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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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Yeah, Matt and his “but she talked about my Mom. MY MOM!!” nonsense is something that has always irritated the hell out of me. Saying Person X would be ashamed/embarrassed/mad/whatever about Person Y is talking about Person Y. That’s it. If she had said he didn’t fall far from the tree, or his mother had obviously not done her job, or something along those lines, then yes. Totally get it. But she didn’t do that!!

I’m just hoping it’s an easy week and Kenney goes. He does nothing for me. I can’t stand Matt but he can be a player I love to hate for at least a few more weeks.

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Angela thinks Matt has the votes and that Kenney will go home this week. I think Matt's only guaranteed vote is Makensy and that's only if she doesn't get distracted by her own reflection on the way to the DR because look at her, she's just so pretty.

She still wants Matt to go home and it sounds like she still plans for him to be the renom, she just doesn't think it'll happen. And then Angela exhausted herself and laid down to recover from all the game talk but then she started talking about the game again. And farting. I don't know anymore. She's a legend.

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Angela thinks Matt has the votes and that Kenney will go home this week.

Wow.  Sounds like both of the older houseguests are out of touch with the house.  Most of the others hate Matt (or at least strongly dislike him) and would happily vote him out.  I mean, more than half of the house pushed for him for the replacement nominee with Angela!  He would go home easily, yet Angela somehow believes that he won't?

Meanwhile, Kenney believes that Matt's fight with Angela helped him and has no idea how much that it actually hurt him.

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Tucker and Cam just had a long convo.   Although if you deleted the word "bro" and all variations of the word "fuck," it can be distilled down to a short paragraph.   

They really want Matt to go.  Another word they used a lot is snake, as in "Matt is a fucking snake, bro, and he's got to fucking go, bro!!"  I'm not sure why they think Matt is a snake, fucking or otherwise, but it may be that Tucker thinks he's lying about a hidden power

And they are fairly certain that they have the votes, altho their mastery of counting is not the best, so they may be wrong.   

ETA, thanks @Rodney for filling in my gaps of knowledge! 

Edited by Thalia
  • LOL 9

In a continuation of Matt's stupid, sloppy gameplay, he went and outright told Tucker that he asked Angela to put him (Tucker) up instead of him (Matt).  As expected, Tucker was not pleased.

Tucker is now spilling to Cam in the Have-Not room about Matt telling Angela to put him (Tucker) up.  He says that Matt is campaigning ahead of things.  Tucker making fun of this is pretty funny, but he’s also convinced that either Matt or Lisa has a double vote upgrade (which neither one does).

Tucker says that Lisa is someone who would stab someone in the back, and Matt is the same.  He is saying that Matt wants to use his power this week and that he didn’t even tell Tucker that he wanted him there as a pawn.  He is saying that Matt should’ve let Angela say it to him, and he (Tucker) would’ve never known.  (These two keep bro’ing each other the whole time.)

Cam’s theory is that of all the sporty guys, one would be the snake. Now that Tucker and Cam each know that the other is chill, Matt’s true colors are showing, and he’s apparently the sporty, snaky guy archetype.

Tuckers new plan is to turn Kenney against Matt and vote him out.  They’re saying that if it’s Kimo vs. Matt, then the only votes that Matt would have are Brooklyn, Leah, and Makensy.  Cam questioned Rubina, and Tucker second-guessed T’kor as anti-Matt votes, but agreed that they wouldn’t vote out Kimo.

Cam doubts that Kenney would stay over Matt, but Tucker thinks that Matt would still go, and he says that Kenney has done a good job of making people like him.  Tucker says that Matt should’ve suggested T’kor and explains that it's because Matt had already named her before.  They’re fully believing that Matt is out and gone, but they'd better make sure that Angela’s still on that train and are going to try and talk to her and keep her on that plan.

Tucker says that Matt is the guy version of Lisa (he hates them both so much, though I don't get why Tucker hates Lisa).  Cam says that he told Lisa that he gets along with her, but doesn’t know if he can trust her.  Tucker sats that if he’s on the block, then every girl except Rubina would vote for him, but Kimo may be able to sway T’kor in his favor. 

Tucker is so mad about Matt.  I hope that he keeps this energy up once he’s out of the Have-Not room.

Edited by Rodney
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10 minutes ago, HelpMeRondah said:

I’m fairly certain that Tucker hates Lisa because he wants to be the chef this season.

You know, that's the kind of season long bitterness I can get behind.

I hope if there's a spelling competition they get Cirie's son to host it and refuse to let him know if a word was spelled right so he has to guess.

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I’m going to miss Angela when she’s no longer HOH and everyone stops paying attention to her. And I’m really looking forward to the aftermath of the Veto ceremony, regardless of who is the nomination. Apparently Matt wanted Angela to apologize to him in front of everyone during it? Was that for real? Because if so, oh honey, you are SO BAD at this game.  

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Angela has calmed down considerably now that the Matt plan is locked in.  She was being social and fun in the bumper pool area, hanging out and having a good time.

I hope that she realizes that she needs to stay calm if she wants to last.  Her frenetic energy is fun and lends to great feeds.  But it doesn't lend to a win, if she wants to win.

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I'm glad the TV broadcast made clear all the super powers and rules and new rules and rules that will change just because.

What do you people think about the eviction night stuff that was explained?  One woman in the diary room said she thought it would make it harder to just "vote with the house."  I hope she is right.  Everybody hates these herd of sheep votes.

Have the HGs been talking about all these rules on the live feeds?  It seems they are clueless on who won the powers. 

Well long-haired guy blabbermouth did tell Angela he had the shadow HOH power.  Why???  He didn't need to share that because he wasn't in danger and the idea that Angela will keep it super duper a secret just between them is ... I have no words.  I mean, really?

Is this the BB equivalent of Survivors telling everybody about finding an idol instead of keeping their mouth shut?

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I think the AI nonsense comp is just a way to try to get rid of the backdoor. I’ll give it a try, it’s not the Battle of the Block awfulness I was worried about, but we’ll see how it affects final voting. I knew through the feeds about Makensy’s power but not Quinn’s and was shocked to hear he told Angela about it. I think his power is MUCH better than hers which I’m OK with because I like him and don’t like her. 

Y’all, Leah and Angela have been talking about women’s underwear and clothing and plus size issues and underwear construction for an hour. So clearly, nothing is happening tonight. 

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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Y’all, Leah and Angela have been talking about women’s underwear and clothing and plus size issues and underwear construction for an hour. So clearly, nothing is happening tonight. 

I think with the Matt plan now locked in, no one's talking much game since nearly everybody expects him to be up on the block in Lisa's place tomorrow.  That's why not much is happening strategy-wise.

Things I learned from listening to feeds for a little while:

Matt has disappointed many people with his terrible game play. Except Manksey. She seems quite enthralled. (These two are already fucking, right?) They had a whispered conversation about how Manksey just dyed her hair blond in December and even though it hasn't been very long, she likes it better this way. (You're talking hair. You don't need to whisper, geniuses.)

Lisa is annoying several people with her lack of social skills, especially Chelsie. It seems there was a bowl of blueberries that everyone was eating out of and Lisa stuffed her whole meat paw in there to grab a handful, and ewww! Chelsie doesn't know where your hand has been, bitch!

Lisa also weirded out someone (Cedric?) in the pantry when she saw berries had been delivered. In her excitement, she started moaning and he had to get the hell out of there before someone heard and thought they were doing something.

T'Kor's given name is Dinah.

The dude collective doesn't understand why people don't keep things simple: divide the house into transparent factions, play the comps, and whoever doesn't win goes on the block. There's no need for all the sub-alliances. Cedric doesn't know  how things went so far off the rails so quickly. They had it in the duffle, bro!

Oh, now Matt and Manksey are discussing when to use their powers and they're NOT whispering. I get it, they're playing backwards BB! And I only tuned in to see Angela and she's nowhere to be found, so I'm done.



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Matt and Makensy in the bathroom, 3am. He wonders how many people are watching them “right now.” She tells him a lot of people watch. He asks “Like, a hundred?” She says “a thousand. Thousands.” He is surprised. “What?! A thousand people?” Her: “Maybe more! Yes. Thousands of people watch the live stream. Millions of people follow this, this whole thing.” He is processing this

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Just to add: I don't know who is sleeping in the HaveNot room, but they're snoring up a storm. Someone else is in there, awake, and cannot believe this is his life. "Oh my God... girrrrl..." It's kind of hilarious. "Kimo, stop, dude." I guess I know who the snorer is now.

Oh, and Matt is shocked by Manksey's estimate that "thousands" of people may be watching them right now. He thought maybe a hundred. "Thousands?  REALLY?"  He cannot believe it. "It's a popular show, dude," she informs him. He seems very excited by this news and runs his hand fetchingly down his chest.

Really, I'm out now.

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Tucker, going to sleep in the Dreamatorium (that’s what we’re calling it, right?) carefully feeling his way onto his bed box and arranging his pillow so he’s toe-to-head with the sleepers on either side of him. This seems weird but then becomes clear in a moment. He pauses with his head lowered before stretching out- is he praying? If so, it’s for Kimo to stop snoring. I only know that’s Kimo because after several long minutes of listening to him snore, Tucker says aloud “Kimo, bro, you’re snoring really really loud.” Kimo wriggles and the snoring stops but starts back up within minutes. Tucker laughs. Long minutes of snoring. Tucker can’t fall asleep. “I’d f-ing love some earphones right now.” I feel bad for him.

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Oh also, it kinda sounded like Angela's power could be used on a renom, didn't it? I can't imagine she'd be dumb enough to use it today for Matt but it would be kinda funny.

But for me best case scenario is still Matt going up (preferably being blindsided) and then winning AI Arena so Kenney goes.

Edited by peachmangosteen

And why would you not understand what happened there lol.

Anyway, Tucker (who really is a better version of Zach/Enzo) saying night love you to Mak/Matt and then flipping them off after leaving the room was fantastic. He really is such a hater. I hope eventually he starts showing it to people’s faces as opposed to behind their backs though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I dunno, guys. There's, like, four hours? Five? Before the Veto meeting? Plenty of time for Angela to spiral, do her best Kelly Rowan in a budget Canadian Lifetime CTV thriller, swan about dramatically, cry without tears and full sobs, and whoever gets in her ear will probably win.

Yes, she's stable. She's locked in on the Matt renom idea. For now. Give her time.

Edited by Callaphera
there's a big difference between Kelly Rowland and Kelly Rowan.
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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I dunno, guys. There's, like, four hours? Five? Before the Veto meeting? Plenty of time for Angela to spiral, do her best Kelly Rowan in a budget Canadian Lifetime CTV thriller, swan about dramatically, cry without tears and full sobs, and whoever gets in her ear will probably win.

Yes, she's stable. She's locked in on the Matt renom idea. For now. Give her time.

Tucker won't let that happen.  He and Cam agreed yesterday to stay on her to make sure that Matt and Makensy don't get to her.

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OH. Lest I forget, because I am their biggest fan:

WE HAVE ANTS. Our last HG finally showed up to the party. Bless their little feetsies and antennae - they were cruising around in Angela's laundry bag last night when she was doing laundry (did we slash the budget and get rid of the HoH's dry cleaning? Did the intern finally throw a tanty about having to wash, fluff, and fold someone's ginch?) and presumably in the underwear her and Leah were yapping about for hours. Which, ew but also...


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Matt: thinks he has great conversations with Tucker while Tucker's on the crapper.
Tucker: hates that Matt thinks he can talk to him while he's on the crapper.

It's official: Matt's my cat screaming at me from the hallway because there's a closed door between us. I feel Tucker's pain.

Edited by Callaphera
  • LOL 12

YOU GUYS. Matt is telling Angela that Tucker volunteered to be nominated instead of Matt and Matt truly believes this. 100% can't fail plan. Matt is so thankful that Tucker is doing this for him. Meanwhile Tucker is deep in the midst of a one sided blood feud because of the Crapper Coffee Klatch. God, I love the first week.

Set your alarm for post-veto meeting feeds because it's gonna be lit. Or Matt's going to be crying in bed while Makensy gives him Last Rites ('cause she's Christian, y'all. And pretty. She's a pretty Christi- oh, is that a mirror for her to stare in? Never mind, she forgot what she was going to do. Pretty!).

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21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Quinn is toying with going for HOH next week and then hijacking himself with his power to take out big threats and blame it on Lisa. That’s so convoluted lol. And he told Kimo all this. He needs to stop talking!

By the end of the week, the only people who won't know about Quinn's power will be Matt and Makensy but that's only because they'll get distracted by their own reflections in the back of a spoon when he's talking and stop to primp.

Edited by Callaphera
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Yeah, hijacking your own HOH to deflect blame sounds good in theory, but doesn't so much work when people KNOW you're the hijacker!  I like Quinn, but this is sloppy play.

Boo, I have a meeting in 20 minutes I have to actually pay attention to, so I'll miss the fallout of the Veto meeting, which seems to be taking place now.  Makensy and Matt's butthurt feelings will be through the roof!

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Help, why do they look like they took the pictures with a bowl-less toilet? Why does Quinn have a luminous white chest and tanned legs? Brooklyn definitely took a big breath right before her shot. Lisa's boots! Angela looks like she's posing for Employee of the Month. The longer you look, the funnier they get.


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43 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

By the end of the week, the only people who won't know about Quinn's power will be Matt and Makensy but that's only because they'll get distracted by their own reflections in the back of a spoon when he's talking and stop to primp.

I thought it was so funny last night when Tucker and Makensy looked so shocked when they weren't picked for a team in the comp.  You could almost read their thoughts -- But I was a football star/head cheerleader/president of the senior class!  How did those losers get picked instead of ME!!


Im The Best Koffee With Karan GIF


2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

WE HAVE ANTS. Our last HG finally showed up to the party. Bless their little feetsies and antennae 

I suspect they are following a trail of edible glitter from one room to another.  


Edited by Thalia
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58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Why does Quinn have a luminous white chest and tanned legs?

Shine a light on Quinn’s chest, and you have a right dandy backup system available in case the nearest lighthouse goes out of commission.


58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Brooklyn definitely took a big breath right before her shot.

Standard beauty pageant pose #3 (swimsuit comp edition).  😉


58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Lisa's boots! 

Hey now - those boots were MADE for walking. 😄


58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Angela looks like she's posing for Employee of the Month.

Waddaya talking about?  Of course Angela is Employee Of The Month.


58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The longer you look, the funnier they get.


Chelsea looks kinda put out by the whole thing.

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Tucker leaning into the Villain role outside with Matt saying he can't believe it and you can't trust anyone!  I kind of love Villain Tucker.  I can't quite take him seriously, which is part of the fun.

And apparently Angela apologized in the meeting, but not in the correct way, according to Matt.  Not mentioning him by name and saying "beloved ones" instead of HIS MOM.  Because it's not just his mom, it's HIS MOM.  

Edited by Katesus7
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I'm still learning names, so at first couldn't find the person with the "tanned legs and luminous white chest". They all seemed pretty evenly hued, but there was that one guy whose chest I couldn't see because of that white shirt he's wearing... until a closer look reveals that HOLY SHIT THAT'S NOT A SHIRT and yeah. That's pretty remarkable.

Several of these poses look like practice for their Amazing Race intro shots. Cam looks like he's having a pleasant time on the toilet.


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Matt is so bad at this.  Talking to Lisa now, saying that because HE was put up, "people" think Lisa is working with Angela, and that she was a pawn and was going to save herself because she has an upgrade.  And him being put up is bad for her because "people" think that.  What one thing has to do with the other, I have no clue, but Lisa is PISSED.  It's all lies, she doesn't have the upgrade, she saved her own self, she's not working with Angela, she wants to shut it down now!   Please do, Lisa,  I want to see that.  But Matt just wants to help her, y'all.  

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This 1st week, these hamsters are really delivering and it’s delicious. I like 3 men on the block week 1. I want another epic blowout this time between Matt and Lisa. I enjoy watching good players and phenomenally bad ones, they definitely fuel this thread.

I love that Matt wants Angela to apologize again but correctly. She didn’t apologize in front of the whole house, just 1/1.

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21 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I love that Matt wants Angela to apologize again but correctly. She didn’t apologize in front of the whole house, just 1/1.

Why?  It’s not like it would go any better under any circumstances.  Angela and Matt should simply stop trying to talk to each other, because both REALLY suck at it.

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She actually did apologize in front of the whole house at the veto meeting (as Matt told her to do lol), but not to Matt's liking. I swear, this man can not be serious.

I still want him to stay because he cracks me up, but him losing AI Arena and then getting booted would be pretty damn delicious. He has literally no idea that almost everyone hates him. And, to be fair, his biggest hater is Tucker and that boy is being straight-up fake as hell to Matt's face lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

And, to be fair, his biggest hater is Tucker and that boy is being straight-up fake as hell to Matt's face lol.

Tucker was my favorite from the intro interviews but I was so expecting him to crush my opinion night 1 as usually happens but his intense jealous hatred for Matt and Lisa and his acting chops in front of Matt have kept me liking him.

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