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Sky's the Limit: Big Sky Speculation

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Watching episode 4 it finally hit me (about the time trucker guy poured cereal over "mom's" head) that she is already dead and only lives on his mind. Anyone else agree with this? She is always in the house with him, never shown with another character as far as I can recall. Which would be true of a shut-in anyhow, but I'm quite certain this much used twist is going to be revealed soon.

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I'm only putting this out there so I have proof to show people later when I say "guessed it!".

Without even having watched a single second yet - but have been following episode discussions - I could be waaaaay off-base here [and the death is 1000% undebateable (IE, constant scenes with his lifeless body, that has an unsurvivable wound)], but I would not be the least bit surprised if Ryan Phillippe's character is not actually dead, but will show up alive again at some point.

I just find it a little hard to believe that a 'big' name like that is only used for 1 episode and then some occasional flashback work (unless the flashbacks have been used much more frequently and longer than just brief glimpses of the past).   If he was shot while out of frame, dragged off like dead and hasn't been seen since, I'd wager he's not actually deceased (yet). 

Remember the rule of thumb when it comes to TV, movies, and books;  no body or incontrovertible proof of death, means they're not necessarily dead (yet).   Yes, this RoT usually applies more to villains than non-villains, but the 'good guys' are not exempt.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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2 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

If he was shot while out of frame, dragged off like dead and hasn't been seen since, I'd wager he's not actually deceased

Welp, I'd say getting shot in the head at close range where his head basically splattered on the truck window, and then being buried in a pit, truck and all, is a good indication that he's really most sincerely dead. 

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6 hours ago, BonnieD said:

Watching episode 4 it finally hit me (about the time trucker guy poured cereal over "mom's" head) that she is already dead and only lives on his mind. Anyone else agree with this? She is always in the house with him, never shown with another character as far as I can recall. Which would be true of a shut-in anyhow, but I'm quite certain this much used twist is going to be revealed soon

He talked about her questioning him with Legarski (the State Trooper) so she is very real.

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58 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Not necessarily.  Legarski may have never met his mother and only has his word she's alive.  

Legarski also may know about what really happened, so in his mind, he is humoring him. Because he might end up the same way and might not be fast enough with the gun. Plus, he might have covered it up with him.

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No thread for episode 4, so I'll say here ... where did those maggots in a can of Spam come from? Is that what the girls are being given to eat, five-month-old rotten Spam pulled out of some dumpster?

It was impossible for me to believe the two women couldn't hear the three girls in the trailer who were shouting and yelling at the top of their lungs. The girl in the trailer heard the women walking or opening/closing a door, yet the women couldn't hear the girls screaming, even though that barn is just plain boards and the trailer isn't insulated. Too far fetched.

The cop is going to hammer his wife to death while she's asleep in her bed? Alrighty then. Ronald hitting on the former Erica Hahn was way creepy. But I guess he looks good compared to her husband who's going to kill her before Ronald can.

Totally did not get the investigator women stealing pillows from truckers to test for DNA. So extremely out there, I'm hoping the writers were just trying to kill time and weren't serious.

Next week: The finale already.

My vote: Mom is alive. Ryan is dead. Like, REALLY dead.

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7 hours ago, Suzysite said:

Welp, I'd say getting shot in the head at close range where his head basically splattered on the truck window, and then being buried in a pit, truck and all, is a good indication that he's really most sincerely dead. 

I'll leave my spec there - just in case - but yeah, that does seem sincere.

Gotta say, other than a show like The Walking Dead, that's admittedly a fairly bold move to kill off the 'main' guy that got most of the focus on the previews leading up to the series premiere, at the end of the series premeire.

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I have a phobia about maggots so I had to close my eyes during those scenes! I still can’t believe they wouldn’t just kill those girls, especially the injured one. And yes the PI women should have have heard them screaming. I agree with Saber5055; mom alive, Ryan dead. Everyone acts so weird in this show so the mom doesn’t seem like a real person but neither does her son.

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Legarski may have never met his mother and only has his word she's alive.  

That was my thinking. He could know this guy well enough to go into "business" together without really knowing the particulars about Mommy Dearest. For that matter, maybe she wasn't dead when he and trucker guy started their work together and has been killed since. Soon both men will have the women in their lives on ice up in their bedroom.

I also was frowning about the maggotty spam. So unlikely. They'd want to keep these women healthy prior to delivery, and since little sis has proven such a problem AND is injured, they would definitely have eliminated her by now.

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Yeah, hate-watching at this point. So many discrepancies and ridiculous plot points.

I probably eye-rolled the hardest at the way previously tongue-tied weirdo Ronald suddenly became a smooth operator with Rick's wife (forgot her name).

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Bringing this over from S3 Ep9:

this was my post Ep 8 list, I’m keeping a running total of how well I’m doing:

as of Ep 10 - jump to bottom for new

Just for fun

So I posted my speculation in the previous episode just prior to tonight’s episode  

I’ll give a  ‘tally’ of how I did:



Bleeding Heart: Buck sniffing the blood — I like him for the entire Bleeding Heart murder spree. (10/10) Walter knows but Sunny doesn’t.(10/10) on Sunny, unknown on Walter (tbd - to be determined)  Buck is also mental. (10/10) And Buck knows Walter knows   It’s why he’s framing him   (tbd)

Luke: Buck, again.  He wanted him silenced. (tbd - but I like my chances)

Future Deaths

Avery: By Possum. (tbd and tbd - Possum may be gone)  I’m pretty sure Avery was involved in the crypto scheme BEFORE the camping trip.  (Wrong! 0/10) I think he took the family on the trip as a cover to go after Paige & Luke.  Remember, he went into Paige & Luke’s tent BEFORE Paige went missing.  But he doesn’t know the sequence.  Which is why he simply didn’t take the journal before.  

Cormac: By Buck.  (Tbd and tbd - but I don’t like Cormac’s chances). Sunny has a buttload of Karma coming her way.  That wonderful young man is gonna die. And it’ll be awful. And it’ll be an accident but he’ll die none-the-less.  

My Irrational Fear

That they kill off Beau.  This show is a hen house and he’s a rooster.  It’s a problem. (tbd)

Revealed Secrets

Carla de Lugo:  That she met Avery while defending him from some slimy business deal and she knows he’s corrupt.  That’s why the overreaction to the SEC news.  And that’s why Avery is leaving camp, because he knows he may not get her back.  He’s cutting and running. (0/10 - she just apparently has a big issue with his lying.  0/10 Avery didn’t run — feels like there is a continuity error in the last shot of him walking with a packed backpack and no fallout at the camp) 

Avery: As stated, was involved even before the camping trip.  Beau is going to loose his shit. (Repeat)

Beau: Carla spilled the beans on the worst of it.  But there’s more there on how his partner died. (tbd - lots of manpain but not clear how much of a story it will be) 

Sunny: She’s just a lying liar who lies.  She makes too many mistakes to be a frequent killer.  (10/10)

Next Episode:

Possum & company start killing glampers.  They don’t care about body count.  (-10/10 I was so completely wrong, I’m going to take points away — poor dead ranger isn’t even mentioned!)

Ep 9  tally = (40 - 10)/80 or 37.5% with 8 tbd’s left.  

EP 10 update:  still 8 open tbd’s.  I like my chances on 6 of 8.   


Future Dead (adds)

Chemistry-Challenged Carla is going up on the list. Right now she a blocker to Jenny/Beau.  If she’s dead that blocker lasts longer. So this ALL depends on if Jensen is coming back for a S4 (if the show gets a S4). If Avery dies (really likely) and Carla dies (maybe), then we’ve got handsome single Dad Beau living in his grief.  He could move back to Texas. Or he could stay.  

Sunny: She’s looking desperate.  Cormac will die first, but his mother will follow is my guess.  She’s afraid of Buck. who would kill her as she tries to kill him.  In short, this is not going to end well. 

Jimmy’s henchman. 


Cassie/Cormac are sooooo sleeping together.  And soon.  

Jenny/Beau: that little ‘might have been’ is going to be left hanging around for a while.  I don’t see payoff here soon, maybe never.  Broken-hearted makes good drama. 


Beau - or death   


Donno and Tonya - they are too fun to kill off or jail  


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7 hours ago, SueB said:


Donno and Tonya - they are too fun to kill off or jail  

These two will be last ones standing. They will go on and feed all of Helena with awesome sandwiches and pie while keeping all of the criminals at bay.

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