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So the show decided Ashley was a bit too happy, needed more drama, so sent Rachel in to set off some non existent alarm bells.... guess we'll see.

Cody might just be doing that 'Friday night Cody' guy talk again while golfing.

Regarding Nate & Sheila, I'm not one who agrees with marrieds hanging out with opposite genders, but then I've seen & heard too much so, that's where I'm at on that one.

  • Love 3

Anthony was asking a producer driven question to Ashley's dad and he got an honest answer...run... Forest...run....

 In another producer driven inquiry,  N8 asks Sheila if it is okay if he goes out clubbing with women when she isn't around?

Shouldn't N8 be staying home with his lil bro, Rique instead of clubbing without his wife?

Sheila has had cheating bfs in her past so N8 should just stay at home until the ink is dry on the marriage license.

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, gingerandcloves said:

Another season ends up 0 for 3. I never thought Tom and Lilly were compatible either. He seemed like a jerk, to me, with all his crap about materialism, and his stupid bus. 

I blame the experts more than the participants. They tried to make lemonade out of the lemons they were giving. Who would think it's a good idea to pair

1. a guy who lives on a bus and hates materialism with a woman who sells luxury real estate

2. a woman terrified of dogs with a man with 2 untrained dogs

3. a guy who is a pothead with a woman who hates weed


Yet none of the participants (with the exception of season 2 people who are persona non grata to the rest of the franchise) will say anything negative about the experts because they want to stay on their good side and get a shot at being on Second Chances.

Edited by Gobears
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, henrysmom said:

Evil Queen, this interview with a producer says a marriage license is signed "immediately after the ceremony".  Not sure how legal that is.


Edited to add this would not be allowed in Illinois (where I am and where this season's weddings--I'm assuming as I bailed on this show last year--took place).

In Illinois both parties need to be present to obtain a marriage license, and it needs to be obtained at least one day before the ceremony.  Here are the Cook County regulations, but they seem to be the same throughout the state from what I can tell.


Thanks for that. So then how legal is it if its after? I know we had to both be there and show ID for our's. This is California. So with that I found this for Florida's laws http://www.usmarriagelaws.com/marriage-license/florida/clerks-recorders/office-requirements.shtml. This says both parties are to be there to sign and they have to get it 3 days ahead of time. Then in New York it says you can start the app online but must both appear in person to finish it and 24 hr waiting period before you can have your ceremony. Georgia says in person as well but no waiting period. I've been starting to question the show and marriages being legally done for awhile. It doesn't seem logical that they didn't meet before getting married if its a legal marriage if they have to both be there to sign the papers. I can't imagine telling them either its for a show so they can't see each other will fly. So do they then do a small courthouse thing after the tv wedding to make it legal or what if they have to be there together for it? Especially when there is a waiting period. I was almost starting to wonder if this is why we Jamie/Doug and Cortney/Jason had a 2nd ceremony, kwim? Ok done with the odd theories. LOL 

1 hour ago, Gobears said:

I blame the experts more than the participants. They tried to make lemonade out of the lemons they were giving. Who would think it's a good idea to pair

1. a guy who lives on a bus and hates materialism with a woman who sells luxury real estate

2. a woman terrified of dogs with a man with 2 untrained dogs

3. a guy who is a pothead with a woman who hates weed


Yet none of the participants (with the exception of season 2 people who are persona non grata to the rest of the franchise) will say anything negative about the experts because they want to stay on their good side and get a shot at being on Second Chances.

So do I. The so called "experts" are a joke. Always have been. They just try to make matches that could create some shitfest drama since they think its all we want to see. Not understanding its not and that couples matched pretty well would still have issues pop up with out "experts" looking for it to happen or producers butting in. 

I have a feeling they probably sign contracts that state they can't say anything negative...especially after what happened in Season 2. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

So the show decided Ashley was a bit too happy, needed more drama, so sent Rachel in to set off some non existent alarm bells.... guess we'll see.

Cody might just be doing that 'Friday night Cody' guy talk again while golfing.

Regarding Nate & Sheila, I'm not one who agrees with marrieds hanging out with opposite genders, but then I've seen & heard too much so, that's where I'm at on that one.

It seems its never allowed for even one couple to be happy on this show at all. I can't stand rachel. I will never give a capital to their names again or putting dr in front or whatever because they are such jokes and don't have my respect with their very irresponsible behavior. 

4 hours ago, Gobears said:

Isn't it odd that when Anthony asks his father-in-law advice about marriage, the FIL tells him to run the other way? Hasn't the FIL never been married? If I remember correctly, Ashley's parents have just cohabitated for many decades together.

I took it as the FIL was joking around like some can. Yes her parents never married and have been together 35 yrs I think she said? Or something like that. Which whatever, its not for everyone and some can live that way as a married couple without officially being married with the paper. There are then those that can't. Those that can't either way. LOL 

3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Anthony was asking a producer driven question to Ashley's dad and he got an honest answer...run... Forest...run....

 In another producer driven inquiry,  N8 asks Sheila if it is okay if he goes out clubbing with women when she isn't around?

Shouldn't N8 be staying home with his lil bro, Rique instead of clubbing without his wife?

Sheila has had cheating bfs in her past so N8 should just stay at home until the ink is dry on the marriage license.

Yeah what dude that is not only suppose to be responsible for an underage teen but now married asks to go out with other women? Sorry but what reason would he need to do that and why can't she come alone? If he can't answer those honestly then bye bye Nate. 

Reading that link, rachel and her suggesting it puts the burden on him is basically her saying "let me put some doubts in your head on things and cause issues". Ashley has a good instinct telling her this idiot "expert" is asking for a reason but not hitting on the fact she is doing it to cause problems not because he said something to her. UGH She should be pissed at that "expert". Instead of being happy they click so well, its a let's see what we can do to fuck this up for them. I hope this is not going to screw these 2 up since they seem the only good couple this season. 

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Maybe she hypnotizes them to love her.

Lol, maybe.

If I was Lilly, I'd be pissed. I don't mind Lilly and Tom, on their own they are perfectly normal people. But why would you match a girl with ambitions, a desire for kids and a love for luxury to a relaxed surfer guy who prefers the simple life and doesn't see kids in his future? There is nothing wrong with how they want their lives to play out, but it was so unfair to them to match them. Despite the chemistry, they were exact opposites and you cannot overcome these differences as 'simply' as, let's say, a fear of dogs. It's like they were set up to fail. Even a child could create better matches. Sometimes, it's down to married couples that the experiments is not working - some of them see this clearly as a 'maybe I get my exact soul, if not, I can still back out'. But with Lilly and Tom, this was clearly an expert failure.

Edited by Agnetha
  • Love 2

Oh goody, goody.

Tomorrow's episode is when the couples get a home visit from one of the experts and the basket of sex homework is dropped off....

Danielle...where is the strangest place you had sex?...tandem bungee jumping off a rope bridge in the jungles of Costa Rico.


Cody...where is the strangest place you had sex?....a vagina...


Never gets old....

  • Love 4
On 5/28/2017 at 0:46 PM, Evil Queen said:

It wouldn't be the first time that happened with one misrepresenting themselves. IMO She hasn't made it clear to him she was interested. All we see are THs saying she was and then her saying she isn't all that attracted to him though. Which of course the loving editing folks and producers love I am sure. Yet I haven't seen anything past the honeymoon night where they seemed some what hot and heavy to where it went to cool down fast. This is why I say something may have happened that night to turn him to "friend zone" her so he to protect himself. Which in turn she starts to do the same as time goes on. Yet I haven't seen a thing from her with body language or anything else saying to him she wanted sex. IMO neither has much personality going on and they are just both pretty awkward. The so called "experts" should never have picked either one for this show. 

I wouldn't go through all those lengths to defend Cody.  I think the guy is an obvious putz.  I wouldn't blame her for not being interested in him - What's to be interested in if the guy is such a "weenus" as someone so aptly put upthread?  But honestly, she doesn't strike me as a liar like a lot of losers on this show.  If he wasn't so obviously immature and not on her level I might see it differently.  Is he such a snowflake that he has to protect himself from meek, mild Danielle?  What did she do, cut his balls off or something?  I think she gave it the ol' college try with him and he was just not man enough to see things through.  Which is why she's going on about wanting a "manly man".  Code word for "man who has a normal set of balls and isn't so intimidated/self conscious/unsure of himself/inexperienced during sex that he loses his erection".  He probably friend zoned her after several unsuccessful attempts at intercourse, which is why she would (understandably) lose interest in him.  That's my take on this situation.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Agnetha said:

They might not be allowed to say anything negative but that doesn't explain why the season 4 and season 5 women are fawning over Rachel DeAlto.

I have no clue. To me she creeps me out. Her face just changes when it comes to the topic of sex and physical contact. There is just some very, VERY off about her. Maybe she should start wearing a scarf so she can wipe the drool away. 

2 hours ago, Agnetha said:

It's like they were set up to fail.

Sadly, they are set up that way it seems. Thee is rarely a chance given to the couples it seems like because they match for drama. If there isn't the drama they want or thought they would get either producers make up shit for them it seems like or more thank likely the "experts" start putting some doubt in their heads on crap by asking certain questions. I really wish we could do away with the "experts" since not one of them has a real clue. These people would have been better off set up by friends and family.

  • Love 1

Danielle and Codester in The Knot...


Cody wants a hot tub time machine to go back to his wedding night.

He regrets being a puss.

Yet he continued being a puss throughout the honeymoon.

And he is still a puss after moving in together.

Really can't seeing Cody seducing her, romancing her, enticing her to the wonders of Friday Night Cody.

Pawing instead of caressing, patting instead of lingering touches...

What a puss...

  • Love 2

 he explains that Degroot played a part as well. “Danielle was hard to read during the honeymoon,” he says. “Physical intimacy was growing but after our most physically intimate night, she told me she was starting to see things in me that made her think I might not be a good match for her. After hearing that, it was hard to tell if she was ready for sex or not.”

Yes let's not add that this was an issue as well. The fact she says she was seeing things in him that made her think he wasn't for her....yeah I am sure that did a whole lot for him and wanting to have sex with her as well. She hadn't been giving him hints, vibes or acting like she wanted it that we saw either. All we had seen was her saying in the same TH how she wanted to have sex. Then how she wasn't sure if she did or not. At the end of the day they sound like they both were getting in their own ways of trying to move the relationship to the next level and stepping back a few times in a short time. Its not like he didn't try from what the other article had said. She had turned him down. Seems to be they both are at fault in their own ways for things in that area. 

  • Love 2
On Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at 5:13 PM, Evil Queen said:

took it as the FIL was joking around like some can. Yes her parents never married and have been together 35 yrs I think she said? Or something like that. Which whatever, its not for everyone and some can live that way as a married couple without officially being married with the paper. There are then those that can't. Those that can't either way. LOL 

Oh interesting! I somehow missed that. Does she have her mom or her dad's name?

9 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

 he explains that Degroot played a part as well. “Danielle was hard to read during the honeymoon,” he says. “Physical intimacy was growing but after our most physically intimate night, she told me she was starting to see things in me that made her think I might not be a good match for her. After hearing that, it was hard to tell if she was ready for sex or not.”

Yes let's not add that this was an issue as well. The fact she says she was seeing things in him that made her think he wasn't for her....yeah I am sure that did a whole lot for him and wanting to have sex with her as well. She hadn't been giving him hints, vibes or acting like she wanted it that we saw either. All we had seen was her saying in the same TH how she wanted to have sex. Then how she wasn't sure if she did or not. At the end of the day they sound like they both were getting in their own ways of trying to move the relationship to the next level and stepping back a few times in a short time. Its not like he didn't try from what the other article had said. She had turned him down. Seems to be they both are at fault in their own ways for things in that area. 

If that's the case Cody is getting the 'puss' edit.

Cody and Danielle should pull a Double Heather and refuse to participate anymore if they feel if there is no hope for his marriage.

Does he want to be on the show with an unwilling wife? an unappealing husband?

Can't s/he just pull the plug?

Unless they strengthened the contract as a result of Heather's actions last season s/he should just walk away.

Their segments are awkward, unwatchable and make snarking about them joyless.

Cody is not the new Neil because Danielle is not cruel or mean.

Cody is the new Jacklyn...just waiting around for their spouse like Ms. Tito's Vodka did.

3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

If that's the case Cody is getting the 'puss' edit.

Agree. I have thought so for awhile now though. This show is so bad with the edit jobs and trying to play up sides and how people look. I am at the point that I think this is the last season I watch on this show. More so after reading some of what goes on behind the scenes in other countries on this show because I wouldn't doubt its the same crap happening to these people as well. 

1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Cody and Danielle should pull a Double Heather and refuse to participate anymore if they feel if there is no hope for his marriage.

Does he want to be on the show with an unwilling wife? an unappealing husband?

Can't s/he just pull the plug?

Unless they strengthened the contract as a result of Heather's actions last season s/he should just walk away.

Their segments are awkward, unwatchable and make snarking about them joyless.

Cody is not the new Neil because Danielle is not cruel or mean.

Cody is the new Jacklyn...just waiting around for their spouse like Ms. Tito's Vodka did.

Wouldn't it be something if they did that? I'd be behind it if they did that and wanted to be done and walked away from it all. Sadly we know they are signed to contracts to make it impossible to have happen. Doesn't mean they aren't going to their own places after filming though...but I think our version of it has contracts that could be stricter than the other countries maybe. Or these people don't realize they could do that if they felt the need. I don't know if its the place to discuss it or post the links so I won't say to much or give the links. Yet if one looks it up they will find plenty of women that did this show in other countries and they have talked about their experience in true honesty. What we haven't had here done by any of from past people on this show. Which could be from whatever contracts signed here. Some of what is said we have already assumed was going on (producer scripted bs, "experts" trying to manipulate things, etc). Interesting reads though on how it was for some. 

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

@Evil Queen, I hope you are here next season. I love your viewpoints.

Thanks Jellybeans and back at you. I think at this point I will have to debt it and see how I feel at that point. I'm here until the end this season no matter what but after last night its really hard to watch when you see a so called "expert" butt in to manipulate things so a couple has issues. Its not the first time of course but this was just bad and felt like rachel was preying on Ashley. The twisting of her words was not ok. It was just so irresponsible of her to do and the show as well. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

More so after reading some of what goes on behind the scenes in other countries on this show because I wouldn't doubt its the same crap happening to these people as well. 

That's interesting; where are you finding this info?

2 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

I am at the point that I think this is the last season I watch on this show.

I get how you feel & sometimes feel guilty watching, but snarking/commenting here is often a nice way of getting out frustrations - way better than therapy LOL.

Hope you decide to keep on keepin' on the snark! :)

  • Love 2

If Cody's defensive remarks that he was having sex every day before he was cast for the show are true, to me that indicates he was in a relationship with someone, even if it was only as friends with benefits. I refuse to believe such an inarticulate bumbler was able to pick up a different woman, or even rotate sex among a group of women, every damned day. Not to mention that he lives in a rural area.

It's also possible he considers masturbation to be sex.

Edited by Lord Donia
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

If Cody's defensive remarks that he was having sex every day before he was cast for the show are true, to me that indicates he was in a relationship with someone, even if it was only as friends with benefits. I refuse to believe such an inarticulate bumbler was able to pick up different woman, or even rotate sex among a group of women, every damned day. Not to mention that he lives in a rural area.

It's also possible he considers masturbation to be sex.

Exactly. When Cody informed Jamie that, up until the very moment he learned he was getting married, he had had sex EVERY DAY, my immediate thought was... you mean with your hand, right?  Or maybe with farm animals?  I mean, this poor guy has NO GAME whatsoever.  There's just no way he was scoring with actual human woman on a daily basis.

  • Love 4

That was a gross statement, worse than the "Friday night Cody", & if he thinks he's 'saving his guy face' with that one he should think again. He's just making himself look like a virginal high school kid trying to be cool & it's ridiculous.

ETA:  IF he happens to be telling the truth it's a repulsive way of life, so either way he's coming off as a total loser.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 4

Maybe I'm the odd one, but I really believe Rachel DeAlto has and still does have good intentions.  Perhaps I am hopelessly naive, but do you remember Rachel's glee in announcing that it was she who matched Tom and Lili? By all appearances they seemed like a good match and Rachel came off as genuinely happy to be the one responsible for the pairing.

The problem between Tom and Lili may very well come down to his not wanting children.   At her young age, though, it's hardly a reason for divorce (after 14 months, no less!).  It's always possible he could have a change a heart over time - or, conversely, she could change her mind about having kids.  There must have been other issues, as so many of you have speculated, some of which possibly relate to money, materialism, and priorities.  

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

ETA:  IF he happens to be telling the truth it's a repulsive way of life, so either way he's coming off as a total loser.

ITA.  If he's telling the truth (and I think that's a big if at this point) I don't even think it can be excused as an "alternate lifestyle choice".  Any time a person objectifies sexual partners to the extreme of acting THAT unemotional and matter of fact about it, like he could have robotic impersonal sex with someone (or anyone) every day and just be able to cut them off on a moment's notice and be suddenly ready for marriage is psychologically dysfunctional to the point of being dangerous, IMHO.  If he does that with other people he will likely take that dysfunction into any marriage.  And I think he obviously has!

  • Love 4
On 6/2/2017 at 11:03 AM, humbleopinion said:

Cody and Danielle should pull a Double Heather and refuse to participate anymore if they feel if there is no hope for his marriage.

Does he want to be on the show with an unwilling wife? an unappealing husband?

Can't s/he just pull the plug?

Unless they strengthened the contract as a result of Heather's actions last season s/he should just walk away.

Their segments are awkward, unwatchable and make snarking about them joyless.

Cody is not the new Neil because Danielle is not cruel or mean.

Cody is the new Jacklyn...just waiting around for their spouse like Ms. Tito's Vodka did.

I see it the other way around:  Danielle is the new Jacklyn, and Cody is Ryan.  (See Lord Donia's post above).

20 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

If Cody's defensive remarks that he was having sex every day before he was cast for the show are true, to me that indicates he was in a relationship with someone, even if it was only as friends with benefits. I refuse to believe such an inarticulate bumbler was able to pick up different woman, or even rotate sex among a group of women, every damned day. Not to mention that he lives in a rural area.

It's also possible he considers masturbation to be sex.

Lord Donia, I'm so glad I went back and read this last page of posts before adding my own; otherwise, I'd have missed yours.  I was about to post almost verbatim what you said. 

I would have posted my thoughts right away but I was trying to come up with a euphemism for "masturbation."  It was good to see you just came right out with it!  Anyway, my opinion echoes yours:  Unless Cody was including masturbation in his admission to having had "sex every day" before starting MAFS, the reasonable assumption would be that he had a girlfriend or someone whom he was seeing regularly.  I don't see him as someone who would be with a different girl every day of the week, so the girlfriend or "regular someone" theory seems to fit best.  

And, if our theory proves accurate it could explain his performance problems during sex and, at the very least, what seems to be his ambivalence about having sex with Danielle, the excuses he gives for not following through, etc. etc.

7 minutes ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

I don't see him as someone who would be with a different girl every day of the week, so the girlfriend or "regular someone" theory seems to fit best.

Let's not forget he also freaking lives with his parents! Where are these daily sex fests taking place? Maybe he's got a semen-soaked mattress set up in the janitor's closet at his gym where women line up to do him -- he's just that magnetic.

Edited by Lord Donia
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, StayingAfterSunday said:


And, if our theory proves accurate it could explain his performance problems during sex and, at the very least, what seems to be his ambivalence about having sex with Danielle, the excuses he gives for not following through, etc. etc.

Considering she has turned him down and they both said it. I don't think its right to assume there was performance problems with sex and them at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a friends with benefits deal he had going. I will admit I had one of those when I was younger. If either of us started dating it stopped right there. If we weren't with someone else it was back on. That was all it was and both knew it. I still think he tried to go further on the honeymoon night and she may have turned him down in a not good way that led him to back off like he did. She stated during this last episode to rachel how she wasn't feeling it the day they got married and still wasn't at that point. I'm wondering how much "direction" they are given in what to say in those interviews with magazines so the show can make sure its following along with how they edit things to look. We do know from one of those interviews though that he tried and she turned him down. The THs are editing to look like she is dying to get it and he is unsure. Which is old at this point and insulting that each season they try to pull this crap with THs as well by reusing whatever to try to edit crap. I don't think Danielle is trying to be polite or anything else in what she says. I think there is something odd with her too. These 2 shouldn't have been picked for this show though and more so for each other. Yet the show did it on purpose with the match. It was obvious during the matchmaking episode. I think it was rachel shown asking her how she felt about being matched with a younger guy. The answer was a year or 2 was ok. I think they already had him and Nate picked at those points so were trying to dig to see how young they could be. I don't really know to many women that would date younger. I know there are ones that will be this was set up for failure from the get go no matter what. I think the same can be said with Nate and Sheila as well. Why continue with the dude that has a pair of ladies shoes in his trunk and make it a joke when its obvious he was still having sex with whoever after he was picked for this show. This show is just beyond irresponsible with what they are doing.

Which has anyone tried to dig around to see if the guys this season have said anything about how they ended up on this show? Like we know Tres was found from Tinder and Tom from FB. So what about these guys? Or maybe they are getting them to be tight lipped on it. 

  • Love 3

A poster on Season 05, Episode 7 identified Ashley's "successful" bar/restaurant/nightclub as --Tommy's Place in Blue Island, Illinois. 

A quick visit to Tommy Place's website shows that as of this posting the contact on http://tommysplacechicago.com/?page_id=8  is ASHLEYPETTA@AOL.COM.  Seems like she is either not married or did not change her name or did not get a new email account after changing her name.  

  • Love 1

I don't like the way Cody talks about himself as the super sex stud, but I've always felt they were equally not suited for each other.

While speaking with Rachel, Danielle admitted that although she initially saw Cody as "an attractive guy", she never felt a connection or spark between them. She said because he's attractive she decided to go with it & hope something would happen, & it pretty much sounds like she's still hanging in there waiting for them to connect on a romantic level.

So she said herself she's never felt any spark with him, & I can't believe he wouldn't have picked up on that.

Edited by gonecrackers
5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

“Don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone you love.”

                                                                            -Woody Allen

LOL, I was going to quote that for Sheila, as well as this, from the Woody Allen movie "Manhattan":


Party Guest:
I finally had an orgasm, and my doctor said it was the wrong kind.

Isaac Davis:
You had the wrong kind? I've never had the wrong kind, ever. My worst one was right on the money.

7 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Maybe I'm the odd one, but I really believe Rachel DeAlto has and still does have good intentions.  Perhaps I am hopelessly naive, but do you remember Rachel's glee in announcing that it was she who matched Tom and Lili? By all appearances they seemed like a good match and Rachel came off as genuinely happy to be the one responsible for the pairing.

The problem between Tom and Lili may very well come down to his not wanting children.   At her young age, though, it's hardly a reason for divorce (after 14 months, no less!).  It's always possible he could have a change a heart over time - or, conversely, she could change her mind about having kids.  There must have been other issues, as so many of you have speculated, some of which possibly relate to money, materialism, and priorities.  

I disagree. Not only is that a sound issue for a divorce, it's a solid reason not to get married in the first place. You should never go into any marriage with the hope or expectation that your spouse will change their mind about family planning, because there's an extremely good chance that one of you will be disappointed. I've known several couples who have been together and childfree for years, with a few of them one spouse has changed their mind about wanting children and almost all of these couples ended up divorced. These were people who happened to change their minds; imagine going into marriage KNOWING you wanted children but your spouse does not. Waiting for something that may not ever occur is asinine and a risk not worth taking. Nor should she have to surpress that desire to maintain her marriage; if you have to do that the marriage isn't worth it to begin with. 

I got married before I could even legally drink but that was a sticking point for me even at that young age; everything else was a give and take but not wanting children was a deal breaker for me. I knew even back then as a demi-teen that the "perfect" man wasn't perfect for me if he didn't share that desire from jump. Lily wasted 14 months with Tom and I hope that for the next time around they both learn that they don't have to settle in huge areas for happiness.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Liberty said:

A poster on Season 05, Episode 7 identified Ashley's "successful" bar/restaurant/nightclub as --Tommy's Place in Blue Island, Illinois. 

A quick visit to Tommy Place's website shows that as of this posting the contact on http://tommysplacechicago.com/?page_id=8  is ASHLEYPETTA@AOL.COM.  Seems like she is either not married or did not change her name or did not get a new email account after changing her name.  

I would think that she (and all other couples on the show) signed a contract saying they can't publicize the "results". So I don't know if that tells us anything. 


Also, FWIW, I know lots of women who changed their last names, but not their email address. 

  • Love 4

The thing is Tom never said he didn't want kids. When they talked about it on the show they were on different time frames for wanting them. In fact I think he wanted them sooner than she did because she wanted to get her career going more and be ready financially. I think for them it was just the issue of being in different places in their lives. As well as if he could, he would be a surf bum. Considering how things were said about their divorce though, it sounds like they both agreed upon it and knew it was best because they are in such different places in life. I just hope the "crazies" (nutty SM follower are keeping away from them...or should I say her on this. As well as they remain mature about things considering some. 

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Liberty said:

A poster on Season 05, Episode 7 identified Ashley's "successful" bar/restaurant/nightclub as --Tommy's Place in Blue Island, Illinois. 

A quick visit to Tommy Place's website shows that as of this posting the contact on http://tommysplacechicago.com/?page_id=8  is ASHLEYPETTA@AOL.COM.  Seems like she is either not married or did not change her name or did not get a new email account after changing her name.  

People still have AOL.com email addresses?!

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1 hour ago, JAndy said:

I would think that she (and all other couples on the show) signed a contract saying they can't publicize the "results". So I don't know if that tells us anything. 


Also, FWIW, I know lots of women who changed their last names, but not their email address. 

Yes they aren't suppose to give it away how the ending would be. I think they got pretty strict on it after the whole David/Ashley SM nightmare that season. 

And as for the email, first probably shouldn't be posted on her, even though it is easy enough to find and its just my opinion. But I wouldn't change my email either like that. Of course at this point she may have to change it from her name and to something else because once some find out her email and place of work they could end up hounding her about the show. I hope not but some on SM that watch this show seem to be a little much from what has been posted here at times and from talking to those that are on SM. 

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