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S03.E07: New Moon

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Alice's out-of-nowhere crush on Callie was the most interesting part of the episode. Their (dream) kiss was pretty hot - Maia really went for it! With that said, I'm not at all excited for what looks like yet another person patronizing Alice and letting her down...and of course Callie will, because it's Callie. I know Alice suddenly being into her isn't Callie's fault, but I don't like how we were already being primed for Callie to reject Alice before she was even aware of the attraction. It's almost like the narrative was encouraging us to laugh at Alice for actually believing she'd have a shot with Callie. Joey, Lindsay, Suki...now Ruby using her for sex and her unrequited Callie crush...why does everyone love walking all over Alice? Why is everyone always condescending to her or manipulating her? Why do the writers dislike her so much? I was really hoping she'd finally have a genuine relationship with Ruby.

Marianna didn't deserve the nice, bittersweet Raj closure B-plot when she still hasn't told him she fucked Evan while they were together.

Glad to see Davia finally moving on, although I'm sure douchebag Dennis will reappear just in time to fuck up Matt asking her to be official or something. 

Not looking forward to Gael and Callie hooking up again. He deserves better.

Are people not watching the show anymore? This board is a ghost town.

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1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Are people not watching the show anymore? This board is a ghost town.

I am here and watch the show faithfully. It is frustrating that the characters do not seem to mature or learn anything. (Ex: Marianna still thinks lying will have no consequences?) I guess we are suppose to remember all the dumb things we did in our 20's and how long it took for us to reach any semblance of maturity. I remember Hugh Laurie being interviewed about House, He was asked, 'Is Dr. House ever going to change for the better?' Laurie said, 'People in movies change for the better but people on TV never do. That's why we watch, to see the same character make the same mistakes over and over again.' (This is all quoted from memory.) I think that is what's so frustrating about this show, I keep waiting for these character to grow up, and they keep repeating the same mistake again and again. Maybe good television, but not good for my soul.

I am expecting Mariana to invite Raj to be part of her Bite Girls Club (token male). I am expecting Alice and Callie to have a hot romance and Callie but the one to get hurt. Of course, I have been expecting Gael to buy curtains for his loft for 3 seasons.

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Interesting bottle episode. Some parts were actually pretty funny, I think Callie an Gael actually pulled off the comedica aspect pretty well. Callie whispering "come here you little trash panda" or whatever the line was said actually made me laugh. I continue to really like Davia and I am glad she is moving on from Dennis, even though I really like him as a character too. He has stuff to work on. Is he on another show or something? Does anyone know if he is actually ever coming back?

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I don't watch the show in real time.  I usually catch it commercial-free on Hulu within a day or two of it airing.

Yeah, this was obviously a bottle episode so I was fine with that.  They done fun little episodes with just the roomies hanging around in the coterie before  But this one just  didn't tonally work for me all the way.

I actually liked the racoon parts and that was mostly because of Gael and Callie.  Everybody went with it and it seemed fun.  They totally acted like us when a bat got into our house and we were running around and screaming like little fools.  All the poor thing wanted to do was get out.  Alas, I did not have a pink puffy coat for body armor but my husband did wrap a sheet around his head ghost-like to protect him from getting bit and becoming a vampire I guess.

But I wasn't feeling the moon ceremony or any of  the romance stuff  Every thing they touched on just felt super awkward to me.  Malika, Dyonte and Isaac had such a weird vibe to them, borderline uncomfortable in what wasn't being said.  I was so happy when that raccoon went for a swim. 

The Alice/Callie dream thing was just so random.  I wish if we were going to find out that Alice was attracted to Callie that we would have been some build up to it rather than going from 0 to 100  "I'm in love."   And of course Callie had to overhear Alice talking to Davia because ... of course.  And the Callie/Gael thing just feels stale at this point.  Why dredge it up again?  Ditto Mariana and Raj.

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8 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

The Alice/Callie dream thing was just so random.  I wish if we were going to find out that Alice was attracted to Callie that we would have been some build up to it rather than going from 0 to 100  "I'm in love."   And of course Callie had to overhear Alice talking to Davia because ... of course.  And the Callie/Gael thing just feels stale at this point.  Why dredge it up again?  Ditto Mariana and Raj.

Also, have Callie and Alice ever had a conversation before? I can buy Alice feeling attracted to her, but she has to be in love with her? Alice is always so nice, she should get a good love interest.

I kept expecting Raj to reveal that he was dating a different women that Mariana is working with. Causing some crazy quadrangle or something. But Raj did say Mariana might know her, so I guess that rules out her colleagues. I liked their scenes together, but it didn't seem fair that Mariana was grilling him, but didn't mention she was dating anyone.

Also, Raj mentioned looking for a new job. Did I miss/forget him losing his job at Speculate?

I thought all the racoon stuff was funny. I would freak out if I was in a house with loose racoons, but the scenes worked. Callie and Gael dressing up for protection made me crack up.

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9 hours ago, MaryHedwig said:

Of course, I have been expecting Gael to buy curtains for his loft for 3 seasons.

LOL! I have the same thought, but deep down I know will never happen. He's the show's most objectified character, and they need to convince us he's an exhibitionist so it seems less exploitative how they write him.

I thought this episode would be more popular, since it focused on the relationship stuff more than political activism. 

I liked it, though, despite my usual annoyance with the rshp drama on this show. What I liked about it was that people were TRYING to be good friends to each other. Even though it didn't go so well, people were making an effort to be respectful even if they weren't into the ceremony, put of respect for Malika. 

I hope Davia really is moving on from Dennis. I was disappointed that what she asked him was if he wanted her to wait. I thought she was going to tell him how much he hurt her. I really like her co-worker, but I don't think Davia is really over Dennis, and I don't like the idea of her just using new dude as a rebound.

Alice! Call me! I'm not afraid of breakfast!!



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10 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Also, have Callie and Alice ever had a conversation before?

Has Callie have any conversations with anyone in the Coterie before? She has had a lot of sex with Gael and she and Malika had the interaction related to work, but she remains detached from the community life. The "wanna talk about it?" was so out of character, if felt shallow. I still find Maia lacking in acting skills

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6 hours ago, circumvent said:

Has Callie have any conversations with anyone in the Coterie before? She has had a lot of sex with Gael and she and Malika had the interaction related to work, but she remains detached from the community life. The "wanna talk about it?" was so out of character, if felt shallow.

Yeah, I'm in agreement with everyone that the "I'm in love with Callie" thing was out of nowhere, she's the most isolated of any character in the Coterie (and didn't even live there last season). Why'd they have to make Alice so dopey? She's awesome, she doesn't need to pine over straight girls.

No thanks on revisiting Gael/Callie.

I really loved Davia and Dennis, this is all so disappointing. It really has to be because the actor isn't available? Otherwise it's a little too depressing for this optimistic little show to spend years building to their union only to completely erase it the next day. But yeah, at this point, time to move on. Though I don't think New Guy is quite her speed.

I did think it was a fun episode in general, it's pretty rare that I actually laugh out loud at Good Trouble!

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That was a fun bottle episode, it was nice to get a light hearted episode with a lot of different characters together having fun, a nice break from the heavy stuff and social issues. I always want this show to have the roommates having some fun together, like you would think people want to live in a place like this, so I was glad to actually be able to laugh a bit with this show.  Even if it involved everyone being under trash panda siege. I cant believe no one thought to call animal control until the end, but everyone freaking out and running around with pillows and rackets was a lot more fun. It reminded me of the time my sister and I had to get a possum out of the house at 2am, which included setting traps with laundry baskets and chasing it around with blankets and buckets until I got sick of its crap and put on three coats four gloves and grabbed it with a towel and tossed it out. You can almost hear the Benny Hill music in the background. 

I hope that things don't get weirder with Malika's co-worker, I really like her and Isaac. 

I wish Alice would get a decent love interest, she's such a lovable person but she always ends up falling for the worst people. Her sudden crush on Callie is hilariously random, have the two of them had any scenes together all season long? Or ever? Callie rarely gets much interaction with the other roommates other then Gael, who's her love interest, and Malika, who's her activism buddy, she is always off in her own subplots. Its one of the reasons she left to live with Jamie. I actually thought Callie and Gael were fun together, its too bad they always give Callie such dramatic savior storylines, I think Maia is pretty good at comedy. 

Nice seeing Raj, but I hate that Mariana has never told him the truth that she cheated on him with Evan. Now they get this nice bittersweet ending where Mariana gets closure while still not having to admit that she cheated on him and probably never will now. Especially after she was grilling him about possible dating a member of her team, a team she is STILL lying to about dating Evan. 

Is Dennis ever coming back? Oh Davia, she tries so hard but so often misreads situations. 

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10 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

 I cant believe no one thought to call animal control until the end, but everyone freaking out and running around with pillows and rackets was a lot more fun. It reminded me of the time my sister and I had to get a possum out of the house at 2am, which included setting traps with laundry baskets and chasing it around with blankets and buckets until I got sick of its crap and put on three coats four gloves and grabbed it with a towel and tossed it out. You can almost hear the Benny Hill music in the background. 

Mariana and Raj called animal control pretty early on, it just took them awhile to get there. No one else had their phones because Malika had collected them before the new moon ceremony started. I'm guessing the coterie has no land line, so they couldn't call anyone.

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On 4/1/2021 at 4:33 PM, DearEvette said:

I actually liked the racoon parts and that was mostly because of Gael and Callie.  Everybody went with it and it seemed fun.  They totally acted like us when a bat got into our house and we were running around and screaming like little fools.  All the poor thing wanted to do was get out.  Alas, I did not have a pink puffy coat for body armor but my husband did wrap a sheet around his head ghost-like to protect him from getting bit and becoming a vampire I guess.


Not wanting to get bit by a bat is valid as the rabies shots you would need afterward can be painful and inconvenient.  

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