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S16.E18: Semi-Finals Results 2

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It's almost over!

  • On the bubble: Quick Change, Unicircle Flow, Opera Child - If I voted (which I don't) I would vote for Unicircle Flow, tell the judges to put Quick Change through, and send Victory home. The initial percentages they showed had Victory with a slight lead, but if the audience doesn't pick her I assume the judges will....she got the mega golden buzzer and they've been fawning over her like they've never seen a kid sing opera before every time she's on stage.
  • Nurse Choir vs 1AChord: Eh, I wouldn't have kept either one but I knew it'd be the nurses between the two of them. Because they're heroes, and that's what's important in a talent show.
  • Kabir Singh vs Balance Bros: Neither one! (Have they done that yet this season? I know they've done a "Both of you!") I wouldn't have put Kabir through based on last night; the other guys I didn't care either way. 
  • Why does Terry sound so breathless tonight? Is his bespoke suit from his own suit company too tight?
  • Brooke Simpson vs ChapKidz: Brooke, of course.
  • Okay, Simon said in the beginning that five spots isn't enough and then said there should be a wild card when ChapKidz was eliminated. Are we foreshadowing something or just being petulant?
  • Josh Blue vs Mentalist Brit: Josh! Yay!

And for the not-Dunkin Save: 

  • America's vote: Quick Change
  • Judges' pick: And it's Victory. I guess Howie was assigned the dissenting vote. (I knew Simon would pick her because the clock said 9:00 when he was "thinking" so I knew there was no time to go to the audience vote.) I'm not trying to be mean, I'm sure she's a very sweet kid, but please let this be her last victory for the season.
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Simon's suit is perfection.  Of course he wore it again.

Ameriker really got it wrong lately.  Brooke and Josh over any of the Save trio is farce.  I really like her, but her performance last night was all over the map.  Josh has overcome a lot.  But, his material can't overcome my indifference.  His Top 3 vote is prima facie evidence that AGT is about the story and not the talent.  The YouTube award tells all.  It's why TPTB are slavish in feeding us more and more and more background.  

It's also why I am done with this season.


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A+ to your post @ams1001. Bye two of my favorite acts, Unicircle and Balance Brothers. Both of you should be able to get booked in Vegas on your own. Vegas has very inexpensive hotel rooms where you can stay until that first pay check. I'd buy a ticket to see you both.

Anyone planning on flying/driving to Vegas and paying $100-plus to see Opera Girl? Yeah, I didn't think so. I can't even stand to watch/listen to her for free on my teevee.

But Josh Blue ... yeay. Josh and Quick Change win this round in my book. Good luck next week.

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I really think they should change the format for the results show.  Instead of eliminating in groups, they should have the guests perform and then at the end start eliminating the acts.  For example, all the acts would be on stage like always but Terry Crews would be announcing who is going through.  No more AGT Save and no more judges picking.  It must suck for Unicycle Flow because maybe they had the 4th most votes but a 5th or 6th place performer was picked instead.

I think the Heidi and Sophia picked Victory because she is a child and probably couldn't take seeing a child disappointed, which is why a child shouldn't be allowed to compete.

We live in a world of "wokeness"  The winner will mirror that!  Mark my word.

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I'm willing to bet UniCircle will be in the Las Vegas showcase anyway, because no one else is doing that kind of act.

Of course the Nurse choir went through, and Victory got the judge vote. Josh Blue also gets a finale slot, but obviously winning a competitive reality show guarantees nothing or he wouldn't be here. Not surprised Indian comic was eliminated because he bombed hard. Were the danger/acrobatic acts brought in because they needed to fill time and they were in the LA area?

Howie might not be on next week, Yom Kippur starts Tuesday at sundown.

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6 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

 Not surprised Indian comic was eliminated because he bombed hard. Were the danger/acrobatic acts brought in because they needed to fill time and they were in the LA area?

They were brought in to promote the Vegas act in which they are participating.

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7 hours ago, rr2911 said:

I really think they should change the format for the results show.  Instead of eliminating in groups, they should have the guests perform and then at the end start eliminating the acts.  For example, all the acts would be on stage like always but Terry Crews would be announcing who is going through.  No more AGT Save and no more judges picking.  It must suck for Unicycle Flow because maybe they had the 4th most votes but a 5th or 6th place performer was picked instead.

I've never been a fan of the Save/Judge pick. They go on and on about how it's up to America after the auditions but then potentially multiple 4th-place picks go home. 

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7 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I've never been a fan of the Save/Judge pick. They go on and on about how it's up to America after the auditions but then potentially multiple 4th-place picks go home. 

Plus all that drama and fake indecisiveness. Like they didn't already have the winner picked! 

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17 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Nothing against Josh Blue, but he's an established comedian who has done just about every one of these types of shows and is fairly well-known.

There comes a point when they need to limit it to undiscovered/unknown acts.

ALL of the acts are established, at minimum they have large Youtube and Instagram followings. The producers recruit the acts. The storyline of an undiscovered talent coming in off the farm and stealing the show is a myth. 

ETA: Victory is probably one of the less established acts that has made the finals in a long time. 

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1 hour ago, Superclam said:

Plus all that drama and fake indecisiveness. Like they didn't already have the winner picked! 

I was just reading some comments on Facebook and someone said something about maybe being done with the show because it's all predetermined now...as if it hasn't been that way since the very first season.

Also see a lot of "isn't it America's got talent? all these foreigners have Got Talent shows in their own countries that they can go on..." Do they think Americans don't go on the other Got Talents around the world?

Then there's people pointing out mistakes (like the obvious ones in Leah's act that the judges completely ignored) and getting "can you do it better?" in return. Um, no, I would guess people commenting on AGT's Facebook page can't do most of these acts but they can see when someone makes an obvious mistake.... like the bright white fabric stuck in a dark green wall (which I did see) or the assistant's hands coming through (which I didn't).

My favorites are the people posting actual constructive technical critiques of Victory's singing, who seem to at least have a background in music (a couple said they are voice teachers) and being told they must not know anything about music 🙄 (one of them was told she should go back to listening to her "rap music" which, um, what?). And if all else fails, just whine that people are being mean to a child (I saw very few comments about Victory that I would consider "mean"; a few people posted things that maybe could be phrased more gently but are nonetheless true, or at least a reasonable opinion, but most aren't being jerks just for the hell of it (which is surprising, on Facebook)...and if she can't handle feedback and valid criticism then she's on the wrong career path). One person commented several times that she knows her personally...so therefore apparently no one should say anything remotely negative about her performance?


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I'm backing off my prediction that Lea Kyle (quick changer) could win the whole thing.  I think she's a strong contender from talent, but she isn't getting the votes.


I was just reading some comments on Facebook and someone said something about maybe being done with the show because it's all predetermined now...as if it hasn't been that way since the very first season.

I appreciate the comments made HERE, and thanks for that.

As for the show?  I wanted to see Unicircle Flow go forward, but I've also wanted the buzzers to be disconnected at this stage, so...I like most of the people going forward, and all of them have sufficiently different talent that the final will have some variety, which is good.  Would I pay to see them on stage?  It depends; that's one edge the singers have--different songs seem a little "more different" enough to sustain an hour or two.  Post-Covid, I'd probably enjoy a show of about 2/3 of the finalists, with the rest giving me a reason for a stretch break.  Ideally they'd do the set transitions faster, or more stripped-down, or (perfect world) both.



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6 minutes ago, marketdoctor said:

I appreciate the comments made HERE, and thanks for that.

Amen. Every time I read facebook comments I wonder why I'm reading facebook comments. "Could you do any better?" is a classic. No, I couldn't do better, but that doesn't make it an entertaining act! 

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1 minute ago, Superclam said:

Amen. Every time I read facebook comments I wonder why I'm reading facebook comments. "Could you do any better?" is a classic. No, I couldn't do better, but that doesn't make it an entertaining act! 

Yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment, sometimes. (I don't comment there, myself.) I don't need to be able to do something to have an opinion on whether I enjoy watching it. I want to ask the people with nothing to say but "s/he's wonderful/perfect/the next big star" if they can do whatever-it-is to actually know whether they're really good or not. If not liking a performance is invalid because I can't sing/dance/ride a unicycle/crack 78 walnuts with my ass (thank you, Show, for reminding me of that guy), then liking it should also be invalid for the same reason. 

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Disappointed that Unicircle Flow didn't go through.  To me, they seem like a Vegas act.

The nurse choir went through because they're heroes but that's not a good enough reason to make it to the finals.  They're good singers but not exceptional.  Then you have Victory who is good for her age but I also didn't think was good enough to make it to the finals.  It seems like she made it based off her age and cuteness factor.

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10 minutes ago, realdancemom said:

Then you have Victory who is good for her age but I also didn't think was good enough to make it to the finals.  It seems like she made it based off her age and cuteness factor.

Well they decided she's the big "sensation" of the season so of course they had to put her through.

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Children do not belong in Vegas shows. This is the only reason I can tolerate ChapKidz getting cut, and why I really dislike Victory going through. Give her a scholarship to a performing arts school or a tutorial education while she performs with symphonies and then goes off to Juilliard or something. 

If I'm paying to see a show in Vegas, I want to see circus acts and other (adult) feats of extreme talent. Not people singing...I can see that anywhere.

I would pay to see the likes of the Colombian hand-balancers, UniCircle Flow, and Lea Kyle quick change. I don't give a hoot about glorified church choirs. 

Mostly I tuned in to watch Duo Transcend. They are beasts and an inspiration to this aspiring aerialist. 

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23 hours ago, marketdoctor said:


I appreciate the comments made HERE, and thanks for that.


One of the main reasons I keep coming back to this discussion board is everyone here is respectful of each other's comments.  We don't always agree but we disagree and then move on.  Usually, we all have the same takes about a certain contestant or performance anyway.  No one gets snippy with each other here which is great.

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19 hours ago, realdancemom said:

Disappointed that Unicircle Flow didn't go through.  To me, they seem like a Vegas act.

The nurse choir went through because they're heroes but that's not a good enough reason to make it to the finals.  They're good singers but not exceptional.  Then you have Victory who is good for her age but I also didn't think was good enough to make it to the finals.  It seems like she made it based off her age and cuteness factor.

I think a nurse choir went through because none of the judges are going to say anything negative to a profession that heals and helps people.  Howie even said along the lines that they are going through because of what they do.  Any choir made of fireman, police, doctors, teachers and community counselors will always make it to the finals.  I've read posts on Facebook that they deserve to go through even if they're not the best act or singers because of what they do.  I disagree!

Victory,.......the cute factor will always win whenever there is child performer.  That's why I don't think a child should be on the show.  They have special rules and that's not fair to the adult acts.  Judges don't want to come across as mean if they were to be honest about Victory.  That's how Grace Vanderwaal won!  She was cute but sang horrible in my opinion.

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On 9/8/2021 at 9:07 PM, ams1001 said:

Okay, Simon said in the beginning that five spots isn't enough and then said there should be a wild card when ChapKidz was eliminated. Are we foreshadowing something or just being petulant?

By doing the stupid save and the judge's pick thing - they are ANNOUNCING that none of these acts can get enough votes even in the semi-finals.  Do they really think this will encourage people to come out of the woodwork and vote for them?  Why bring in a wild card you KNOW people don't like enough to vote for?

And Victory went through for two reasons:  1. She's a child and 2.  She sings opera.  Opera is something you think you should like because it's "classy."  All those people who pretend she is so wonderful would have to be paid a LOT of money to sit through an entire night of opera.  

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2 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

All those people who pretend she is so wonderful would have to be paid a LOT of money to sit through an entire night of opera.  

Well, there's also the option of being able to fall asleep during the performance, which a person can get away with if he/she doesn't snore too loudly and his/her date/spouse/partner doesn't notice and give that person the wake-up elbow. It's great for people who are used to falling asleep to music radio. (Raises hand.)

I still want Simon to stop Victory mid song and tell her that choice was boring and to change to another song. Then tell her to "step it up" and "make it her own." Then stop her again and tell her to sing an original song, not the same old same ole he's heard a zillion times and finds so sleep inducing.

Yeah, that would make an interesting episode, her being treated like every other singer on this show. Let me know if that's ever going to happen.


Edited by saber5055
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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Then stop her again and tell her to sing an original song, not the same old same ole he's heard a zillion times and finds so sleep inducing.

If the song is Nessun Dorma, some of the audience will cheer him doing this.  (There's a reason music by kids, and opera, don't have bigger ratings--they're hard, possibly much harder, to do well.)



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Victory’s voice is sublime. There is no denying the pure power of her voice. But she needs to learn to relax and to regulate her facial expressions. She looks like an android; devoid of emotion and showing stiffened posture.

I hope for her sake she doesn’t win. She is not yet ready for that kind of fame - although she is undoubtedly amazing 

I don’t know who will win. No one stands out as front runner. I agree with those who have said Josh Blue shouldn’t be in this contest. I am a huge fan, but he is already an established act and shouldn’t have been in the contest. 

It might be the nurse choir or the tae kwon do group. But it also might be someone completely random.

if Woke Man can win this, anyone can 






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