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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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Interesting.  T'kor and Rubina are trying to figure out how to talk Tucker into being okay with them evicting Cam and keeping Chelsie (if Brooklyn wins the AI Arena tomorrow).  They'll say that he is a bigger competitor.

Rubina doubts that he'll go for it.  But I think that they're going to try, anyway.

So their other winning points are that even if Chelsie backdoors Tucker, they have the numbers to keep him, because Chelsie wouldn't nominate T'kor or Rubina, too.  Their words, not mine.

Surprised that T'kor got Rubina in on this.

Edited by Rodney
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Angela, God bless her, just described how, as a child, she lived off free school lunches and often went hungry.  Her family was very poor.

I believe her.  It would explain her being overweight because of having an unhealthy relationship to food.  That kind of upbringing could also contribute to her other odd behavior.

I have to give her credit.  Chelsie has done a great job of smoothing things over and getting in good with the others.  Whereas Brooklyn decided just to be a Bitter Betty.

But part of me feels like they both should stay for entertainment value.

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Some game talk with Brooklyn and Leah.  She's trying to urge Leah to vote for whichever of she or Chelsie is still on the block if the other wins the AI Arena.  She uses the fact that the women can be up on the men seven to four, which Leah seemed to realize.  But she didn't give any concrete promises.

Talk stopped once Joseph walked in.  But it didn't resume after he left.

Kimo is with Tucker in the HoH room, stretching and belching. "The soda?" Tucker wonders. No, that's just Kimo. Where have you been?

Angela cleans the kitchen. Quinn walks through without a word. It's almost like he... oh yeah, he does.

Leah enters the kitchen and Angela thanks her profusely for what sounds like a post Have-Not birthday celebration. Angela says it was one of the best birthday parties she ever had. But then she says she's only ever had two, so the "one of best" part takes on a little less significance. Nevertheless, they hug and make lots of cooing sounds.

Back to the HoH room, for more stretching and talk about what a terrible person Brooklyn is.

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Most of the house gather in the HoH room for laughter and British accents, while Brooklyn and Chelsie bemoan their fate by the fish tank. Brooklyn believes that the plan is to get the two of them + Cam out, then the game will be "reset" to Tucker's terms and he will declare it's now everyone for themselves.

A few of Brooklyn's descriptors for her fellow housemates: "the controllable", "silly females", "dumbos". 

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HoH room: Rubina spoons T'Kor, who sighs happily about having her "first cuddle". Not to be outdone, Makensey wraps herself around Leah. The only ones left are Kimo and Tucker, and you can almost see the fantasy wheels spinning in Kimo's head. But alas, no cuddling for him.

Meanwhile, Brooklyn and Chelsie do a little spooning of their own. Not really, they're just hugging while they pray for the others to "have a mind of their own" and vote the right way. Oh, and also for God to save them. Because if there's anything God cares about more than football outcomes, it's Big Brother evictions.

Some of Brooklyn's descriptors for herself and Chelsie: "strong women", "powerful", "intimidating". (She left out "annoying" and "full of themselves".) But lest you think she passed up an opportunity to talk about motherhood and Mrs. America, she did not! Those special events were also mentioned in passing, because Brooklyn is all about her resume.

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Lots of whispering in the bathroom among Kimo, Leah, and T'kor.  Kimo and T'kor are trying to make Leah okay with keeping Brooklyn and Chelsie, I think.  Leah is reluctant, as she is aware that both of them have spread things about her and is worried about what else they can spread.  She would actually prefer Cam staying since "he doesn't do much," which Kimo and T'kor admitted was a good point.

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Everyone gets ready for bed. Kimo manages to brush his teeth in between belches. (HOW do they live with him?)

In the HoH room, Rubina climbs into bed with Tucker. They talk about tomorrow's vote. The plan is for Brooklyn to go, but Rubina wants Cam as the alternate. She pitches him as a physical threat who could be Tucker's downfall.

Tucker disagrees. He thinks Chelsie is a much bigger threat. In terms of the opposition, Chelsie is the brains and Brooklyn is the voice. Cam is not a threat. He is not smart, and he's not as athletic as he looks. Tucker also knows who Cam's targets are, and they don't include him. Whereas Chelsie's target is Tucker. She would put him up. And if Chelsie and Brooklyn remained, they would rope in Leah, Makensey and Quinn, at least.

Rubina relents a little, because she knows she can't sway Tucker. She still wants to eliminate Cam, but she values unity above all else.

Game talk over, they remove their mics and Rubina climbs on top of Tucker to give him a massage. Until she gets called to DR. "Why are you like this?" she cries to the camera.

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In the bathroom, Kimo and T'kor pitch Leah on getting rid of Cam. T'Kor "thinks" she can rope Rubina into the plan. Leah is unsure about keeping the duo of Brooklyn and Chelsie, although T'Kor assures her they are not as close as they appear.

And then Kimo starts to belch into his microphone, and I CANNOT. I just can't. That's a wrap on feeds for me tonight.

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The kids are still awake.

Leah is talking to Kimo and T'Kor in the bathroom, saying that she'd prefer Brooklyn to stay over Chelsie because Chelsie is petty.  Chelsie talks down on her intelligence, tells others that Leah's game is to flirt with every guy in the house when that isn't the case, and still brings up her flirtation with Cam, even though they don't talk anymore.  Leah says that Chelsie is always making unnecessary digs at people — she'll ask you questions and then use your answers against you later in the day.

Leah is also trying to clue in Kimo and T'Kor that Chelsie has scapegoated them just as much as Brooklyn has, if not more.  Of course, this falls on deaf ears, since Kimo and especially T'kor seem to be dickmatized by Chelsie, but at least she tries.

Leah has made solid points about how Chelsie and Brooklyn are an obvious pair who need to be split up "in some capacity," but as expected, Kimo and T'Kor are trying to shift the target onto Cam.  You'd think that this would set off alarm bells in Leah's head, but . . . we'll see.  Leah holds her cards close to the vest, because she has no tight allies to serve as a sounding board, so we won't know if she sense that something's off. . . .

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Leah really has Chelsie pegged and is right that she's a bigger threat but the fact that she's really just mad because she thought Chelsie liked her and she found out Chelsie doesn't like her is hilarious. Leah in general is just so hilarious to me.

11 hours ago, Rodney said:

Rubina doubts that [Tucker will] go for [taking out Cam].

Who cares what he'll go for. He doesn't vote lol. 

I don't think they're gonna be able to do it because the votes won't be there but I would love for T'Kor to get Cam evicted over either woman. He's a non-entity entertainment wise and a threat to comp out and bro out down the line, which I do not want to see at all.

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Gooooooood morning!  Early reports here, as the houseguests are just freshly up!

Angela is with Tucker, T'kor, and Kimo in the HoH room.  T'kor and Kimo are in the final push of their plan to evict Cam and are trying to just flat-out sell it to Tucker.  Tucker says that they have to go after Chelsie and Brooklyn, as it's essential to break them up this week.  He makes a deal with them that if they do that, then they can handle Cam next week.  He's willing to let the survivor of Brooklyn and Chelsie go for another week if they get one of them out this week.  T'kor and Kimo understand his position, but Kimo says that Brooklyn did say their (his and T'kor's) names.  Tucker asks, "Who do you think came up with that?  Chelsie is the superfan and mastermind!  She's behind it all!"

T'kor said that Chels had a hard life and has lots of friends who are superfans watching, while Brooklyn has kids, so it makes it easier for her to make little lies.  Kimo is saying, "What if Cam wins competitions?" Tucker said that he won't so long as he (Tucker) is there, and that Cam will go after Quinn and one of those others who's left since he's just been in the middle of drama and has been told what to do.  He doesn't like where he is.  He said that he can get confirmation on that, and Kimo said that would be helpful.  Kimo agrees that Cam wouldn't put him up, but Rubina said that she would go up.  Tucker says that he doesn't think so, and Rubina said they never talk about anything.

Angela fully agreed with Tucker's assessment (that Brooklyn and Chelsie mustbe split up), saying that both women would put her up "like that."  T'kor asks if either one would, and Angela says yes.  Tucker said that the two women have been talking a ton, and they will nominate people in their group.  Rubina agrees that it is more dangerous for them together, and Angela echoes it.  Tucker said that they make more convincing arguments than Cam, who can't even argue his own case well.  It took two weeks to catch on with Brooklyn and Chelsie.

Angela gets called to downstairs DR, but says that that's the plan, and they're still on track.

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After Angela leaves, Tucker calls Chelsie and Brooklyn "insanely calculated" and says that Chelsie is more of a superfan of the show than even Quinn.  T'kor is sitting on the bed, looking dejected that their plan seems to be going down the drain.  Kimo asks if it will be definitely be Brooklyn unless she wins, and asks then what happens it's just between Cam and Chelsie?  Tucker reminds him that Cam is a floater and won't target them, that he told Tucker that everything he said was the truth, and he isn't holding grudges against T'kor and Kimo, because he's the only one of the former Pentagon members who fully understands why they flipped.

Rubina keeps pushing back that the others would be fine, but Tucker says that Rubina will be, too.  He's going after people who have won and have been HoH, speculating that it would be Chelsie and Angela he nominates, which no one believes re: Chelsie.  (I don't, either.  He's made his loyalty declarations to Chelsie and Brooklyn more than once.)  He says that Quinn would be Cam's main target, and then maybe he (Tucker) or Makensy.  Says that Cam is easy to convince what to do, and he's just floating around because he knows he won't make it to the end unless he wins competitions, which he can't with Tucker still in the house.

Tucker repeats that it has to be one of those two.  Then, if they want Cam next, then he's willing to let the survivor of Brooklyn and Chelsie float by so they can kick Cam out next week.  He reiterates (and I guess he's right) that both girls are more dangerous together and can sway people, as they've already been pushing a lie about Kimo being a doctor.  He says that he's an ass doctor, which makes T'kor laugh, for once.

Kimo said that the four of them are already working together, so can they be something?  Tucker suggests the Ass Doctors, lol.

Edited by Rodney
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2 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Tucker repeats that it has to be one of those two.  Then, if they want Cam next, then he's willing to let the survivor of Brooklyn and Chelsie float by so they can kick Cam out next week. 

Gee, thanks King Tucker, for allowing your minions to get rid of someone when you say they can get rid of them.  Asshat.  The new HOH cannot come soon enough.  

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I think T'Kor and Kimo have likely killed their own plan by going to Tucker with it. He very clearly isn't onboard, so now if they go ahead with it, it'll be in direct "defiance" of him. Given that they just betrayed the other side of the house last week, I think it's too soon for them to flip on Tucker without even the hope of a clear exit strategy for Tucker. Their best hope if they really wanted this done was to ask for forgiveness, not permission. 

T'Kor and Kimo's problem is they are trying to sell him on something that they all know is better for them and not better for him. Is T'Kor trying to suggest that they should keep Chelsie because of personal factors unrelated to the game, or have I misunderstood? Because that would truly be scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of arguments to keep someone. 

4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Gee, thanks King Tucker, for allowing your minions to get rid of someone when you say they can get rid of them.  Asshat.  The new HOH cannot come soon enough.  

To be fair, he's been like this the entire time, including when he was literally one AI arena loss away from going home. 

I know it came up last season with Hisam, but the HOH being a comp beast who isn't afraid to make threats seems to play into this dynamic where they basically get to decide who goes home. 

Edited by Jillibean
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Tucker is called to the Diary Room, and T'kor . . . still pushes the flip to Rubina!  Wow!

T'kor asks how Rbuina's feeling and said that she will do what they need, but asks if they're really going to fold over and keep Cam just because it's best for Tucker's game and not for all of theirs?  Rubina just plays with her hair.  But then, she agrees that she would rather keep Chelsie, but then they'd break the trust that they've just barely got.  T'kor said that they need to emphasize that that trust is twofold, that they trust the decisions that Tucker made.  Rubina tells her to bring it up to Tucker and say that they understand his fears, but asks if Chelsie really wouldn't put up Tucker.  T'kor thinks a bit and says that she trusts that Chelsie wouldn't put him up "any time soon."  They're saying that Chelsie already claimed that she doesn't even want to win HoH, but Tucker would tell them that she's lying.  (No shit.)

T'kor gets why Tucker believes that the girls would be a pair, but acts like it's a non-issue?  Rubina doesn't believe that Tucker has a F2 with Joseph (he does, but it's more of a fallback, back-pocket one, since he doesn't fully trust Joseph), and that he's really with these three.  Rubina said that she didn't sleep in the HoH room last night (yes, she did; I saw her), but people probably think that she did, anyway.

Rubina asks if she's Tucker's shield at this point.  (Okay, girl.)  Kimo joins, but I didn't hear the sink running.

This will definitely fester.

Tucker has already made it clear that Leah, Angela, Makensy, Joseph (though just to an extent), and Rubina are the closest to him.  T'Kor and Kimo are tagalongs at this point.

Ironically, T'Kor and Kimo need to win an HoH Competition themselves or bank on an ex-Pentagon member winning, because they showed their cards way too much this week.  T'Kor and Kimo may not be immediate targets next week, but their ninth- and tenth-place placements are really becoming a reality, the more they push for this.

5 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Gee, thanks King Tucker, for allowing your minions to get rid of someone when you say they can get rid of them.  Asshat.  The new HOH cannot come soon enough.  

Tucker is an ass, but in this case, I think that he was trying to compromise so he didn't lose his allies.  Which isn't a bad idea.

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Tucker returns from the Diary Room, and T'kor tells him that she won't vote out Chelsie, because she's black.  (Never mind that she voted out Cedric and wants to vote out Cam, both of whom are very much black.)

Now they're talking about Makensy and how they really wanted her up this week.  Rubina says that she told T'kor about how Makensy is wanting to work with him, and he said that that's fine, but he doesn't trust her.  She believes that there isn't a Joseph/Tucker F2.  (Keep repeating that sister.)  Kimo says that Tucker's biggest concern is being backdoored, and T'kor said that that's happening regardless.

Discussing what Cam would really do, and if he's someone that would or wouldn't backdoor Tucker.  He's back in the room now and laughs, asking whether they were talking about him.  Tucker recaps how they have the numbers, and Rubina may be nervous about Cam putting her up, but he's nervous about everyone putting them up.  Said they have to break up the girls.

Kimo says that it should be Brooklyn, and Tucker agrees, and he then says it's between Chelsie and Cam.  Tucker says Chelsie, then asks if T'kor is okay with that.  She's saying that they made a pact on day one that being black women, they wouldn't vote each other out pre-jury, but jury is fair game.  Still, she will be okay with the group's decision.  Said whatever they decide, Quinn and Joseph are on board, and Leah is definitely keeping Cam, because she doesn't trust Brooklyn or Chelsie.

Tucker asks T'Kor directly if she's cool with Chelsie going over Cam, and she says that she is good with whatever.  Says that she wants to not vote for Chelsie because of black girl thing, but "just as one," she will go with group and whatever.

Edited by Rodney
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Grodner needs to rig Arena for Brooklyn and T’Kor needs to get her way because we are getting so close to Tucker just strong arming his way through this game. I actually enjoy Tucker and he is scripting a pretty good show lol but I don’t enjoy watching someone with minion upon minion, never facing any opposition.

MJ now pushing Cam going. Yesssss! I love this song. This would all be even better if they just don’t tell Tucker until the 2 minutes after Arena lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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T'kor went to shower, and Rubina and Kimo are whispering on the floor.  I'm not sure what she thinks that they're they're talking about, but discussing her wanting to keep Cam and thinking she really will want to go to the end with them.  Ugh, I think these dummies are talking about Chelsie.

Rubina encourages Kimo to talk to Tucker, because she's already talked to him about stuff like Makensy.  She said that she only trusts him, T'kor, and Tucker, and knows that Tucker feels the same way.  She doesn't want him to feel like his trust is broken and really wants him to make it a little farther.  Kimo agrees and says they always need to keep the FriendZ (himself, Rubina, T'kor, and Tucker's apparent new group) tight and be nice with people outside of it.  Rubina says "but," and he says, "I know it'll get to that point," but they say that they'll talk about it when it gets there.  I think they're saying that they'll vote out Tucker when it comes to it.  Rubina said that she believes that he would understand, and it would take a lot of effort and focus to make it happen, anyway.

Kimo said to stick with it, if possible, so he doesn't get weird.  Not sure if he means the vote or something else.  He says that if Tucker isn't the one to win, then he wants one of those three or Angela to win.  He told Rubina that he's okay with her going farther than he, but Kimo said that they can't let him go up, and have to protect him.  Mention T'Kor, and Kimo said that Chelsie would be better for her game, but he feels better hearing how Tucker talked about Cam.

Kimo says that they realistically have Joseph, Angela, Tucker, and Quinn, too, and if those outliers are looking out for them, then they're good, too.  I guess that T'kor was pooping and running the water, because she's back out.  Rubina said that she isn't feeling confident about this.  T'kor now says that if people are trying to backdoor Tucker, then it's not just he in danger, it's all of them.

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11 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Ironically, T'Kor and Kimo need to win an HoH Competition themselves or bank on an ex-Pentagon member winning, because they showed their cards way too much this week.  T'Kor and Kimo may not be immediate targets next week, but their ninth- and tenth-place placements are really becoming a reality, the more they push for this.

I agree with this. They've been pushing this Chelsie agenda hard, even though Tucker has shown no sign of budging. Just too blatantly self-interested when speaking to others--T'Kor specifically.

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Grodner needs to rig Arena for Brooklyn and T’Kor needs to get her way because we are getting so close to Tucker just strong arming his way through this game. I actually enjoy Tucker and he is scripting a pretty good show lol but I don’t enjoy watching someone with minion upon minion, never facing any opposition.

I agree with this as well. Tucker is great to watch, but I would be furious if he won. Jag winning after being evicted followed by Tucker winning after not using the veto on himself would be too much. Like, at that point just make it a knockout series of competitions, because clearly social and strategic play doesn't matter. 

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Makensy joins Rubina, Kimo, and T'kor and talks about the vote.  Said that if Brooklyn is up there, then she's definitely out, and they all agree, but say that they're stressing out about Chelsie vs. Cam right now.

Makensy did say that she's grateful someone is talking to her about the vote, but shockingly didn't mention being a lone wolf.

Makensy says that Cam does nothing, so it's hard to know what he's thinking, but he is closer with the guys, which isn't great news for the women.  T'kor and Rubina agree with her.  Makensy says that even if Chelsie and Brooklyn are a tight duo, it's only two people, so what can they even do?  She's not worried about Chelsie.

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Looks like, in the unicorn room, that Rubina is trying to see where Leah's head is at.  Is she trying to get her on board with the flip or what?  I can't discern what the context of their talk is.

5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Something her and Tucker have in common lol. 

At least they have logic to back up their self-interest.  If it were senseless, then I'd find it irritating from both ends.

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Leah really hates Chelsie at this point because she’s so offended that Chelsie was being mean behind her back. I don’t see Leah ever agreeing to keep Chelsie but if it ends up being Cam vs Chelsie and she’s told ‘the house’ is evicting Cam, she’ll likely just do it. 

I just really need Brooklyn to win Arena because those 2 minutes after would be chaotic as hell lol.

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I get T'Kor wanting to protect Chelsie because of the Black woman solidarity thing.

I get T'Kor wanting to protect Chelsie and Brooklyn because she's a nerd who wants to be accepted by the cool kids.

I DON'T get any T'Kor arguments involving protecting Chelsie and Brooklyn that involve strategy, as it is categorically NOT a good idea to keep those two together for anyone but those two. 

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See, this is why BB21 all fucked in the shower. Granted, they all ended up with the same rash but it kept it off camera. But really, this is a lesson that if you want to fuck, find a way to keep it off camera.

ETA: Man, what a first post coming back from a stomach bug and a bunk power supply in my computer.

Edited by Callaphera
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28 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Holy shit!  Why didn't they block the feeds from this?!

It's blocked from me seeing it by Microsoft Edge, but I think I know what it is.  I've been hearing tidbits on Youtube that Tucker and Rubina got close last night.

eta:  I saw it.  Yep, they got close indeed.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

See, this is why BB21 all fucked in the shower. Granted, they all ended up with the same rash but it kept it off camera. But really, this is a lesson that if you want to fuck, find a way to keep it off camera.

ETA: Man, what a first post coming back from a stomach bug and a bunk power supply in my computer.

The Jared and Blue game room couch method, perhaps? Maybe they didn't give Tucker any lysol wipes. 

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HoH lockdown is over, and everyone is preparing for live show.

Leah and T’kor are talking about the vote, basics being that T'kor is hoping that Brooklyn loses.  She said that she’s leaning to keep Chelsie and that Kimo and Rubina are, too, but she wants it to be a house thing.  Tucker doesn’t want that, as he wants the girls broken up.

Leah says that the girls do stay as targets and T'kor says yes.  Whoever wins next week, they have them as easy nominees.  Asks what can they do when they’re on their own and everyone already knows their game?  Leah is agreeing, but said that she just wants to be where everyone else is right now.

If this is the case, then why is T'kor saying Brooklyn for sure goes if it’s she vs. Cam?  T'kor said that she wants to confirm, and Leah agrees she needs to talk to people.  T'kor said that she will “probably” talk to Tucker about it so he knows.

It seems now that Leah is very open to keeping Chelsie.

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T'kor says that Rubina definitely wants to keep Chelsie over Cam, because she doesn’t talk to Cam and fears that she’d be his nominee.  Plus, he’s the most likely of the current nominees to win an HoH Competition.  Leah asks if Rubina thinks that Chelsie wouldn’t put up Tucker, yet she believes that Brooklyn would.  They both agree that Chelsie wouldn’t nominate those two next week.

Cam was talking to Chelsie about what she thought that the house was doing, but he hopped into the room with T'kor and Leah.  T'kor says that she needs to give Chelsie her pep talk and then whispers to Cam to ask if she’s alone.

Chelsie is now telling T'kor that she wants Cam to stay, too, and that they have to go win.  T'kor agrees that he won’t put them up.  Chelsie thanks T'kor for having her back in case the worst-case scenario happens.  Says that she has T'kor and Kimo and will never come for them until "F4 or F5.”  What is this group of which she speaks?

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Okay.  We're on pets till after the show, most likely, but we had this last scene before the feeds went down:

T'kor checked in with Kimo and Rubina.  She said that they do have Makensy if they still want to make this flip.  Kimo asked her if she's sure, and T'kor confirmed that Makensy offered her vote and is on board with them.  She just needs to check in with Quinn.

Leah came in, and T'kor, Kimo, and Rubina tried again to get her on board, too, just in case, but that was when the pets came up.

So we're going into the live show, and I have literally no idea what's going to happen, since these last crucial scheming hours till the show are going to be hidden from us.  Anything could happen now.

ETA: All that's clear is that if Cam or Chelsie wins the AI Arena, then . . . there's no tension.  Nothing more about which to talk.  Brooklyn's going home, no matter what.  But if Brooklyn wins, then there's a lot up in the air.  It looks like T'kor's gotten the votes that she needs and wants to charge forward with saving Chelsie, no matter what.  And Kimo and Rubina, when last seen, are still open to it.  Even more so now that they know that the votes are there.  But whether it's actually done . . . well . . . we'll have to see how the AI Arena goes first.

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If T'Kor's obvious need to be with the cool kid (aka Chelsie's) and flips the vote then she just screwed up her and Kimo's game period.  Her need for "cool" Chelsie's approval is pathetic.

Anyway T'Kor will be seen the new "mastermind" trying to run the game (haha) and big flipper therefore the person that suddenly needs to be voted out asap by everyone BUT Chelsie since she can't be trusted.  And weak-willed Kimo will be her accomplice and will go down with her.

T'Kor going so hard core over and over and OVER again and showing all her cards this week was a major mistake.

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31 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't get 'wants to be part of the cool kids' from T'Kor at all. At this point, I think it's 'all my allies are up Tucker's ass so what can I do about that' that's driving her with a big helping of 'I'd rather keep any woman than any man minus Kimo.'

But SHE'S allies with Tucker! He is not a threat to her in any way, shape, or form, and yet she is going against him to protect Brooklyn and Chelsie, who clearly only give the slightest shit about her now because they're in danger this week. 

Basically, Cheslie iced her out the past couple of weeks, so she agreed to go with Kimo's plan to vote out Cedric to save Rubina (because Rubina WAS clearly a friend to her, while Cheslie ignored her) because the Collective clearly didn't value her and Kimo, which is fine, but then wants to go RIGHT BACK to the Collective because Chelsie paid attention to her again this week. That's totally "the cool girl makes her feel cool" shit. 

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I think T’Kor explained herself perfectly in tonight’s show about her reasoning in wanting to boot Cam. Cam helps Tucker, but not her. And I really don’t think her wanting to keep Brooklyn over Cam was ever seriously on the table. At least it wasn’t in any of the conversations I saw. I’m kind of glad Chelsie won the AI. I wanted Brooklyn gone just because of her DRs, and I want to see what Chelsie can do now that she’s down a few core allies and is vulnerable. But it all comes down to HOH. 

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5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Yep, T'Kor won. Rubina and Kimo shower her with praise through their tears. T'Kor just stands there, shaking her head.  She looks stunned. 

Yeah, T'Kor's probably screwed.  Makensy might be the only easy eviction for her that doesn't really force her to show her true alliances.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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On 8/20/2024 at 10:38 AM, Callaphera said:


T'Kor had one successful vote flip (which is a huge accomplishment in Big Brother) and now she's gonna try and flip every week? I mean, go on girl, but it took you three weeks or so to charge up in your little bedroom docking station in order to do that.


Right, THAT’S what all those mmmhmmm sounds were.


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