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S01.E02: Birthday

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i have lost who is who! i mean they swap each year (since childhood? or when adults)

so both shag both husbands one assumes. I wonder which is the mum of the child - that must have been well timed to fit in pregrancy to birth in one whole year. maybe they got a yera off that one!

The blonde lady - i didn't get if she was the twins sister (right age) or fathers 2nd wife (makes sense as she lives with him).

i am enjoying, its cheesy and confusing (like the main lady must feel) but only 5 to go now.

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Oh shit, the cop just did the "one more thing ..." play -- she's like Columbo!  She (correctly) doesn't trust anyone in this crazy family.   Leni (who was pretending to be Gina but now is faking how to be ... herself?  'cuz she forgot after a year??  lol) is not gonna be able to keep her stories straight.  

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10 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

Leni (who was pretending to be Gina but now is faking how to be ... herself?  'cuz she forgot after a year??  lol) ...

This is why I was so confused lol. Like why is Leni having a hard time acting like herself? I guess Gina just added some stuff to Leni's personality in that year that was new and Leni doesn't know about it.

These 2 seem kind of horrible at pretending to be each other, which makes no sense since they've been doing it for a long time and because they have that weird website they talk to every day so I'd think they'd tell each other there what's going on so that when the switch back they know what's up. It's also is hard to imagine that their father, sister, husbands, and Leni's child don't suspect anything. And yet, that Dylan guy knew right away. Please lol.

Speaking of Leni's daughter, I am assuming she's actually Gina's daughter.

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I keep thinking that everyone (except maybe Leni’s husband and maybe the twins’ dad) know that the twins are switching lives. Even if they don’t know why or all the things/crimes they’ve been up to, they know about the switching places.  Just my guess.

If Leni has to keep playing both parts because Gina isn’t around, this show is going to change from a campy soap to a 1970s-style sitcom.

Edited by Blue Plastic
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On 8/20/2022 at 10:25 PM, peachmangosteen said:

She's the twins' sister. I only know that from the description of the show though lol.

ah thanks, I am used to her playing such independent parts, that i couldn't work out why she was living with her dad at her age (but maybe the show is just less progressive that others)

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It cracked me up that they showed Leni/Gina (I don't really care who's who, TBH) changing in the car. A somewhat realistic moment for this completely ridiculous setup. There's no way the husbands wouldn't know who's who. I also call foul on no other family member being able to tell them apart. But that's the crux of the show.

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This is confusing. The acting is not good either. So Gina is the bad sister? I also can’t believe the husbands would not be able to tell the sisters apart. I’ll keep watching for a little bit longer, I’m curious about their past, church fire, how the sister ended up in a wheelchair. 

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On 8/21/2022 at 9:56 AM, peachmangosteen said:

This is why I was so confused lol. Like why is Leni having a hard time acting like herself? I guess Gina just added some stuff to Leni's personality in that year that was new and Leni doesn't know about it.

These 2 seem kind of horrible at pretending to be each other, which makes no sense since they've been doing it for a long time and because they have that weird website they talk to every day so I'd think they'd tell each other there what's going on so that when the switch back they know what's up. It's also is hard to imagine that their father, sister, husbands, and Leni's child don't suspect anything. And yet, that Dylan guy knew right away. Please lol.

Speaking of Leni's daughter, I am assuming she's actually Gina's daughter.

I can only assume Gina is actively sabotaging Leni for some reason.  

Poor Mattie, that kid is screwed.

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It's raining a lot this week where I live, so this is the perfect guilty pleasure to have on tv while I'm stuck at home.  I was actually hoping this was based on a book since it seems like it'd be a better novel (it's not, as far as I could tell)  While I'm pretty sure this is going to spiral out of control soon into utter nonsense, I am enjoying it so far.  I do find it interesting that Leni (the main character twin) appears to be the bad guy, forcing Gina to go along with the switching lives thing way longer than she was comfortable with.  

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I’m late to the party, but have made it my mission to see this crazy show to the end.  Lol. It definitely has a Lifetime feel to it.  It’s really hard to swallow the premise having known so many real life identical twins.  I’ve known several sets of them over my lifetime and though they are identical there are differences in looks and personality.  Fooling people who are close…..it’s hard to accept.  

I like the actor playing the sister. She was in Glee and Ozark.  She’s also big on Broadway.  A very talented lady.  

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On 8/22/2022 at 9:42 PM, Straycat80 said:

I’ll keep watching for a little bit longer, I’m curious about their past, church fire, how the sister ended up in a wheelchair. 

And curious about who was drowning who in the tub...looks like it was the father trying to drown someone, but maybe it was pinned on one of the twins?  Were they successful in the drowning or could that be how the sister got in a wheelchair?  Also, who is sending the fire picture messages?

On 9/2/2022 at 12:58 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m late to the party, but have made it my mission to see this crazy show to the end.  

Hi SunnyBeBe...I'm even later to the party, just started this show today.  Will definitely finish it, but yeah, it's crazy.

Edited by LuvMyShows
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I finished it, but feel I should go back and rewatch portions. I got confused at times, because we aren’t really watching twins, but the same person.  lol. I wish they had a little arrow with the initials of which was which in some parts. Lol.  That self inflicted cut was so contrived!  Lol 

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