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Inmate To Roommate - General Discussion

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DQ is just an accident waiting to happen. He’s just so immature. Getting a crazy lady pregnant another bad choice. DQ should sit on Dr Henry’s lap for a while and learn some life lessons. 

Mark was doing ok with the heave ho of Bill until he started boo hooing!  Get over it Mark!  Bill is not a loss. 

So will the momma let her daughter visit daddy at lady with 13 screws in her necks home?

 I hope they all come back. I’ve got questions!

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I wish we had been given a timeline for each of the returning citizens, like how long it took the ones who were paying for their own living quarters to earn that kind of money--what happened to them since we last saw them.

God bless Dr. Henry.  As soon as I saw that ultrasound, I thought Oh no, DQ, you're not ready to support a family.  But Dr. Henry is right:  this is what DQ wants and he has found a way forward with his life.  My middle-class white woman's response is simply irrelevant.  I hope DQ continues to thrive and to stay out of trouble.

Poor Mark.  I understand how he felt he had failed William Steal--as others have posted, why couldn't William Steal have a little refrigerator of his own?  Why did he have to be a vegetarian if it wasn't part of his beliefs?  I don't mean eat meat in front of them, but have the opportunity to keep his own food separate from theirs.  And ice, for god's sake!  What was their objection to his having ice (other than to preserve his forbidden meat sandwiches)?  OTO William Steal is imo a real a-hole in three part harmony.

But did we ever find out what's really going on with the toilet paper?

Sandra recognized a user because I suspect she was one herself at one time.  Something I remember from Artie Lange on Howard Stern's radio show, long ago:  "Addicts lie."  And Nick did.

Artie is a lovely person, and her offer of her own home for what's-his-face to have supervised visits with his daughter was pure kindness.  If I'm ever in big trouble, I hope there's an Artie to help me out.

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I loved this show! If there is a second season, I would definitely consider participating in a live chat. 

DQ fathering a baby with a crazy woman? What could possibly go wrong?

Bill is an enormous asshole, yet somehow managed to get Mark to apologize. I’d welcome a go at him; I have too much experience with people like him and know how to handle douchebags.

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23 hours ago, Mothra said:

as others have posted, why couldn't William Steal have a little refrigerator of his own?  Why did he have to be a vegetarian if it wasn't part of his beliefs? 

Who would buy Bill a small fridge? Dude already skipped out on owing them a lot of money. He sure wasn't going to buy it himself! And I don't know how much money his CA girlfriend and her mom were sending him. (She sure looked better in her photo in the pool without the eyebrows drawn on!)

He knew they were vegetarians when he moved in with them, and they didn't require that he didn't eat meat, just not in their home/fridge. This is a core belief for a lot of 7DA, not just random "fuck with Bill" rules.

Dude would have been evicted the second he installed a lock on a bedroom in my house without permission or without an emergency key provided.

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On 10/20/2022 at 7:15 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

Personal support workers ( if that is what they do) are criminally underpaid. Helping the sick and elderly with day to day tasks is hard work. If Bill snarked on that then he is an asshole.

It amuses me that Bill would mock any job. He is living 20 years in the past, not realizing he should be grateful if he could get any job like theirs. That being said, mark and Shawna treated Bill as "less than" the moment he entered their home. Their moral arrogance was appalling. Bill's kneejerk reactions showed him to be immature and stunted at age 16-19? Accusing her of "dressing inappropriately"? Please... like any woman would be pining after him?

On 10/22/2022 at 7:28 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

I loved this show! If there is a second season, I would definitely consider participating in a live chat. 

DQ fathering a baby with a crazy woman? What could possibly go wrong?

Bill is an enormous asshole, yet somehow managed to get Mark to apologize. I’d welcome a go at him; I have too much experience with people like him and know how to handle douchebags.

Bill figures if he talks fast, and talks over people, he'll win any argument. He's an ungrateful ass, but mark and Shawna are also talk over people when they don't like what's said.

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On 8/26/2022 at 7:12 AM, candall said:

Maybe Darquavion had a shot if the psychiatrist hadn't been such a mess himself.  At least those two had some kind of pre-existing mentor relationship.

I think Henry wasn't a personal "mess" but more so unkempt. I know many men who are clever and hold great jobs, but have no interest in doing housework. Henry has different priorities, and after the first episode, you could see he made an effort to clear the clutter for DQ

On 8/29/2022 at 1:29 PM, LEILANI2 said:

I just found WILLIAM/Bill on Reddit. He's posting in the sub lol. Gonna go read it alL in case it gets deleted.

UPDATE: I don't know what to think..here's his website. Judge for yourself.


I laughed when I read that he's a wrongful conviction advocate. He wouldn't know what a wrongful conviction looks like.

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On 8/26/2022 at 9:58 AM, lu1535 said:

All of the scenarios are outrageous (my kind of show ❤️) but the one that blew my mind is the lady who is taking hard core pain killers letting a convicted drug trafficker into her home! You can't make this stuff up! 😵

The only concern I had was if the daughter comes over. I would assume her meds are well locked up, but sometimes she appears extremely (too) high.

Edited by Chalby
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On 8/26/2022 at 11:13 AM, Chloe Dog said:

I CANNOT wait to see how the religious couple's rules go down with Bill.  I agree that it's their home, their rules, but I can't imagine Bill will be able to follow them for too long.  What was in the preview - he's not allowed to use the fridge??  I wonder what that's all about!  

People can make the claim all day long that they're the most decent people alive, just want to help, but I question the real motive behind a married woman corresponding with and bringing a single ex-con into her home to live.  Maybe she's legit, but maybe she's missing something in her marriage.  Especially since she's not sleeping with hubby...

I was surprised (and confused) by the talking head segments because the only descriptor was "roommate" instead of husband or wife. Who knows what this relationship is?

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10 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I remember that and like Chalby said I think it refers to Bert and Ernie!

Maybe they’re not married!

What did they do when they referred to that married couple in Missouri?

edit actually I think they were an unmarried couple so maybe there was no other married couple hosting.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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6 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

What did they do when they referred to that married couple in Missouri?

edit actually I think they were an unmarried couple so maybe there was no other married couple hosting.

Humm looks like they have been married seven years but refer to themselves as roommates!

Met on a Christian website!

Why am I always surprised!

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13 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Humm looks like they have been married seven years but refer to themselves as roommates!

Met on a Christian website!

Why am I always surprised!

Mark referred to her as his wife during the last couple of episodes and I think they said they were married in the early episodes as well.

edit I think the chyron just means they are Bill’s roommates. 

Edited by MrBuhBye
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On 10/22/2022 at 12:55 PM, Mothra said:

I wish we had been given a timeline for each of the returning citizens, like how long it took the ones who were paying for their own living quarters to earn that kind of money--what happened to them since we last saw them.

God bless Dr. Henry.  As soon as I saw that ultrasound, I thought Oh no, DQ, you're not ready to support a family.  But Dr. Henry is right:  this is what DQ wants and he has found a way forward with his life.  My middle-class white woman's response is simply irrelevant.  I hope DQ continues to thrive and to stay out of trouble.

Poor Mark.  I understand how he felt he had failed William Steal--as others have posted, why couldn't William Steal have a little refrigerator of his own?  Why did he have to be a vegetarian if it wasn't part of his beliefs?  I don't mean eat meat in front of them, but have the opportunity to keep his own food separate from theirs.  And ice, for god's sake!  What was their objection to his having ice (other than to preserve his forbidden meat sandwiches)?  OTO William Steal is imo a real a-hole in three part harmony.

But did we ever find out what's really going on with the toilet paper?

Sandra recognized a user because I suspect she was one herself at one time.  Something I remember from Artie Lange on Howard Stern's radio show, long ago:  "Addicts lie."  And Nick did.

Artie is a lovely person, and her offer of her own home for what's-his-face to have supervised visits with his daughter was pure kindness.  If I'm ever in big trouble, I hope there's an Artie to help me out.

Artie's one of the most empathetic people I've ever seen, especially after that 1am breakdown.


Bill is so incredibly inconsiderate.  Yes, the rules were extreme, and they weren't the most considerate to him, but he didn't even try.  He was taking rolls of toilet paper and using them as napkins.  TP was incredibly expensive last year. I can kind of sympathize with Mark there.  Likewise, they don't eat meat for religious reasons.  It doesn't seem that absurd that they don't want it in their fridge.


I agree about Sandra.  That gallon of wine by her knitting was interesting, but it turns out she was dead-on about Nick using.

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On 10/15/2022 at 9:54 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

Why does DQ remind me of Omar (The Wire)? Something about the way he holds his head?

Omar had cool, calm, and above all street smarts.  Maybe some of that was the actor, but if so, it was wonderful casting.  DQ seems to lack all of these traits, although I hope he manages to stay out of prison.  I have my doubts..

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On 10/1/2022 at 5:44 AM, Mothra said:

Oh, I beg to differ about the men's pajamas.  That's *sexy*, Mr. BB.  Haven't you seen any Doris Day movies?

No, Sharna's pajamas are ladies' pajamas, flannel in winter, cotton in summer (I almost said nylon, but that's too clingy and might suggest the presence of lady parts) (which Mark would just as soon not know about, thank you very much) (or maybe Sharna would just as soon not want Mark to know about as it might inflame carnal impulses).

No, bedtime is not sexytime for Mark and Sharna (she's saving herself for...Santa?  Jesus?  Bill?).  That's why I think it's so sad that Bill was quick to say that Sharna didn't have any negligees.  I think there was a note of sadness to his declaration.

Look.  It's none of my business, but does Sharna have any children of her own?  They sleep in separate bedrooms.  She doesn't own a negligee.  Is Sharna a Vestal Virgin?

No negligee *sigh*.

I know this is an old thread but I see Sharna as a Lanz nightgown gal.

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5 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Just saw Season 2 is returning on May 30th. Not sure if they will be able to create the level of crazy with a Bill 2.0, but I am here for it

Yay! I was afraid we might not ever see this crazy show again.  Remind me, what network is it on?

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This  looks  good, I'm  just starting and that  first couple has me  scared for the convict, even if he might be  a pimp or  something. Thought he handled the daughter well  asking her height and stopped her in her tracks trying to be  a bitch to him.

I will come back when I'm done with the episode.

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It will be difficult keeping them straight, esp since I am also a Love After Lockup/During Lockup/whatever the show with the foreign brides and their prisoner boos is (the name legit escapes me now) addict. I feel that the charitable people really are doing this for good reason, but boyohboy are they naive. Except for Analise (?). She is not a pushover and that guy (Mark?) will regret trying to get one over on her, I predict.

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I with y'all,  I'm trying to understand why these folks are bringing the prisoners into their homes.  You don't even know them? I don't think I could do it. But that's me.

Later gaters 

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I do love this show... do none of these people talk about rules, boundaries, expectations before they agree to the living situation? Or is everyone so into their own agenda that they just say yes & think it will all work out? I hate that there are no re-entry support systems in place for either party. Not even a plan for "best practices" -- the teacher who wanted his new roommate to go to a protest before he even sees his home was CRAZY!

Also.... BACON!! I thought the former inmate showed restraint with just bacon in the burrito and one side of bacon. 🥓 😜

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On 5/31/2024 at 6:04 PM, Realitystarr said:

This  looks  good, I'm  just starting and that  first couple has me  scared for the convict, even if he might be  a pimp or  something. Thought he handled the daughter well  asking her height and stopped her in her tracks trying to be  a bitch to him.

I will come back when I'm done with the episode.

It surprises me how disrespectful the convicts treat their host family. Aren't they allowed an earlier probation because the host family takes responsibility for ensuring they're adjusting to the community? They act so entitled.

Edited by Chalby
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