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S02.E05: King

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Mother struggles to keep the collective from falling apart as she struggles to lead while Sue resorts to prayer in her desperation to cure Paul. Meanwhile, Marcus and his followers are given new hope as they discover an ancient temple. But as Marcus investigates the temple’s secrets, Decima and the rest of his followers are made to answer for their sins.

Original Airdate: Thursday, February 24, 2022 

This was full blown horror in this episode!  I had to hide behind my pillow at times.

I was not expecting for Vrille to still be alive, I thought that Lucius caught up to them and was finishing them off.  Holly was so quick to discard Father and Mother, but her so call new family was very quick to leave her behind with a murderous robot.  Of course, I doubt it has changed her fanatical beliefs.

The pro-Sol thing from Campion and the doctor makes me roll my eyes.  I like her belief that the voices/hallucinations are from some alien presence. 

The reconstructed robot is very creepy.  I wonder if it's the presence behind everything. 

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I knew Vrille would be back (androids never die!) but I was not expecting that murder spree

I thought she'd go looking for Campion

How is Holly still calling Marcus the prophet? Dude went down in the tunnel and just happened to avoid being murdered...hardly makes him a prophet 😖

So "Sol" saved Paul--that vision with the slugs was horrific....slugs are so creepy....I really thought Paul was a goner or would become a snake like they said

It looks like the humans didn't "devolve" it looks more to me like the artifacts on the ARC are  bio-weapons and the reaction to the "humans" or human like creations on the planet turn them into those devolved creatures

But those dead bodies look an awful lot like the aliens from Prometheus only in smaller form LOL (nice move Ridley)

And what did the new android do to Tempest's baby??? Turn it into an android?

Edited by snickers
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One thing that bother me. If the ocean is so acidic, why can they crawl all over the rocks where the ocean just was and not get burned. And how can they breathe right next to the acid. Anyone who has been near acid can tell you how horrible it is to be next to a vat of acid. It would burn your lungs. Then again we have a flying snakes and androids with unlimited power. 

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I continue to question why R. Scott chose religion vs. nonbelief as the context for this story. It adds nothing - in fact it wastes a lot of time. Neither side is morally better than the other, and neither side acts like it is morally better than the other. The conflict could have been anything - capitalists vs. commies, one ship vs. another, hippies vs. police - it didn't matter, as long as there were two sides. Choosing religion cloaks the show in some sort of meaning that is so far empty, and keeps us from the actually interesting parts of Raised by Wolves, like how humans made it there before, what the "devolved humans" are, how androids can evolve and can then judge actions by humans, etc. Every time the characters start in with the "Sol" stuff I roll my eyes and occasionally grit my teeth - it's meaningless.

On 2/27/2022 at 1:17 PM, Starchild said:

Was that Decima hanging over the pit?

Yes, with her face cut off, as she cut off the child android's face. Not sure why the android bothered to hang the body above the pit, though.

On 2/24/2022 at 1:30 PM, NeenerNeener said:

The actress who plays Decima looks like Kristin Cloke.

I didn't see that at all, but as  think about it, maybe a bit. I knew her from the show Dominion, where she was one of the key characters.

Also, I don't understand why the alien in the cave at first looked and acted like a humanoid alien, and then mutated into the things we see on the planet. Putting aside the feasibility of that mutation, what was it when he found it? 

8 hours ago, Ottis said:

I continue to question why R. Scott chose religion vs. nonbelief as the context for this story. It adds nothing - in fact it wastes a lot of time

There had to be a conflict of some kind between the humans, so why not use one of the oldest and most universal sources of conflict: religion. I guess the writers figured human vs. android and human vs. environment weren't enough; plus they had to explain the total destruction of earth. The "Sol" stuff tries my patience also and I wasn't sorry to see those cult members dispatched.

On 3/1/2022 at 3:34 PM, Broderbits said:

There had to be a conflict of some kind between the humans, so why not use one of the oldest and most universal sources of conflict: religion.

I hear you. It's exactly because religion has that history that a lot of meaning is usually attached to it as a plot device, or as an analogy. RbW isn't doing that. Some of the believers lose their beliefs, some of the nonbelievers start believing. It's no different than switching sides in dodgeball.

And choosing religion makes the whole show feel out of date. We don't live in Belfast in the 70s. It's like if he had picked long-haired hippies vs. crew cut establishment  - "Get a haircut, Marcus!"

I can almost construct a believer vs. nonbeliever analogy using a current controversial religion vs. "nonbelievers" in that religion, but so many pieces don't fit that.

On 2/24/2022 at 7:57 PM, snickers said:

And what did the new android do to Tempest's baby??? Turn it into an android?

I don't know that it did anything. It was just able to diagnose her as pregnant and show what was apparently a live ultrasound of the baby. Unless there was a detail in the ultrasound I missed. 

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