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Season 6 Episode Talk: Maggie Leads the Cult of Cappie

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In 2005, house nastiness hit new heights as we were introduced to the Friendship, otherwise known as the Cult of Cappie. Cappie left the game relatively early (was he even jury?), but for some bizarre reason, people were absolutely obsessed with this short, bald, ugly jerk of a guy. Maggie, she of the many hair ribbons, used Cappie as the sacrificial figure against the perceived  evil of the house, Kaysar. (Who just so happened to be Muslim in a post-9/11 America.) When Kaysar was gone, Janelle became their new target of hate. Despite Janelle and Howie's best attempts, the Friendship rode to the end, with the capable Ivette blowing her chance at winning the money because of her loyalty to her cult leader, Maggie.


I never, ever thought we'd ever get a house or clique as hateful as the Friendship, but then season 15 taught me to never say never. They were somehow under the impression that the HOH room was a film-free room zone, which they used to spend their time bashing Kaysar and Janelle and basically anyone who wasn't with them.


I remember watching the season and thinking it was microcosm of the fear, hate, and paranoia of George W. Bush America. I'll never forget Ivette's serious paranoid racism towards Kaysar such as when she called him Osama Bin Laden.

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In 2005, house nastiness hit new heights as we were introduced to the Friendship, otherwise known as the Cult of Cappie. Cappie left the game relatively early (was he even jury?)


Not even close! He was the third one evicted. There were other alliances that were equally as hateful, but that one really sticks out because of the hive mind they had. Watching Maggie assume the role of Head Priestess of Cappie-ism and mold those dizbrains into a cult was like nothing I've ever seen before or since. I wanted so badly to see them lose, but Ivette stayed loyal to the game and gave Maggie the win. 


It was very satisfying to see Kayser voted back into the house by America, which deeply puzzled the Cult, because Cappie! 

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Maggie ruled her alliance like a cult leader, though, and despite the vileness of her crew, she was a good player.


I'm a Capricorn, so what I take issue with is that the nickname "Cappie" stuck.  It ruined that word for me.

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   I've always wondered if Maggie really drank the Kool-Aid, or if she just seized the opportunity to shape her cult of Cappie. She kinda just seems like she took the money and ran- I don't ever recall her participating or showing up in the media ever again after the show. Of course, this was back when social media was only really a thing that teenagers and college kids did. I shudder to think of the Friendship famewhoring on Twitter.


    Ivette losing to Maggie was watching karma come back and slap someone right on the face. Why the hell would you leave a good-bye message like that one she left to Rachel, a JURY member?


    In any event, though I hate her, Maggie did deserve that win. Janelle's social game was horrible, and she only got as far as she did because she was a challenge beast. Which pains me to say that as someone who was rooting for her back in 2005, but it's true.


    Maggie's TWOP title was "David Koresh In A Blond Wig", which was true as hell. It really was impressive just how steadfastly loyal her cult members were. I kinda wish Janelle had been smarter and not played so much on emotions and had gotten Maggie out instead of Jennifer.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Last summer, Danielle Reyes said on Rob Cesternino's podcast someone on the jury in BB6 meant to vote for Ivette, but voted for Maggie instead. She would not reveal who it was, but I remember thinking at the time it was Howie.

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I think it was easy to root for her because the Friendship tried SO hard to break her, and they never did.


I still love Janelle and Beau's drunken fight. Beau had little to no redeeming features about him so I loved seeing Janelle be a total bitch to him.

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   I've always wondered if Maggie really drank the Kool-Aid, or if she just seized the opportunity to shape her cult of Cappie. She kinda just seems like she took the money and ran- I don't ever recall her participating or showing up in the media ever again after the show. Of course, this was back when social media was only really a thing that teenagers and college kids did. I shudder to think of the Friendship famewhoring on Twitter.

I remember thinking that maybe one reason Maggie disappeared from public view after the show was that, once she got out of the house and found out  how much viewers hated her and the "Friendship", she was probably mortified and didn't want to show her face. I'm sure you're right about the social media effect, as well - thankfully, as I don't think I could have handled seeing those faces plastered all over the internet.

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I still love Janelle and Beau's drunken fight. Beau had little to no redeeming features about him so I loved seeing Janelle be a total bitch to him.

Love that fight. The funny thing is he house sitted Janelle's house while she was in All-stars and I think he was in her wedding.

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Why the hell would you leave a good-bye message like that one she left to Rachel, a JURY member?

I've always wondered if that was a mistake made by production, and that Ivette had intended that message for Howie, not Rachel.  If so, that kind of screwed Ivette royally.


Otherwise, if that really was Ivette's message for Rachel, then I don't know what she was thinking when she recorded it.

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I'll always blame Howie's idiocy for ruining the season, because I still think that they could have beaten the Nerd Herd had he never turned on James/Sarah.


Eh, I don't remember how the numbers shook out, but I've always blamed Kaysar's idiocy for ruining the season.  He took his hand off the glass when his rear was on the line.


I've never considered that Maggie was pulling a Ben Wade, and intentionally became season six's Koresh. (As opposed to being a delusional harpy who fell into that role.)  I'll never re-watch the season, but I can upgrade it in my mind.

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I recently watched this season for the first time, and what I remember is: 


- Old-school Janelle was awesome, but much worse of a player than I expected. She was really strong in challenges and that was basically it. I watched All Stars right after season six, and it further reinforced this feeling. In season 14 she appeared to be more mature, confident, and much more low key, so it was shocking to see her bouncing around with a smile like the perfect ditzy blonde stereotype.


- Besides Janelle, I wasn't a huge Sovereign Six fan. James was annoying. Sarah seemed sweet. Kaysar came across as intelligent, eloquent, kind, but dreadfully boring and ultimately responsible for his own eviction - twice. Howie was somewhat funny, if obnoxious, but as the season went on I really started to hate him, and even more so in All Stars. Rachel was probably my favorite after Janelle, and I sort of wanted her to win. Oh well. 


- Early on my hatred was focused mainly on Cappie, and it took me a few episodes to really get my hate on for the Friendship. I actually thought some of them were sort of okay for a while. But as the season went on and they spent more and more time just whining about how horrible Janelle was and how America was so stupid for not loving them, they became insufferable. 


- I didn't mind Maggie winning. In fact, I think she completely deserved it. She seemed to be less of a drama queen than the rest of the Friendship, and she was in control the entire time. She wasn't exciting, she wasn't nice, she sure as hell wasn't likable, but ultimately I really did respect her gameplay. 


- Season 15 still easily takes the cake in terms of disgusting and terrible people. 


ETA: Oh, and I totally saw Kim Spradlin every time Rachel was on screen. Just me?

Edited by Xazeal
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Eh, I don't remember how the numbers shook out, but I've always blamed Kaysar's idiocy for ruining the season.  He took his hand off the glass when his rear was on the line.


I've never considered that Maggie was pulling a Ben Wade, and intentionally became season six's Koresh. (As opposed to being a delusional harpy who fell into that role.)  I'll never re-watch the season, but I can upgrade it in my mind.


But that comp was after Howie put up James/Sarah. If Kaysar wins that HOH then it's probably James going home instead of him, and the Nerd Herd still has the numbers. 


However if on Howie's HOH he puts up the Nerd Herd and one of their members goes home (say Maggie), the next week it would have been Kaysar rejoining Howie/Rachel/James/Sarah/Janelle against April/Jennifer/Ivette/Beau.


Howie single-handedly screwed the Sovereign 6 alliance. It's his fault we got the Nerd Herd ending.

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- Old-school Janelle was awesome, but much worse of a player than I expected. She was really strong in challenges and that was basically it. I watched All Stars right after season six, and it further reinforced this feeling. In season 14 she appeared to be more mature, confident, and much more low key, so it was shocking to see her bouncing around with a smile like the perfect ditzy blonde stereotype.

I love Janelle because I find her entertaining, but I think she is a horrible player both in S6 and All-Stars. I always hated her floater argument and that people who don't win competitions shouldn't win.

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Howie put up James after Kaysar was gone. That was probably the most frustrating day on the feeds the whole season, with poor Rachel ranting and raving to Howie how he was being so stupid, and he was ruining the whole game. But Kaysar was gone by then.

That season was my favorite season hands down, because it was the first one I had the feeds from day one. And of course, for me it was a complete good guys vs. weird cult, and underdogs banding together, and Kaysar's brilliant first HOH, which formed the Six in the most fantastic way possible. And Janelle (almost) winning every comp she needed to win, and her epic quote (at least at the time) Bye, bye Bitches!! as Howie carried her out of the room.

It was also the worst of seasons. Maggie riding her cult of Cappie all the way to the win (which, grudgingly, she absolutely deserved damn her). Getting to work the next morning of the epic endurance HOH to see it still going on, only to watch Kaysar give up despite Janelle telling him not to. Howie stupidly getting James out of the house for no good god damn reason. Oh, wait, one of the reasons was Kaysar telling Howie not to trust James before Kaysar was booted. Seriously, as awesome as Kaysar played his HOH week, he was dreadful afterwards.

I don't think Janelle was a bad player, though. She had more social game than she got credit for. I do think if it weren't for the wrong people winning the wrong competitions, and Maggie being so good at the brainwashing, Janelle would've had Ivette and April at each other's throats before the end. She actually did form bonds with both of them, despite themselves. But Maggie was impervious to her charms, and Maggie was always in control, from the second Eric got evicted. damn her.

Also, James sucked as a player, and I partly blame him for his own eviction, because he tried too hard.

But yeah, I still remember and care more about Season six than I do about any season after.

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The mental torture inflicted on the Nerd Heard gave me life.  The best was when America voted Janelle to get the phone call with her creepy showmance dude over the Friendship's family members. "You suck, America!"


Kaysar and Janelle had one of the best all time Big Brother platonic relationships.  They would stay up all night talking about everything in the world. I've never been more sleep deprived for non-game reasons.

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I think what made the season was despite the fact that the Nerd Herd technically won, they were never able to break Janelle no matter how hard they tried. It's wish fulfillment- who doesn't wish they could've stood up to their bullies when they were in high school and stand their ground?


Howie going off on "Busto" April was hilarious. Normally I'd feel bad, but it was April.


But the epic one was Janelle and Beau's drunken fight. Oh, my god. "Whore! Whore! You're a fuckin' whore! You date older men! "Polyester hair! Polyester hair!"

Edited by methodwriter85
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It was an interesting season. On one hand you had a cheerleader-type as the bullied one and, somehow, every week the power shifted from one equal alliance to the other, so neither side was able to deliver a finishing blow until the end.


But I thought Ivette didn't have a chance by the time the F3 came together. If she kept Maggie, the Friendship was going to go for Cappie's priestess, if she took that last chance to get rid of Maggie, her alliance would have punished her disloyalty by voting for Janelle.

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BB6 will always be one of my favorite seasons. I wonder if the twist wasn't the secret friends if the alliances would have been so divided.  I always felt that Kaysar, Rachel and Sarah games were ruined because of their partners actions.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I agree! From a distance of several years, this was a great and memorable season, but watching Maggie and the Fiendship triumph was really, really painful at the time.

I've always wondered if that was a mistake made by production, and that Ivette had intended that message for Howie, not Rachel.  If so, that kind of screwed Ivette royally.


Otherwise, if that really was Ivette's message for Rachel, then I don't know what she was thinking when she recorded it.

I think that Ivette was fully capable of recording a message like that, especially if production caught her at the right moment. She was far more impetuous than she was tactical. If Maggie hadn't been there to ride herd on her, I think she would have self-destructed herself out of the house.

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Yep, booting Jennifer, who's whole game consisted of being able to stand in place for 18 hours and being a bitch, was such the wrong move over booting Maggie. She was so obviously the head of everything. But I guess they were probably blinded by the partners thing, and she had already lost hers. That whole season now for me is "if only..."

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I think that Ivette was fully capable of recording a message like that, especially if production caught her at the right moment. She was far more impetuous than she was tactical.

Oh, I know she was.  I just wonder if she recorded that for Howie (since he and Rachel were both on the block that time) and production accidentally put it into Rachel's goodbye package instead of Howie's?

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Yep, booting Jennifer, who's whole game consisted of being able to stand in place for 18 hours and being a bitch, was such the wrong move over booting Maggie. She was so obviously the head of everything. But I guess they were probably blinded by the partners thing, and she had already lost hers. That whole season now for me is "if only..."

I think that is one of the biggest problems looking back to season 6. It was one of the more personal seasons. Which is something I wish Janelle and Howie would have learned before All-Stars.

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Howie really was the one to ruin that season. I have no idea why he felt the need to honor this amazingly stupid deal he made with Maggie. If he had just listened to Rachel, he could have renegged on it. I still can't believe a spot on All-Stars was wasted on him. If ever there were someone who *wasn't* an All-Star, it was Howie. Though James was a close second. S7 was way too S6-heavy.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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I always thought the reason why it was like that was because season 6 was still fresh in people's minds, hence why they voted so many of those cast members back in. Although I would've replaced Howie with Ivette. I seriously wonder if Ivette would have redeemed herself or not, because I got the feeling some serious lightbulbs went off in her head after that season.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Yeah I agree that if it was not right after season 6 no way Howie and maybe Kaysar would be All Stars. Janelle would have gotten in no matter what and James it would have as long as All Stars was within a couple of seasons of Season 6. Ivette would of been interesting to see if she would of teamed up with Janelle and James.

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I always thought the reason why it was like that was because season 6 was still fresh in people's minds, hence why they voted so many of those cast members back in. Although I would've replaced Howie with Ivette. I seriously wonder if Ivette would have redeemed herself or not, because I got the feeling some serious lightbulbs went off in her head after that season.


I don't think Ivette would have redeemed herself because she never grasped that the biggest problem with Ivette was Ivette.  The only impression I ever got was that she still thought S6 was horrible and her alliance were not friendly or nice to behind her back when she was honest and supportive through the whole game.

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