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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I agree. But I can't blame the women, it just isn't in me! No matter how dumb they are. As you said, society promotes this way of thinking. It's sad, but it's up to men to look at themselves and change themselves.


I hate blaming the women too but unfortunately,....they are to blame. :(


Yeah, it is up to men to do that but most of them don't because they gain nothing by doing, so most don't do.

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I'm all about misandry so I just hate the men! 


I just hope Amber realizes that Derrick/Cody are playing her this week. But even Brittany didn't get it. She still doesn't! 


Speaking of Brittany, she said that Amber ruined Caleb's game and leads him on. I give up on humanity!

Edited by peachmangosteen


Amber: I can't believe Victoria is staying again. Now I can say I know how Britt feels. Maybe Hayden wants more blow-jobs.

And that kind of comment is exactly what Brittany did when she went on the block.  All the comments about how she wasn't shoving her breasts at Cody and that's why she was on the block.  It's this mentality that drives me bonkers.

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Because girls should know that they aren't allowed to form alliances, they are just to do what they are told by the boys.

I am absolutely positively NOT a fan of the sexism rampant on BB - but if the females allow their own sexist prejudices (i.e., immediately and automatically rejecting the notion of an all-female alliance as absurd) to affect their game, can you realistically fault the males for taking strategic advantage of that prejudice?

That being said - most of the males' conversations about the females irritates the hell out of me; however, I think anybody who has watched more than a couple of seasons would fully agree that over time, this game reduces everybody to their lowest denominator.

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I hadn't heard that it was part of the plan, but it seems that they are going to do the same thing to Amber that they did to Brittany -- give her the impression that she has a chance to stay only to face eviction with no votes cast in her favor.  The reason that I just couldn't deal with Zach anymore after last week was when I heard him suggesting that he should take Brittany aside during a commercial break in the live show and tell her that everyone would be voting her out.  He thought it would be fun to upset her in this way after setting her up for the fall.  We have seen more of this mindset this week.  I have never been a fan of planning to hurt someone's feeling for amusement.

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I am absolutely positively NOT a fan of the sexism rampant on BB - but if the females allow their own sexist prejudices (i.e., immediately and automatically rejecting the notion of an all-female alliance as absurd) to affect their game, can you realistically fault the males for taking strategic advantage of that prejudice?

I can!


That being said - most of the males' conversations about the females irritates the hell out of me; however, I think anybody who has watched more than a couple of seasons would fully agree that over time, this game reduces everybody to their lowest denominator.

That's thing, I really don't think it does. There have been lots of people who went through this whole game without being overtly racist or sexist, so it is possible.

Edited by peachmangosteen

And that kind of comment is exactly what Brittany did when she went on the block.  All the comments about how she wasn't shoving her breasts at Cody and that's why she was on the block.  It's this mentality that drives me bonkers.

Basically claiming that women's only value, even/especially in this game is base on what they can do for the men. Therefore, if a women is going home it's because she couldn't/didn't do anything for the men in the house. 


In this case, Amber is forgetting that the only reason she is going home is because she has been playing for the men team while being willing to throw all women under the bus believing that she is a " special snowflake".  I'm not surprise by this but she should have realize how wrong she was the minute neither of the guys stood up to Caleb for her. 

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I hope Cabeb holds his breath waiting for Amber to apologize.  I think the douchbag is in for a big surprise, or at least I HOPE so! 


Regarding Amber not thanking Caleb for ALL he's done for her, she said she didn't even know who put the blanket on her until Devin told her.  She said Caleb has never thanked her for folding his laundry or cooking for him.  He also hasn't thanked her for letting him wear her clothes (but that's a whole other Caleb issue - lol!)


And why do so many of these people think Jocosta DESERVES to be in the jury house?  What in the hell has she done in the game?  If there's something there, I'm missing it for sure.

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It's gross that everyone is telling Amber to talk to Caleb, but I hope she does because he will probably spill all and tell her all the guys knew all about this. Maybe then she'll start some shit and we'll get good drama!

And why do so many of these people think Jocosta DESERVES to be in the jury house?  What in the hell has she done in the game?  If there's something there, I'm missing it for sure.


Really though. If there's anyone in there who has 'done nothing,' it's Jocasta. She didn't even help win the BOB she won!

Edited by peachmangosteen

In this case, Amber is forgetting that the only reason she is going home is because she has been playing for the men team while being willing to throw all women under the bus believing that she is a " special snowflake".


If that's the case, Christine is the one who should be going home this week.  No one has played for the men's team more than her.

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I think that Caleb is creepy as a hell. And I don't condone what the guys say and do. They all know that he is obsessed but I don't think they realize how creepy it is. But we have seen the real creepiness of him Staring at her in he middle of the night and kissing her and wearing her blanket. They haven't been privy to that. And I would hope that if they knew this stuff they would be more hesitant to push at this. At least I would hope so.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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They know he kissed her without her permission and threw a pillow at her face while she was sleeping and thinks she needs to be 'put in her place.' But we'll see what they say once they know it all. Although, that'll be when they're out and they see that most of the fandom hates them and thinks Caleb is insane, so they'll pretend to be sorry to save face.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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And another thing (I'm on a tear today about these stupid people!)  If Zach's "speech" to and about Nichole and Christine was a fail, then his Amber speech has to be a fail too.  She just sat there, smiled and didn't respond (exactly as Nichole and Christine did).  But, how much do you want to bet that asshat Grodner gives them the money? 

And another thing (I'm on a tear today about these stupid people!)  If Zach's "speech" to and about Nichole and Christine was a fail, then his Amber speech has to be a fail too.  She just sat there, smiled and didn't respond (exactly as Nichole and Christine did).  But, how much do you want to bet that asshat Grodner gives them the money? 


BB changed the rules. It could just be one person yelling at another for 20 seconds. Why they want to hand these assholes money, I have no idea.

On the plus side though, it means that with the TA cash, his stipend, and an almost certain lock on America's Favorite (if they do that this year) Donny's take will likely be about as much as second place money. The downside is that Derrick/Frankie get cash too.


Amber may be a very nice person, but damn she's not smart.

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I'm personally done with Donny so I don't even care about that anymore!


I just wish we could at least fast forward through Amber/Victoria/Jocasta getting evicted because after that maybe we'll get some fun drama watching all these assholes turn on each other.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Jokers 07/28/14 01:57 PM

Amber telling about loyalty. Frankie says that was Caleb's spiel to him was - she has to prove her loyalty, has to talk to him.

Amber: "So this is all personal. I've been put up for personal reasons."

Frankie says no. It's because Caleb says she's untrustworthy.

Amber: "How? Are you guys BLIND? So Zach's trustworthy, and I'm untrustworthy. This is so funny."

Frankie says obviously she's staying. Imploring her to talk to Caleb.

Amber: You did this for Caleb, why? So I'd go running to him?

Frankie fiercely denying. Said he didn't have time to discuss it with her beforehand.



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Jokers 07/28/14 02:00 PM
Feeds back. Amber: "I just don't get it. I honestly don't get it." Frankie says you have to talk to Caleb. Amber says but YOU put me up.

Frankie: You know how passionate Caleb could be. I didn't want to be on the other side of him either. If he's coming after me, that's bad for me.

Amber: "I just thought we had a promise."

Frankie: "I know."

Amber: "I don't think you listened to a word I said last night."

Frankie: "I'm really sorry" (in monotone)

Amber walks away.




I'm just so glad she's calling Frankie on his BS. I hope she calls a house meeting and blows things sky-high!!!

Edited by TexasChic
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I am afraid, being that it's Amber, she didn't pick up on Caleb point blank telling her the guys were in on it. He also told her that Nicole said Amber told her about BS. She was so great in her convos with Frankie and Caleb, so I really hope she figures it all out and drags everyone this week.


ETA: Caleb seems to be starting realize Frankie's lies. Ooooh, maybe we'll get a Caleb blow up this week and all the guys scurrying!


I feel like stuff might happen today/tonight. But then I've thought we were finally gonna get some drama at least 2 other times this season and nada so.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Personally, I'm not done with Donny. Nobody's perfect. He's still far less objectionable than most people who appear on this show.

Yeah, I feel the same way. I could be wrong, but I don't think he realizes what he's supporting with the whole Amber thing.

Ha! Nicole just told Caleb Amber hasn't talked about any alliance. Totally blows his theory that Amber outed the alliance to Nicole. 

ETA: Apparently Frankie told Caleb that.

Jokers: Caleb (to Nicole) says he has 2 people saying 2 different things, wanting to figure out who's lying and now he knows.


Oh boy! I hope Caleb blows up! Please, please, please let that happen!

Edited by TexasChic
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Yeah, I feel the same way. I could be wrong, but I don't think he realizes what he's supporting with the whole Amber thing.

I agree.  Donny does not have feeds and he's the least in the know of the house guests concerning Amber/Caleb - he knows almost nothing about it.  He's the only one that neither Amber nor Caleb talk to about the other.  Yesterday for the very first time Caleb tried to talk to him about her and Donny immediately changed the subject.

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Yesterday for the very first time Caleb tried to talk to him about her and Donny immediately changed the subject.


See, to me the proves he knows what it's really like and he still called Amber a Jezebel, said she baits Caleb, and called Caleb a good guy. I know it's game play, but I don't respect game play like that and I thought Donny was above it. I'm just glad I don't actually like anyone because it makes it easier to watch!

Jokers 07/28/14 02:37 PM

Caleb calls Amber into beehive room after talking to Derrick. Caleb says "Frankie is an instigator".Conversation seems to indicate Caleb has figured out people in the house have pitted Amber and Caleb against each other.

Caleb plans to talk to Frankie and Zach because he believes the two of them are the instigators.

Caleb said "Frankie and Zach" told him they would vote to keep Amber if Caleb wanted to, and vote her out if Caleb wanted to.





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From Jokers:

2:37 PM Caleb calls Amber into beehive room after talking to Derrick. Caleb says "Frankie is an instigator".Conversation seems to indicate Caleb has figured out people in the house have pitted Amber and Caleb against each other.

Caleb plans to talk to Frankie and Zach because he believes the two of them are the instigators.

Caleb said "Frankie and Zach" told him they would vote to keep Amber if Caleb wanted to, and vote her out if Caleb wanted to.
2:37 PM Caleb: "I'm going to say something to Frankie very soon. And I'm going to say something to Zach." NT
2:37 PM Caleb: "My thought of putting you on the block was to not send you home, and none of us wants you gone." NT
2:36 PM Amber saying the reason she's close to others in the house is she needs to make it look like the Bomb Squad is still together. NT


C'mon Caleb and Amber, figure this shit out!

Can't wait to see what they show on TV and how they twist it around to Amber look bad and Derdick and his crew look like great game players. Just thinking about it makes me sick.


Same here... I'm done watching the broadcast shows this season, unless something drastic changes soon.  This is all just sickening to read about so I can't bring myself to watch this abortion of a show anymore.  They're all terrible, terrible people and should be ashamed of themselves.  


At least Zach and Cody are still pretty young so there's at least a chance that they'll finally grow up.  Derrick is at an age and point in his life where he SHOULD know better.  There's absolutely no excuse for the things he's said and done.

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From Jokers:

Caleb: "I brought it up, but they all thought it was a good idea."
Amber: "Meaning who."
Caleb says Derrick, Cody, Frankie, Zach but not Christine.



Caleb has blown up that everyone knew so many times and Amber is still just focusing on Zach. Damn, girl! At least she's dragging Caleb right now.

She's still not willing to believe Derrick and Cody are lying to her.


She's still not willing to believe Derrick and Cody are lying to her.


This is where the Detonators have had great success.  All of their targets have trusted at least one of their members.



I wish Amber would tell him Zach told her to ignore him! Then he 'should' be able to figure out he's been played.


Amber has told Caleb this several times during their conversations this afternoon.  It usually leads to Caleb wondering why she didn't come to him and talk about it.

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I wish Amber would tell him Zach told her to ignore him! Then he 'should' be able to figure out he's been played.


She did! Caleb knows Frankie/Zach are lying and started this whole thing. He's also told her about 5 times now that all the guys were in on it, but she's still just bringing up Zach. 


I just hope they both go off on Zach because you know he will blow everyone up!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Well, Caleb flat out told her every guy in the alliance had a part in it and are lying to her face. She told him Zach told her not to talk to him, but he was too stupid to put it together I think. (Sorry, I don't have feeds and am trying to put it all together).

Caleb thinks the whole "I only went on a date to not hurt his feelings" things was a lie too. Crap. Now he's going to turn this all around to how Amber secretly loves him. Puke.

Edited by TexasChic

See, to me the proves he knows what it's really like and he still called Amber a Jezebel, said she baits Caleb, and called Caleb a good guy. I know it's game play, but I don't respect game

play like that and I thought Donny was above it.

I'm just glad I don't actually like anyone

because it makes it easier to watch!

Or it suggests that Donny has only heard stuff from the guys, who are the ones going with the " She's been leading him on" story. If that's the case, I can't fault him too much. He most likely only knows half the story.

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LOL at Nicole doing what Frankie told her to. These people are all so embarrassing. I've never seen so many people just play someone else's game for them.


And then Nicole tried to sell out Victoria, too! It is kinda fun that no one has any loyalty to anyone.

LOL at Frankie acting like it's a crime punishable by death for the girls to take out the guys while he and all the guys take out every girl. 

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Or it suggests that Donny has only heard stuff from the guys, who are the ones going with the " She's been leading him on" story. If that's the case, I can't fault him too much. He most likely only knows half the story.

This. In spades.

Donny - or anybody else in this game, for that matter - is only as good as his information sources. For Donny as of late, this has been chiefly Derrick and Frankie (TA-FY!), with maybe a trickle from Zach and Hayden. Donny had told Dreck and Frankenfurter a week or more ago he thought Amber and BMBB needed to be split up, and he (correctly) perceived Amber as the more strategic of the two. Since this fit into Dreck and Frack's plans, they have since fed Donny whatever information reinforced that perception. Donny still doesn't fully trust Derrick and Frankie - but other than their input, Donny has little to go on other than his own observations - and since Amber and Bambi haven't been talking to each other for ~4 days, there's been nothing to directly observe between them to contradict Derrick and Frankie's info feed.

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