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It kills Jasmine, just sucks the life out of her when she has to ask for help because of her foot. Because her daddy raised her to be a tough, independent woman who don't take no shit from any man, like opening doors for her or paying for dinner. That lesson must have come in between falling off the homecoming float and when they became homeless later that night.

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Big debate about Friends and who was right in the “we’re on a break” issue, Ross or Rachel. Everyone agrees that Rachel was right to be mad because you should wait at least a day before sleeping with the copy shop girl, except for Turner. You say we’re on a break, we’re on a break, and whatever happens after is your fault. Even if it’s 10 minutes later. He is very adamant about this.

You listening, Megan?

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I literally cannot (so don't) with Monte talking about "feminine energy" and "hormonal glands" and shit.

ETA: I've just been listening to the audio so I didn't know there was more than Monte, Indy, and Jasmine in the room but props to Joseph and Terrance for sitting there and keeping their mouths shut during this.

Edited by Callaphera
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Conversation in the HoH room has switched to past season talk. Turner is very impressed to learn that a showmance (Rachel and Brendon) has gone the distance. Taylor tells him about the twist where Rachel came back to the house as a punishment while he was locked upstairs. Turner cannot wrap his head around why it happened that way. I guess O. Henry was another missed classic for him.

Then they talk about how HGs used to go on excursions, get concerts, etc. Taylor cannot imagine interacting with the outside world now. As a fully immersed mole person, she finds the idea very frightening.

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Indy, about men and woman: "Society thinks we are equal but we are not."

WHAT SOCIETY. I WANT TO VISIT THAT SOCIETY. You know, just to see what it's like.


Jasmine thinks that men commit suicide and cheat on their wimminz because they have everything on their plates. But it's overseasoned and kinda soggy and Jasmine can break a tooth on it but she tries to be a good help-mate for her husband by eating it. Or something. I think all my brain cells have died listening to this.

Edited by Callaphera
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Heh. Kyle and Alyssa are debating about going downstairs to watch Jasmine eat. But she's so annoying! But she's going to yell at Alyssa if they don't! But she sucks! But but but.

Kyle: "I don't want you to leave. It's getting harder and harder-"
Me: "Heh."
Kyle: "Because my feelings are growing every day."
Me: "Oh. I thought he was talking about his dick."

Kyle gave Alyssa a bunch of Dove chocolates with the poems on the wrappers. D'awww hork.

Edited by Callaphera
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Jasmine is all uncomfortable and sweaty because her stomach isn't used to real food. She's gonna complain all tomorrow about all the poopin' that she's doin' and all the wipin' Nicole is gonna be doing.

Nicole: "Turner, you gonna take a hot shower?"
Me: "Are you going to take any shower?"

Meanwhile, upstairs, Alyssa mentioned the stool in the shower. Unlike Captain America, Kyle doesn't understand the reference.

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Daniel asked Kyle "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Kyle says he hasn't heard anything from anyone about using the veto, he hasn't heard anything to question the "evict Taylor" narrative, no one's pulling him into separate conversations. There hasn't been much game talk. 

Daniel says that Kyle's "the deciding factor." Kyle says that might be true, but no one's talked to him about it. He says he'll let Daniel know if things change tomorrow. Daniel says he'd rather know if something's going to happen, and he'll still vote the way he intends to. He says Monte keeps flipping his story. 

And ... all cameras switch to Monte and Indy and Joe. Monty's talking about shady things that Nicole's done this week. He's saying that Nicole told him she doesn't know if she can trust Alyssa, Jasmine, and Indy. 

Monte and Joe are really working her. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby

Nicole and Daniel, Daniel knew Taylor, Michael, Terrance and Kyle were in the store room for a while. He told Nicole that Kyle was lying to him the whole time, kept his glasses on while they were talking. He knows he'll be next. Nicole apologizes. She says half of her wants to blow the house up, but that's not how she is. 

Alyssa comes in for a minute and Nicole says "I think she knows." She thinks Kyle would have told her. She says Michael must have been giving her a heads-up when he talked about what it would be like if there was an alliance of 7 or 8. 

They trust Terrance. 

They say that the other side has the numbers and weak players. 

How to be a terrible liar in Big Brother:

  1. Start every other sentence with “Honestly,…”
  2. Claim that you are not talking game with anyone in Week Fucking Four.

Kyle is a terrible BB liar.

Daniel, of course, saw right through him, and he and Nicole have put enough of the puzzle pieces together. She knows she’s going home, and Daniel knows he’s screwed.

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I am actually feeling sad for Daniel right now. He’s telling Nicole how big of a fan he is, how he used to watch the show with his dead brother, and this was such a dream come true. And he’s crying, because his dreams of being the next Dan Gheesling are over. 

And I know he did it to himself with his petty, shitty attitude, and he deserves everything that’s happening, but he’s so down that I can’t help but feel a little bad for him, because my cold cold heart is not 100% made of ice. Just 99%.

You know who I don’t feel bad for? Nicole. Because she’s sticking to her petty bitter ways, she hates everyone, she will never watch BB again, she thinks everyone but her is stupid, but she doesn’t care because SHE WAS A COP FOR TEN FUCKING YEARS.

She tells Daniel that Jasmine is going to win. Solid takes to the end.

Edited by 30 Helens
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1 hour ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

Michael seems to be all over Kyle's "white people" alliance, agreeing that Taylor, Monte and Joseph all have big personalities. Kyle's working on keeping Alyssa for when they break off from the Leftovers. 

Wait, did Kyle actually propose a race -based alliance? I assume not, because I don’t think he’s that dumb (or horrible). I do think some of these Leftovers need to start breaking off from the pack, starting immediately, and I expect Brittany and Michael to be part of that. They are definitely on the fringes, and they know it. Kyle may be, too. But I think his reason for defecting would have more to do with Alyssa— he is more into her than he is willing to admit.

I also think Taylor is on the fringes, but she may be safe in any alliance as an end goat. So she may not want to defect. But if Kyle, Michael and Brittany break off from the Turner/ Monte/ Joseph powerhouse, I wouldn’t blame them or think it had anything to do with race— unless they said so.

2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Big debate about Friends and who was right in the “we’re on a break” issue, Ross or Rachel. Everyone agrees that Rachel was right to be mad because you should wait at least a day before sleeping with the copy shop girl, except for Turner. You say we’re on a break, we’re on a break, and whatever happens after is your fault. Even if it’s 10 minutes later. He is very adamant about this.

You listening, Megan?


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I thought that Nicole had given up but she's pleased as punch that she told Indy that she (Nicole) is leaving tomorrow and that Taylor will be on her team, and she's going to "let that marinate" and let Indy blow the house up. Now she's standing in the doorway waiting to hear the blow up. Terrance assures her "it's gonna work" because Indy and Monte's relationship is deeper than they let on. 

Indy had said not to talk to her in front of the camera that the HOH room can see. 

Indy went to talk to Joe in the kitchen. She tells him that Nicole "freaked me out."

Instead of blowing the house up at the thought of Taylor joining her team, Indy goes back to laughing with everyone in the bathroom. 

Nicole says she says "10 words" to Indy but what she said keeps getting longer every time she retells the story. 

"I said, "You want Taylor on your team? Enjoy.'" 

"That little MF'ing Brazilian gonna lose her mind," Terrance says. 

Now they think something will happen tomorrow. Nicole says she'll remind Indy that she's been cooking for everyone. 

Now Nicole's repeating Monte's stupid "woman on her cycle" conversation. She can't wait to go into the DR and talk about it. Daniel can't believe it. 

Nicole went to the DR and got the message "The Diary Room is temporarily unavailable." Daniel says isn't it funny, they were told they could use it any time. I'm surprised that stayed in. 

Her remark to Indy "was literally my Hail Mary." [Narrator: it was not literally a Hail Mary.]

Nicole gets asked to the DR. 

Jasmine tells Indy that they can't go against the house. But if Indy votes for Nicole to stay, Jasmine will. But she thinks they shouldn't go against the house. 

Jasmine says she wants Nicole to stay, but if they don't have the votes ...  she tells Indy "the house has flipped." They're having trouble counting the votes. Jasmine points out that if Monte has to break the tie, he'll be showing his cards. But if the house votes, no one's in trouble. 

She says that if Nicole stays, she'll keep them safe because she'll be on the block again. 

They agree that Nicole messed up her own game. 

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Joseph tells Monte (with Taylor there) that he should prepare a speech to break the tie. I thought Terrance was playing Daniel and Nicole, but maybe not. Joseph thinks they need to get Alyssa, but probably Monte will have to break the tie. 

He thinks that Alyssa was sent to watch them. I think he's just hoping that Kyle could persuade her. 

Boy Terrance really pissed off Monte by saying that he was "following" Monte. He's also mad because he thought Taylor and Terrance had a relationship. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby

Joseph accurately guesses that Nicole made a "force Monte to show his cards" argument to her alliance. 

eta: And then the HOH people see Jasmine, Terrance, and Daniel together on the camera. 

Taylor repeats what she said in the store room earlier; she feels like it's important for her to ask each person if she has their vote. So she asked Joseph. He says "I would die before I betray you like that." It actually gave me chills. And I've been watching BB since season one. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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Team Clueless is really scrambling. Daniel (of course), Terrance and Jasmine are fully on board. Jasmine thinks Indy is, too, because Indy got tired of all the talking and went to bed. But Jasmine is sure that she can convince Indy in the morning. 

Now the plan is to get Alyssa, and get Alyssa to get Kyle. They have doubts this will happen, but that’s their pipe dream. If they can’t get that, they want to force a tie so Monte will have to declare a side.

Now Daniel’s trying to sway Turner .  Good luck with that.

In a rare moment of self awareness, Jasmine did admit that her group made a mistake by isolating Taylor early on, and that sent her to the other side. This, of course, was followed by a not-so-rare round of Taylor bashing.

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