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S01.E05: Unrelated Parents


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The Omega Sector team must track down a dangerous hacker with missile codes that could cause war to break out in the middle east if they fall into the wrong hands. When the hacker turns out to be a moody teenager, Harry and Helen attempt to use their parenting techniques from home to get him to cooperate, which proves to be more challenging than handling the miscreants they usually deal with.

Airdate: March 29, 2023

I really want to like this show more than I do, but it’s just dull.  There are lots of pieces here that should work but something isn’t clicking.  I couldn’t buy husband spy as angry at either his kid or case of the week kid because his delivery on everything is always so subdued.  Not like I want him assaulting everyone like Remy on FBI:MW but there has to be a happy medium between the two.

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I'll keep watching as long as it airs, but I won't send bottles of tabasco sauce or anything to the network when it's canceled.

I amused myself during the dull parts (chase scenes and explosions and teen talks) wondering if they named Omar Benson Miller's character "Gib" Gibson after NCIS's Gibbs. 

I do like the leads in their roles, but the plots are weak. 

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Finally finished this episode after falling asleep during two prior attempts.

Count me in on finding this kid extremely annoying.  And lo and behold, he was played by the show creator's son.  Obviously the actor is not the same person as the character, but I felt even more annoyed after confirming this nepo baby on imdb.

The meh-ness of this show is perfectly encapsulated in the flat voiceover delivery they play at the beginning of every episode.  "Honey, all those things are true, they're just, you know."  "What?"  "True lies."  I'm sure Steve Howey can do much better than that, but this is the version they used??

After last week's amusement with The Wolf, this week's episode fell off a damn cliff.



  • Mind Blown 1

So, did none of this highly trained and skilled team that defies odds and death on a weekly basis not anticipate that leaving the kid terrorist alone in the motel room was not a good idea?  

What I don't like is that the family issues dominant every week-if raising the family interferes so much with their spy work, then they need to just leave Omega and take regular jobs.  Oh, and see what happens when every child is told to follow their dreams?  At least I liked how they resolved that issue (get a job!).  And I finally realized what I didn't like about the wife-she always talks in the little girl talk/voice.  

On 3/30/2023 at 3:42 PM, Driad said:

So did I.  So did my house plants.

What shows does this remind you of?  Someone mentioned "Chuck."  I'm thinking "Scorpion," which was sort of a live action cartoon.

The show reminds me of a Brand X "Burn Notice," only if Jeffrey Donovan were less talented. minus the coolness of Bruce Campbell and with a less compelling overarching plot. The similarity is fair since it comes from the executive producer of "Burn Notice."

"Who burned Michael Westen, for what reason, and can he avoid getting killed/undo being burned?" is more interesting than "Can Harry and Helen Tasker maintain their marriage and their spy lives?" because we know that the answer for the duration of the show is going to be "Yes." There is never going to be an episode where Helen says "OK, Harry, that crosses a line and we're through." or vice versa. There's never going to be an episode where one or both of them is actually wounded, or killed. The show has minimized the kids, so there's not even really much of an issue of "will their spy covers be blown?" Although conceivably at some point the kids might put two and two together and realize that it's strange that mom and dad are both out of town doing something for the 30th week in a row.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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