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S03.E06: Help

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Jamie and Callie aren't over.  Jamie is fooling himself if he thinks they'll be able to keep this professional. They are so different in so many ways, but the same in the same token. I just wonder where they'll go from here. Also I really don't want any Gael/Callie scenes. Blah!!!!!  I really hope the secret about Kathleen turns out to be false. Give Callie a break, let her have one person who has her back, who can be a mentor, please. 

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I don't like stand up comedy, i find everything either crass or boring, but Alice's story is interesting: accept the reality that you have to comply with stereotypes to make a career, or insist that to be funny one doesn't have to fall into the trap. But I wish we didn't have that story. 

Mariana, the serial liar, lies again. Surprise? that story is also very tiring and uninteresting. The roommate thing was just silly. Adults don't just allow that kind of shit, the "you are helping me so I will take over this place and act the way I like because poor me" People can be honest. 

I still think Maia is a terrible actor. The delivery on that scene with Jamie was so stiff, so unnatural. And they are now setting Jamie to be a bad, vengeful guy, aren't they? And Callie, you totally flirted with the other guy to get back a Jamie. Such an old trope, the "sexy" woman game. Ugh!

Malika part of the show was heartbreaking. I hope they keep on it. I also hope they get the children side, when they are removed from their families because it is such a complex mix of feelings. If you are interested, there is an interview with Chesa Boudin that it is so great, his family history is incredible. 


19 minutes ago, bybrandy said:

I took Jamie at his word trying to give her a heads up about her boss's FBI investigation and thought Callie was a crazy person for not at least considering that he might be.


I don't  think he is wrong, I am anticipating what the writers will do, like slowly making him look like an ass. Or maybe they will make the situation be really bad, full of twists, then have Kathleen leave the show, then set up Jamie and Callie opening a law firm together, which is something that happened ages ago in a movie called Legal Eagles. Either way, not creative at all.

Mariana's business situation is going to blow up in her face. She should just tell them she is dating Evan. If they don't want to work with her over that, they aren't good partners. But no sane person would want to work with someone who constantly lies. The partner staying with her was obnoxious though. They are adults.....Mariana doesn't have to explain what she does in the middle of the night. Be a polite guest instead of grilling her.

That scene at the end with Callie and Jamie was weird. Or else my TV is messed up. They were playing the dialogue while showing them clearly not talking. I thought Jamie was telling the truth and Callie totally overreacted. I think she was hurt because she thought Jamie was going to say he wanted her back, and instead he told her he doesn't even want to be friends. But still, there's no reason for him to make up that Kathleen is being investigated, and Callie herself thought she was shady last week.

Poor Alice. Actually, poor everyone in her comedy thing. Those writers are just pushing racist stereotypes and she is stuck if she wants to boost her career. I didn't even think they were that funny. 

Malika's story is really sad. Not just the stories from the mothers, but the idea that she never got a chance to tell her own mother she understands.

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8 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I took Jamie at his word trying to give her a heads up about her boss's FBI investigation and thought Callie was a crazy person for not at least considering that he might be.


Same.  I thought Callie wasn't so bad this episode and then that last scene happened.  

I'm glad they explained away Jamie switching from corporate to criminal, even if it was a bullshit explanation.  

The "comedy" show Alice is in is so cringe and racist.  

I guess Marianna's partner being so over the top was supposed to be funny, but she kind of seemed mentally unbalanced.  Who would wake everyone up to look for another adult like that?

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Mariana should have told her guest right when she arrived, what the house rules are about hot water use, etc. She also should not be lying all the time to her business partners. But yes, that was some terrible guest behavior.

When Mariana's partners find out how much she lies to them, she's going to be left with no team because they'd be well within their rights to kick her out of the group or just abandon her full stop.

I hope Callie calms down and takes it seriously that Kathleen might be under investigation. Didn't she also get warned by her previous boss at legal aide, who told her that K left her previous job under some kind of cloud? We don't know what she may or may not have done, but we've also seen her try to get around the legal rights of her client, last week. That's 3 times Callie has been warned. 

The comedy showcase is a nightmare. I do like that Lindsey finally saw how fucked up it was and apologized to Alice for what they said last week. I wish it wasn't a no win situation. Life psucks. But maybe Alice will make some better friends (I don't like Sumi), who value and appreciate and respect her, while she's there. I liked that one of the other participants approached her to work together and acknowledge what was happening. 

I am really glad they're doing Malika's story. The Fosters showed problems in the system (including abusive foster parents) but it was still really sanitized, because Stef and Lena usually rushed in and rescued. What they're doing now is much more raw and I appreciate it. 

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Jamie is a remarkably forgiving person considering how nice he always is to Callie despite Calling majorly screwing him over and still being really defensive and rude to him half the time they see each other. I think he was being totally honest in trying to warn Callie that her boss was under investigation, and her refusing to listen is really going to bite her in the ass. Didn't her boss at legal aid say something about her leaving her last job under sketchy circumstances? And last week she was willing to go around her own clients possible wishes? I think there is more to her then just being Callie's Fairy God Lawyer. 

That comedy that Alice is stuck doing is all kinds of cringe. Is that really going to be a hit in the comedy circuit? Is the only thing the writers find funny uncomfortable racial stereotypes and that's all? At least Lindsay apologized and one of the other comics came over to talk to Alice and complimented her.  

Mariana just cannot stop lying about everything, her partners will probably (understandably) drop her when they realize how much she has kept from them. Her one partner who stayed with her was really weird though, why was she acting like she was a three year old who had to know where Mariana was at all times? She's a grown women, she can come and go from her own place as she pleases. 

Malika's story was really good, tying her fighting for families separated by prison with her issues with her mom was a really good idea. Its so sad that she never got a chance to tell her mom that she understood.  

12 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:


That comedy that Alice is stuck doing is all kinds of cringe. Is that really going to be a hit in the comedy circuit? Is the only thing the writers find funny uncomfortable racial stereotypes and that's all?

Yeah, I feel like they're exaggerating this storyline a lot to make a point. Unfunny racial stereotypes are the only comedy they do in those scenes and of course the dude running it plus everyone else is just dying laughing at things even proud racists wouldn't find funny. I feel like the point of this might be that in the entertainment industry you sometimes find yourself an accomplice in the worst kind of representation just to get your foot in the door, but being the show that this is, I assume it'll have some idealistic twist where they all quit and get rewarded for it. It's kind of hard to lock into these scenes (possibly because the GT writing staff is not made up of comedians?).

Another good ep.

My favorites from best to least:

Callie's:  Until that last scene with Jamie, I as really enjoying Callie's storyline.  Callie seemed smart.  And man, Constance Zimmer is a beast!  She always plays that hard-edged, competent, smart-as-a-whip, ball-buster roles so well.  I just love her.  She is perfect as Kathleen. I am also liking the office dynamic between Callie and her co-workers.  For once office politics don't have to be all sniping and back-stabbing.  They could be a good team. It would be a shame if Kathleen's story arc is short because I am liking this crew. But yeah, all Callie had to do was thank Jamie.  She immediately goes on the offensive in the stupidest way.  None of her  accusations of his motive make sense. And a lie could be so easily discredited by her simply going back and talking to Kathleen about what he told her.  God, She can be the worst sometimes.

Malika's:  Great storyline and I like that personal twist they gave it because there are a lot of Malika's out there who are hypercritical of their parent(s) and don't understand sometimes until it is too late the pressures of a parent and adult that they don't handle so well while trying to shield their kids. And it is always easier to be empathetic to stranger sometimes.  It takes looking at something from the outside to recognize what is going on inside.

Mariana: I actually didn't like this at all. The whole 'Keeping a big secret' thing has been done to death and done better.  Her friend/roommate is ridic.  What guest cares that you are out all night?   Or comments on your messages?  Learn some boundaries, Damn.  Also,I don't understand what is going on with their app/work-life?  Is it done?  Are they continually working on it?  Doing heads down coding all day?  What prevents them from getting another job and working on this on the side until they get some real money coming in.  No wonder they aren't getting any meetings, they literally have no hustle.

Alice:  This entire segment was made of cringe. All of it.  None of the comedy was funny so the scenes of people laughing uproariously felt stupid. And I just got second hand embarrassment for Alice and everyone else leaning into their worst ethnic stereotypes. Doing identity based stand up and making fun of your self is one thing. But having white writers write the worst, exaggerated parts of a stereoytpe and having to sell that is just.... cringe.  And the sad thing is, the show may not completely be exaggerating for effect.  There are countless accounts of shit like this I'll always remember Robert Townsend's' send up of stuff like this in his movie Hollywood Shuffle where a black Shakespearean trained actor auditioning for a part and they made him a read a line that said "I ain't be got no weapon." (only make it sound blacker).  Again, cringe.  Honestly, only Lindsey came off well in this and I can't believe I am saying that.


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3 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Mariana: I actually didn't like this at all. The whole 'Keeping a big secret' thing has been done to death and done better.  Her friend/roommate is ridic.  What guest cares that you are out all night?   Or comments on your messages?  Learn some boundaries, Damn.  Also,I don't understand what is going on with their app/work-life?  Is it done?  Are they continually working on it?  Doing heads down coding all day?  What prevents them from getting another job and working on this on the side until they get some real money coming in.  No wonder they aren't getting any meetings, they literally have no hustle.

I was wondering why they haven't gotten side jobs too. Especially the woman who had no savings to last her a couple of months like the others.

I think they haven't done all the coding, because they are trying to get funding before they spend time on it. For there other pitch they did a prototype of a game, but that was it. I don't see how they could have coded something as complicated as the beauty thing sounds like in what seems to have just been a couple weeks. Hopefully they are working on a business plan, cause most investors would want to see that.

I also wondered why Mariana doesn't have more savings. We know she was making $100K at her job. I don't think it has been a full year, but the coterie has to be pretty cheap for rent. All the other people who live there have jobs that clearly pay much less, and most of them are not splitting rent with a roommate. She should be able to last more than a couple months

On 3/25/2021 at 6:14 PM, KaveDweller said:

That scene at the end with Callie and Jamie was weird. Or else my TV is messed up. They were playing the dialogue while showing them clearly not talking.

No, I saw that too. It's just more shitty avant garde editing. I assumed the voiceover lines were supposed to be internal monologue, but it just looked like a glitch. Callie is very immature and selfish. I think her doubts will get the better of her and she'll realize Jaime was telling the truth.

I dread Alice's plot, although they're making an important point about the comedy scene. Can Alice never do anything fun? Everyone is always shitting all over her. At least she hooks up with someone next week, though I didn't recognize them. That comes out of nowhere since she hasn't interacted with anyone beyond Lindsey lately.

Looks like next week is some sort of horny spiritual ceremony and a thinly-veiled premise for a sex montage. I'm in.

Start ups are notoriously risky and it's just crazy not to have a back up plan if you don't get funded instantly. The reason males are so cavalier about how they market themselves is because they DO get taken more seriously and funded more often. It's not just that they are bolder in their confidence. It's that they literally don't NEED to be more careful, because they can get away with things that women can't. The idea that men are just more confident and women would do as well if we acted the same way has been disproved over and over again with actual data. Discrimination against women exists. It's not all in our heads. Mariana and her team have not thought this through. 


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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I also wondered why Mariana doesn't have more savings. We know she was making $100K at her job. I don't think it has been a full year, but the coterie has to be pretty cheap for rent. All the other people who live there have jobs that clearly pay much less, and most of them are not splitting rent with a roommate. She should be able to last more than a couple months

Marianna having a lot of credit card debt was a plot point in either season 1 or 2.  She spends a lot on clothes and going out.

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On 3/26/2021 at 11:30 PM, DearEvette said:

Malika's:  Great storyline and I like that personal twist they gave it because there are a lot of Malika's out there who are hypercritical of their parent(s) and don't understand sometimes until it is too late the pressures of a parent and adult that they don't handle so well while trying to shield their kids. And it is always easier to be empathetic to stranger sometimes.  It takes looking at something from the outside to recognize what is going on inside.


I liked this as well, though it was hard to watch. I like how it ties back to her storyline with her mother, because I admit that at that time, I was completely on Malika's side and thought that her mother was unfair, since the story showed her as an unfit mother who couldn't take care of her children. I like that they are giving it more nuance now, giving us a new perspective on why that happened. I just hope that Malika doesn't start blaming herself now. She was a kid and should not be expected to understand the systematic problems that grown up people still cannot solve two decades later.

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On 5/8/2021 at 9:27 AM, JustHereForFood said:

I just hope that Malika doesn't start blaming herself now. She was a kid and should not be expected to understand the systematic problems that grown up people still cannot solve two decades later.

I don’t want Malika to blame herself either. She was a child, and she was hungry- she didn’t do anything wrong. She has so much guilt because she and her brother couldn’t stay together in the foster care system, again NOT her fault.

I’m still not a fan of the Mom, if she was any sort of “mother” but was just in a bad situation she would’ve been apologizing to her kids all these years for not being able to be there for them, not saying “I forgive you for the pain it caused me to lose my babies.” So narcissistic, and cruel. 

Therapy would be the best thing for Malika!


Shallow bus- the actress playing Nicolette is so pretty. Her cheekbones are are FIRE. 

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