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Sharks-Mark, Barbara, Kevin, Lori, Robert

How to be a Redhead-a beauty product, skin care and hair care for redheads.  $350,000 for 10% of the company.   Eyebrow, mascara, make up line, skin care line, and hair care.  The Sharks wearing red wigs is hysterical. Kevin brings up that in the Middle Ages that redheads were considered witches.  The women say there isn’t a section for redheads, or a skin care, make up or hair care line for redheads.   2% are redheads.  $1.1 million for 2023, projecting $2.2 for 2024.   H2Bar Box shipping subscription boxes to customers.  All is direct to customer.  Margins are fantastic.  55% of customers are repeat customers.  They are considering a men’s line.   They want to partner with a global company, but Kevin says they have to hit $50 million before a big company will be interested.   

 Lori has suggestions for marketing and branding, but she’s out. (I agree with Lori’s packaging suggestions).    Robert is out. Barbara says they don’t need a Shark, and she’s out.  Kevin offers $350,000 with royalty of $2.50 until his paid back, and then $1.00 in perpetuity.   Mark agrees they need social media and podcasts, they have that.  Mark also says become a lifestyle brand first, and build a community of redheads.  Mark offers $350,000 at 15%,

Mark makes the deal.  He has connections with Ulta from another of his products, so that should be a good deal for them too.

The Peep Show Birdhouse-a bird house with a hidden camera.  That sounds like an interesting idea. $250,000 for 20% equity.   Sends a signal to your smart phone from inside the birdhouse.  There’s in integrated climbing wall for the babies, an elevated nesting area.  Powered by surveillance cameras that are readily available, and silent.   His father created this 30 years ago, in Fairbanks.   Cameras have a multiyear battery, $199 without the camera, and $299 with the camera included.    He retired early, and is now working on this full time.   3 months and $28,000 in sales.  Kevin says it’s a startup, and he asks about privacy issues, and he’s out (and bonkers).   Lori is out.   Robert is out, he’s not a bird guy.  Mark is out.   Barbara thinks he’s in the Tank too early, and she’ll order some, but she’s out. 

No Deal.

Flora-   Smart Plant Monitor -a sensor and app for plant care. $300,000 for 10%. To prevent you from becoming a serial plant killer.  It tells you the amount of water, nutrients, sunshine your plant needs.  It tells you how to care for your plants.   Margins are decent, and will get better.   You move the Flora pod around, so you don’t need one per plant.    Sales the first year $192,000, mostly from app subscriptions. They aren’t profitable yet.   Losses were horrible.   $49 for the hardware, $10 a month for the app. Robert is out, no plants.  Mark is out.  Barbara is out, she doesn’t like the app subscription model.   Kevin doesn’t care about plants, and he’s out. Lori $300,000 for 15% shares, 5% advisory shares, $2 per unit pod. 

Lori makes the deal.

Splashzen -Bathtub Splash Guard-for bath time.   $100,000 for 10%.     Keeps the water inside the tub, and you can still keep your eye on the kids, works as a dog wash too.   Margins are decent.   They need help with rebranding, and marketing, and to bring the price down.  All direct to consumer, on Tik Tok, and other social medial.   Total sales are $80,000 in 18 months.    The box needs to have pictures of the kids in the tub.   Robert is out.   Mark is out.   Kevin is out.  Lori makes an offer $100,000 for 20%.    Barbara $100,000 for 15% plus a $100,000 credit line.    Lori won’t work on a deal with Barbara.  Lori goes to 17 1/2%, 100,000 line of credit and $100,000.  

Deal with Barbara for 14%, $100,000 investment, plus $100,000 line of credit

Update:  Square Keg, partnered with Kevin. $3.5 million in sales since the Shark Tank.  Mark came into the deal too.  They now do wine, and other cold beverages.    

Iconic Moment: Squirrel Boss (device that shocks squirrels that are stealing your bird seed), the Sharks getting shocked hysterical.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Useful 2

The Flora guy had the tech but I don't remember him mentioning the accuracy or efficacy of the data. Like if I follow the instructions according to what the app says what's the guarantee that the plant will still be healthy? How do I know if I'm not hurting the plant more? Also I wonder if it works on plants that are already dying. Will I be able to get it back to a healthy plant if I use that device?

The SplashZen pitch went by so quickly. It felt like a lot key details were cut. How do you attach it to the side of the bathtub? Maybe I missed it but did they even mention the price? I don't think you can have a totally dry floor with that, the water can still splash over especially if you're bathing a dog..

Edited by tired and hungry
  • Like 2
30 minutes ago, tired and hungry said:

The Flora guy had the tech but I don't remember him mentioning the accuracy or efficacy of the data. Like if I follow the instructions according to what the app says what's the guarantee that the plant will still be healthy? How do I know if I'm not hurting the plant more? Also I wonder if it works on plants that are already dying. Will I be able to get it back to a healthy plant if I use that device?

The SplashZen pitch went by so quickly. It felt like a lot key details were cut. How do you attach it to the side of the bathtub? Maybe I missed it but did they even mention the price? I don't think you can have a totally dry floor with that, the water can still splash over especially if you're bathing a dog..

Splash zen was $100.   Far too expensive for what it does, I don’t care how well it is made. 

  • Like 4
1 hour ago, tired and hungry said:

The Flora guy had the tech but I don't remember him mentioning the accuracy or efficacy of the data. Like if I follow the instructions according to what the app says what's the guarantee that the plant will still be healthy? How do I know if I'm not hurting the plant more? Also I wonder if it works on plants that are already dying. Will I be able to get it back to a healthy plant if I use that device?

The SplashZen pitch went by so quickly. It felt like a lot key details were cut. How do you attach it to the side of the bathtub? Maybe I missed it but did they even mention the price? I don't think you can have a totally dry floor with that, the water can still splash over especially if you're bathing a dog..

I went to their website (they have a Shark Tank give away, you can win $250 of their products. So, is that 2 1/2 Splashzens?) and each end of the device hooks into plastic holders that look like the Command strip type holders.   They say you can retract, roll up, and store it easily, but you better dry it off first.    The way you wash kids or pets in it is it's flexible, you bend way over with a hand held device, and wash the kids or pets over it.   My back is screaming in pain just looking at it.  

The $250 would include a splash guard for kids, one for pets, and replacement hooks (they stick on with sticky pads), a stick on bath toy holder, stick on shelves.    They're actually selling in Lowe's now too. 


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I really got a kick out of the iconic moment, with Squirrel Boss, and everyone getting shocked.   

I loved the update on the Square Keg, and love that Mark went in it too, and they're branching out.  

I didn't care about the Splashzen, another overpriced product for people with more money than sense.   The Redhead makeup/skin care/hair care sounds like a gap in the market, and I hope they're successful, but they really need help with marketing and package redesign.   They'll be very successful if they branch out into Ulta and Sephora.    The birdhouse seemed interesting for birdwatchers.   

The Flora app and pod wouldn't be worth it for me.   I only have 5 azaleas in my flower bed, and if they croak, I take five minutes, dig it up, and put another one in, so no Flora app for me. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

The only thing that interested me was the Peep House for birds.  I thought that was the winner of the show.  Kids would love watching the birds as would many adults (myself included). 

The Flora plant thing seemed pointless to me-I go to various websites (especially Clemson University as they are the ag school for South Carolina) for info on myh plants and I get really reliable information.  And, like a previous poster, if a plant dies I just replace it.  Way cheaper than buying this product and then subscribing to the website.

I know the Redhead presenters said that nothing really exists for redheads, but I see many redheads that look amazing, so they are getting their products from somewhere.

The splash guard thing seemed awkward-they said you would reach over to wash kids and dogs, but it seems like it would be awkward and frustrating.  Just wiping the floor (like Robert said) seems like it would be so much easier and faster than messing with that thing.  Wow, Lori was really insufferable during this presentation.  And then she implied she 'let' Barbara get the deal because Barbara was more desperate for it.  Get over yourself.

  • Like 5

I have friends who are natural redheads (bright, curly red like Merida in “Brave” and dark auburn).  Both are stunning and have been using makeup products as long as I’ve known them, over 25 years.  Not sure what magic they have done to make the same products I use for my brunette self to look so good.  Must be witches?  One of the sisters should really look into a different hair style, maybe add bangs.  

The splash guard was too stupid for words.  When we were very young, my mom would give me and my sister a bath at the same time.  She didn’t leave us unattended so there was no time for splashing or mess making.  When we were a little older she would let us play in the tub, but she would let out a lot of the water, then close the shower curtain, putting  the shower curtain liner in the tub (just like you would do when taking a shower).  No crazy cleanup for my mom.  

Not a plant person or a bird person. But both products seem more viable than a see thru plastic bath screen that would break my back leaning over it to clean my kid or dog.


  • Like 6
16 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

The only thing that interested me was the Peep House for birds. 

I wanted to know if he sold the camera separately because $200 for a bird house is ridiculous. The house costs twice as much as the camera. Can the camera live stream to YouTube?

I also wondered about how much light was needed for the camera. Did the birdhouse vents provide enough light, or did it have a light source? If it's the latter, then I object to it on principal. Birds needs darkness to follow their circadian rhythms to stay healthy.

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5 hours ago, eel2178 said:

I also wondered about how much light was needed for the camera.

Yes, I was hoping a shark would ask if that video was recorded with lighting from the camera or another artificial source. I’d want to know if that’s a true representation of what your video will look like. 
And if it involves artificial lighting, correct, that interferes with the birds. 

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

 it's hard for me to believe that the sharks passed on this but that the hummingbird helmet got an investment.  I would so prefer to watch birds through this device than having to wear the plastic face guard to watch hummingbirds.

As I said after their update a few weeks ago, I'd be willing to bet that the hummingbird watching device was a dismal failure, so the snarks are leery of setting themselves up with the birdwatching community again.

Then again, none of them had been interested in it. They all dropped out quickly. Daniel Unkind is the one who made the deal.

It was also much less of a financial investment (asking $75,000 in exchange for 10% equity; settled for 35%) versus $250,000 for 20% equity.

Someone also should have told him the name had to go. There are going to be webpages, websites and search engines who are going to censor it, or anyone trying to do a search to find him is going to be inundated with pornography adds.

On 2/17/2024 at 8:18 PM, BusyOctober said:

I have friends who are natural redheads (bright, curly red like Merida in “Brave” and dark auburn).  Both are stunning and have been using makeup products as long as I’ve known them, over 25 years.  Not sure what magic they have done to make the same products I use for my brunette self to look so good.  Must be witches?  One of the sisters should really look into a different hair style, maybe add bangs.  

I didn't think either of the sisters looked all that impressive. Maybe their eyebrows were okay, but the blue eyeshadow with the bright red lipstick was not good for redheads. Neither were the red and magenta dresses.

Maybe their "lifestyle brand" is more about being loud and proud than making choices that are good for your coloring, although that definitely wasn't what they were trying to sell the snarks.

Did anyone else notice that the guys all enthusiastically put their wigs on for the whole presentation, but Lori and Barbara wouldn't touch them?

  • Like 1
On 2/17/2024 at 5:15 AM, DEL901 said:

Splash zen was $100.   Far too expensive for what it does, I don’t care how well it is made. 

When you compare that to taking your dog to the groomers, I do think it is a bargain; however, the ergonomics of using it aren't right for most people. Also, if your dog hates taking a bath, I doubt it would contain him, and you'd end up with an even bigger mess and a broken device with $100 down the drain (pun intended).

As for the kids, if you can't keep them from splashing each other, then don't put all 3 of them in the tub at the same time. That would be a lot cheaper than wasting money on R & D of this device. Again, money down the drain.

  • Like 3

I always had small dogs, that splash guard would have killed my back.    That splash guard is too much money for a problem that I bet most people don't have. 

I wondered if the odd makeup on the Redhead sisters was TV makeup, that's often strange looking on TV, but I bet the sisters looked much different in everyday life.     They still seem to only market through the subscription box, direct to consumer on their website and blog, and Amazon.   They do have the logo on their products now, so that's progress. 

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