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S01.E06: The Stars Our Destination

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"Imagine a series of a 1000 nuclear devices [bombs], evenly spaced in distance, stretching form earth to the Santi fleet."

Yeah, that's nice to imagine, but how would you get the nuclear devices there? Isn't your whole thing that you want to accelerate the probe to 0,01c so it can get there fast? That would mean you'd have to make the bombs even faster, then slow them down when they are in position.

This is so duuuumb. I'm exhausted.

Maybe it's just another case of dumb and dumber not adapting the source material correctly? Maybe what was actually meant was a series of nuclear bombs stretching from here, to say Jupiter, to get the probe up to the required speed. That would theoretically be possible.

Of course then you still couldn't slow it down and it would be just a fly-by, being able to take a few pictures of the Santi fleet. Not sure what that would accomplish that pointing the Webb at it wouldn't accomplish.

If you need higher resolution than even the Webb can provide, build a telescope using the sun as a lens. That's close to impossible with current technology, but still seems more feasable than sending a probe at 0,01c...


"They won't destroy the probe. They'll pick it up."

And how will they do that? Considering their technology is still so limited that they can only travel at 0,01c how would they pick up a probe that is also going 0,01c in the opposite direction? How would they even know a human is on board?


Old lady "I haven't been charged with a crime" over here. I'm sure we can find a few anti terror laws we could charge you with and also just good old conspiracy to murder.

So I chose to read it as the government thinking it's more valuable to surveil her on the outside, rather than that they really couldn't come up with anything.

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On 3/24/2024 at 1:17 PM, shrewd.buddha said:

I was shocked .. at how little happened in this episode.  Why is the unrequited love between cancer-guy and Jin even a plot point? (Had to look up his name: Will.) 

Yeah it kind of feels like it went from this fast-moving plot about alien invasion and the conspiracy to enable their conquest to this very emotional story about the characters, even Ye Wenjie at the end trying to reach out to the San-ti, like they're her lifelong best friend.

Auggie is angry that her nano fibers killed a thousand people, Will has this unrequited love story thing and you have the melancholic soundtrack.

Everyone is up in their feelings about this.  A lot of smoking, a lot of drinking, some puking, sobbing.

These are the people who are going to use their brainpower to save the planet?  Maybe Wade being a bastard is what they need.



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On 3/30/2024 at 12:06 AM, aghst said:

Auggie is angry that her nano fibers killed a thousand people

After she participated in it completely voluntarily and willingly. Maybe this made more sense in the books with the chinese government forcing her? But here all I could think was "bitch please, you should have thought about this before".

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On 3/24/2024 at 3:17 PM, shrewd.buddha said:

I was shocked .. at how little happened in this episode.  Why is the unrequited love between cancer-guy and Jin even a plot point? (Had to look up his name: Will.) 

Criminy this episode was boring. I don't understand what the story is here. Especially with this episode, if feels like a very mundane and uninteresting character study set against an intriguing premise that isn't being utilized properly.

The story is dragging because it spends most of its time on characters that are boring and sit around engaged in either meaningless chatter or waxing philosophic. 

I don't have much hope for it at this point, with only two episodes to go and with the amount of time that's being spent on characters who sit around at a beach house. I don't even understand the point of Will and Saul, they don't seem to be contributing anything to the premise at all. If there's some deep purpose they're serving it's totally going over my head.

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You guys are so funny! (The commentators on this thread, I mean) I've been reading science fiction for literally 6 decades, starting as a young child in the 1960s with Heinlein, Asimov and then Bradbury...and I love it to this day. But of course this series (and I presume the book behind it) is ridiculous from a scientific perspective. Yet it fits right into the tradition of "aliens invade Earth" that is a mainstay of scifi. I'm entertained by the current show but I'm not expecting anything revelatory.

Wanna read a great scifi book? Try "Embassytown" by China Mieville.

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They are putting a lot of weight, A LOT, on the fact the San-Ti won't arrive for 400 years. It is said 4-5 times an episode. I wonder if we discover they left 397 years ago.

On 4/2/2024 at 10:18 PM, iMonrey said:

I don't understand what the story is here. Especially with this episode, if feels like a very mundane and uninteresting character study set against an intriguing premise that isn't being utilized properly.

Bingo. I feel like I've been suckered, drawn in by an interesting story about science and aliens and the future - and left with "characters" and the boring old "how will people react to knowing about the end of the world?"

Lost was like this. The first season set up a fascinating and mysterious world, and then before the second season the producers started talking about how it would "focus on characters." It was never as good, and ended badly.

If it turns out this whole premise is a long con to bring the world together before we destroy ourselves ... barf.

"I'm not designing a weapon?" How ignorant can you be of actual history?



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