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"The Colbert Report": Week of 9/22/14

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9/22/14 TWEEDY - Album, “Sukierae”
9/23/14 NAOMI KLEIN - Author, “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate”
9/24/14 BILL COSBY
9/25/14 WALTER MISCHEL - Co-author, “The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control”


I like the fact that the press release doesn't give an ID for Bill Cosby. It could just say, "BILL COSBY - it's f@#%ing Bill Cosby."

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I saw Cosby in concert a few years ago, and he intermittently cringingly curmudgeon and LMFAO hilarious. He did a 20 minute completely improved bit just by chatting with the theater volunteer who brought him some water on stage that had me nearly in tears it was so funny.

It will be interesting to see which Cosby shows up.

Edited by Sharpie66

This is a safe place, I think, so I think I'll tell my Jeff Tweedy story:  Back at the dawn of the millennium, an organization with which I am involved had an afternoon event in a fancy space in a major American city. The event was to celebrate the previous century's contribution to Poetry, or you know, a bunch of people reading poems to maybe a hundred Thurston-and-Lovey types.  Most of the readers were also Thurston-and-Lovey types. Amongst the selections were some song lyrics, so there was one lady singer who performed some Gershwin and Porter tunes, and then this tousled dude with an acoustic guitar took his place at the mic. He looked around at the blue-hairs and wondered good-naturedly what on earth a guy like him was doing there, but answered his own question with some Guthrie and Seeger stuff. Completely unassuming, completely willing to play a wee bit of commie folk music for a decidedly capitalist-pig crowd. For free. No diva, no rock star 'tude.


Jeff Tweedy is A Good Egg in my book.


And it looks like his son is good eggy, too.

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Nooooo. Han shot first, George. Deal with it. No do-overs. /old rage (not directed at peeayebee or attica)


Is it just me, or did Huffman seem a little starstruck by Colbert? Anyway, he lost that interview, but I felt for him on the religion question. It's hard not to think of the studies conducted on how atheists have less chance than anyone else of holding office. (In other news, nobody understands or respects agnosticism. Rinse, repeat.)


We most definitely if unintentionally kill bees for honey.

Edited by Fremde Frau

See I had the exact opposite reaction to The Cos. I thought why is his fam still letting him out there like that. He's lost a hell of a lot more than a few steps, and it makes me uncomfortable to watch. That opening joke he kept trying to set up about Betsy Ross put a knot in my stomach and I had to turn the channel. I think you have to know when it's time to hang it up. And I think he's past that time. His fam needs to take the "keys", and let him know that his "legacy" (as Ed Koch was so worried about) is safe.


Whether you liked Joan Rivers or not you could see that she still had it and was w/it. I don't wanna see one of my fav actors/comic stumble on live tv. I loved re-runs of I Spy (think his name was Scotty, or that could have been Robert Culp) growing up. And of course he'll always be sweater loving Heathcliff Huxtable. His stand-up specials still get quoted by me. But it's time for him to exit the stage.

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The interview wasn't the trainwreck I was anticipating, but that's because Stephen knew how to make Cosby look as good as possible. I agree that Cosby should retire. I feel bad for him as he tries to make jokes. However, I did enjoy his talking about Morgan Freeman waiting for him, Belafonte, or Poitier to die so he could play them in a movie. That was pretty funny.

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Cosby has been cringeworthy for years now. It makes me very sad to see as one of my very first memories is of hearing my parents playing one of his old comedy albums (Chickenheart!).

I do not think he will ever exit stage of his own accord. This is a man who appeared on TV very, very, very soon after the murder of his son. He is a creature of TV and needs it. There is something deeply sad and uncomfortable to watch about that.

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Uh-oh, Stephen, better watch out for Bitsy's wrath.  Maybe I'll check to see if Elisabeth is going to start a feud with him now.  That'd be fun - haha.


Wow, Stephen had to work with the Cosby interview.  It's like I could see his mind working to make the Cos look good.  The Morgan Freeman bit was the only time Stephen might have relaxed. 

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See, I think Stephen was working too hard with the interview and it might've benefitted from some chillin'.  I got that BC's reference to Betsy Ross was the beginning of an answer to the question/jape about the crest on his jacket, but Stephen took it to left field, and then BC took it, um, lefter.  I think they kept talking past each other.


Cosby is problematic for me for reasons that have nothing to do with his declining abilities, but I don't think that was the ish here.

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I've never really seen Cosby's standup, so I thought the way he's portrayed by shows like Family Guy / Simpsons / South Park was a horrible caricature.  Except it was accurate.  I kept wondering if he'd had some ... snacks ... before the interview because there really wasn't much of a narrative for the interview.  Parts of it were funny, parts of it weren't funny, but I could see the kernel of a good joke in there, and parts of it were just awkward to watch.


I liked the return of the Atone Phone and the many "Oops Jew" anagrams.  That was really Terry Gross wasn't it?

I'd take Stephen's idea and turn it into a comedic action movie. I'd take Bill's idea and laugh at him for thinking it would be applicable in real life.


At least it was heartening to know the Fox News ladies thought the Cocks on Fox - Bolling and Gutfeld - were disgusting and offensive about the woman fighter pilot.

I'm Colbert's age and yeah, ninjas would have been a thing when he was in school. Remember, we would have had Kung Fu fighting, the show Kung Fu, Bruce Lee movies, etc., lots of ninja allusions in our childhood. For a self professed comic book, sci fi, action figure geek like Colbert, ninjas probably were in his world.

Edited by Juneau Gal
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Stephen is going out (sigh) on a high. The piece on his grade school notebook was hysterical. A great F.U. to Bill O'Reilly, who like every other Fox blowhard loves to pontificate about war and the military when they don't have the slightest iota of real knowledge on the subject. (Having all successfully ducked military service, like the super patriots they are).


When I was a kid I knew every line on Bill Cosby's "Why is There Air" album by heart. Pure comedy gold. But when I soured on him is when he become corporate America's number one pitchman for sale. The Simpsons did a great take-off on that, when they had him pontificating "life is like a Jello pudding pop, no it's like Kodak film...etc."

Edited by bluepiano
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