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Life After Lockup Season 6: Live Chat

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3 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

That happened to me a minute ago. Try refreshing your page or going out of this forum and back into it.

That worked. Thanks!

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10 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

" I can almost promise you" isn't a promise at all 


At least your phone isn't in the toilet 

Literally. In the toilet.

Hola bunkies! I want you to know that I'm doing this to give you all a better life. 

How's everyone's week been? Everyone here is sick and I thought I'd escaped but today I feel it coming on. Achy and can't get warm! Pray for me. 

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Literally. In the toilet.

Hola bunkies! I want you to know that I'm doing this to give you all a better life. 

How's everyone's week been? Everyone here is sick and I thought I'd escaped but today I feel it coming on. Achy and can't get warm! Pray for me. 

Sorry to hear that.  They say laughter is the best medicine, so hopefully you will make an amazing recovery tonight. 

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Literally. In the toilet.

Hola bunkies! I want you to know that I'm doing this to give you all a better life. 

How's everyone's week been? Everyone here is sick and I thought I'd escaped but today I feel it coming on. Achy and can't get warm! Pray for me. 

Week was so fucking long. I’m changing jobs this year. The first half of the year, even.

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Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

171 messages in one day...like who has that much to say ... im to old to be doing all that it just exhaust me reading the number

Maybe it was all dick pics?

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8 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Is this the week that Mike’s kids start having a brighter future?

Their future's so bright, they gotta wear shades!


7 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

She's takin' the red eye to Georgia 

She leaving (leaving) on a midnight train to Georgia

She'd rather live in his world, than without him in hers

Yes, I am trying to earworms going for everyone.  :-) 

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2 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Their future's so bright, they gotta wear shades!


She leaving (leaving) on a midnight train to Georgia

She'd rather live in his world, than without him in hers

Yes, I am trying to earworms going for everyone.  :-) 

Woo woo! 

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2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

ugh this god damn half destroyed house 

So whose house is that? 

Chance has the recipe for the proof of the pudding.

Edited by Elizzikra
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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He wasn't expecting a picture when he said "prove you're in the shower"? What was he expecting then? Don't answer that. 

Hey - he doesn't beat around the bush. If he wanted a picture, he'd ask for a picture!

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1 minute ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

How can Chance get any work done if he is texting 171 messages per day?


Oh, I see he is still sweeping the same room- kind of answers my question.

I knew someone who lost her job because she and her partner would chat back and forth on facebook all day.  They didn't even use the messenger.  One would post a picture of their dog or something like that, then they would chat away in the comments. 

After she was fired, she asked if my company was hiring. 🙄

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