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S01.E08: THE FINAL INTERCUT So I'm your horse


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This show sticks the landing. It could not have ended better. 💯 customer satisfaction. Well done!👏🏻

I am OK with this show being a limited-series.

It all comes full circle with the mothers’ theme. From the AI’s mother (coder) to Mother Superior and Mother Inferior including Jay’s mother.

Why on earth would I be sad about the death of an AI? It’s insane.

Simone: “This is so dumb.”

Joy: “Oh yeah. Algorithms are super dumb.”

Me: “F*ck yeah, it’s a lot.” 🙃

Edited by Snazzy Daisy
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7 hours ago, meep.meep said:

I'm OK if this is it, but they never explained the ATM photos of Simone's dad taken 3 days after he died.

I could be totally wrong, but I think the ATM photos were taken 3 days after he "died" during the stunt with the Lazarus Shroud. Monty didn't die for real until he got stuck in the piano during his funeral for his faked Lazarus Shroud death.

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2 hours ago, TwoBitUsherette said:

I could be totally wrong, but I think the ATM photos were taken 3 days after he "died" during the stunt with the Lazarus Shroud. Monty didn't die for real until he got stuck in the piano during his funeral for his faked Lazarus Shroud death.

I remember wondering why the photos were only from right after his death and not more recently but I didn't even think about the significance of 3 days in the context of resurrection. 


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3 hours ago, Ms Lark said:

With Primetimer awards coming up, how can I vote for anything as "Best Series Mindfuck" other than Joy revealing Mrs Davis began "life" as a Buffalo Wild Wings app!  🤯 Algorithms indeed. Probably a little too edgy for the Emmys, though.

All in all, it ended well. I don't think a 2nd season would go anywhere.

They certainly couldn't replicate the exact same tricks with the same effect but with the world plunged into chaos who knows what some inventive minds could come up with. Or they could take the approach of Miracle Workers and rather than continue this story take their rep players and give them new characters in a different place and time.

I did enjoy Simone's interaction with Celeste in the finale. When Celeste proxied for Mrs Davis we see on her cell that she has been receiving texts from someone she has been ignoring -- had she ghosted Schrodinger?     

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Loved it! The Buffalo Wild Wings reveal was hilarious, as was Betty Gilpin's face at that moment. She was perfect casting for this. I watched this show mostly because I loved her as Liberty Bell in Glow, and I loved her equally here as Simone/Lizzy. More Betty Gilpin!

My other favorite moment was Wiley and JQ with their pants down in the desert. How they got through that scene without laughing I would love to know.

Hey Shohreh Aghdashloo - what you doin in that whale???? All of that religious stuff was so weird, maybe my least favorite part of this show, but I guess it helped explain Simone's journey of faith.

Overall, I really liked this - so bizarre but most of the characters were great and in the end it (mostly) made sense to me. I am fine if this is it and there is no second season - it doesn't really need it. I like Wiley and Simone riding off into the sunset on the (still alive!) horse.

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I have very mixed feelings about this ending and it took me a few days to collect my thoughts.

First I think it was made clear that Mrs. Davis was a concious being with desires. That was made apparent by her craving the approvel of her mother. If you want to call that a subconcious or a subroutine (though calling it a subroutine is dumb) doesn't matter. That indicates that she is alive. Was she dumb? Sure, but there are millions of dumb people out there and killing them is still generally frowned upon. So I have to conclude that Simone just murdered somebody, because she didn't like her.

I guess the ending is that Simone finally gets the love and approvel of her mother and Mrs. Davis can just go ahead and die in a fire? K...

Also I have to say, Mrs. Davis seems to have been a massive plus for humanity. So what if she was made to satisfy and not to care? That is a hell of a lot better than nothing. Simone even had one wish. She could have wished for Davis to get her code improved, to include some compassion. I'm sure she would have agreed to that. Why would you just murder her?

That being said, the mysteries were mostly wrapped up well (though who was the dude in the restaurant behind the counter when Jesus wasn't there?). Good for Mrs. Davis that christianity was literally real in this universe, so she had a holy grail to destroy. In our universe she would have been screwed.

But why did she search for the holy grail at all? Yeah it was in the chicken wing mission statement, but Joy said that she had striped all references to the chicken wing company out of the AI before she put it on the internet. Did she leave in training data? She put an AI model with training data, she had trained for a chicken wing app on the internet? That doesn't make sense. You can't manually strip out things from training data. That's what makes AI such a clusterfuck. You can put filters on it, but then those filters would be blatently obvious, like "ignore all chicken wing related stuff", and would have meant that everybody should have known what Davis was made for years ago.

The (not really) death centers were explained well. But what about people who still think their lifes are worthless and still want to die after riding the rollercoaster? That was a very Hollywood ending, that everybody seems to be cured by the near death experience. In reality most people won't be changed by the experience.

Nice that the horse is still alive, though I don't see how Davis would have pulled off that switcheroo.

Overall this was a fun show that didn't drag out its mysteries and didn't overstay its welcome. But I could have done with an ending that was a little tighter and didn't just ignore the moral question at hand.

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So in my mind, this show would randomly throw what I thought of as puzzle pieces onto a table - that seemingly had no connection whatsoever.  Then as episodes progressed, you would see them tying them together and they would start to make sense.

Then they would throw more pieces down.

Overall, I really liked this a lot.  It was nutty and different and the actors sold it 100% of the time, which was essential to making the show work.

I liked how they resolved all of it.


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Any show that manages to cast Shohreh Aghdashloo AND Margo Martindale deserves high praise no matter what. I'm glad the latter was given more to do this last episode.

It was batsh*t crazy in a way few shows dare to pull off anymore and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And the horse survived!!!

That said I'm also feeling a bit ambivalent about killing off Mrs Davis. But that might be residual Machine-love from POI.


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big brother what GIF by Big Brother After Dark

This show is just so bizarre that it somehow manages to be amazing even as I am not sure if any of it even makes any sense at all. Like an app designed for Buffalo Wild Wings interpreting an idiom in the employee manual dovetailing with Jesus, Mary and the Holy Grail. They did give a explanation for why people listen to Mrs. Davis so I have no major complaints.

The actors deserve so much credit for completely selling everything even the minor one-off roles. 

Mother Superior - What the Fuck happened?
Sister Simone - YOU said you believed me?
Mother Superior - I 98% did.
Sister Simone - What happened to the STRENGTH of you faith?
Mother Superior - Maybe it wandered when you got to the the sneaker commercial. 

Same, Mother, same. 

On 5/20/2023 at 9:20 AM, Ms Lark said:

With Primetimer awards coming up, how can I vote for anything as "Best Series Mindfuck" other than Joy revealing Mrs Davis began "life" as a Buffalo Wild Wings app!  🤯 Algorithms indeed. Probably a little too edgy for the Emmys, though.


It’s hard to beat that. This show could fill up that category all on it’s own. 

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