimo stuffs some chips into his mouth and mumbles "I told him". I don't know what else he says because CHIPS. Feeds keep cutting in and out, and I don't know specifics, but T'Kor is not pleased with Tucker for some reason. She's also not fully trusting Rubina because Rubina is too far up Tucker's ass. Add that to her desire to backdoor Angela, and I think 6th Avenue is about to get paved over.


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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Makensey pleading her case to Quinn: I have no allies, I have no enemies. I'm literally no threat to anyone. If I won HoH, it would be House HoH because I have no targets. I'd let the house decide.

Kimo and T'Kor climb into the hammock. Kimo stuffs some chips into his mouth and mumbles "I told him". I don't know what else he says because CHIPS. Feeds keep cutting in and out, and I don't know specifics, but T'Kor is not pleased with Tucker for some reason. She's also not fully trusting Rubina because Rubina is too far up Tucker's ass. Add that to her desire to backdoor Angela, and I think 6th Avenue is about to get paved over.

It's sad.  I was excited about T'Kor winning this week, because I thought that she was going to try to gain some momentum for herself and her new alliance, and that everyone in Sixth Avenue would be safe with her.  Instead, she completely, massively overthought things and is turning this week into more and more of a clusterfuck by the minute.  What should've been an easy week for Sixth Avenue is turning into a nightmare, and a new alliance that T'Kor wants to start with Kimo, Quinn, Chelsie, and Cam, with Rubina on the fringe and Tucker, Joseph, and Angela all completely thrown to the wolves.

Damn.  No wonder her stock on Jokers has been dropping so rapidly.

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Quinn invites everyone to an after-season get together at his grandma's house. The house is empty because Grandma is in long term care, so she wouldn't know mind!

He then describes a time in that idyllic town when music was playing and "old people were dancing in the street." Everyone "awww"s over that. "I love old people!" "I love old people too! They're so cute!" "SO cute!"

How much do you want to bet those cute fossils they are cooing over are roughly 40 years old?

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Kimo to T'Kor: "Even if the rumors are true that Makensey and Cam are working with Tucker.." 

WHAT? Is this what has them so paranoid and flip-floppy? I didn't catch the rest of that thought, but it was something about it not lasting long term anyway. And that maybe Leah should go up?

I don't know what's happening with these two. Make a plan and stick with it.

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3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Kimo to T'Kor: "Even if the rumors are true that Makensey and Cam are working with Tucker.." 

WHAT? Is this what has them so paranoid and flip-floppy? I didn't catch the rest of that thought, but it was something about it not lasting long term anyway. And that maybe Leah should go up?

I don't know what's happening with these two. Make a plan and stick with it.

It seems that T'Kor's HoHitis has kicked in, but hers has manifested differently from HoHs in the past.  Hers came in the form of her becoming a neurotic, paranoid, overthinking mess rather than a demanding tyrant like past ones have.

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T'Kor and Rubina are talking about Angela's flip-floppiness. And how they don't trust Leah. But they are both changing their minds about Makensey. They both say she might be someone she could work with.

T'Kor says she has decided on the block replacement, and it is Leah.

ETA: These people are giving me whiplash.

Edited by 30 Helens
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I think so much of it comes down to T'Kor wanting to play with Chelsie, partially because the whole cool girl makes the nerdy cool feel cool thing (which is sad, but I guess understandable), and partially because of the whole "We're both Black women" thing (which is much more understandable), and so she is basically seeing things through Chelsie-colored glasses. If her end goal is to play with Chelsie, then she can't very well stick with Sixth Avenue, ya know? 

But hey, I'm sure Chelsie WILL let her stick around for a while, so it's not like she's aligning herself with someone who hates her or anything like that, so it's not INSANE. I don't think it is an ideal strategy for her, but it's not AWFUL. 

Really, though, a lot of it is also due to that idiot Tucker volunteering himself as a pawn because he's somehow automatically going to win some mystery contest (that could be, for all he knows, something like, "Who can look in a mirror the longest?" and Makensy will crush it). If he wasn't on the block, then there would be much fewer opportunities for T'Kor to screw the pooch this HoH. 

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T'Kor, Kimo and Rubina are outside on the balcony. They went up there to hide from Angela, who just emerged from an hours-long DR. They don't want to talk to her because they want to talk about her.

T'Kor is afraid of making the wrong decision. She is crumbling under the pressure of having to make actual moves. She doesn't trust Angela, doesn't want to be aligned with her, and yet she doesn't want to disrupt the status quo. She thinks Leah would be an easier nom to make, but she's not sure that Joseph and Quinn would actually vote her out.

She wants to talk to Tucker. Apparently Quinn told him what Angela said, but T'Kor hasn't talked to him since and doesn't know how he feels.

Conversation shifts to Makensey. They are starting to think she could be an asset, but they are also wary of her relationship with Tucker. Might he eventually prioritize her over them? But if it comes down to Mak vs Angela, Angela should go. They count votes for Mak vs Angela and Mak vs Leah. Above all, they don't want to put T'Kor in the position of breaking a tie.


T'Kor just wants to know who her team is. She wants them to decide who they want to work with and go all in on that. Aside from the 3 of them, they agree on Chelsie. 

More discussion on who to nominate, Angela or Leah. Kimo is worried about the Quinn-Joseph-Leah of it all. Rubina wonders if they should just ask Angela if what they heard is true. (Rubina enjoys poking bears in her spare time.) The others are concerned about the potential chaos. T'Kor thinks it's all Tucker's fault, because of his terrible decision to include Angela in the first place.

They decide to tell Tucker that he needs to stop being a double agent. No more side alliances, even if he says they exist to benefit the core group. They think he's letting info slip in these other relationships. And what if Daddy decides he likes the other kids more?

T'Kor worries about Quinn or Joseph feeling they're low in the hierarchy. She's also concerned that putting up Leah could upset Quinn, no matter what he says. She wants to talk to more people. Why is everyone asleep?? (At 1 am)

They may go wake up Tucker, to get his counsel. But unless they go ahead and poke the Angela bear, I'm out of here. All this waffling is putting me to sleep.

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17 hours ago, dizzyd said:

I definitely do not want him to run away with the game and as big of a target as he’s made himself, he probably won’t win and he seems to be cool with that and just play like it’s his last day alive and I know that annoys a lot of people but I’m digging the entertainment he brings and can appreciate the full package. 

I’m with you. I’m afraid when he’s inevitably voted out (barring more comp wins, which, let’s face it, are highly likely based on his performance to date) the season is going to get very boring. 

I think part of the reason folks online find him annoying is because he doesn’t seem desperate to be “good at the game” like the rest of the house does. He’s just good at it. He’s good at everything he tries, in large part because he seems to have a strong mind in the sense of focus and confidence and realism AND fairness and kindness. It’s so refreshing to me to have a player that I like so much. Can’t remember another one since… hmmm…


also, the volunteering to go on the block is risky, but it can hardly be moronic if it’s worked for weeks on end.  

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

So either I misheard or Quinn is a poser who references things that he thinks are cool but doesn't really know about. Your choice.

Aw cmon, only two choices? How about this: you heard right and Quinn spoke wrong because it’s an easy mistake to make (the words are similar and the album’s name is Camp after all)


a real fan would never make that mistake though so… I will keep it in my “things about Quinn that annoy me” column. Along with his hair. And diary room voice. And his apparent need to manage his image without actually being able to do so. 

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I kept feeds on in the background and picked up a few more things after Tucker joined the group:

-Tucker is adamant that Angela is on his side and would never vote him out. He's going to ask her about what she said in the morning, but he thinks it was just some ill-conceived double agent move. (He actually wanted to wake her up to ask her immediately, but the others talked him out of it. Damn them. Cornered half-asleep Angela is the best Angela.) He says he will be able to look into her eyes and know 100% if she's being truthful.

-They tried to convince Tucker that Joseph is not as loyal to him as he appears, but Tucker was not having any of it. He trusts Joseph implicitly. (Later, Rubina whispered to Kimo that she suspects Tucker and Joseph have a final two.)

-Unless Angela's eyes betray her, Tucker wants Leah to go up. So, unless T'Kor can somehow change his mind, I suspect she will keep the peace and put Leah up. Good thing she's in charge this week. And that the group decisions are decided by majority.

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Just as everyone else went to bed, T’Kor and Kimo are still up game talking in HOH!

T’Kor is talking while taking big bites out of something, chewing and whispering on and off.

They’re just going in circles, weighing pros and cons, future boot order.

Now she’s licking and sucking her fingers.

T’Kor: Chelsie will need our protection going forward.  Quinn, as well.  Not sure about Tucker.
Kimo: I think Tucker is someone who needs direction, be told what to do.

Now discussing Quinn wanting to protect Leah, and Tucker protecting Angela, both of which they’ll have to keep an eye on.

Kimo says that they’ll have to try to keep Tucker in the loop.  Otherwise, if/when he finds out, he could blow up their game.

T’Kor practices what she’ll say to the replacement nominee (who might be back to Leah at this time).  It's long winded and stupid, full of lame excuses. . . . Oh, I guess it’s Leah, because Kimo just said something about how it’ll affect Quinn.

Now she’s practicing what she’ll say to Angela.  Same old, long-winded crap, and then discuss the possibility of her blowing up or breaking down.

T’Kor: I’ll make my decision later this morning.  It'll be either Angela or Leah.

Circles back to both repeating the goal to protect Chelsie . . . again.

T’Kor: Tucker will talk to Angela this morning.  If they want to come up here, they can.  The four of us can talk.

Now she’s bitching about Angela going into HoH, crying and begging her not to put Leah up, saying that it's annoying and disrespectful.  Kimo agrees that it’s annoying how these people are all trying to protect their person.

Obviously, the irony is lost on these two.

Kimo intermittently throws praises at T'Kor, telling her what a great job she’s been doing as HoH.  Such a hard job, but she’s doing great.  Blah, blah, blah.

I’m done listening to these two clowns.  I'm not the only one, am I?  Whose liking for them is rapidly dropping, I mean?  I'm at the point where I want to see them both on the block next to each other.  Soon!

Edited by Rodney
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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

-Tucker is adamant that Angela is on his side and would never vote him out. He's going to ask her about what she said in the morning, but he thinks it was just some ill-conceived double agent move. (He actually wanted to wake her up to ask her immediately, but the others talked him out of it. Damn them. Cornered half-asleep Angela is the best Angela.) He says he will be able to look into her eyes and know 100% if she's being truthful.

This is also how Tucker found out that Lisa had a triple vote, so I think it ought to go very well.

I think T'Kor working with Tucker is her second choice after Tucker being out of the house, and she has never wanted to work with Joseph or Angela. T'Kor is one of the few people who doesn't have A Thing for Tucker, and I think she is well aware that her number one being bedazzled by him is a problem for her. I think she has been hoping that Tucker will get voted out without her having to actually work against him, but she second guesses herself constantly on everything and because she doesn't want to be on record against Tucker, she doesn't have even one trustworthy ally she can talk through these things with.  

There seems to be a lot of thought about how nominating Leah will impact Quinn. Do they not see that Joseph is the one already planning his wedding to Leah in his head, to be paid for by his AFP winnings? 

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Yeah, T'Kor's problem is that she never wanted Angela in the alliance in the first damn place.  Or Joe, really, but she could deal with him.  She told Quinn last night about how Angela was in her (at the time) HOH room and came out to where T'Kor, Kimo, Tucker and Rubina were talking and pretty much begged to join them.  One of the most awkwardly awesome scenes ever, by the way.  

So she puts up Leah, and possibly pisses Joe and - more importantly for her - Quinn off, and they probably vote to keep her anyway.  Or she does what she wants and puts up Angela, and possibly pisses off Tucker, but more importantly stands the risk of Angela going Angela and blowing everything up and now she's seen as the person who has broken up not just one but two alliances, and that's not a good luck.

I'm telling you, the difference between 2 and 3 nominees is huge.  As is the AI arena.  Completely changes up the strategies, and makes the HOH role harder.  I love it, but feel for T'Kor. 

And she absolutely has Tucker and his game pegged, but her closest two allies are both in love with him, so what can she really do?  He of COURSE will be 100% certain that Angela is telling him the 100% truth today, because he's Tucker, kind of everything.  And he reads body language, y'all, with all of his history of working with the FBI.  Or his Masters in Psychology.  Or all of his extensive acting classes.  Or....whatever he comes up with next week.

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OH, Tucker is confronting Angela right now!  Her reasoning is she heard he has a final two with everyone, and "how am I special"?  Honey, you're not.  Tucker is heated, I guess he can't pretend she's 100% telling the truth.  She's crying, as she does, he's berating her, and yeah, it's looking like Quinn is going to get his way this week.  I want to like her going up, and most of me does, but I hate Quinn getting his way.  

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Yeah, Tucker wasted no time in confronting Angela.  He said that she shot herself in the foot.  He's the only one who wanted her in there.  She's going to go up.  He's gonna win AI Arena, and she's going to go home, even against Makensy, unless she goes to talk to T'Kor right now.  He says he still loves.  Angela says that Tucker put fear in her for saying she was the stupid AI person.  Tucker says that he told her what he was hearing and was trying to help her, but she tries to form an alliance to get him kicked out.

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Angela whining that Tucker is close to Rubina, so how can she believe that Tucker would take her?  Tucker says because he gave his word, and we started it first.  Angela says that she didn't start the wanting Tucker out.  She just piggybacked it.  Tucker says, "You still don't trust me after everything I've done?  And I still have your back, you stab me in the back, and I don't deserve that.  I'm true to my word."

Meanwhile, he has a F2 with Joseph, about which Angela also knows, so how can he say that?

Conversation ended with Tucker instructing Angela to talk to T'Kor, and he'll follow up with T'Kor after.

She needs to go to her right away, before the Veto meeting, if she wants even the slightest chance of Leah going up over her.

Well, instead of going to T'Kor, like she should, Angela is outside crying (in the backyard (though her sunglasses on, so it's hard to know if she actually is, it's her fake cry), asking (to the wind) how to pull herself out of it, saying that Tucker's lying right now and just doesn't want her to vote him out.  Says, "That stupid woman.  I did it way too soon" or something like that.

7 hours ago, Eyeland Baby said:

also, the volunteering to go on the block is risky, but it can hardly be moronic if it’s worked for weeks on end.

Sure it can!  It’s called “normalizing the deviation” - which is simply PhD-speak for saying if a person does something mind-boggling stupid a few times without getting burned, they start to ASSume they can continue to do the stupid without fear of repercussion.

Thing is, of course, all they’re really doing is repeatedly tempting fate - and EVENTUALLY it’s going to bite them in the ass.

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So Tucker apparently did believe Angela, but he's still mad as hell.  But he understands that part of it was her paranoia cropping up again.

Angela is explaning herself to T'Kor and mentioned Tucker having F2s with multiple people.  She said that if she goes up, she would understand, because she was in the alliance, but tells T'Kor that she isn't going to the F2 with him.  And T'Kor can do whatever she wants.

Wow, so Angela is really targeting Tucker, but she admits to T'Kor that she didn't want to do it right away.  I thought she was going to backtrack it today, but she's telling T'Kor reasons why Tucker is dangerous and that he isn't going to take them or her to the end.

T'kor was doing lots of "mm-hmms," but just gave her a deep hug in the end.

Angela: I don't know that I can repair this, T'Kor.  I don't know that you can trust me anymore.
T'Kor: Yeah.

Angela now saying that she can't blame Makensy.  She's playing a game and knows that she has higher odds to stay with her on the block.  Said that she's not mad at her.  She's mad at herself for being a silly woman.  She shouldn't have tried something like that at that point, or maybe not at all.  Apologizing for all the tears and crying.

Angela said that she doesn't want to be gone, but she's broken trust with Tucker now.  I think that T'Kor was hoping that she would say, "Please nominate and evict me, and I will be happy with you."

Said it will be hard to stay in the game with Tucker until Thursday.  How is she supposed to talk to him now?  T'Kor asks if she has talked to him, but we lost feeds for a few seconds, so didn't get to hear the answer.

Feed comes back, and T'Kor asked how the conversation between Angela and Tucker went.  Angela said that it wasn't great, and that he told her to go talk to T'Kor.  She said that she isn't here to beg, though, and that she wants T'Kor to play her own game and not let other people influence her.

Angela said that she was honest with Tucker, because there's no point lying in this game.  She should've said that she was throwing that out there to try and get T'Kor to keep her off the block, expecting her to vote Tucker.

Well, the follow-up with Tucker still has to happen, but unless he advocates for her again, I'd say that any chance that Angela had of staying safe this week just evaporated.

Edited by Rodney
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Tucker telling Rubina and Leah that he's now even more skeptical of Quinn.  Rubina said, "I don't know, I kind of feel the opposite."  Tucker said Quinn was in there and agreeing hardcore.

Tucker now saying if it's people's plan, take him out before jury.  "Fuck jury."

They asked T'Kor what happened with her Angela talk.  She's like, "She was about it!"  Blah, blah, blah.  "It was a good conversation."

Interesting!  She's not saying much, but also Leah is in the room (with Tucker and Rubina).

Just before T'Kor walked in, it sounded like Tucker was still defending Angela somewhat, saying that Makensy put the idea in her head.

Now T'Kor talking to the downstairs bathroom crew.  Tucker tells her that Angela told him who planted the idea in her head, and T'Kor mm-hmms, then said that Angela was sweet about everything and knows that she made a mistake, no hard feelings, etc.  Said it was a good conversation (that's when two people talk, not when one person talks and another listens).

T'Kor clearly doesn't like Tucker, even as a person.  She rarely looks at him or says hardly anything when he talks.  Wouldn't she want to nominate someone who could presumably beat him?  She still gave him a hug when he came for one.

Edited by Rodney

Tucker, Rubina, and T'Kor are in the sky room.  He said someone (I thought he said Rubina) was telling him that people are flying under the radar.  Now recapping that "she" was saying how Quinn was there for all of it, was very happy with Angela's plan, and that powerful people are in here, just flying under the radar.

Rubina says, "I don't know."  Now saying, "What if Leah and Angela are close?"  Tucker says that no, they aren't.  Rubina saying, "It's easy to believe," and Tucker says that he doesn't.  However, Angela was completely straightforward from beginning to end when he called her out on it.  Rubina tries to steer him away from Quinn (which isn't even an option for T'Kor, for some reason!).  Describing how Quinn told the story, and she doesn't think that Quinn would say, "Yeah, let's do that!" to Angela's plan.

Tucker said that Leah told him that directly and he never talks game with her.  T'Kor now asking, "Leah told y'all that Quinn --" and Tucker finishes the sentence, saying that Quinn was right on board with the plan.  Leah also forgot the detail -- that it was about Tucker as the target -- and says, "Why wouldn't you remember that?"

T'kor is perking up and listening now that they're talking about Leah mistelling the story and whether it was on purpose.

Ooh!  This might've bought Angela some time!

Tucker keeps believing that Quinn and/or Leah are lying about it all.  Rubina keeps telling him that it's not Quinn.  They ask T'Kor directly, and she said, "I think it's weird that Leah doesn't remember the conversation," and they agree that her leaving out the detail about Tucker is super weird.  Rubina says that if it's not Angela, "it's you, girl (Leah)," so why are you running to defend her?

I don't think this is a done deal.  T'Kor stops getting clothes and listens up when they're talking about Leah.  Let's see what she says to Kimo.

Even after all of this, Tucker is still trying to keep Angela off the block.  He still wants Angela to work with them!  Said she'll be even closer to us after this, as we all saved her ass.

At this point, if she doesn't want to risk pissing him off and/or losing his trust in her, T'Kor can't put Angela up now.

Makensy talks to Angela about how if the shot is there (at Tucker), then they have to take it.  But they have to build it small.  Girl, this is what Angela was doing last night!  Angela lists out how Tucker is building his army with things like keeping Quinn off the block, keeping her off the block, letting T'Kor have the $5,000, etc.  Sounds like they're about to wrap up.

Angela's crazy sometimes, but she's right about that.  it shows that she is keeping her eyes on what's happening.

3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

T'Kor just told Quinn if he trusts Leah and wants to keep her this week, T'Kor will go ahead and put up Angela.  It sounds pretty definitive to me.

But . . . it sounds like Angela will not be the target now if it comes down to her and Makensy.  Makensy will be.

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