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S13.E01: The Big Con


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It's just not the same without Jessica Walter.

God, Fabian just sucks. He's just designed to get under everyone's skin. It says a lot for how long this show's been going on when the entire squad is just DONE with everything and were only rescuing him so they'd stay together. And of course it was all faked. All to put Gillette in charge. That's gonna be an interesting development.

Of course Cheryl has had thoughts about being roughed up by Miss Piggy. And immediately forgetting about Fabian getting kidnapped not five seconds after it happened.

"I AM working on something called The Wheel. But it's a sex thing...and I can't build it at work." The actual Wheel didn't disappoint. So he build an orgasm gun? Never change, Krieger.

The humor was just...okay, but the action was still good. Loved that skydiving scene.

Edited by Galileo908
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Well, this is going to be a horrible season . .  at least in terms of dealing with assholes. God help "The Agency" should Fabian and Robert team up against them. Fabian uses the team to make IIA look better, Robert commits infidelity and now seeks custody of AJ from Lana. You know, the woman that gave birth to her. As flawed as Lana might be, as much as she may have skidded as a character, she doesn't deserve that.

Clandesti-con . . . the perfect follow-up show after Heist Con! Yeah, it's a weird idea, but the competition stuff looked awesome, and it was a great showcase to show off the great stuff Archer can do. I'm hoping he grows up a little after the passing of Malory, but I'm not putting money on it.

Seriously, Fabian sucks. And what is with that accent? Kayvan Novak makes Fabian sound more ridiculous than . . . well . . . Nandor the Relentless.

If you HAD to choose a leader for the team, it would probably be Ray. Archer is an ego case, Lana is neurotic, Cheryl/Carol is a certified disaster, Cyril was been rendered useless halfway through S11, and Pam is basically a wrecking ball with blonde hair and boobs. Of course, Fabian gives Ray the job because he snitched out his peers, so nobody will respect Ray. Seems right to me.

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That felt...solid? Like not spectacular, but not trash.

I liked that they explained away Robert's custody claim as "he has money". I don't think he could have adopted A.J. without terminating Archer's rights. I guess there's a case for Archer abandoning A.J., but you have to squint real hard on that one. I mean he didn't deliberately go comatose.

Also Lana really needs to take Pam up on her offer to take out Robert. I'd think that the only thing in Archer-land that trumps money is violence.

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Of course the show has lost something without Jessica Walter.  I don’t think it’s pretending it hadn’t.  Heck even. archer seems to be a bit depressed at the moment.   I think that is why the episode felt off.    I am curious about the version of Archer we are going to get without Mallory.      We also have this weird secondary custody battle with Lana and Robert.  And yeah Fabian is an ass but a clever ass which might be what the team needs to get them out of their funk.

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Fabian is awful but, that works since it gives me (and the team) someone to hate.

I loved how over it everyone was but, we're willing to band together to save Fabian just because it kept them/The Agency together.

Pam and Ray are still my favorite characters and they didn't disappoint this episode.

I really hope they don't back to Archer/Lana they're just awful together and to each other. However,  I would really like more Archer/AJ.

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You can tell that the show is trying to deal with figuring itself out without Jessica Walter, but I think this was a solid start. The action was actually really good, the train game was pretty awesome. Clandesti-Con was great. 

Fabian really is the absolute worst, he just oozes smugness. Of course no one wanted to bother saving him until they realized that they would all get split up if he got killed, which is actually quite sweet. 

Even without the spy notebook, Ray is probably the best call for who to put in charge. He's probably the closest thing they have to normal. 

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Ditto comments upthread, it was sad not to see Jessica Walter's name in the opening credits.

"Anything's edible if you try hard enough." Okay, Lana. 🤮

It was a nice surprise to hear Shohreh Aghdashloo's distinctive voice as the MC of Clandesti-Con. Hope she gets to play a recurring character. I loved her as Chrisjen on The Expanse.

I was also amused by the random reference to Aisha Tyler's alma mater by Archer. I used to listen to Aisha's podcast and at the time hardly an episode went by where she didn't mention at least once that she went to Dartmouth.

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