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Schedule for next weekend's Supanova Gold Coast (AU) has been posted...

April 15 - 1:30pm - Supa-Star Q&A: Katie Cassidy
April 16 - 2:00pm - Supa-Star Q&A: Stephen Amell

Schedule for two weekends from now's Supanova Melbourne (AU) has also been posted...

April 22 - 1:30pm - Supa-Star Q&A: Katie Cassidy
April 23 - 12:00pm - Supa-Star Q&A: Stephen Amell

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More of TV's Worst Character Additions Ever: Readers' Choices From Buffy, Grey's, Game of Thrones and More
By Dave Nemetz / April 7 2023


Ricardo Diaz, Arrow
“He was just an awfully written character that never conveyed any convincing threat, and particularly annoying as [Kirk] Acevedo is a good actor and was introduced at the same time as the woefully underused Michael Emerson.” — cruachan

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Who is Antonio Cupo Dating Now? All You Need to Know
By Farzana Farzu - Modified date: April 13, 2023,


Antonio Cupo has had his fair share of relationships in the past. He was in a relationship with Bianca Chiminello from 2001 to 2002. They met on the set of “Stiletto Dance” and dated for a short while. After his breakup with Bianca, he dated Emily Bett Rickards from 2010 to 2012. Emily is a Canadian actress known for her role in the hit TV show “Arrow.”

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Interview: Stephen Amell on Arrow, Heels and being surprised by his own career success
Peter Gray  April 14, 2023


On the mention of Robbie, I believe he’s essentially the reason you got the role in Arrow.  He was going to read for it, but he thought it suited you more?
He was going to read for it, he was going to audition.  He told me that he was going for this pilot, but he didn’t know if he should because he thought it should be me.  Then, like, an hour later my manager emails me with an Arrow audition.

I understand as you were auditioning, more and more people kept coming into the room to watch you, and then days later you found out you had the role?
Yeah, (my manager) and I had the conversation on a Saturday night, I had the audition on Tuesday morning, and I got cast the following Tuesday.

Was that one of the few times you’ve experienced such a quick turnaround?
For me? It’s the only time.

Did that validate the decision for you in being an actor?  It’s not the easiest profession to find continued success.  Having 8 seasons of a show seems like such a rarity now, so did that solidify in making the choice of being an actor for you?
No one’s ever asked me that before.  Yeah.  I got to do this role for a decade, and I’ll probably continue doing it in some way, shape or form.  I’m a part of a culture, and that’s a really cool, lovely thing.
*  *  *
Being with Arrow for a decade, did that limit the type of opportunities you could take regarding film work? Obviously we’ve seen you in Code 8 and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel, but was television ever a medium you saw yourself thriving in?  Or are you the type of actor who’ll take on anything as long as it’s something you personally respond to?
That’s exactly right.  I think people think actors have a lot more autonomy over their careers than they actually do.  Like DiCaprio after Titanic? He had autonomy.  I didn’t know Arrow was going to come up.  I didn’t know Heels was going to come up.  I didn’t know Ninja Turtles was going to come up.  I’m here to do my best.  And it’s whatever is presented (for me).  When I got Heels and Arrow, two days before both of those projects, I had no idea about them.  The next big thing for me might be right around the corner.

Is there one particular genre you want to explore?
I think I just want to do feature films.  I’m a massive Paul Thomas Anderson fan, so I’d love to work for PTA, or Tarantino, or Spielberg.  Directors that I admire deeply.  Right now (though) it’s just about promoting this next season of Heels.

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LegalDispatch 0.57



In the comments, Blitz wrote in to ask:


Hey Marc question, In the finale episode of Arrow we learn when Oliver created the new multiverse he changed some of the things that happened in the show, were there any changes he made that you weren't able to show in the finale for whatever reason? For example did Pike still die in season 6 in the new multiverse?

*  *  *
With respect to Pike specifically (Frank Pike, named after — of course — Wiseguy character Frank McPike), he didn’t come up. The reason, however, is that Oliver was mostly keeping his multiversal changes to a minimum. Which meant Oliver pretty much only brought back those closest to him, like his mom and Lance.

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The Flash: Grant Gustin, Stephen Amell and Director Danielle Panabaker Tee Up 'Ambitious' Reunion Episode
By Matt Webb Mitovich / April 22 2023


And for the longtime #Olicity fans out there, Amell also promises “a nice allusion” to “how the family is doing. The script is just really well done.”

The Flash 9x09 | Grant Gustin, Stephen Amell, Danielle Panabaker Preview Reunion Episode
TVLine   Apr 22, 2023

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Interview: Katie Cassidy on surviving Arrow and the power of the fan base
Peter Gray  April 22, 2023 


With Arrow, did you know it was going to happen regarding your character dying?  And did you think you were done? Or them asking you back was always on the cards?

It all was a surprise.  I remember at the beginning of Season 4, everyone was afraid of asking “Who’s in the grave?”  And I was, like, “No one.  None of us.  No one is in the grave!” (laughs).  Cut to whatever episode it was (laughs), and I tried to block that part out.  A few weeks before the episode I got the phone call about (the producers) wanting to have a conversation.  They were wondering my availability for the next week, and I was like, “Hmmm, nope, I’m not waiting until next week” (laughs).  I am a bit clairvoyant and I kind of thought it wasn’t going to be a good conversation, so I just asked “Am I in the grave?”  I had good instincts (laughs).

That was a really difficult call, and I didn’t know if I was going to be brought back.  I was so sad, by the way, this was my family, this was a show I gave my blood, sweat and tears to.  My heart and soul.  I didn’t want to, but I understood from a producer perspective (because) if you kill a main character it gives the other characters a launching pad to react.  They all down spiralled, so it’s good for storytelling.  And then (producer) Andrew Kreisberg called me and asked, “Hey, how would you feel about coming onto The Flash as Black Siren, the doppelganger?” Yes! I would love that.  That’s so cool.  I was so excited.  And I had so much fun with that character, and then (producer) Marc Guggenheim was like, “We want to bring you back to Arrow, because the fans aren’t very happy.”

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TV's 30 Most Memorable Bathroom Scenes From Stranger Things, Fleabag, Veep, Buffy, Twin Peaks, 9-1-1 and More
By Claire Franken, Andy Swift, Matt Webb Mitovich, Jason Averett, Dave Nemetz, Vlada Gelman, Rebecca Iannucci, Kimberly Roots, Charlie Mason and Ryan Schwartz / April 23 2023


Arrow (Season 7, Episode 1)
Surely there is a bathroom just off of the Slabside prison shower area, right…? Because we are absolutely including this iconic fight scene from the superhero series’ Season 7 premiere, which was not just masterfully directed/edited to not once slip a peek at a naked Oliver’s bits, but also was memorably was intercut with an equally intense scene where Diaz (ugh, Diaz) paid Felicity a visit at home. Just epic.

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Full video of SA's March 25th panel in Richmond (joined by CD and JH midway through)...

Stephen Amell Q&A - GalaxyCon Richmond 2023
GalaxyCon   posted Apr 21, 2023

-- On the ninth episode of the final season of The Flash in which he makes a guest appearance, SA: "It's really good... It's everything that I was hoping for... If you miss the character, you know, you get - you get a lot of the sort of familiar - we play the hits, let's put it that way. ... We're not like, hey, we're gonna try out some new stuff from our album. It's like, uh-uh, no, no, play 'Free Bird.' Okay, fine. You know."

-- On what would be an interesting crossover with Arrow from outside the Arrowverse, SA: "Oh, man, here we go... It would have been great if Oliver was just wandering around the island and he came across... the entire cast of Lost. ... It's like, what's that, Slade? That's Oceanic 815 right here. Okay."

-- On which Arrow scene impacted him the most, SA: "There was a scene in the second season where - where Slade kills Moira that was really, really - had a real big impact on me. Um, and then there was also the scene at the end of the seventh season when, uh, it was my last scene until the finale - finale, finale - with, uh, with Emily on the show, when she was leaving, and that, you know, sort of felt like - it felt like two friends that were saying goodbye. I mean, we still see each other, uh, on a fairly regular basis. But it was, you know, the end of something and I felt like, if I wasn't careful, the emotions of that day were going to creep into the performance. So that was challenging."

-- SA: "Before I'm auditioning for Arrow, I knew precious little about Oliver Queen... And before the world of Heels, you know, I knew - I knew - as big a wrestling fan as I am, and I am, I knew very little about the promotions in the South and the independent circuit. So I knew very little about the Jack Spade of it all."

-- On whether he has any actual experience with archery, SA: "Yeah... I can't do that [referring to shooting tennis balls into the wall with a bow and arrow]. I got pretty good, though. I got pretty good... I got so good that, um, because I would always be practicing - because we'd very rarely fired a real arrow. Very, very, very rarely. It's one of the most dangerous things that you can do on a set, because, you know, with - with - with weapons and stuff like that, they could be blanks and they could be CGI. With an arrow, it just - it needed to be either nothing or there needed to be an incredible amount of caution, because even - even a blunt-tipped arrow or something like that, if it's hurtling towards you, it's not a good thing. Um, so I actually went to a carnival in British Columbia while we were filming, and they had a - they had an archery game there. And even though it was rigged, like all carnival games are, I figured out how it was rigged and I beat it anyway. And then, uh, the couple that I was with were upset because my daughter had a stuffed animal next to her that was two times the size of her and he - my buddy wanted one for his daughter. So I went back to play the archery game and they refused me service. Said we reserve the right to refuse multiple services in a day. Okay."

-- On his biggest challenge while filming Arrow, SA: "Um, a work life family balance, for sure... There would be episodes where I'd just be - just really, really, really, really busy. You know, we'd have eight days to shoot the episode, sometimes seven, and there were - there were episodes that would be easier for me, but there were episodes where it was just like, I'm in every scene. And, um, just trying to make sure that you're committed to the work that you're doing, while also making sure that you are spending time with your family and that your kids remember who you are, and things like - things - things like that. So you struggle with that. Just making sure that something is important to you, but it - you keep your priorities in order."

-- On Jack Spade's dream WrestleMania opponent, SA: "Maybe Triple H."

-- On his least favorite Arrow costume, whether superhero suit or casual clothes, SA: "The Season 4 suit. Yeah, it was bad. Well, just because we wanted to switch it up, so we made it sleeveless, um, which is a good idea, uh, if - if you shoot in a - inside... It's not a good idea when you're on a rooftop and it's Vancouver, and British Columbia, it never gets incredibly cold. It's just very much like 39 and damp. Right? And that's just not - it's not great. And also because of the quiver, I couldn't put on a warm-up coat. So what you don't want to do when you're trying to be menacing and Green Arrow-y is, after every scene, take off a piece of your outfit and go, can I get my puffy coat, please? So, we did that for a year and then we just - I just said, guys, put - put them back on. They're like, why? I don't know. Just put it back on... You'll regret me getting pneumonia and us missing three weeks of production way more than the whole 'why'd they put the sleeves back on the suit' question."

-- On his most memorable Arrow season, SA: "Season 1, for sure. ... We're not talking about - we're talking about two different things here. The - the quality of the - of the - of the seasons, you know, there are some episodes that you go back in that first season and they don't - they don't very - they don't really feel like the show. They feel a little bit more procedural and, you know, it is - it's difficult sometimes to go back and watch your performance and stuff like that. But just in terms of, you know, what we were trying to accomplish as we were trying to lay down what is the template of the show... I worked harder and longer on that first season. Not smarter, mind you. Longer and harder. Eventually, we worked  smarter... But the feeling of accomplishment that arrives when I think about the first season is the thing that makes me look back at it most fondly."

-- On what skills or lessons he took from Arrow  that have been most helpful on Heels, SA: "Patience, for sure. Um, just always - always - always, always, always trying to take a moment to breathe and to think before I respond. When I'm happy and also when I'm upset. ... For the first several years on Arrow, having never been the lead of something before, or never having had that much responsibility before, having never had that sort of, uh, public exposure to celebrity, um and fandom and just all of the things that came with it, I was gripping like this (Clenches his fist) for the first several years, which I think is - is common, and I would be short-tempered. Not disrespectful, ever. But short-tempered. And certain things would - certain things would set me off. And then I think, you know, after a couple of years, you get more used to it. Everything slows down a little bit. Like, you ever hear in sports, you know, like, you started a game as a rookie, like everything's so fast, and then eventually the game slows down? Well, the whole experience sort of slowed down for me. And then you have a kid and that becomes more important than your job. So that calms you down a little bit. ... And then coming to Heels, uh, I was able to take all of those things, but also be introduced to everyone - my co-stars, my - my co-workers, the crew, everyone - they meet me as that guy that knows these things that I've learned. Whereas on Arrow, you're always going to be that - you're always the young kid that you were when you started. So it was nice to - it was nice to kind of graduate to that experience."

-- On physically preparing for Season 1 of Arrow, SA: "The most helpful thing that we were able to do, I think, was the three to four weeks that we had before the pilot - the script was written, so the action scenes were choreographed already, so, you know, there's a - there's - how many action scenes are there in the pilot? ... There's two or three, right? There's the - there's a sequence where I'm taken captive. There's the big Arrow sequence, Arrow-y sequence at the end. And then there's also the - the training montage and like building the lair and stuff like that. All that was all, um, was all figured out by the time I got to Vancouver. So we really got to rehearse those fight sequences. So they were mostly me, um, aside from a couple of things that they just wouldn't allow me to do. Um, and that was really when I learned how to fight on screen... That's a martial art - fighting for film and television, because how you fight, how you throw a punch, where it goes, where it lands, how you sell it, is very much dependent on where the camera is. Is it over the person's left shoulder? Is it over their right shoulder? Is it a big wide from over her? Is it over your shoulder from that perspective? And based off of that, how do you throw the punch? Is it big out and wide? Is it falling through the face? Like, where do your kicks go? And I learned all those things before we even shot the pilot. And then once we got into the actual filming, it - it wasn't like, hey, you have three weeks to prepare for this. It's, here's this fight scene. We don't have any time to rehearse it before they - before we actually shoot it on the day. So we're gonna break it up into parts. It goes, punch, punch, kick, kick, duck, and we're gonna shoot that. And then we shoot the next things. So learning that skill before we shot the first episode was probably the most important thing."
Colin Donnell (joining the panel): "He forgot to tell you - tell them who actually taught you all that stuff, though. (Hugs SA) It was actually [unintelligible word-Jewels?]. I had nothing to do with it."
Juliana Harkavy (also joining the panel): "Oh, we wouldn't let Stephen do anything independently of us."
CD: "No, no, no. We have to keep a close watch."

-- On when the second season of Heels will be released, SA: "So I just saw the trailer for the second season. It should be out imminently. And with that, there will be a date attached to it. I feel like I'm about a week away from being able to actually give people information. ... The trailer's really good."

-- On whether he really did the salmon ladder, SA: "Yeah, I did it."
CD: "I can attest to that... 100 per cent."
SA: "If you can do like 10 really good chin-ups, you can do the salmon ladder."
CD: "That's not true at all. He's lying to you right now. I still can't do it. And I've tried."
JH: "He made it look so easy that when I went to do it, I almost killed myself, because I just thought, your body just propels itself. But no...."
SA: "You do eventually have to remove the bar from where it's settled, and so there's a little bit of like fear - there's a bit of a fear factor to it, which I'd never thought about, because I'm stupid."

-- On his favorite person to work with throughout the filming of Arrow (both CD and JH turned to look at him), SA: "It was 100 per cent Colin Donnell because I never had the chance to get sick of him."
CD: "That's one of the good things about leaving early. Say good-bye before they really start to hate you."
SA: "No, I liked working - there were moments in seasons I would like think back to - like, he and I would have a great time filming together in Season 1, typically because it was also typically not like Arrow-y stuff. It was more - it was more, you know, fun Oliver Tommy things. But then, like when Jules comes in in Season 5 and she very much has a Juliana Dinah-centric episode and working with someone new, that was always fun. And so, you know, it's like different - different things for different seasons. What about you guys?"
CD: "I loved working with Juliana... I didn't ever work with Juliana."
JH: "I think we had one scene, if that."
CD: "You go first."
JH: "I can't choose. Same as Stephen... There's so many little incidents. Although I will say, (Turns to SA) you're one of the most fun and funny people I've ever, ever worked with and it was always just such an honor watching you work and you taught me so much about how to be, uh, how to lead a show. Um, so I'll say Stephen."
CD: "Piggybacking off of what Stephen said, it's like we got to have so much fun, especially that, uh, the pilot. I just remember like all the moments of levity that we got to, you know, bring some comedy to what was a dark - especially that first season - what was a dark show. And to be a part of that and to have fun and - I mean, all these years later, golly, all these years later, to be able to - "
SA: "How are you enjoying people coming up at the table that are like adults going, man, I grew up watching this show. Great. Shut up."
CD: "It's a good thing I shave my beard because it's all gray now."
SA: "That actually happened to me, um, when I - when I went back to The Flash. Um, I was - so I'm - so I'm out there -"
CD: "Is that a leftover dye job right now?"
SA: "What do you mean? ... No, no. I came back and they're like, hey, I like what you added to the suit. And I went, what do you - what do you mean? They went, the gray hair. Person was fired. And it was Grant."
CD: "He's not coming back after this season."

-- On what they would have liked the DCU to incorporate from the Arrowverse, SA: "They pitched a movie that they didn't end up doing - we still don't know why -between Season 2 and Season 3, where, um - and I think that they actually eventually used this story or a version of this story on a Flash episode - where, uh, Oliver would be transporting, uh, all of his - like the Rogues Gallery of the baddies from the show to like a Super Max facility. And then the plane crashes and they have to fight their way out of their situation, because clearly wherever it crashes, there's bad people... They pitched that movie to shoot between Season 2 and Season 3, and then it would have aired in the mid-season break in Season 3. And they ended up not doing it. So - that's a great idea for a movie. It's very contained. That'd be cool. Of course, now if they shot a movie that - they, you know, have to bring him back from the dead."
CD: "Any movie they would have shot would have to bring Tommy back from the dead, which I wouldn't have minded. It would have been great."
SA: "I already did it."
CD: "Oh, yeah. A lot, actually."
SA: "You're alive."
CD: "Often. Yeah."

-- On whether he had any input on what was changed when Oliver reset the universe in Crisis On Infinite Earths, and if he didn't what would he rather have changed in the show, SA: "I think they nailed the changes. Like, he brought back - but he didn't bring back his dad, right? So it's like I feel like they didn't just - they didn't just do this blanket like if you were in the show, you get to be at the funeral in the last episode sort of thing. Like there was actually thought put into it. So I wouldn't really change anything... Maybe get rid of Season 4."

-- On his favorite crossover, SA: "I liked when Oliver and Barry swapped bodies."

-- On his least favorite season of Arrow and why, SA: "So it is actually Season 4. Now I want to qualify that by saying that it was one of my favorite experiences. I had a lovely time during Season 4. Um, you know, Neal, uh, who played Damien Darhk, was incredible, an incredible guy to work with, and we - we remained friends... It was my least favorite season because it didn't feel like the show... It felt like the show was in service of - of other things. We were trying to launch other shows and, um, we just - we tried something. Tried magic and mysticism. And it just didn't work as well as grounded, city street crime fighting. So the good thing about Season 4 is that it led to Season 5. And Season 5 was the byproduct of a conversation that I had with - with the show's creator, just being like, hey, we tried that, can we - can we do our show? And that whole conversation led to Season 5, which I think, all things being equal, might actually be my - my favorite season. ... So, you know, from, uh - from the good - from the bad to the good. But every experience is important, I think, is the ultimate lesson there."

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Ahead of his guest appearance in tonight's Flash episode, SA gave a few interviews...

Stephen Amell Previews Oliver Queen’s Return To The Flash
By Craig Byrne    April 25, 2023


Will we find out where Felicity, William, and Mia may currently be?
No, but we certainly get to allude to them. If you followed the series, you kind of know where they are, if you think about the timeline of it all. It’s been three or four years since Oliver passed.

Is there anyone that you wish could have also been present for Flash 909?
I think it would have been nice if Emily [Bett Rickards] was there. But it almost would have felt like too much. They had their ending, so this, to me, was very much the Barry/Oliver story, and then we get the nice goodbye with Diggle as well.
*  *  *
Can you talk about what Barry may take away from seeing Oliver again?
Barry is having some sort of crisis of confidence, and it’s important for Oliver to always remind him what he’s doing, what he’s capable of, and what he means. I think we do that very nicely in the episode by basically calling back on the same dialogue that I give to him in The Flash pilot.
*  *  *
Do you have more writing and directing type projects coming up?
I did a little movie a couple of months ago, and I’m still waiting to hear about Heels, because I’m under contract to them. I’m also trying to put together a movie right now with one of the directors from Arrow. That’s sort of still in early stages, and we’re trying to make it happen.

‘Arrow’ Icon Stephen Amell Shoots Straight About His Return to ‘The Flash’
Damian Holbrook   April 25, 2023


It’s so cool to see you onscreen again, not just with Grant, but your Arrow partner David Ramsey.
It was all [great] until about two in the morning. Then it was like, “Oh God.” [Laughs] I always talk about “getting your set legs,” and I did not have them. I hadn’t really been on a set since July! So it took me a little bit of time. But, you know, honestly, Damian, we were at the Art Gallery, it was raining, it was late. It was just all the things that you want [shooting this show]. I don’t know if it would have been as satisfying on a green screen at two o’clock in the afternoon.

And again, I just can’t speak highly enough of Eric. A couple of the ideas that I pitched actually got in the show. I don’t know if it was going to be there before, but my favorite scene [from a past Barry-Oliver moment] is how we get to end this episode, and I just thought that that was really neat.

While Oliver assists Barry in his battle against Bloodwork, he also gets to tie up some loose ends from the Arrow finale.
It felt like a nice bit of closure. I think we ended at the right time, but playing him again made me feel as though, you know, I’m probably not done forever. But the break was nice. It was really nice.

And this also gave you a chance, I feel, to kind of play a version of Oliver that we never got to see evolve.
Yeah. I’ve only seen the episode one time, but it was nice to see a version of him that had what felt like a calmness, a patience. [There is] stuff that he never would have done before. And that was really special. I’m very thankful to the people who wrote the episode. I think a couple of them were very big Arrow fans, so I just want to thank them for picking up the character in such a cool spot.

Flash Guest-Star Stephen Amell Unpacks Oliver Queen's Greatest Hits in the Arrowverse


Most of Oliver's interaction takes place with Barry. In what ways is this episode a love letter to that friendship?
We took all of our favorite moments, whether it be me pulling a fast one on him or telling him to calm down, or us having a beer at the end of the episode or fighting side by side. We wanted to stay true to the story, but we wanted to play the hits.
*  *  *
Oliver hugging Barry and John choked me up. Were there any moments, on or off camera, that hit you?
The first scene that I filmed was the scene after all the action, where they are at the party. I will say I was actually quite nervous, believe it or not. We had to move around the schedule a little bit, and I ended up working a Friday. I wasn't really anticipating working until Monday. I think I was a little nervous. I got to share a nice scene with David Ramsey. I just wanted to do a good job. But no. I have learned to control my emotions when I am acting.
*  *  *
How do you feel Oliver has changed since viewers last saw him? He almost comes across more like Zen and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
They did a great job of writing the character in that direction. I wanted to convey more of a calmness and an easy-going nature, an all-knowing nature. I wanted it to feel like there was a natural growth because we hadn't seen the character in three-plus years.
*  *  *
In retrospect, how would you sum up the Arrowverse experience? You kicked off this wave of superhero shows. What are you most proud of?
I just lean into our show. This has become a very popular genre on television, and it wasn't a popular genre or didn't have a great track record when we premiered in 2012. I think we accomplished a lot under very challenging circumstances. As we moved through the seasons, the expectations were that the episodes would get bigger and better and grander in scope. In reality, the longer you go, the quicker you are making them. We did an awful lot when sometimes there wasn't a lot to work with, and we should be proud of that. I think we really defined an era on television, the entire Arrowverse, and not just our show.

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SA and DR were guest stars on episode 9.09 ("It's My Party And I'll Die If I Want To") of The Flash, which aired on April 26 - here's the scene where Oliver and Diggle discuss Oliver's family and finally say good-bye to each other...

The Flash 9x09 "Oliver and Diggle Reunite" Scene (HD) ft. Stephen Amell & David Ramsey
TV Promos   Apr 26, 2023

Diggle: "Lyla wants me back at ARGUS to debrief her on the festivities."
Oliver: "Duty calls."
Diggle: "Hmm. So. Are you going to get to see her this time?"
Oliver: "My powers came with rules. Me and Felicity (Taps his wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand) ... our destiny's been written."
Diggle: "You sure would be proud of her, Ollie. The kids, too. William, he's in college. Mia? (Chuckles) Mia can climb a salmon ladder, man, with the best of them." (Both chuckle)
Oliver: "I know, I know. I've been keeping an eye on them."
Diggle: "Yeah."
Oliver: "And on you. (Cut to flashback shots of Diggle finding and then rejecting the glowing green cube) John, that cube was designed to tempt you. But you did the right thing. And now all of your brightest days are ahead of you, because they'll be spent with your family."
Diggle: "You're my family, Oliver. I'm just glad I get to say good-bye to you this time."
Oliver: "Me, too. I love you, John. (Hugs Diggle)
Diggle: "Love you, too, brother."

‘The Flash’: Stephen Amell On Returning As The Green Arrow To Send Off The Arrowverse – Q&A
By Katie Campione   April 26, 2023


DEADLINE: I’m sure some fans may have been hoping for an Olicity reunion. Do you think that Oliver’s explanation for not seeing Felicity while he was back means that he and Felicity’s story, at least in that timeline, had ended?

AMELL: I actually didn’t really view it that way. I viewed it more that he was saying that, you know, wherever they are, that they’re good — which I thought honored what we did in the last episode of Arrow.

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Other Oliver scenes from this episode...

Barry Reunites with Oliver Queen - The Flash 9x09 | Arrowverse Scenes
Arrowverse Scenes   Apr 26, 2023

Green Arrow vs Bloodwork - The Flash 9x09 | Arrowverse Scenes
Arrowverse Scenes   Apr 26, 2023

Flash, Green Arrow, Kid Flash, Spartan vs Bloodwork - The Flash 9x09 | Arrowverse Scenes
Arrowverse Scenes   Apr 26, 2023

Barry & Oliver Say Goodbye - The Flash 9x09 Ending | Arrowverse Scenes
Arrowverse Scenes    Apr 26, 2023

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by CHRISTIAN SACLAO    2 days ago


Arrow (2012-2020)
Arrow tells the story of Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), a billionaire playboy who was thought to be dead after being stranded on an island for five years. When he returns home, he discovers that Star City is plagued with crime and corruption, so he decides to make it his mission to cleanse his home city of its criminal element using only his skills as a bowman and martial artist.

Arrow was praised by critics and fans alike for its strong writing and attention to detail when it comes to staying true to the original material. The show was so successful that it birthed to a universe of interconnected spinoffs, including The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, and Superman and Lois.

10 Best Comic Book TV Shows, Ranked


9  Arrow
Archery is a key skill for many daring vigilantes, with Hawkeye and Kate Bishop utilizing this ability to great effect. One of the most well-known comic archers is Green Arrow, whose stories were adapted for television in 2012. Arrow's gritty portrayal of Oliver Queen's heroic deeds is truly captivating to witness.

Arrow features some of the genre's most intense action sequences, with the playboy billionaire fighting various ruthless criminals, including Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson. Its central mystery regarding Oliver's time on the island also hooks viewers from the start, as Arrow slowly uncovers more curious details about his rough lifestyle while stranded on Lian Yu.

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KM is starring in this new movie, which is being directed by James Bamford...

Republic Pictures Acquires Action Thriller ‘Air Force One Down’ Starring Katherine McNamara, Ian Bohen & More 
By Matt Grobar   May 8, 2023


EXCLUSIVE: Republic Pictures has acquired the action thriller Air Force One Down from SP Media Group, slating it for worldwide release by Paramount Global Content Distribution next year. Katherine McNamara (Walker: Independence), Ian Bohen (Yellowstone), Anthony Michael Hall (Halloween Kills), Dascha Polanco (Orange Is the New Black) and Rade Serbedzija (Mission: Impossible II) star in the pic which wrapped production in March.

Plot details for the film are under wraps, though it’s said by writer-producer Steven Paul to involve “a new twist on the saving of the President theme.” James Bamford (Arrow) directed from the script by Paul, who produced for his company SP Media Group. SP Media Group’s Scott Karol exec produced and negotiate the film’s deal.

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This interview included a few comments about Arrow (btw, the TV series referenced in the title is L.A. Law)...

Q&A: Showrunner Marc Guggenheim Opens Up about the TV Series That Changed His Life...and Broke His Heart
COLE HADDON    MAY 16, 2023


CH: So, I have to ask. The first stretch of your screenwriting career – we’re talking a decade or so – was spent working on TV series that I would say “make sense” when I look at them through the lens of some guy who became obsessed with “L.A. LAW” as a kid and ended up becoming a lawyer in part because of it. The first series you created was also a legal series, that being “ELI STONE”. But then, there’s a pretty damn dramatic pivot to, as people I can’t stand would refer to them, TV series about men in tights. “ARROW” was the first, which turned into a huge hit. Basically, you helped launch a decade of non-stop DC superheroes on TV. How the hell does a well-established Lawyer Man become a game-changing Superman?

MG: That’s...fair. It went kind of like this. By the time “ELI” was canceled, my writing career had proceeded along two very separate tracks: I was writing non-genre television shows and, at the same time, writing comic books for DC and Marvel. When “ELI” got canceled, I told myself that it would be fun to “cross the streams” and start doing genre television. It wasn’t intended as a permanent switch, just something I wanted to do as my next project. And that next project was a sci-fi show called “FLASHFORWARD” with David Goyer. After that came what I would describe as a “soft superhero” show called “NO ORDINARY FAMILY”. Then there was “ARROW” and I think you could fairly say that – in true archer fashion – I overshot the mark in terms of my original goal.
*  *  *
CH: Well, the end result was momentous as far as I’m concerned. The so-called Arrowverse spawned numerous interconnected series, a sprawling shared universe basically, that’s finally going to wrap up next month with the final episode of “THE FLASH”. We’re talking hundreds of hours of television that brought the DC universe to life during a period when Warner Bros. largely could only work out how to make money off Batman at the movies. More, you did it by staying true to the tone and truth of these characters. It’s a real labor of love, and I’m truly disappointed you won’t be having a hand in Warner Bros’ 849th attempt to launch a DC cinematic universe.

MG: Thanks. I really appreciate that. The truth is, I was a small piece in what grew to become a very large machine. I developed an affinity for the production jujitsu that was required to pull off the spinoffs, but the whole endeavor was really a massive group effort.
*  *  *
CH: If it’s okay to ask, were there any DC characters you tried to incorporate but were told you couldn’t use? I always hoped Warlord would make an appearance. Of all the DC characters I ever hoped to get a chance to adapt someday, he and Adam Strange have always been at the top of my list

MG: It’s funny how much of my recall for these sorts of things just went out the window once I stepped away from the Arrowverse. Yes, there were plenty of characters that we wanted to use or reference or easter egg, but were told we couldn’t for any number of reasons, but I don’t really remember them. I know that’s probably an unsatisfying answer, but the truth is that if one door was closed to us, I would just move on and look for another door.

I will say that I regret not getting the Question into “ARROW” at some point. That just seemed to me to be a no-brainer in terms of fit between character and show, but it’s just one of the things I never got around to.

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KM's interview starts at around the 32:20 mark...

Katherine Mcnamara In Studio Interview! | Arrow | Shadowhunters
Kristian Harloff    May 12, 2023

-- On whether she had a positive fan experience with Arrow, KM: "I was actually very lucky, um, when it came to that... I was a bit trepidatious going in because - well, when I auditioned, I didn't know this, but when I found out that I was playing the daughter of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, um, that - that Olicity relationship is so beloved to the fandom and they're so protective over it, I - I just wanted - I just wanted them to like me. ... I wanted to do a good job. And I wanted to honor all the work that Stephen and Emily had done for so many years... I was very fortunate. The writers had such an amazing, um, idea for Mia and for her story coming in. And then, you know, as it went on, it kind of developed, and we'd had so many conversations about it and it was really beautiful, the way it all played out. ... I was very grateful that the fandom welcomed me with open arms and was really willing and was really willing to just jump right in and go - there was a little bit when I first came in of, like, well, who is this girl? And why is she here? And what's she doing? And then, when the penny dropped of who I actually was, they were like, oh, my God."

Also, KM has a bit role in Charlie Day's new movie, Fool's Paradise (released in theaters on May 12)...

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David Ramsey's Diggle spinoff, Justice U, is gone from The CW...

Live-Action Powerpuff Girls, Diggle's Justice U Among Pre-Nexstar Projects No Longer in Development at The CW
By Matt Webb Mitovich / May 18 2023


“We’ve already given those back to the studios,” Brad Schwartz, The CW’s President of Entertainment, told TVLine after the network’s Thursday morning Upfront presentation, “so they’re free to develop those and sell them anywhere.”

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Exclusive Interview: David Ramsey Talks Green Lantern & 'Justice U'
Uday Kataria    May 23, 2023


U.K.: “But did you want him to put it on? Did you want to play in that Green Lantern sandbox?”

D.R.: [pauses] “Yes. I think we successfully teased it for a number of years. The fans were expecting something. And I think, you know, there are a lot of reasons why things don’t happen. You know, it’s kind of like, do you have a week for me to talk about this? There’s so many things above my pay grade that happened, that you will never know, that happened behind closed doors. And that’s fine.”

“But yeah, I think just to answer your question, it would have been great to put on the ring, and put my feet into the boots of John Stewart.”

U.K.: “I agree, I would have loved to see you as Green Lantern. You did find the ring in the Arrow series finale. And I remember that being a really cool ending for Diggle as a character. Did you know then that you weren’t going to become Green Lantern?”

D.R.: “Oh no, no, no, not at all. There was… no, that was a legit plan. But, you know, things changed. And I don’t know if it’s unfortunate because I’m a fan of the genre. And you have on a WandaVision shirt. I think that anytime you do superhero content and it’s good, it’s good for all superhero content, right?”

“So I’m kind of excited to see what [James] Gunn and team will do with Green Lantern, and Superman, and Flash. I’m excited about all that. Will I be a part of it? In its current iteration, probably not. But who knows what happens down the line? And again, man, I’m a fan of the genre. So there’s some disappointment, but at the same time, I’m excited to see what happens next.”

U.K.: “Yeah, of course. I think we’re all excited to see what’s gonna happen with DC in the future. And finally, I know that you were going to be part of that Justice U show that got a pilot order at the CW. I heard yesterday that they, unfortunately, passed on that. Can you tell us anything else about the show? Because I think it would have been awesome to see Diggle be a leader and be in the spotlight.”

D.R.: “Yeah, unfortunately, you’re right. CW decided to pass on all their shows in development. Justice U was one of them. Would it have been great? Of course, I think Diggle has a lot of story left, Lantern ring or not. But again, there is Superman and Lois, which again CW hasn’t made a decision on. A version of John Diggle exists within that mythos. We’ll see what happens there.”
*  *  *
U.K.: “Well, I hope they shop it to another network and that eventually it gets made.”

D.R.: “Who knows?”

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R.I.P. to the Arrowverse, the most ambitious experiment in the history of superhero TV
By Sam Barsanti   May 24, 2023


But it all began with its namesake, Arrow, in 2012. Somewhat incongruously, given where things ended up, Arrow started as an obvious nod to the standalone Christopher Nolan Dark Knight movies: gritty and “realistic” in quotes, with no magic, no superpowers, and no aliens. Just a vigilante in a costume with a growly voice. Early in Arrow, Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen didn’t even have a superhero name—but he did have a surprising penchant for straight-up murdering villains.

Not that the show was ever really as serious as it pretended to be. This was peak CW soapy genre show era, with The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural going strong, and early Arrow was about one-third violent superhero action, one-third survivalist mystery with Oliver learning superhero skills while stranded on a not-so-deserted island, and one-third relationship drama with a bunch of characters who just refused tell each other how they really feel.

The balance was readjusted in the show’s second season, which stands today as one of the best examples of superhero storytelling on television. With a phenomenal villain in Manu Bennett’s Slade Wilson, the gradual introduction of more comic book-y concepts (namely a superpower-granting/insanity-causing drug called Mirakuru), and a prominent role for future Arrowverse queen Caity Lotz (debuting as Sara Lance, the assassin eventually dubbed White Canary), the show grew into being more of its own thing rather than a pastiche of CW-friendly tropes and Nolan Batman aesthetics.
*  *  *
This breathing room also allowed the shows to find things that worked rather than simply force the plot along, like how the largely positive fan response to Emily Bett Rickards’ Felicity Smoak and her chemistry with Amell upended one of the DC Comics’ most well-established romantic pairings (some of us will be Team Olicity until we’re dead and buried), or how Caity Lotz was able to perfectly adapt to the shifting tones of Legends so well that she eventually took over the whole series.
*  *  *
But the long, long leash that The CW kept on the Arrowverse also gave the shows room to stumble. After several seasons, both Arrow and The Flash often felt like they were just going through the motions. They struggled to find compelling season-long villains, characters began to do inexplicable things just to create drama. (Oliver Queen unknowingly fathered a son at one point on Arrow, and the boy’s mother insisted—for no reason at all—that he keep the child’s existence a secret.) As a sign that perhaps the Arrowverse’s power had begun to wane, The CW even ordered a new DC comics superhero show, Black Lightning, that was entirely disconnected from the other four.

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Stephen Amell feels 'great' about the Arrowverse ending with The Flash
By Sydney Bucksbaum    May 24, 2023 


[STEPHEN AMELL:] ... When I go back and I look at the first season of Arrow specifically, it's a very difficult watch for me because they very much wanted Oliver to be this removed, suffering-from-PTSD figure, this solitary figure, and it wasn't until later seasons that I feel like I fully realized what I could do with the character. ...
*  *  *
There was a moment in time when they tried to rename it.
Oh yeah, didn't they try it? They tried to call it the CW-verse?

Yeah, it did not stick.
That's fine. Hey, listen, full marks for trying. I've got no problem with them trying, but if it doesn't work, just don't double down.

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Emily Bett Rickards, Josh Lucas to Star in Wrestling Movie ‘Queen of the Ring’ [Exclusive]
Bradley - Tue, 23 May 2023 


Arrow star Emily Bett Rickards and Ford v Ferrari star Josh Lucas are set to lead the upcoming wrestling movie, ‘Queen of the Ring’ from WWE superstar Jim Ross, who is the producer. Emily Bett Rickards is leading the film as Mildred Burke while Josh Lucas is playing Billy Wolfe.

The cast also includes two current WWE Divas Charlotte Flair and Liv Morgan and they will be joined by CW's The 100 star Marie Avgeropoulos. Ash Avildsen is directing the film from a screenplay he has written based on Jeff Leen's book, The Queen of the Ring, which is based on WWE Hall of Famer, Mildred Burke.

The film follows the true story of the tough, gutsy Mildred Burke (Bett Rickards), the first world-famous female pro wrestler and million-dollar athlete, who becomes a champion of a growing entertainment franchise in the 1930s-1950s. Married to business partner Billy Wolfe (Lucas), the brilliant but vicious entrepreneur who pioneered women wrestlers, Mildred endured his infidelity and physical abuse despite the rise of her own power until she couldn't take it anymore. With courage, panache, and a loyal following, Mildred challenged the all-male hierarchy of the wrestling world as she became the first woman to headline over men.

Marie Avgeropoulos is playing Babe Gordon, Charlotte Flair is June Byars, and Liv Morgan portrays Clara Mortensen. ‘Queen of the Ring’ will begin filming on June 5 in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Video of OTA panel on May 20 - I only transcribed some of their comments...

Arrow Panel at Motor City Comic Con 2023
MI Geekeasy    posted May 25, 2023

-- When asked whether they realized Arrow would have the longevity that it did, when they originally signed on to the show, SA: "No... We were just trying to make the pilot, try to make it good. And then, when Emily came on the show, like, in episode 3, we don't even have a full guarantee of a first season. So, no."

-- When mod asked how not knowing, when they sign on, how long the show will run affects their life in terms of planning what they're going to be doing for the next month, week or whatever, EBR: "There's no planning in acting. There's no planning, everybody."
SA: "Yeah, no. The minute that you try to plan as an actor or an artist, ... you set yourself up for failure."

-- When mod asked if DR knew, when he got the part of Diggle, that his character would become part of the comics, DR: "No... Man, no. ... I was Stephen Amell's bodyguard. Did you guys see this dude Season 1? He was all abs, pectorals and glutes... All muscle... I didn't know that it was going to be a big thing - and honestly - seriously, it was because of you guys that it happened, really, because the audience really identified with him and just demanded that you saw more and DC listened and made him part of the lore. So ... thank you, thank you."

-- When mod jokingly asked EBR why no salmon ladder for her, SA: "If there's anyone on this panel right now, and I mean like at this exact moment, that can do the salmon ladder, it's probably Emily."

-- In response to fan (child?) who said that she watched Vixen three times, EBR: "In a row? Nice. That's a good Saturday. Next Saturday we're all getting together and we're going to watch Vixen in the morning with a bowl of rice crispies."
SA: "Ah! Don't talk dirty to me."

-- Fan: "Original Team Arrow. First off, I just want to say, thank you, guys, for coming. This is very surreal. You guys all have great chemistry and you worked so well together. So I'm just wondering if you guys have the opportunity to work on a project together, what kind of genre or what kind of movies would you guys like to make together?"
"Well, two out of the three of us might have recently worked on a Western together. But that's about as much as we can [unintelligible word]."
SA: "Can it just be something where we're all paralegals in a room? Just sitting and relaxing. And not have any stunt doubles because we don't need to do stunts."
DR: "A rom-com. ... Amongst paralegals."

-- When fan asked EBR if she was typing actual words when she typed on a keyboard as Felicity in a scene, EBR: "I think I went through phases. At first, definitely not. And then sometimes my lines were so long that the only way to be able to get them out of my mouth at such a fast pace was to try to type them at the same time. But then I'm not good at spelling and my brain would realize that I spelled it wrong but I'm still speaking. And so, I think I had to go back to just typing gibberish... And hacking. I was actually hacking, though I was solving the world's problems. But that's not the question."

-- When fan asked for their least favorite line or episode or something they look back at and cringe, SA: "No. Because even though we had things that I didn't like as much, we were always trying things. Right? Some things that we tried that I didn't like led to some of our best things."

-- When fan asked if they would be willing to do Arrow Season 9 or a short mini series for Netflix, EBR: "Is Netflix asking? Just asking for a friend."
SA: "Uh, so, listen, I think that there's always like fun opportunities in the future. Michael Keaton's playing Batman in a movie coming out in a couple of weeks. So, anyting is possible."
EBR: "I just want Felicity to reach the age, um, when I can really have Kat McNamara as a daughter and then play her then. But then Kat McNamara has to get aged down."

-- When fan asked if there was a character arc or plot line that they never got developed that they would really love to have seen done in the series, DR: "Yeah, there is. (In response to audience member shouting, "Green Lantern") Obviously. ... There's a lot of politics around it... But what a great story. So, we'll see."

-- In discussing who they've been star struck by, EBR: "I met Nathan Fillion on a rooftop once and I think I drooled... (Some unintelligible back and forth between her and SA) Oh, no. I totally forgot about this story until right now."
SA: "Emily looks at me at a party and goes, 'Stephen, is that Topher Grace?' And I went, 'Yeah, it is.' And... 'Come with me.' She grabbed my arm in a way that my arm still hurts... 'Under no circumstances are you introducing - are you to introduce me to him. Okay, take me over.'"
EBR: "He was really nice."

-- When fan asked if they have a favorite memory or interaction with each other or what they like the best about each other, behind the scenes, EBR: "I would get a back crack from Stephen or David about three times a day... Hard to go out in the normal world now."
DR: "Honestly, not to get too sentimental, but it was just great. I want to work with you guys every single day. And it's really true. Like, to work with people that you really like, there's nothing like it."
SA: "Yeah. Halcyon days. You know, I think that we would occasionally have disagreements or, you know, things that we would want to talk about as a group and as a cast. But overall, um, no drama, no fuss, no muss. Come to work. Let's have a good time. These were long, grueling days, especially in the very, very early part of the show where it was the three of us banging out 14 pages so that we could do all the stunts on different days. So it's just nice to come to work."

-- When fan commented on how everything changed when EBR joined the Arrow cast and asked EBR how it felt to know that she set the tone, EBR: "Well, it's nice to know that. Um, I was walking onto a platform that was very set by these two amazing actors (Gesturing to SA and DR) and I was - I was lucky enough to be able to go in there and play. But I had no idea I was sticking around. Um, I was 20 and we left the CBC Radio building and I called my best friend and I said, 'That's a wrap.' And then we went out to like Moxie's Grill or something. But, you know, it was - it was a moment. And I'm still - even sitting here now, ... (To DR) Like you said, don't get too sentimental... I don't know, it's weird to be sitting on this side of things and have so many years have passed and hear that. So, thank you."

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David Ramsey Motor City Comic Con 2023
MI Geekeasy    posted May 25, 2023

-- When asked if the OTA chemistry (with SA, EBR and DR) was there from the start or if it developed over time, DR: "Yeah, that's a good question. It really was lightning in a bottle. ... First of all, no one saw this coming. Right? Arrow spawned four or five spin-offs. Um, Flash is now in its ninth season, about to end finally. Um, so no one saw that coming. And really, the chemistry of - that happened on Arrow from the beginning and then the extended cast, we just got lucky, over and over and over again."

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David Ramsey has signed up for Fan Expo Philadelphia, so now there will be another OTA panel in June...

Fan Expo Philadelphia, June 2-4, 2023 (PA)
Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards and David Ramsey 


*  *  *
1:45 pm in Main Theater (Show Floor - Hall E)

Join the stars of CW's Arrow, Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen/Green Arrow), David Ramsey (John Diggle/Spartan), and Emily Beth Rickards (Felicity Smoak)!

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From Wales Comic Con: Tilford Takeover on May 14 - Matt Ryan talked about how schedules had to be juggled in order for him to appear on Arrow as Constantine (almost didn't happen)...

Wales Comic Con 2023: Legends of tomorrow panel
Creative Blossom   May 14, 2023

From Comicpalooza in Houston, TX, this past weekend...

Rick Gonzalez Interview - (Arrowverse, Coach Carter)
Countdown City Geeks   May 28, 2023

Juliana Harkavy Interview (Arrow, The Walking Dead)
Countdown City Geeks   May 28, 2023

Josh Segarra Interview (Arrow, Scream 6)
Countdown City Geeks   May 28, 2023

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'Arrow' Star Katie Cassidy on Her Biggest Roles and Being David Cassidy's Daughter | Studio 10
Studio 10   Jun 1, 2023


Craig Bennett spoke to her when she was in Australia recently for SupaNova

A Look Inside Josh Segarra’s Life at Home & His Reason For Not Being on Social Media
Tamron Hall Show   Jun 1, 2023

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KM is participating in the Big Slick Celebrity Weekend (charity benefit for Children's Mercy Hospital) in Kansas City this weekend...

Also this weekend - SA, EBR and DR will be at Fan Expo Philadelphia, while JH will be at Oz Comic-Con: Adelaide.

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KM has a Lifetime movie airing this Sunday...
https://www.mylifetime.com/movies/danger-below-deck#:~:text=About the Movie,together… and to stay alive.


Danger Below Deck
Premieres Sun., June 4 at 8/7c; Stream Next Day
*  *  *
Two influencers find themselves on a luxury cruise through the Caribbean and South Pacific. But when their dream vacation turns into a nightmare, they’ll need to do whatever it takes to stay together… and to stay alive. Starring Katherine McNamara, Jasmine Sky Sarin, Eric Bruneau, Anthony Timpano and Armand Assante (2023).

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Video of first eight minutes of OTA panel at Fan Expo Philadelphia...

Arrow Panel @ Philadelphia Comic Con 2023
Amazing Fantasy '63    Jun 3, 2023

-- Mod commented on Heels returning for a second season.
EBR (to SA): "Any suplexes in that season?"
SA: "What, are you a big wrestling fan now?"
EBR: "I'm a huge wrestling fan now."
DR: "I wonder why."
EBR: "Gal's allowed to have a life, David." 
DR: "True, true."

-- Fan: "I know that Felicity, at least for a lot of people and especially young girls in the, um, superhero fandom, has been a huge inspiration. I mean, just as a character, I feel like so many people have seen her and realized like she's the best female example of a superhero who isn't like insanely, uh, anything but smart. She's so smart and she's such an amazing, positive like force. I just wanted to ask, um, how did you feel kind of becoming the face of this character, especially since Felicity wasn't like up in the Justice League before Arrow and now she's like a pretty decently common superhero [unintelligible word]? I just wanted to ask how you kinda felt about becoming her?"
EBR: "Well, what a [unintelligible word] to start off with. (Laughs) I think the best part about Felicity is that she is unapologetically herself. So whether or not you're a superhero fan or what your gender is or who you are, you get to look at that person and be like, yeah, she's going after what she wants. She's incredibly intelligent. And she's just always herself. And that was inspiring to me as an actor, as a friend, as a woman. And I'm glad that it translated into this superhero fandom that we're all such big fans of."

-- Fan: "This question is for Stephen. I was wondering, what was it like playing a superhero?"
SA: "Well, you're dressed up as a superhero, right? And one of the reasons why people dress up as a superhero is because it's awesome. Now imagine that you got dressed up like that, but then got to go to work and got paid for it. That's - that's being a superhero in a nutshell. I mean - I mean, I supposed that superpowers would be a big advantage, but ohhhh...."

-- Fan: "What's interesting about Arrow is that it starts off at least kind of semi-grounded. It's also, you know, you three going after like corrupt millionaires. And then several seasons later, it's like, you know, the cast expands, there's all these spin-offs, and now there's superpowers, time travel, aliens, and ultimate universe presence of yourself [not sure of these last words]. So what I wanted to ask was, does that sort of growth and change affect the way you look at the show, or like make it hard to keep track of everything?"
SA: "I don't that it made it hard to keep track of everything, but everything changes. Everything is - everything is a moveable feast. We were supposed to be the superhero show with no superpowers on it. Smallville was supposed to be the show where Superman didn't fly, right? So if you ever hear any show like - if they're like on House of the Dragons you'll never see anyone from Game of Thrones, you will. You definitely will. So you just try to on a - on a - on an episode to episode, season to season basis, we're just trying to do things that people enjoy and that people like. Sometimes you do things that they do. Sometimes you miss the mark. No pun intended. But that points you back towards what you do well. So, that being said, the crossovers did occasionally get confusing... for me, personally. Like, I didn't know where I was, what I was doing... What show I was supposed to be on... So you just like take five minutes before you start a scene and literally - oh, what are we doing? Where are we? Which show are we on? And go from there."

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TVLine Items: Katie Cassidy's Hallmark Debut, Renfield Hits Peacock and More
By Vlada Gelman / June 2 2023


Love is in the air for Arrow vet Katie Cassidy, who will make her Hallmark Channel debut in A Royal Christmas Crush as part of the network’s annual Christmas in July programming event.

In the movie, airing Saturday, July 8 at 8/7c, “Ava (Cassidy) accepts the opportunity of a lifetime to work at the Royal Ice Hotel which leads her to a surprise whirlwind romance with the most important guest of all, the Royal Prince (Chesapeake Shores‘ Stephen Huszar) himself,” per the official synopsis. (Catch a sneak peek in the below promo.)



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Fool's Paradise (2023) - Katherine McNamara playing as Terry
Takaya NL   Jun 2, 2023


Katherine McNamara's single scene within Fool's Paradise (2023) - She is playing Terry, a PR-assistant to Mayor Raposa (played by Benito Martinez).

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Two new interviews with KM...

Nerding Out with guest Katherine McNamara
Hollywood At Home With The Creative Coalition Jun 6, 2023

-- KM: "So many of the other superhero shows, they had superpowers... But, um, when it comes to Arrow, we were just really good fighters. And they were just someone who had trained their entire life and was just extremely good at what they did. Um, nothing supernatural about it. Just born and bred killer... It was really fascinating, especially having to come into a show that had been running for so many years and becoming the daughter of these two characters, which had so much history and so much nuance to them."

-- KM: "So I came in, I didn't know I was playing their daughter when I was first cast, by the way. ... When I found out, I knew the sort of huge responsibility that I had to undertake, given that I was coming in to play the daughter of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, who were, you know, Olicity, the two lead characters in that beloved relationship in the Arrowverse... And I had six seasons to watch and that's what I did... I watched the entire show and I started pulling mannerisms. I learned how Stephen walked. I learned Emily's sense of humor. ... Stephen Amell played my dad. Emily Bett Rickards played my mother."

Katherine McNamara Talks CW’s Walker: Independence Cancellation, Arrowverse Ending, and More
The Wayne Ayers Podcast   Premiered Jun 8, 2023

-- When asked her favorite part about being part of the Arrowverse, KM: "I was just very grateful to have, not only been able to come into it at a time where it was almost like the resurgence of it with, you know, Batwoman and everything else that was so new about the Arrowverse at the time, but also to - to sort of round out the story of kind of the beginning of what the Arrowverse was, and to, you know, come into the world of the Green Arrow and - and to take on that mantle eventually, and to be, you know, the - the human personification of this relationship that everyone had fallen in love with so much and that had been so wonderfully and beautifully told, and - and to - to be a part of that story, you know, even if it was just for  a moment."

-- When asked if it's ever been hard to get out of character when she's off set, KM: "When I do play a character for a long time, like the physicality will sometimes stick with me. Um, you know, for example, when I - I had just finished like doing Arrow and then bringing Mia back on The Flash and things like this. And - and for Mia, I had - I had tried to steal little bits of - of physicality and, um, habits and little - little things that Stephen and Emily did, and mush them together to make Mia. Um, and one of the things I did is I learned - or I tried to emulate Stephen's walk, as best I could. You know, he has a very specific way that he walks. And I was like, all right, that's how Mia walks... And then when I went to do Walker: Independence, when you're playing, um, a woman in 1870 - pick a year - um, it really - you really can't walk like a man that is a superhero. Um, it doesn't quite work. So, you know, things like that, where I - I was doing certain scenes and Larry Teng, who was our director of the pilot, would just call out across the field. He'd be like, 'Stop walking with swagger. You gotta walk like a lady.' And I was like, 'God dang it, all right.' Okay. I'm gonna figure out my posture and, you know, change... They get in your bones and they get kind of - and you're living in someone else's skin for so long... That's one of my favorite things about a character, is getting to completely change your physicality and your look and the way you move throughout space, um, to suit that. So, you know, I guess in that sense. But I mostly just try and leave work at work."

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Deborah Ann Woll & Additional Cast Named As Queen Of The Ring Begins Filming In KY
June 10, 2023 | Posted by Jack Gregory


Shooting on the upcoming independent feature Queen of the Ring: Based on the True Story of Mildred “Millie Burke” is scheduled to begin next week in Louisville, KY, starring Emily Bett Rickards as Burke. A production-provided synopsis of the film states:
*  *  *
As previously reported, several WWE talent were cast in the biopic based on Burke’s life, and PWInsider has recently provided additional information regarding roles cast for the production that you can see below:

– Deborah Ann Woll is cast to play Gladys “Kill em” Gillem.

– Francesca Eastwood will portray Mae Young.

– Josh Lucas has been selected to play promoter Billy Wolfe.

– Marie Avgeropoulos will be portraying Leona “Babe” Gordon.

– Kelli Berglund will be playing “Alabama Bombshell” Nell Stewart.

– Martin Kove has been cast as Al Haft.

– Walton Goggins has been chosen to portray promoter Jack Pfefer.

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Q & A

Last week, in the comments, Blitz asked:


In [ARROW] 5X17 Adrian Chase makes Oliver admit that his crusade was an excuse to kill people, I feel this might be projecting on chase's part as he is the one using his father's death as an excuse to kill people for something "so much more than revenge" as he puts it. Would you say this could be an accurate reading of that scene?

It absolutely is. And I’d also add that you’ve hit upon the perfect description of what we were trying to do with that episode. It was very tricky to write and for the cast to produce, but it’s one of my all-time favorites because of the audaciousness have getting your main protagonist to admit, on camera, that the entire show — at the time nearly five seasons long — that the entire premise of the series is built on a lie. Crazy, powerful stuff.

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Video of this May 20th panel was previously posted above in this thread here...

MCCC 2023: Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, & Emily Bett Rickards Reflect on ‘Arrow’
Uday Kataria   June 9, 2023


Arrow was full of ups and downs for DC fans, but hopefully it’ll bring some comfort to hear that the actors did strive for comic accuracy! One Green Arrow fan confronted Stephen Amell about breaking his promise to bring Oliver Queen’s iconic goatee to the small screen in Season 7, a detail which I had never even realized was missing. Then again, I’m not a diehard Green Arrow fan! 
Oliver did grow some facial hair in prison that season, but Amell admitted that the goatee never made it on screen because it looked awful. Stephen Amell said he had shaved and designed the goatee himself during a hair and makeup test. He sent a photo of his work to the producers, but it looked so bad the idea was immediately killed and never saw the light of day.
*  *  *
Actors sometimes take props from set if they have a special connection to the character. We already know that Grant Gustin kept his Flash ring, but what about the Arrow cast? Stephen Amell admitted to taking the bow depicted in the pilot episode, which is definitely a fitting memento.

David Ramsey took Diggle’s gun and joked about “burn[ing] the helmet” that so many fans hated. In reality, it doesn’t seem like he shares that same hatred since he actually kept the first helmet he wore as Spartan. Finally, Emily Bett Rickards revealed she had one of Felicity’s shirts and it was currently in her suitcase, but only realized it at that moment!

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Caity Lotz & Juliana Harkavy Panel Day 1 Oz Comic Con Melbourne 10th June 2023
Tayla Coulthart    Jun 13, 2023

-- When fan asked if they had any input into their Canary costumes, JH: "I didn't have any say in mine. Um, it was made and it was perfect and they are masters at what they do... You know what? Well, that's not true. Over the seasons, like, things that didn't work - like, heels, I can't do heels. And I think I started off in some platforms and I was just like, guys... So Dinah became a boots lady... But no, it was all sort of crafted perfectly."
CL: "My first costume? No. My first costume was like, here it is. And the costume designer was very, uh - she - here it is, shut up. Um, and - it looked great, though. Like, the first Black Canary costume, it looked phenomenal. Um, and then I got a lot more say. Um, and I was definitely like, I want to move, I want to be able to do things... It's not like I'm just standing there and then it's like, okay, let the stunt double... I'm trying to do everything. I have to be able to move. And it's really difficult in a corset. Um, and then there were lots of different iterations, 'cause I always feel like, guys, I'm really cold. Like, I need a jacket. Like, it was so cold out there. And they're literally shooting in the snow. Yeah. Leather is not warm. It's not warm. Or stretchy."
JH: "I didn't move half as much as you and I split my pants like four times."

Caity Lotz & Juliana Harkavy Panel Day 2 Oz Comic Con Melbourne 11th June 2023
Tayla Coulthart    Jun 13, 2023

-- When mod asked if the fans embraced them straightaway when they entered the Arrowverse world or whether they had to prove themselves first, CL: "There's always a little bit of proving, I think. For me, there was like, Sara Lance is not the - you know, it's Dina Lance. It's - you know, Laurel Lance is the Black Canary. You're not the Black Canary. Um, but - yeah - and then you're like (Makes fighting noises and gestures) ... okay you can be Black Canary. We like that. That was cool. So I was like, yeah. In!"
JH: "Yeah. I also had a hard time in the beginning, I think, because, uh, I thought - people thought I was replacing Katie Cassidy and that she wouldn't come back, um, and there were people who were really pissed about it, um, understandably. Uh, so it was a tough introduction. But again, like, once we got going a little bit and, uh, I think, Dinah's character became clear she wasn't a replacement, she was very much her own character, then, you know, people warmed up and it was less scary."

-- When fan asked who was the most fun co-star that they worked with, JH: "I think, um, Stephen was really fun. And for as serious as he was, he was also really funny. Uh, Emily was hilarious and kept things really light."
CL: "And Colton.... He's just joy. He's just pure joy. He is like a sweetheart."
JH: "Yeah. Truly, yeah. We laughed a lot."
CL: "I think he's like a male Marilyn Monroe... Like, you're adorable and like so sexy."
JH: "He's the full package."

-- When fan asked what was involved in their audition process for Arrow and whether there was much competition, JH: "I was one of the last people they saw for Dinah and it was like, when I booked the role, I basically was in Vancouver like two days later. It was at the very last minute. ... Sometimes when auditions - I think when roles are meant for you, uh, it just flows. Like, there's no - it just feels very easy. And my auditions for Arrow felt very easy and it felt like I was meant to play her... I didn't know who I was playing, so when I came back for the callback, and they were like - 10, 15 people in the room - that was a little like, oh - but, uh, yeah, it was - it just flowed. They were really fun auditions and I didn't really pay attention to anybody else in the room because I felt confident. And that doesn't always happen."
CL: "Mine, I auditioned and then they were like, no, you are not going to get the part. You are not CW enough. This is, no. And then two weeks later I got a call and they're like, come in and do a [Video skips here] ... Not CW enough for them? And they're like, yeah, that one. I was like, okay. And then I went and I , um - I met Stephen in the parking lot when we were walking in and I was like, hey, you're the guy. And he's like, yeah, I saw you on Mad Men. And I was like, oh, you're a big fan, huh? Yeah, nice to meet you. ... Actually, it took awhile. I didn't see anybody else. I don't know how many - ... I think the network didn't want me, but the producers wanted me and Stephen, I think, was a - you know, an advocate as well. So I think they were trying to like convince the studio that - that I would do the part well."

-- CL: "It was always just weird, like the - the love interests that they would create for you... Like, in the early days, like, when Steve and I were working together and we're like, okay yes, like, they're totally platonic, blah, blah, blah. And then we'd get a script and it's like, wait, what? Now we're like kissing? Like, this is - what? No. This is weird. And then like I get a script the next week and I'm like, I'm making out with who? Sara made out with a lot of people. ... Yeah, that was always just weird. Like relationships, you're like, oh, okay, didn't see that one."

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Making Hallmark Movies Changed Katie Cassidy's Romantic Life, But Is She Happy With How Her Career Has Changed After CW's Arrow?
https://www.thethings.com/katie-cassidy-career-after-arrow-hallmark-royal-christmas-crush-boyfriend-stephen-huszar/ .


.. Katie Cassidy, who played Laurel Lance/Black Canary/Black Siren on Arrow, stars in A Royal Christmas Crush, which will premiere in July 2023.

Since so many big celebrities star in Hallmark movies, it's definitely a viable career path. And since Katie Cassidy spent so many years on the set of Arrow, she might have enjoyed switching things up and appearing in a movie instead. While Katie Cassidy met her boyfriend on a Hallmark set, how does she actually feel about her acting career now?

Katie Cassidy Is Dating Hallmark Actor Stephen Huszar
*  * *
Katie Cassidy posted an Instagram photo with Stephen Huszar on June 12th 2023 and announced her new relationship. She wrote in the caption, “Welp, cats out of the bag… Happy Monday!” The couple was on vacation and looked happy and relaxed.
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Cassidy plays a character named Ava who gets a job working for the Royal Ice Hotel. While she is there, she meets a prince, who is played by Huszar. Although sparks always fly between characters in a Hallmark Christmas movie, it's definitely rare to hear of actors falling in love on set.

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