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S05.E02: Mid-March 2020

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I love this series, it's beautifully made.  Can anyone please tell me the name of the artist  and the track that was playing in the background while Darla and Ralph Angel were in the kitchen scene. Music was fire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The part between Nova, Calvin, and Calvin's ex was weird. At first I thought, "Nova has to expect to eat some shit from the woman whose husband she slept with," and then the ex was so racist I was like, wow, fuck her. It was also in poor taste for the ex to do that in front of her kids. I also wondered if the ex meant that Calvin had cheated on her with other Black women (possibly while he was sleeping with Nova?), or if he had just been with other Black women before he was married - those are very different. I'm guessing it's the former since the ex kept asking Nova if she thought she was the only one.

I didn't understand Charley's beef with the fraternity Micah joined. I also didn't understand why Micah didn't just tell his parents he was joining - tell, not ask.

I'm going to remember Charley's standard/substandard line in case I need to check anybody.


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8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

The part between Nova, Calvin, and Calvin's ex was weird. At first I thought, "Nova has to expect to eat some shit from the woman whose husband she slept with," and then the ex was so racist I was like, wow, fuck her. It was also in poor taste for the ex to do that in front of her kids.

Not to mention, his mom didn't think to give him a heads up she invited his ex (or whomever invited Hailey)? Cause it seems like folks knew he was bringing Nova to the party though it seems like not many knew she is Black and that having Hailey at the party too could be very awkward. I totally get Hailey being bitter about Calvin cheating with Nova (and possibly other Black women during their marriage) but there's a time & place for that type of confrontation and that wasn't it. Hailey ended up getting her feelings hurt even more with that huge misstep. 

I wish I cared about Micah's story but he really brings out the meh in my reactions.

I am enjoying Charley vs Parker. 

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The situation with Nova, Calvin, and the ex was weird, why would his mom not tell him he was inviting his ex, especially if she knew that Calvin was bringing Nova. To think they were worried that it would be his grandpa that would cause the problem, but it was his ex that had the big public racist tirade. I don't blame her for being pissed off at Nova and Calvin for how things went down, but being so shitty about it in front of everyone, even the kids, was horrible. The divorce must be hard enough on the kids without their mom creating a huge spectacle. I guess Calvin has a history with black women? Was it while they were married as well or before they got married? That seems like a big difference. 

Charley and Micah are both being weirdly dramatic about Micah joining a fraternity. What is so wrong with the fraternity he joined, why why did Micah not just tell his parents? What is even the issue here? Did Davis's fraternity not want Micah to join because of Davis's public scandal, or is it something he did? 

Hollywood and Vi looked amazing on their date, especially that sleek suite. I hope that Vi can make a lot of pie to go, because now its COVID time. I swear they better not hurt Prosper. 

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Vi is so beautiful and has one hell of a body for a woman her age. Hell, for a woman of any age! What happened to her Lupus? They just going to forget about that? Same way they forgot about RA robbing that convenience store and Nova stealing the 10 grand? 

Nova self righteous as ever. She was the other woman. Cheating with a married man. A man that apparently had cheated all through his marriage. Oh, but she is the only one he has ever loved. Nice of him to claim that in front of his family and his kids. 

Darla and RA with all the smooches and puppy dog eyes. Enough, already. 

Charlie is fierce as ever. Yeah, she's judgemental but she is smart, a savvy business woman, has excellent bullshit radar and doesn't need a man in her life to feel complete. 

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Nova, have you ever heard of the old saying “How you get them is how you lose them.”?  What makes you think you can trust a man who stepped out on his wife to be with you? Why would you think you were the only one? 
Oh, but he has only ever loved her. Sure, ok. In his 40-ish years of being a man, Nova’s the only person. Riiiight. 
Poor Prosper. Poor Vi’s Pies and Hollywood’s new spot. Reliving the end of the Before Times via this show makes me so sad. It seems like both just yesterday and a million years ago when we all thought it was just going to affect older folks and that it would all be over in a month. 
Vi wore the hell out of that outfit. I can’t wear that now and I’m about 20 years younger than her. She looked stunning and it’s easy to see why Hollywood fell for her.

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So are we to assume Darla is paying for the wedding?

"Substandard and unacceptable." Ditto comment upthread, I'm going to have to tuck that one away for potential future use.

OMG, I was so nervous for Nova when she was meeting Calvin's family. They were a bit more well-to-do than I expected, especially the grandfather.

Heh, they're trying make Micah's frat like some low rent Q-Dogs. But without the body branding, hopefully. Charlie was definitely not impressed.

And then Calvin's ex-wife had to show her whole entire a$$. In front of everybody. That was a textbook demonstration of what not to do, even if your bitterness is justified.

Kind of late to be having the fetish conversation, Nova. Still, Calvin's having a preferred type isn't necessarily a bad thing, as long as he's not disregarding your individuality. (But if he's been with other Black women one would think he'd know better than to eat on Nova's silk pillowcases. 🤔)

If only the danger had lasted a mere couple weeks. If only. This is sad to watch, knowing what's coming.

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The fact they haven’t discussed previous partners makes me wonder If Calvin knows Nola is bisexual.   

Agreed it was weird that Charlie was concerned Micah’s frat would reflect poorly on his future.   Even the frats with the worst reputations in college turn out Alumni that are very much respected.   

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The fact they haven’t discussed previous partners makes me wonder If Calvin knows Nola is bisexual.   

Yeah, it'd be interesting if that's the line he won't cross. Adultery? Okay. Interracial relationships? Okay. Bisexuality? FOH. A lot of men get off on the idea of two women together though. Plus, Calvin doesn't strike me as being particularly religious. At this point I'm more worried about his possibly hidden political leanings,

I wonder which of the couples won't survive the coming trials and tribulations associated with the pandemic : Vi & Hollywood, Darla & Ralph Angel, or Nova & Calvin? V& H seem solid but she's probably going to have her health issues exacerbated in a big way. RA doesn't seem to take anything seriously unless it benefits him and Darla may or may not keep her job once the economy starts taking a hit. Nova might find out Calvin has one of those particular red trucker hats stashed away somewhere.

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