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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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Seems to be nowadays the "I've been hacked" is not usually the truth. If she cheated, while it would not be right, with how cold that dude is it would be why. Yet I don't think either of these things happened. I wouldn't be surprised if they planned it and wanted to see if they could draw more attention to themselves. 

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I wanted them to work out but I think Sonia's done with Nick...especially with ominous tweets like


When we think of "meant to be",  we automatically assume forever. But maybe it's not supposed to last forever. Maybe it's just someone who is your life to teach you something. Maybe the forever is not the person, but what we gain from them.



Once respect is lost- well everything else comes crumbling down...



Don't push me away and wonder where I went.

I think he's trying to win her back because he's still posting things on his IG like this:


Two heads are better than one. We will teach the world how to bridge gaps in communication. All over the world. And i wanna hold ur hand a little while we do it;) #ittakestwo #two #life #lessons #team #teamsonic #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #mafs

It's sad but if he really did hack her Twitter account, send suggestive messages to another guy under her name and then accuse her of cheating to over 20,000 people, I don't think Sonia's going to forgive him for that. At least I wouldn't...

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9 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

Seems to be nowadays the "I've been hacked" is not usually the truth. If she cheated, while it would not be right, with how cold that dude is it would be why. Yet I don't think either of these things happened. I wouldn't be surprised if they planned it and wanted to see if they could draw more attention to themselves. 

Hmm....that's an interesting possibility. She's denied cheating though. I would like to believe her since she's been cheated on herself in the past. If she and Nick planned this together, that would make them lose all credibility in my eyes. Hope that's not true although they did lie about having sex...  Do you think they're lying to try to get attention and publicity for a MAFS: First Year show? If yes, they totally deserve each other.

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2 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Hmm....that's an interesting possibility. She's denied cheating though. I would like to believe her since she's been cheated on herself in the past. If she and Nick planned this together, that would make them lose all credibility in my eyes. Hope that's not true although they did lie about having sex...  Do you think they're lying to try to get attention and publicity for a MAFS: First Year show?

Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if its part of why they are trying to gain attention. Yet he is boring to watch so why bother with them for any show honestly. It would just end up like the whole season of MAFS was and no thanks. 

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Gobears, if he was the one to hack her acct and try to make it look that way then maybe he was trying to find an excuse to get out of the relationship? Yet if its where he is trying to look like he wants her back and they are playing games on SM I stand by they are wanting attention and probably to get the payday from doing MAFS: First Year. 

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17 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

Gobears, if he was the one to hack her acct and try to make it look that way then maybe he was trying to find an excuse to get out of the relationship? Yet if its where he is trying to look like he wants her back and they are playing games on SM I stand by they are wanting attention and probably to get the payday from doing MAFS: First Year.

Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if its part of why they are trying to gain attention. Yet he is boring to watch so why bother with them for any show honestly. It would just end up like the whole season of MAFS was and no thanks. 

I think a new season of MAFS: First Year with Sonia & Nick and Tom & Lillian would be better than a 3rd season of Jamie/Doug & Cortney/Jason. Jamie's definitely gunning for a third season with her pregnancy.

I don't think Nick hacked her account as an excuse to get out of the relationship. He's spent days posting gushy Instagram quotes about Sonia...over the top and out of character actually.

I really hope they didn't plan this SM game together. I like and admire Sonia for being a foster care social worker. I got burnt out working in the same field after 6 months but she's lasted a decade. Props to her! Anyway, I'm going to keep believing that she wouldn't compromise her integrity for the sake of being on TV longer.

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8 hours ago, Gobears said:

I think a new season of MAFS: First Year with Sonia & Nick and Tom & Lillian would be better than a 3rd season of Jamie/Doug & Cortney/Jason. Jamie's definitely gunning for a third season with her pregnancy.

I don't think Nick hacked her account as an excuse to get out of the relationship. He's spent days posting gushy Instagram quotes about Sonia...over the top and out of character actually.

I really hope they didn't plan this SM game together. I like and admire Sonia for being a foster care social worker. I got burnt out working in the same field after 6 months but she's lasted a decade. Props to her! Anyway, I'm going to keep believing that she wouldn't compromise her integrity for the sake of being on TV longer.

Either of those groups don't need more tv time at this point. Sadly I can see a show made just for Jamie and her pregnancy. *gag* 

I actually wouldn't put it past Nick though. Maybe not so much her but the you never know I guess how one could change once they get a taste of people "fawning" over them on SM after a tv show. 

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These two confuse me so much. Sonia was on IG live last night for a long time, clearly sad (even bursting into tears a couple of times) while denying she's sad and avoiding the Nick questions the best she could. I don't get it to be honest. If you're going through some crap in your relationship then why put yourself in a position where hundreds of people keep asking you about it? Seems masochistic to me, but perhaps the positive attention is worth it. She did say she and Nick love each other and that he has the potential to be a great man, but didn't really clarify the situation one bit. When someone asked if she knows who hacked her she said yes, but that she can't say who it was, which kind of implies Nick to me. Still confused why he would hack her though, unless by hacking they mean that he looked at her Twitter account on her phone/computer, saw some compromising direct messages, jumped into conclusions and tweeted something out of anger. Who the hell knows. I'm not sure if they're done or not, since the only thing she would say was that they're still married, which duh, it's not like you can get a divorce in a few days. If I was them I'd just keep quiet until I get my crap sorted. Not sure what they get out of all the speculation they are fanning.

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I watched the IG live last night too...did you catch when Sonia said "I'm sss....married with Nick"?  It seemed like she was about to say "single" or "separated".  Yes, it would be best if they stayed quiet until everything was sorted out. She was kind of implying that after her non-disclosure agreement was over, she would tell everyone the whole story about her and Nick. I'm guessing the NDA will end 1 year after the weddings so April 2017, at least that's what Jessica from season 2 said about hers. I wonder if the show made them stay together or pretend to stay together for at least 1 year.

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3 hours ago, MsPH said:

When someone asked if she knows who hacked her she said yes, but that she can't say who it was, which kind of implies Nick to me. Still confused why he would hack her though, unless by hacking they mean that he looked at her Twitter account on her phone/computer, saw some compromising direct messages, jumped into conclusions and tweeted something out of anger.

For a while, there were messages on Sonia's Twitter that were retweets from the guy that Nick accused her of cheating with. So maybe Nick retweeted those messages after hacking her Twitter account? It's also possible that Nick hacked her Twitter account and sent the compromising direct messages to that guy which he then screenshot.

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Yeah, I believe Nick may have tweeted something from her account out of anger, but I don't believe that he would frame her, that would just be crazy. He has his faults (clearly) but I don't think he's some sociopath, and Sonia wouldn't still be saying she loves him, if he did something that horrible. Makes more sense to me that he suspected something, logged into her account and saw something that made him jump to conclusions, and I'm just wondering what and whether it really was incriminating. Sonia may seem sweet, but she'd not perfect either. Just because she says she didn't cheat doesn't mean nothing was going on. Everyone has their own definition of cheating. I also don't believe anyone forced them to stay together. I think they were genuinely trying, at least at some point, and then it just blew up all of a sudden.

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Some new developments:

-Sonia said on her IG that she and Nick are not doing the MAFS: First Year show (they definitely can't if they're separated/getting divorced).

-During a 3am IG live chat where she was clearly intoxicated, Sonia denied that she and Nick were paid by the show to stay together at the 6-month reunion.

-She liked a comment on IG that said "Nick should put a ring on it" and commented "he would if he's smaaart...stay tuned" (this comment was later deleted).

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1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

Does this surprise anyone really? Hopefully they can both move on with their lives though and not be asses on SM to each other anymore then it seems they have been. 

I'm not surprised but disappointed. However, Sonia can do a lot better! Nick is still being an ass to her on SM. He's liking negative comments about her on IG such as "She didn't really try. She only cared about her TV image. You'll find real love next time."

Also, it's gross that women are already hitting on him in the comments. One girl said they should go on lunch dates and Sonia said "yay for lunch dates! I have some recommendations for places you can go. (Kissy face emoticon)".  I'm hoping Sonia's being sarcastic with that comment...maybe she meant hell?

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Maybe Sonia is so over dealing with Nick that if someone is hitting on him, she's like "Good luck!" (sarcastically). We've all probably all had moments where you feel like if someone else wants to take on that other person's bullshit, good luck with that. 

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To be honest, I kind of got the sense that in the end Nick was more into Sonia than vice versa. Not that it's her fault or anything, you can't force yourself to fall in love with someone. Hopefully they don't start slinging mud, but I'm not holding my breath since they interact with fans so much on SM.

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3 hours ago, MsPH said:

To be honest, I kind of got the sense that in the end Nick was more into Sonia than vice versa. Not that it's her fault or anything, you can't force yourself to fall in love with someone. Hopefully they don't start slinging mud, but I'm not holding my breath since they interact with fans so much on SM.

Yeah, I kind of get that feeling too. I suspect that they've been living apart for months now and that's why he accused her "of not being all in". He kind of hit the hammer on the head when he said on decision day that MAFS was "like dating, but you're married". He and Sonia dated for a year, she started drawing away for whatever reason and now they're breaking up.

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Neither of them suit each other.  They don't bring out the best in each other.

I have a hard time reading Sonia's social media stuff because she tries to be positive and enlightening but it is off putting because it seems repetitive and forced.  Girl tweets a lot!  And some of her retweets are very weird... the one guy Nick accused her of cheating on is not exactly someone I would bring home to dad.  But she was "hacked".  Oh yeah hum.

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Nick and Sonia were my favorite Mafs couple but they never looked happy together. Not even when they had an IG live together months ago. People kept saying they were cute but it seemed a little force to me. I always thought Sonia tried her best because she was committed to her vows but she wasn't in love wih Nick, she always talked about him as if he was a friend. I followed them on twitter and IG and all I got was a couple who struggled for months. Sonia was always an open book on social media. You could tell everytime they had a fight. He tried to win her back after she moved. I guess they had a big fight at the end of December and she decided to move. She has not been wearing her wedding ring since then. I agree Nick was more into her.

When Nick accused her of cheating on he also answer to a person on twitter saying he went to her appartment and she was locked in, not wanting to open the door. Maybe he tought she was with someone else and hacked her twitter to read some private messages. It wasn't a smart move from him. He showed their dirty laundry in public. After that she took off the necklace as well and it was clear they were going to divorce.

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59 minutes ago, Mary10 said:

Nick and Sonia were my favorite Mafs couple but they never looked happy together. Not even when they had an IG live together months ago. People kept saying they were cute but it seemed a little force to me. I always thought Sonia tried her best because she was committed to her vows but she wasn't in love wih Nick, she always talked about him as if he was a friend. I followed them on twitter and IG and all I got was a couple who struggled for months. Sonia was always an open book on social media. You could tell everytime they had a fight. He tried to win her back after she moved. I guess they had a big fight at the end of December and she decided to move. She has not been wearing her wedding ring since then. I agree Nick was more into her.

When Nick accused her of cheating on he also answer to a person on twitter saying he went to her appartment and she was locked in, not wanting to open the door. Maybe he tought she was with someone else and hacked her twitter to read some private messages. It wasn't a smart move from him. He showed their dirty laundry in public. After that she took off the necklace as well and it was clear they were going to divorce.

Whoa, I wish that I had seen that IG live! What did they talk about? Why do you think they had a big fight at the end of December and that she moved?

Yeah, airing their dirty laundry in public was probably the final straw. What did he think he'd gain from publicly accusing her of cheating? Trying to turn the tide of public opinion against her?  It seems like most of the public reaction has been more favorable towards her since they announced their break-up.

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Hard to know what happened.  I think both have issues.

I do think Sonia spends WAY too much time on social media. And both should have kept their issues off IG, SC, twitter and maybe refrain from alcohol.

Now we all have opinions they don't like.

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11 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Whoa, I wish that I had seen that IG live! What did they talk about? Why do you think they had a big fight at the end of December and that she moved?

I only saw the last 10 minutes. They read comments and answer questions from fans. Nick showed his abs, he pretended to go to the bathroom and sneak in the comments asking funny private questions to Sonia. She ignored his questions. They kissed (fans requested it and they did it. Actually Sonia kissed his cheek and Nick wanted to kiss her on the lips). People asked Nick if he was in love and he said Yes. I don't remember much but I had the impression he was more into her while she looked uncomfortable especially when he was teasing her.

They posted the last pic together at Christmas. She made some sad posts on twitter a few days after and from her snapchat you could tell she wasn't living at Nick's house anymore.

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52 minutes ago, Mary10 said:

I only saw the last 10 minutes. They read comments and answer questions from fans. Nick showed his abs, he pretended to go to the bathroom and sneak in the comments asking funny private questions to Sonia. She ignored his questions. They kissed (fans requested it and they did it. Actually Sonia kissed his cheek and Nick wanted to kiss her on the lips). People asked Nick if he was in love and he said Yes. I don't remember much but I had the impression he was more into her while she looked uncomfortable especially when he was teasing her.

Thanks for the info! I wonder why people didn't ask Sonia if she was in love with Nick.

1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

Hard to know what happened.  I think both have issues.

I do think Sonia spends WAY too much time on social media. And both should have kept their issues off IG, SC, twitter and maybe refrain from alcohol.

Now we all have opinions they don't like.

That's true...we don't know what really happens behind closed doors. Just a lot of innuendo and speculation. Sonia does have a tendency to overshare and engage in very long conversations with randos on Twitter. I still find her more sympathetic than Nick though because she seems sincere and open. Guess I'm biased since my personality is more like hers than Nick's. I could never be with an introvert--I'd always wonder what they're thinking and if they're thinking malicious thoughts about me.

7 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Neither of them suit each other.  They don't bring out the best in each other.

I have a hard time reading Sonia's social media stuff because she tries to be positive and enlightening but it is off putting because it seems repetitive and forced.  Girl tweets a lot!  And some of her retweets are very weird... the one guy Nick accused her of cheating on is not exactly someone I would bring home to dad.  But she was "hacked".  Oh yeah hum.

Yes, Sonia's inspiration quotes are a bit much but I think she's trying to cope with everything through it. The guy Nick's accused her of cheating with seems kinda sketchy but who knows what he's like in real life? And to be fair, I wouldn't want to bring a guy like Nick home to Dad either. He follows the Twitter accounts of over 25 Houston Texans cheerleaders (overkill, much?) and likes selfies of scantily clad young women on IG. Not to mention some random 24-year old cellphone salesgirl who he is friends with on IG who is cheering on his divorce and asking him on lunch dates.

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I agree, Gobears.  Nick follows sketchy women (lol) and Sonia well, there is one guy she retweets that I would be embarrassed to be in the same room with.  But I am a rather normal person.  

I would not want either Sonia or Nick brought home as a mate for my kid.  Neither seem appealing.

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I think that Nick was taking a swipe at that skeevy guy the other day when he posted a picture on IG that said "I'm cut from a different cloth and they don't make the fabric anymore" and captioned it "she wanted a gentleman." Rather ironic when he's displayed some questionable behavior of his own...

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1 hour ago, Gobears said:

I think that Nick was taking a swipe at that skeevy guy the other day when he posted a picture on IG that said "I'm cut from a different cloth and they don't make the fabric anymore" and captioned it "she wanted a gentleman." Rather ironic when he's displayed some questionable behavior of his own...

What a good self-image the fellow has.  His dogs like his fabric too.

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3 hours ago, Liberty said:

Anyone have any idea how Nick's t-shirt/lifestyle company is doing?

I have no idea how his company is doing, but they need to hire some new designers. The clothing is so ugly! $25 for this tank top? LOL58d44df61eeae_uglyshirt.jpg.8bdf0793530eb4ade6b64a3b785e2ce7.jpg

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10 hours ago, henrysmom said:

I was shocked that they were still married.  I had just assumed they'd ended it once the cameras left.  Is the other couple still together?  

I want to know that too..  How are Tom and Lilly?  I don't follow other SM.  Can anyone fill us in?   

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6 hours ago, Gobears said:

Thanks for the info! I wonder why people didn't ask Sonia if she was in love with Nick.

That's true...we don't know what really happens behind closed doors. Just a lot of innuendo and speculation. Sonia does have a tendency to overshare and engage in very long conversations with randos on Twitter. I still find her more sympathetic than Nick though because she seems sincere and open. Guess I'm biased since my personality is more like hers than Nick's. I could never be with an introvert--I'd always wonder what they're thinking and if they're thinking malicious thoughts about me.

Yes, Sonia's inspiration quotes are a bit much but I think she's trying to cope with everything through it. The guy Nick's accused her of cheating with seems kinda sketchy but who knows what he's like in real life? And to be fair, I wouldn't want to bring a guy like Nick home to Dad either. He follows the Twitter accounts of over 25 Houston Texans cheerleaders (overkill, much?) and likes selfies of scantily clad young women on IG. Not to mention some random 24-year old cellphone salesgirl who he is friends with on IG who is cheering on his divorce and asking him on lunch dates.

I still don't by his so called introvert crap. From what has been posted from SM of his and then what is said with how he is on it that to me does not come off as someone that is an introvert.  With trying to make Sonia look like everything went south because of her (the "hack" and cheating", she didn't try like he claims to, etc) but really if he was the same way he was on the show it was never going to go anywhere ever. He was there pushing his so called clothing line and that he has the rental. He was always drinking. The outbursts he had were either the extreme in saying he wasn't attracted to her or go off in saying something that had nothing to do with what was discussed in the moment. Then if he is liking ever negative on SM it screams immature. He did pull that same crap about the trying on the show too. He tried to blame her and make it seem like he was but yet we never saw him try really at all. He has come off from the get go as someone that has no clue what taking responsibility for oneself is.

Those hitting on him after this came out, well they are disgusting people and that being on SM speaks volumes to those that see it and the kind of person those people are. SMH 

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I read Lily's Twitter today...yes, I am a sad, sad person

Lillian commented on the divorce pledging her friendship for both Sonia and Nick.

Thinking Lily is the M@FS glue for the past season.

There is a recent photo of her with Derek.

Lily and Tom going strong...he bought her some ugly  pendant made from some recovered gold from a dive(*cough* bullshit) for her birthday... they celebrated St. Paddy's day.

Her hair situation looks better with extensions all one color, as long as it isn't an overhead shot showing the thinness on top.

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6 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

there is one guy she retweets that I would be embarrassed to be in the same room with.  But I am a rather normal person.  

Wait, are you talking about the football player OchoCinco? I thought you were talking about the guy that Nick accused her of cheating with...didn't know that OchoCinco had a reputation for beating women until someone asked why Sonia on Twitter why she supported him.

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2 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

I still don't by his so called introvert crap. From what has been posted from SM of his and then what is said with how he is on it that to me does not come off as someone that is an introvert.  With trying to make Sonia look like everything went south because of her (the "hack" and cheating", she didn't try like he claims to, etc) but really if he was the same way he was on the show it was never going to go anywhere ever. He was there pushing his so called clothing line and that he has the rental. He was always drinking. The outbursts he had were either the extreme in saying he wasn't attracted to her or go off in saying something that had nothing to do with what was discussed in the moment. Then if he is liking ever negative on SM it screams immature. He did pull that same crap about the trying on the show too. He tried to blame her and make it seem like he was but yet we never saw him try really at all. He has come off from the get go as someone that has no clue what taking responsibility for oneself is.

Those are good points...there was that super cringe-worthy video of him twerking on IG. I can't see an introvert making and posting such a video to tens of thousands of people or allowing his wife to post a sext of him on SM. To be fair, I don't think he's mentioned his clothing line at all since the show stopped airing. He has been plugging some random power tool company that sends him free merchandise.

Although to play devil's advocate, I don't think Sonia is completely innocent in the breakup. She seems very flirtatious with Derek and the guy Nick accused her of cheating with on Twtter. And she seems to be always going out to bars and other social gatherings without Nick so all of that could make him feel insecure. She seems to need a lot of social interaction/validation on SM and it might become exhausting for a homebody/withdrawn type like Nick. And if the rumors are true that she moved into separate living arrangements away from Nick twice in the space of less than a year and stopped wearing her wedding ring, I could understand why Nick would think that she's not fully committed to their marriage. Kudos to them for trying so long anyway to make their relationship work. 

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I think Sonia was really trying to make the marriage work. She mentioned that her favorite couple from MAFS was Jamie and Doug, but I don't think she was as willing to put up with Nick's bs as much as Doug was with Jamie's. No surprise that an average guy would put up with more bs from a hot girl than the other way around, I guess...I think Sonia feels like she can do better while Doug does not. Credit to Doug is that Jamie seems to have WAY MORE baggage/traumatic history than Nick does.

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15 hours ago, Gobears said:

I have no idea how his company is doing, but they need to hire some new designers. The clothing is so ugly! $25 for this tank top? LOL58d44df61eeae_uglyshirt.jpg.8bdf0793530eb4ade6b64a3b785e2ce7.jpg

I'm trying to think of even one time that I've thought, "Something is missing from my wardrobe.  Maybe it's a tank top covered with cartoon daggers and dripping eyeballs."  I can think of literally hundreds of better uses for a spare $25.

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