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Nick is one impulsive dude.

Married at First Sight...we know how that ended

Fall in love an a 5 Day road trip...let's make a baby or two

Announce pregnancy on SM as soon as the CVS brand pregnancy stick is positive...called  TLC producers and show runners first, of course

Fame Ho plus Fame Ho=TLC show summer 2018

Title of Show: Love In the Nick of Time

Upside: Two more people who will wear his dopey clothing line...bringing the total to almost a dozen...

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

Not defending Nick but he spends very little time on SM.  The news was just announced.  I suspect he will disappear again.  Sonia loves her SM.  

Maybe that's why he has a girlfriend and she is still single.  He spends far more time off SM than she does.

Both are nuts.

Yes, both ain't shit. He's emotionally stunted, immature and a d*ck.

And she's immature with no self-awareness whatsoever. When he retweeted something about how he had deserved better, she went after him and told him to move on. Now she's retweeting hundreds of postings about how she deserved better, how awful he is, etc. She's the one who was always complaining about how women don't support women and yet here she is liking tweets that are slut-shaming Heather. Why was she telling him to move on when she clearly hasn't moved on either? Heather is nine weeks pregnant, Nick and Sonia were over at the beginning of the year. Why does she care and why was it ok for her to muse about her future boo shortly after the divorce?


As said, Nick ain't shit, but at least he's less of a hypocrite. I find it so funny that she retweeted postings about how dignified she is when she's thrown shade for hours. Since when is it dignified to imply the new gf of your ex is a cheap slut?

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, ctbabe said:

Heather was allegedly trying to fix Nick's marriage at the end of March as stated in the tweet. March 22 to July 13 isn't 4months and they are 9weeks pregnant.. ?? I am so disappointed in Heather..???

Why be disappointed in someone that is obviously a fame whore in her own rights? She knew what she was doing. She wasn't trying to fix anything but get in good with Nick in many ways of her own. From what I have read and heard of her from other's she is a disgusting girl just trying to get her break into tv. 

Which if one was to really, honestly want to fix a marriage they wouldn't be going to some so called "life coach" but a marriage counselor....a real one that has nothing to do with MAFS or tv at all. Which no matter what nothing was going to ever work with Sonia and Nick. They should have ended when the 6 weeks had been up. 

4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Well, this is certainly a glowing advertisement for her 'love and relationship coach' services.

Yes because as we can all see she just so knows how to do that job. *rollseyes* Sorry but anyone can claim to be those things and offer services for it but it doesn't mean a thing IMO. And if anyone goes to those people for "services" they are getting screwed....pun intended.

4 hours ago, Agnetha said:

Messy people

Nick is an asshole. Heather is a liar.

But Sonia ain't shit either. According to her, she moved out on 12/31, so why does she even care and why is she giving out likes for disgusting tweets like this?

IMO the tweet seems right on. While it isn't the most tasteful thing one could retweet or like, the fact is she supposedly was trying to "help" them. IMO she was just another "crazy" that does a podcast on the show and claims to be a "life coach" to try to piggy back some fame off a really shitty "reality" show. From my understand she is trying to "life coach" others and Cody included....along with her shit talk of the MAFS women. I have never heard her podcasts and never would but she seems a big joke to me. She got something out of this she might have wanted in the end but considering how fast it all went down, I doubt it will last. It will also end up a big mess in the end. 

BTW, good for Sheila saying crap to her. 

3 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

Since when is it dignified to imply the new gf of your ex is a cheap slut?

Might not be dignified but seems to be the truth. 


I just want to add this last little bit. The whole "life coach" thing....I have seen advertised in groupon type emails to take a discounted class on becoming one. So yeah to me that says it all right there. I'm sure any one of us could claim to be that and just start charging for "services" just like the rest seem to do. 

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, JAndy said:

Who else thinks that Ashley and Anthony are living in her sisters apartment complex now? I kind of got that vibe during the session with Jamie Otis. 

I have no clue but I can see if its a good location and place with a good price on it and boundaries are set that it could be ok. Surprisingly the way she had acted we haven't seen her over at their place or around much. I am kind of on the side that her over the top behavior was producer driven. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Agnetha said:

And she's immature with no self-awareness whatsoever. When he retweeted something about how he had deserved better, she went after him and told him to move on. Now she's retweeting hundreds of postings about how she deserved better, how awful he is, etc.

She's going to use this to feed her 'victimization' & dredge up public sympathy AMAP.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

She's going to use this to feed her 'victimization' & dredge up public sympathy AMAP.

Cut the woman some slack. She's already had to deal with her douchebag of a ex-husband call her unattractive on TV and now she is blindsided by news of him knocking up some woman who was claiming to help him with their marriage. How much crap is she supposed to put up with? He was trying to gaslight her when he accused her of cheating when he was at least having an emotional affair. If it were me, I wouldn't just be salty on Twitter...

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Cut the woman some slack. She's already had to deal with her douchebag of a ex-husband call her unattractive on TV and now she is blindsided by news of him knocking up some woman who was claiming to help him with their marriage. How much crap is she supposed to put up with? He was trying to gaslight her when he accused her of cheating when he was at least having an emotional affair. If it were me, I wouldn't just be salty on Twitter...

I was for her on her season; I couldn't stand Nick & still can't. But her behavior since on SM has been lousy too; very needy & just stretching for so much attention. Honestly I'd just want to go off somewhere to heal from it all, & I think had she taken a step back more often it would've spoken better of her then the way she's been handling it publicly.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I was for her on her season; I couldn't stand Nick & still can't. But her behavior since on SM has been lousy too; very needy & just stretching for so much attention. Honestly I'd just want to go off somewhere to heal from it all, & I think had she taken a step back more often it would've spoken better of her then the way she's been handling it publicly.

That's valid. But I'm super petty and would just want to expose him...

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Paddywagon said:

Yep all under the last season's SM thread. Sounds like this lady has been trying to pick up one of the MAFS men though no matter which one it was too. I don't buy her being told she couldn't get pregnant bs and its twins. *rolls eyes* 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Gobears said:

He seems to have a lot of fan girls defending him now on Twitter and Instagram.

These are the ones I like to call "crazies". The ones that go out of there way no matter what to attack in the name of someone they don't even know at all but through a tv show and SM. LOL They come in from all different sides as well. They are the ones that need to step away from the SM/internet and go outside to see what life has to offer them. 

As for Nick and this girl, not buying her couldn't get pregnant crap and just all of a sudden its twins. Lots more going on there that is for sure. Both seem to deserve what they get in the end from this all. 

Please, someone drag him back to Florida. Those of us that know who he is (and now her) don't want him here. She can go with him as well. =P

  • Love 3

I HATE when people go with "the doctors told me I couldn't get pregnant and now I am #ItsAMiracle". Uhhh no doctor worth two rusty pennies would tell you that you are sterile unless, as a woman, you had no eggs or no womb. People who say that probably haven't been to a GYN for any reason but birth control when they were teens and have never seen the inside of a reproductive endocrinologists (infertility) office. It's one of those things that just grates for me. 


Sonia is nuts but I kind of feel for her. It's obvious that she's bitter; I'm sure she imagined herself at this point with someone who loves her, having baby's with a loving spouse. She needs to get some therapy and get her spirit straightened out; she's not a bad looking woman by any means so she needs to work on the deeper reasons of why she's not attracting quality partners. She also needs to log off social media for a good long time.

  • Love 7

I am embarrassed for Sonia because of her SM use.  Nick isn't her problem either.

Nick used very poor judgement in getting a new woman pregnant but it is not my life to sort out thankfully.

They are both divorced and free to pursue others.  And I guess one of them did. LOL.

Edited by Jellybeans
  • Love 8

This is my first time actually commenting on this forum so I'm unsure of how to post screenshots or anything.  I'll figure it out later but I saw on twitter that the scene where it looks like Danielle caught Cody getting familiar with himself wasn't accurate.  Cody stated it never happened and Danielle responded that she was actually checking on the dogs when she peeked in the room.  As many on this forum states, the editing is awful and they obviously merged two different scenes together to keep this desperate, horny Coda story line going.

  • Love 6

Nick is a d*ck, but even Sonia herself says she doesn't think he cheated on her.

So I don't get why she & her fanclub act so openly butt-hurt. It was only a few days ago that she was telling him to move on. Well... he did. Was it a nice or smart move? No. But by all accounts, they were broken up in early 2017 and divorced in April. He's free to date whoever he wants to. Throwing all this shade at Heather (as suspicious as she is) is not a good look for Ms "I'm so kind and so supportive of other women" Sonia. But being a hypocrite has always been her biggest problem on SM, so I don't know why I'm even surprised.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, RealityFeen said:

This is my first time actually commenting on this forum so I'm unsure of how to post screenshots or anything.  I'll figure it out later but I saw on twitter that the scene where it looks like Danielle caught Cody getting familiar with himself wasn't accurate.  Cody stated it never happened and Danielle responded that she was actually checking on the dogs when she peeked in the room.  As many on this forum states, the editing is awful and they obviously merged two different scenes together to keep this desperate, horny Coda story line going.

Which that really sucks that they are doing this to him. The more and more that goes on with MAFS the more disgusting these producers get. They don't care how it will effect any of these people in real life at all. SMH

  • Love 11

The problem is that this so called woman was claiming to try to help with their marriage. Instead she was helping herself to Nick and getting in with him. I don't think Sonia is being a hypocrite at all in this but that is just my opinion. Its one thing to be supportive of other women but its another when a so called woman is out there trying to lure in married men to not only get involved with while still married but to gain some fame off of as well in the process. Nick and this girl are both just nasty, disgusting people. The more that pops up on them the worse they will end up looking....more so him than anything. IMO if you haven't even let the ink dry on the finalized divorce papers before running off and knocking someone up that says a lot about the person right there and the one with them......SMH

  • Love 3
On 6/12/2017 at 10:04 AM, StormyClouds said:

Kinda sorta on topic...do any of you guys think Nick is dating "life coach" Heather Yerrid that is on that horrid after Buzz YouTube show?  He just went to LA....they met up...she mentioned she has a bc now and posted a pic of a big gift basket with chocolate etc (Although i can't seem to find it now).... thoughts??  Strictly professional relationship or more?


Just for the record....I called this a month ago! ?

  • Love 1

Good for Nick! He clearly has his issues, I mean clearly, but at this point I prefer him massively to Sonia and it kind of tickles me that she's so butthurt. Not that that's anything new, since she's been whining and shading and acting like a victim for months and months now. I liked her on the show and wanted them to work out, but I honestly can't stand her anymore. She is such a mess. SO hypocritical, so attention seeking and so bitter. I can't even begin to compare her to anyone else. Last time I checked she was tweeting like 50 times a day, posting on IG every day and every few days I get a notification about her starting an IG live, which I just ignore these days because I find her so obnoxious. Then there's the podcast (haven't listened), comments on Nick's IG posts that have nothing to do with her etc. She acts like an obsessive teenager. I don't care if this makes me a "hater", I never leave her any comments, I'm just expressing my opinion here as we do. I just find it baffling that an adult woman would feel the need to keep airing her bitterness day in day out while contradicting herself continuously. Grow up, Sonia! 

Phew, felt good to let that out. 

Good luck to Nick and Heather! I hope it works out for the sake of the children.

  • Love 4


Cody's engine is revving so high you can feel it vibrating through your TV screen.

Cody has a moment of clarity by telling Danielle he trusts her with a score of 4 out of 10...she deserves a zero...Cody was being too generous with a 4.

The  Captain Obvious moment of Season 5:

Cody: I'm ready for sex now.

Accepting the Captain Obvious Award for Cody is his brother Charlie...

13 hours ago, MsPH said:

SO hypocritical, so attention seeking and so bitter.

Just want to say that some might want to look more into Nick because he has shown his true fame whore self recently IMO. I also think there are reasons for her being so bitter that we don't know about that went on between them....one isn't just going to be bitter about the ex husband for nothing. There are usually reasons. Its not like him and more so her and her people are acting nicely on SM from what I had heard. Which is where I wish people that posted SM stuff would show all sides instead of just certain things. I'm glad for the person I talk to that has given me more sides of the story since I don't do SM and its not usually given here. With that all those people need to step away from SM.  

  • Love 2
On July 13, 2017 at 10:44 PM, Gobears said:

Cut the woman some slack. She's already had to deal with her douchebag of a ex-husband call her unattractive on TV and now she is blindsided by news of him knocking up some woman who was claiming to help him with their marriage. How much crap is she supposed to put up with? He was trying to gaslight her when he accused her of cheating when he was at least having an emotional affair. If it were me, I wouldn't just be salty on Twitter...

I think the issue is, this is a different world.  Years ago when someone was wronged, they dealt with it by sharing with close friends and family, keeping details to a small number of people.  Today people get on social media to bash exes, everything is out there for public consumption.  More for Sonia, since she was on a reality TV show.

Also, it seems this Heather person was supposed to be "helping" Nick, when looks like she helped herself to him sexually, that's another story.  Kind of like a "counselor" sleeping with a "client."  All kinds of wrong.  Sonia is right to be pissed, but IMO she needs to stay off SM.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 4
On July 13, 2017 at 5:54 AM, Braveshoppr said:

He was born and raised in Flint Michigan, he's not Clark Gable, he's a 'man' 'from Mars', not fashioned to be anymore than he is, and a diamond in the rough is still worth salvaging. Jmo.

My problem with this comment is that it sounds like you're saying, "well shit, black women, you just have to take whatever because...well because you're not supposed to want a man to love and cherish you, you're just supposed to deal with this 'diamond in the rough.' because...because you're a black woman and black women aren't supposed to want anything period."  Sorry, heard enough of that shit my whole life.

Nate doesn't act like that because he was raised in Flint (an excuse IMO), he acts the way he does because he's young.  I feel Sheila should have been paired with an older man who would tell her, in a nice way, when she's acting childish.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3

He's a classless asshole, but still let's not forget about all the posts Sonia liked where Heather was basically called a whore. In some ways, Sonia and Nick are more alike than they both would ever be willing to admit. I still don't get why Sonia goes on about him - according to her, he didn't cheat, so what's the use of postings like this?

Edited by Agnetha
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, StormyClouds said:

More sides of the story? Explain?

I think it can be found if people look for. I've never been a fan of his but IMO at this point he is worse than Derek and pretty much a fraud of a guy. 

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I think the issue is, this is a different world.  Years ago when someone was wronged, they dealt with it by sharing with close friends and family, keeping details to a small number of people.  Today people get on social media to bash exes, everything is out there for public consumption.  More for Sonia, since she was on a reality TV show.

Also, it seems this Heather person was supposed to be "helping" Nick, when looks like she helped herself to him sexually, that's another story.  Kind of like a "counselor" sleeping with a "client."  All kinds of wrong.  Sonia is right to be pissed, but IMO she needs to stay off SM.

Sadly it is. Its why I don't touch SM myself and say its the downfall of the human race. All these people should get the hell off SM and stay off it IMO. 

28 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

He's a classless asshole, but still let's not forget about all the posts Sonia liked where Heather was basically called a whore. In some ways, Sonia and Nick are more alike than they both would ever be willing to admit. I still don't get why Sonia goes on about him - according to her, he didn't cheat, so what's the use of postings like this?


I'm sorry but seriously put yourself in her shoes and see how you might feel. This so called lady claims to be his "life coach" to help him with his marriage when really that is not what she was doing. Mind you he isn't the only MAFS guy she was going after either so hey if the shoe fits in that title of name calling...... Some are just smarter than Nick to fall for the bs and the plastic. If you want to say what is the point of posts like that, well what was the point of Nick retweet mean ones on Sonia or liking them as he does? Sorry but he is a big time asshole. I knew it from the get goand that he isn't what he claimed at all on the show. He is one of the biggest frauds there is....and some think Sonia is the fame whore. Nick is the BIGGEST fame whore to come out of MAFS. Bigger than Jamie and that is saying a lot right there. By talking about wanting a show with this woman and the pregnancy screams fame whore like no other. Maybe he wasn't sleeping with this chick just yet before his marriage to Sonia ended but it was headed that way or she just doesn't know it happened and doesn't want to know. The so called "life coaches" are suppose to follow a code of ethics, which it seems this woman didn't. I don't think they are that much alike except they both need to step away from the SM and neither one needs to be on tv again either. 

I will take it that lady in that tweet is a buddy of Heather's with how it sounds. I clicked it and see Sheila jumped in as well. Gee could it be Heather was trying to "coach" Nate too? SMH Perfect example of people trying to piggy back fame off other's too....even ones not that know but just on tv. LOL Its kind of humorous isn't it? 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

No matter what you think of Cody, Cody didn't deserve that. No wonder Sheila apparently doesn't want to play ball with the producers.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, discoprincess said:

Cody was not self pleasing himself...Danielle was looking for Homie and Dude not barging in on Cody's ME Time

Producer driven drama

What did Cody do to piss off the producers? I understand Sheila is getting a bad edit because she wouldn't play ball with producers, but what did Cody do?

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, discoprincess said:

No matter what you think of Cody, Cody didn't deserve that. No wonder Sheila apparently doesn't want to play ball with the producers.

No he hasn't. I don't blame her and I think Anthony and Ashley got wise to it early on as well. Especially with the "experts" crap so they are keeping lips sealed. 

4 minutes ago, Gobears said:

What did Cody do to piss off the producers? I understand Sheila is getting a bad edit because she wouldn't play ball with producers, but what did Cody do?

Right? They are basically saying what we all are about it being the same thing over and over again and tired of it. While there was a ton more they did during the 8 weeks. It sounds like they toss in off editing on her as well if she is telling people they had warm encounters...whatever that is suppose to mean. While I don't like her, I think they both got screwed big time on the edits. I am glad this seasons people are more open on things too and putting it out there. Which the producers can't be to thrilled with....well unless it gets them more viewers and attention for the show then they will be ok with the outing of their stupidity. SMH 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

It was obviously fake but to me it looks like they played along on the lame joke to the audience, then back peddled on SM when they looked stupid, so I'm not feeling sorry for either of them.

Yeah, I kind of agree with you, you couldn't put those words in Danielle's mouth if she wasn't teasing him like she caught him being with himself, but I do think the show took it to the worst extreme possible and just airing that is pretty shitty, IMO.

At this point although I think Cody is getting a bad edit so is Danielle or all these people here wouldn't be mad at her and making it her fault that things aren't working out between them when it might be that the two of them just don't click.

Edited by Snarklepuss
4 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Yeah, I kind of agree with you, you couldn't put those words in Danielle's mouth if she wasn't teasing him for like she caught him being with himself, but I do think the show took it to the worst extreme possible and just airing that is pretty shitty, IMO.

Yup; that's what I mean... she said things, he said 'guy time', hid under the blanket etc... they played along to some extent & probably didn't realize the show would even use it or use it the way they did, so came the denials & acting innocent on SM, which I don't buy at all.

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't with signing up for this - Sheila isn't having it with production & gives them a lot of material, so they are using it. They are totally messing with Cody & Danielle & because they're playing along they both look stupid, especially Cody. A&A have it kind of figured out, especially after Rachel caught Ashley off guard the first time; they're more careful now.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 5

Agree that the show is going off the rails a bit with the editing and manufactured conflict.

I am so over Cody though. And really, he's just a kid making kid mistakes. This whole sex thing is getting old. I don't buy for one second that prior to filiming he was having sex every day. So either A) he was just posturing B) he had a girlfriend / friend with benefits or C) he was a straight up player. None of these bode well.  

Its just weird to lie about it. Is this a high school locker room? If he had a friend with benefits, fine. But how do you have sex with someone every day and not catch at least some feelings? I'm no prude, but I find that a little detached. I don't get the player vibe. If Cody were attracting enough women for daily hookups, then I imagine he could have asked one out on a date. He wouldn't need a team of "experts" to fix him up.

This from a guy who lives at home. Just shut up about it already. It's been four weeks, not four years. If you can't take a few weeks to get to know your partner, then you don't deserve to have one. All this whining about how patient  he's being and how hard he's trying. It's life dude. It's what big boys do.

My guess would be that he's a virgin. That would explain the bitter disappointment over not having sex. 

I was not a Nate fan in the beginning. He's growing on me though. Sure, he's had missteps, but I think he'll mature into a good man. Sheila is a handful. He's shown remarkable restraint dealing with her mercurial mood swings.

He's a kid too. She's older with a better job, but has some baggage to work through.  It might be the editing, but it seems many of their fights are her reactions to past hurts. For example, when she was sobbing because she spent her twenties trying to convince someone to want her, and she wasn't going to convince her husband (I'm paraphrasing from memory. Apologies for mistakes.)

Hopefully, when she's more secure with his affections, Sheila will stop testing him constantly. If not, one of these times when she tells him to just go, he will.

And Ashley and Anthony - Love them!!! Now, if the experts would stop trying to pick at her insecurities and exploit some nonexistent sister drama, they will be just fine!!!

These two better have babies, Sunday dinners, and a kick ass 50th Anniversary!!!!

  • Love 2

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