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S01.E04: The Whispers of Nockmaar


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I liked this one quite a bit; it felt faster-paced (even though the party was stuck in one place, as usual) and had some good jokes and some nice character moments.

I'm glad that a few secrets (Boorman having the Lux Arcana, Willow winning his legendary battle through trickery, Kit knowing Elora can do magic) were revealed to everyone, and that Elora and the audience learned a secret about Graydon seemingly killing his brother due to his past "illness". I was all ready to be annoyed when Kit tried to tell Elora about the seed spell the first time and Elora wasn't listening (I hate it when characters won't just spit it out -- yell if you have to!), but she told her when it really mattered, so that was okay. 

I liked that Kit got over herself a bit in this episode, acknowledging the evil in her bloodline but choosing not to resort to killing Graydon in the end even when the others were resigned to it, instead choosing to bolster Elora's faith in herself. Keep up this character growth!

Also nice to see a tiny bit of progression on the Jade/Kit front, with Boorman acknowledging that it's obvious they have a thing for each other. I'm glad his character exists to bring some much-needed humor to the show.

It's obvious that Graydon has a thing for Elora, and at times it seems like she's becoming closer to him as well (even though she's still devoted to Airk), although it's too early to tell where that's gonna go... plus this revelation about his past seems to have disturbed her. It's interesting, though. Will she even still want Airk by the time they find him?

I'd like to see more from Jade; I feel like she's taking a bit of a backseat to the others, which I guess isn't surprising considering she's a more serious, stoic character and it's often harder to get attached to them at first. Willow's kind of on the same level for me, as it feels like he's mostly just there for the exposition so far (when, as the title character, he really should seem more important), but at least his exasperation with all these dumbasses (I say that with affection) is funny. 

I like how the show is incorporating actual scenes from the movie as flashbacks and making them blend in flawlessly. That's a tough thing to pull off, but it makes the show feel so much more believable when you're looking at an actual younger version of an actor and not just a makeup/CGI attempt at de-aging.

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Did like how they incorporated the flashbacks from the film and curious to see if we will get more of that going forward.  Definitely think it is going to be big that Elora now knows that Willow won his big battle through trickery and deceit and not being a powerful wizard.  Sure, it's still impressive in its own way (hell, Boorman probably would have more respect for Willow if he was told about it!), but I can see why Elora would now be wondering if Willow really is the best person to train her and help defeat the almighty evil(s).

Figured Graydon was crushing on Elora but it looks like he might have some kind of dark past?  It looked like he was possessed by some form of magic when he killed his older brother.  Have to think this is all going to rear its ugly head at an inopportune time!

Kit and Jade may deny it, but Boorman knows.  We know.  Hell, probably everyone else in the group knows!  Quit denying y'alls feelings, you two!

Looks like Airk is trapped in the ruins of some kind of lost civilization?

Looks like we got a cover of Black Hole Sun this time.  I guess this is the show's thing.  But if they do a version of Running Up That Hill, I'm definitely going to be accusing them of bandwagon jumping/cribbing from Stranger Things, heh.

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I had been thinking for half the episode about Elora having been born at Nockmaar and was wondering if it would be able to be acknowledged, since Sorsha was the only one who would know that. Using the movie flashbacks was definitely a neat touch, the smoky borders gave it an eerie quality and probably helped disguise what was essentially a cut and paste job. It was nicely done.

I did enjoy that Elora was giving Kit some attitude this episode. And was it my imagination, or had some of Elora’s hair turned red at the end there?

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On 12/14/2022 at 9:20 PM, kariyaki said:

I had been thinking for half the episode about Elora having been born at Nockmaar and was wondering if it would be able to be acknowledged, since Sorsha was the only one who would know that. Using the movie flashbacks was definitely a neat touch, the smoky borders gave it an eerie quality and probably helped disguise what was essentially a cut and paste job. It was nicely done.

I agree; I thought this worked very well. 

There was some odd editing - Willow is trying the spell on Graydon; we cut away; when Elora wanders back up there, Willow is gone and Obviously Still Possessed Graydon just says that Willow is now possessed and that Willow left for the tower.  Of course Willow shows up in the tower but we don't know what happened to him or why he left Graydon.   Kit mentions almost being eaten by a spiral staircase, though if such a scene was shot, it could have been cut for time.

On 12/14/2022 at 12:22 PM, Cranberry said:

I'd like to see more from Jade; I feel like she's taking a bit of a backseat to the others, which I guess isn't surprising considering she's a more serious, stoic character and it's often harder to get attached to them at first. Willow's kind of on the same level for me, as it feels like he's mostly just there for the exposition so far (when, as the title character, he really should seem more important), but at least his exasperation with all these dumbasses (I say that with affection) is funny. 

Agree on both points - plus I think Erin Kellyman is one of the better actors in this show and that she's managed to convey depth in Jade despite the backseat.   I like the fact that Willow isn't the greatest mentor - I'm not sure if ordering Elora out of the exorcism was the best idea.  I actually thought that Graydon was channeling Madmartigan when he ordered Willow, using the slur Peck, to get him some water.  Having watched the move recently, that was one of the first things that MM said to Willow.   I'm not sure that Graydon is completely demon (or whatever) free yet, either.

I had to think the show was poking some fun at the trope of everyone wandering off by themselves in the spooky castle.  The individual adventures worked for me.   I didn't even think "shut up, Kit" once!  lol.   I keep forgetting that Bavmorda is her grandmother so it was good that was brought up.

Airk wandering around his prison/dilapidated castle/ruins was well done.   Though when you've been kidnapped/imprisoned, perhaps not the best idea to wander around yelling "hello" when you think you're escaping?

I may be the only one, but the contemporary music at the end of the episodes works for me. 

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On 12/14/2022 at 12:10 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Looks like we got a cover of Black Hole Sun this time.  I guess this is the show's thing.  But if they do a version of Running Up That Hill, I'm definitely going to be accusing them of bandwagon jumping/cribbing from Stranger Things, heh.

Ha! I said "where's Vecna?" when Elora's eyes turned white and she floated up.

I really want to like this show, but I find it really boring, and I feel the show would be 100% improved if Kitt didn't exist. I cannot stand her.

This one was hitting a lot of standard fantasy tropes hard but it mostly worked, I think. Because I have such an odd soft spot for the movie, I liked how it was incorporated here to tell the backstory of Bavmorda and Nockmaar, even if those scenes did also remind that Warwick Davis was a much more animated actor then as opposed to the positively wooden performance he's mostly giving here as the title character and entire reason for this series happening.

The reveal that Willow's legendary "defeat" of Bavmorda was mostly fiction felt weirdly underplayed with very little fallout in the rush to show that Elora had the magic inside her all along, but maybe it's one of those things that will be revisited more after the dust settles. The beginning with Elora struggling with the spellbook and magic words were giving me serious Evil Dead shades of Ash struggling with the Necronomicon in another series from the same general era as the origin movie. We got another hint in one of remembered voiceovers that something very bad must have driven the Nelwyns underground that Willow couldn't prevent but no specifics, so I guess that's another thing the show is going to let fester. It feels pretty ominous that Willow and Mims never once mentioned what happened to his movie wife or son.

If you tell everyone positively absolutely don't rush up to the top of the evil tower of course everyone is going to rush up to the top of the evil tower.

I've thought all along that Kit is supposed to be one of those characters who's difficult and mostly unlikeable until they sort themself out and come into their own and that's largely what's happening here. Sure, it would have been great had she told Elora earlier about her magical success, but there was also a sense that Elora wouldn't have heard her anyway and she did come through in the clutch. Kit also finally let go of her bravado that oh, of course she'd be able to kill Graydon if it came to it because she's just that tough and fabulous. I did love the Easter egg popup of General Kael as the monster in the hallway and the shot of his mask lying in the dust as they rode away at the end, but wondered if Kit would even have any idea who or what that was. In the continuing how long can they drag out not directly answering what happened to an OG movie character sweepstakes, I also wondered what we're supposed to take from a possessed Graydon channeling Madmartigan's first line of the movie.

I guess all the drawn out explanation of the cult of the worm or whatever it was that came from the nebulous "crone" that supposedly made Bavmorda puts to rest my sort of kind of hunch all the way along that we'd find out in the end that "the crone" would turn out to be Bavmorda somehow escaped from the realm she accidentally banished herself to. The actress is still around if now 80-something, so not out of the realm of impossibility. It's a lot less interesting to me for the big bad to be some shadowy figure we're told about but never even see now that we're a full halfway through the season.

I liked the "Black Hole Sun" cover. I'm actually fine with it if every episode ends on a cover of a song from the late '80s early '90s era of fantasy the show is invoking.

1 hour ago, nodorothyparker said:

I've thought all along that Kit is supposed to be one of those characters who's difficult and mostly unlikeable until they sort themself out and come into their own and that's largely what's happening here.

Yeah, exactly. I've actually liked her from the start because I have a soft spot for fictional cocky assholes who need to be knocked off their high horse, but it's been clear all along that she's been living in a bubble where, forced marriage aside, she's been sheltered and coddled. Both her and her twin brother seem to think they're hot shit; both have been led to believe they're the greatest swordspeople around (I highly doubt he's as good as he claims either), Airk goes through girls so fast he can't remember their names, and Kit doesn't think twice about embarrassing her family. It's clear that both need to get out into the real world and grow up. I actually appreciate that they both started off so flawed because it gives a ton of room for character development, which is so much more interesting than watching noble, kindly royal twins stay noble and kindly as the plot happens around them.

I just finished binging the first four episodes, after having done a rewatch of the movie. I really like it. I actually think it's superior to the movie in many ways, because let me tell you, there's a lot in the movie that doesn't hold up real well. The special effects are not good - the CGI for the Brownies, in particular was quite bad. I realize it was probably considered state of the art by 1988 standards but yeesh. Not so much now. I also thought Franjean and Rool brought the film down several levels so I'm glad we don't have comic relief Brownies in the sequel.

Production values are excellent and I'm so impressed with how much material from the film they are utilizing. Did not expect a revisit to Bavmorda's castle, and they even re-created her throne room which was only barely seen in the film. Impressive. I love all the flashbacks - and according to the closing credits that was the same actress who played Elora's mother in the movie. I wonder if they have to pay Jean Marsh for using that footage of her.

I'm not usually a fan of YA so I'm glad a lot of the story revolves around Willow and Elora. Clearly they have a thing going on with Jade and Kit, but I'm just sort of tolerating that aspect. I don't hate it but I'm mostly disinterested. Love Boorman and Graydon is fun too.

Were we supposed to know where Airk was? That was the only part I didn't get.

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