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S06.E01: If You Could Enter Their Dreaming

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About the makeshift vaccinations...

I blame Nova.  Poorly planned, pooorly executed. That website should had some type of self imposed stop.  After so many people signed up on line, it should have said " We have reached our allotment.  Please visit this site at a later date for the next vaccine drive.  And make sure EVERYONE pre registered and shows up with proper ID.  NO exceptions.  No randomly going through the line recognizing people and saying " Sure baby i got ya".  And are there any black LEOs in that parish?  70% black parish  but i cant recall seeing 1 black cop/deputy.  

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I binged season 5 over the weekend since I didn't catch the season when it aired.

Nova. Nova. 🤦‍♀️ She's been around Charley for how many years now and she doesn't know how to organize a drive for the community? I know the vaccine drive isn't the first in the country so surely she saw coverage on the news when they started and all the lines. 

Did I miss something but wasn't Vi for Charley giving Davis another chance and now she's criticizing her? 

As for Davis, I blame the writers. They write him  doing so many bad things to make the character unlikable and so Charley doesn't reconcile with him early in the series, have her move on with Remy, etc and then later on handwave everything to bring him back with Charley as if the audience forgot. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Edited by Arcadiasw
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7 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

As for Davis, I blame the writers. They write him  doing so many bad things to make the character unlikable and so Charley doesn't reconcile with him early in the series, have her move on with Remy, etc and then later on handwave everything to bring him back with Charley as if the audience foegot.

Yeah, I think it's lazy writing. They got divorced because a sex worker (who Davis had been employing for years, as it turns out) was gang-raped and Davis was involved. It was a huge plot point - it was a driving force behind Charley staying in St. Joe. I don't know how you let that go. Also he has like a 14-year-old child, which means he's been lying to Charley for that long, probably pretty elaborately (I'm sure he was paying the mother to keep quiet). And also: GANG RAPE. 

I could maybe see Charley looking the other way on garden variety cheating. Davis is fine as fuck and he's a pro-basketball player; I am certain a lot of famous peoples' spouses make that deal with themselves (or maybe even with their spouses - "just don't bring it home," etc.). Chris Rock has that joke that a man is only as faithful as his options, and Davis would have had a lot of options. Charley wasn't really written that way, but I guess I could see it - she's pragmatic. But a gang rape? That's beyond, and I have to think the writers are just pretending it didn't happen. When Charley asked Davis why he'd done "it" last season, you got the impression that she was talking about the cheating, not the rape and Davis's response was generic.

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22 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I could maybe see Charley looking the other way on garden variety cheating. Davis is fine as fuck and he's a pro-basketball player; I am certain a lot of famous peoples' spouses make that deal with themselves (or maybe even with their spouses - "just don't bring it home," etc.). Chris Rock has that joke that a man is only as faithful as his options, and Davis would have had a lot of options. Charley wasn't really written that way, but I guess I could see it - she's pragmatic. But a gang rape? That's beyond, and I have to think the writers are just pretending it didn't happen. When Charley asked Davis why he'd done "it" last season, you got the impression that she was talking about the cheating, not the rape and Davis's response was generic.

Oh, I think Charley was definitely asking about the cheating last season. The show really backed itself into a corner here. I don't see Charley as the stereotypical NBA wife who looks the other way when her husband cheats. If Charley were a kept woman, maybe, but since she didn't need Davis to take care of her, and she was his manager, I don't see it. But if he only had a side baby*, I could understand them getting to a better place years later. I still think it's bullshit, but OK. The side baby was a compound fuckup because not only was he cheating on her for years with Melina, but side baby is only 3 years younger than Micah. Davis was running game on her throughout their entire marriage! How could she ever trust him again? How could she ever respect him after what he did to Melina? 

I don't like this reconciliation at all, and I hope it's short-lived. I get that Charley's been paired with duds after Davis, and it's a shame that the show didn't go there with her and Jacob Landry. THAT was a pairing I would've liked to see, but, they share a relative? or whatever silly excuse was given to not put them together. 

But clearly, the show is going to sweep that gang rape under the rug like they did Nova's book. 

*I do not condone extramarital affairs. 

Lord, WHY is Ralph Angel spending money preemptively? I know it's his pride, but he has family members with means who could tide him over until harvest. I understand that it's hard to ask for money, no one likes being asked for money, but that would be the smarter play instead of taking out those predatory payday loans. 

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I want to like Davis, but they just did so much against him. If it was just cheating ok. But the secret child, if we're supposed to forget she exist then I guess ok. Lol I want Charley happy and I think Davis is her one. 

Nova had no idea what she was doing and lost control. Then called the cops. She should have thought of security from the start. 

Prosper better be ok.

With the Covid plus the unvaccinated crowd, pregnant Darla being so involved seems bad idea. She should stay home. 

So Micah is with a teacher? How old is his new lady? Lol

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Oh no way show, you had better not be thinking about hurting Mr. Prosper. I thought we were finally in the clear of him being a COVID casualty, but if he gets killed off because of some dumb cop, a whining Karen, and Nova's terrible planning, I am going to be pissed

I am clearly a horrible person, but I admit to getting a teeny bit of Schadenfreude watching Nova's vaccine drive fall apart due to her own incompetence. Am I still not over how Nova made a ton of money by writing a book where she trashes her own family, has only made half assed apologies, and has never seen real negative consequences to her betrayal? Absolutely, but Nova really messed this drive up, you would think that someone who is a long time community organizer would be able to put together a more organized event, it was poorly planned and executed from start to finish. This is why Charley cant ever take a vacation, everything falls apart the second she leaves town.

Wasn't Vi giving Charley the go ahead to get back together with Davis last season? When did she change her mind? Has the show really forgotten all of the majorly messed up stuff that Davis did? Facilitating a rape? Having a secret child for fourteen years? I can see Charley possibly getting over him "just" having an affair, but the rest of it seems like its too unforgivable for them to get back into a relationship, especially being involved in covering up a gang rape. I still wish they had gotten Charlie together with Jacob Landry, that would have been really interesting.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Charley seems to have lost a lot of weight. Her face and neck were noticeably thinner to me.

So glad to see Prosper doing well. And that the show decided to go with characters wearing masks, though I imagine it was also due to the production safety protocols.

Did Vi always have that rack, lol?

So Nova and Calvin broke up again. Yawn.

Micah's got himself an older woman. Wonder how long it'll take him to feel used?

"Shemar Moore baby brother." Nah, not really. Micah has an odd-shaped head and Shemar does not. There's nothing odd-shaped about Shemar at all. 😏

I didn't realize people had been scamming to try to get vaccinations. I had to give my drivers license number to get an appointment and I had to show it at the vaccination site. People here have mostly been running away from getting vaxxed.

Paybacks, Nova. But ditto comments upthread, that parish doesn't have any Black officers?

OMG, Prosper, no.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On 9/11/2021 at 11:11 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Micah's got himself an older woman. Wonder how long it'll take him to feel used?

"Shemar Moore baby brother." Nah, not really. Micah has an odd-shaped head and Shemar does not. There's nothing odd-shaped about Shemar at all. 😏

Thank you!  Every time I look at Micah I notice his odd shaped head.  He's like a cartoon character come to life.  And he does not hold up to the exceptional acting of the rest of the cast.  I was so hoping last season he would stay away.  

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11 hours ago, TVForever said:

Okay, so am I the only person who half expected a guy to come out of Micah's bathroom?

I thought the exact same thing!  They were certainly building up a little mystery.  I thought either a male or KeeKee was in the room.  

I understand everybodys reservations about Dsvis and Charlie but they tried to soften Davis last season after he tended to her during her Covid diagnosis.  But hey, if they gave Nova a pass for the book then they can give Davis a pass for Goldie and his teen age daughter

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On 9/12/2021 at 9:04 PM, Empress1 said:

I thought it might be that too; Nick Ashe is queer and came out publicly with his most recent relationship with a man, so I wondered if they’d have Micah exploring his sexuality on the show.

Same. I thought it will be revealed he has a relationship with one of his sorority brothers.

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:49 AM, Kirkydee said:

About the makeshift vaccinations...

I blame Nova.  Poorly planned, poorly executed. That website should had some type of self imposed stop.  After so many people signed up on line, it should have said " We have reached our allotment.  Please visit this site at a later date for the next vaccine drive.  And make sure EVERYONE pre registered and shows up with proper ID.  NO exceptions.  No randomly going through the line recognizing people and saying " Sure baby i got ya".  

Sadly this is more true to life than people know. A lot of current activists came up through online organizing so they are not so great with the boring offline stuff like permits, capacity limits, insurance, website security, HIPAA, etc... In another life I did event planning and I sucked at it. Nova's vaccine drive gave me flashbacks to some of my biggest mistakes. Did Nova work with any other organization to plan this event? A nonprofit? A church? I'm guessing Charley could've recommended some good partners. 

Nova calling the police without a second of hesitation was almost comical. I liked Micah looking at her like "Seriously? The cops? You don't see a problem with that?"

The Karens at the vaccine event made my teeth itch. Please, please, PLEASE, let us get scenes this season where one of our characters shuts a Karen down. I think the audience needs that. Or maybe it's just me. 

Edited by marceline
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