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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. It must’ve been a joke, because it’s not the Nicole from Baywatch. She is older than the Nicole on this show. Here’s a bio on her. It says she’s 42 and doesn’t say anything about her ever being on Baywatch. https://caknowledge.com/nicole-james-net-worth/ This is the Nicole from Baywatch. She’s 50. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicole_Eggert It does seem like Nicole’s role is being minimized. She’s not getting that much air time. She seems more like a friend than one of the featured stars. I wonder what happened. I don’t enjoy anything about Heather. I didn’t think she could get more pretentious than several years ago, but I was wrong. Noella is so crazy/medicated/drunk most of the time that she can be weirdly entertaining.
  2. I agree. It’s too early for her to be dating. She needs time to grieve. They haven’t allowed that time and are trying to jam everything into one season. The scene between Charlotte and Harry didn’t feel authentic to me. Charlotte doesn’t usually swear like that, and the sorry thing was silly. I understand them wanting to make a point about women always apologizing, but the example of the tennis game was a poor one. Just about anyone would’ve apologized for knocking someone over, let alone your spouse. I fast-forwarded through Miranda and Che’s sex scene. I don’t believe she’s in love with Che. This is about sex, and as others have said, Che’s high most of the time. It doesn’t seem like a real or healthy relationship. If Charlotte isn’t happy with Steve, then she needs to leave him, not cheat on him. I can’t relate to her on this at all. She’s behaving horribly. I’m not sure what this show needs but it’s really struggling.
  3. I thought Charlotte was looking better in the last episode, but I was distracted by Kristin Davis’ face in this episode, especially her mouth. It looked off. I’m glad they handled the plastic surgery/aging storyline head on. I think Cynthia Nixon looks really good, the best of the three actresses. Carrie’s sari outfit was ridiculous. I’m sorry. I know she’s very thin, but that outfit wasn’t flattering. I was distracted by Carrie’s outfit in the apartment scene. I could see through her dress and there was a stain or spot on the front of it or something weird. I liked the picnic scene. Best one of the episode IMO. Is Anthony really older than Carrie? He looks at least 10 years younger.
  4. She is out there. I wonder if she's medicated. The whispering scene was odd. I wonder if the husband will surface and we'll find out the whole story. Yep, she was skinny in the first few seasons. Her face looked a lot different. Maybe she wasn't using filler then. I wish she'd ease off it because it's not flattering.
  5. I saw an interview with Kim and Piers Morgan. She said they should recast the character because no way is she returning. I don't know what happened with Charlotte. She was always kind of prissy and naive but not stupid.
  6. I feel your pain. I started watching and switched it off after a few minutes. I went back later hoping the episode would get better. The scene with Miranda and Che was vile. Imagine if that had been a male character acting that way and then trying to justify it to a friend by saying he'd "never felt that way" before. Most people would think he was a selfish, inconsiderate jerk. So why do the writers think it's all right to have Miranda behave like this? What happened to her long love affair with her husband? The only part of the show that halfway interested me was Carrie brief text exchange with Samantha. I miss her. Perhaps if they got Kim Cattrall back they could salvage this mess of show, but I don't know. It might be too far gone.
  7. Agree. I didn’t think anyone could top Braunwyn in the insufferable category, but Heather has done it. Shannon’s groveling was pathetic. I was yelling at my TV, “Shannon STOP!” And could someone please help her find a more flattering hairstyle? I noticed the cameraman zoomed in on Terry’s pills. I wonder why. Will this be a storyline? Yikes, his face is scary. I didn’t notice it as much in the last few episodes but after reading the comments here, I made a point of looking. I wish I hadn’t. Noella seems drunk most of the time, medicated or just flat-out nuts. Perhaps all three? Her scene with Emily and the flowers seemed fake. Actually, her whole storyline is fishy. There has to be a lot more to the story with the husband. I don’t miss Vicki and Tamra. And I REALLY don’t miss Brauwyn. But that isn’t saying much. The bar is low this season.
  8. The whole thing was stupid and a waste of time. I was rolling my eyes. I can’t believe Clayton was crying in the first five minutes of the show. Is this what we’re in store for this season? He needs to pace himself because there’s a lot more heartache ahead. I don’t find him attractive at all. He’s tall and appears well built, but his face doesn’t do it for me. Why are all the women gushing? Oh… that’s right. It’s in the Bachelor script. Speaking of the script, agree about “my person.” Please stop! Where did I first hear this? Was it on Grey’s Anatomy? I also would like these to be retired: — Journey — I believe my wife is in this room — Connection (on this show usually code for sexual attraction) — Right reasons/wrong reasons — I believe in the process I’m probably leaving out a bunch. The woman who was saying she hated him was clearly drunk. Jade.black, I was thinking the same thing. I guess the two drink rule isn’t a factor any longer, or maybe that was only on BIP. I’m a dinosaur! It seems they have redefined “cougar.” It now means any woman who is older than the Bachelor. It’s ridiculous. It also bothers me that it’s even a factor when the woman is even a few years older when no one cares if the man is years older. Argh! By the way, how old is Clayton? I wasn’t paying that much attention to him. I didn’t mind Jesse Palmer. I wonder what Chris Harrison thinks or if he’s watching.
  9. Heather reminds me of my aunt who was a binge drinker. Not saying Heather is but my aunt would get haughty when she’d had a few. She didn’t seem drunk, but the more she drank the more superior and condescending she was to others. Heather’s spiel to Shannon was difficult to watch, especially because Shannon began by groveling. Heather still let her have it with both barrels. She is insufferable! Is Nicole wearing color contacts? In one scene her eyes looked really blue but artificially so. (Her nose is also distracting, especially how it turns up a bit. It looks very “done” to me.) Noella needs to stop now or she’s on the road to developing a drinking problem. Alcohol is not the answer to her problems. It will only make things worse. I wonder if her meltdown was worse than what we saw and that’s why Nicole reacted the way she did? Maybe the breakdown was heavily edited. Whatever the case, Nicole couldn’t get out of there fast enough. If this season is going to be the Shannon apology tour/Heather is Queen, then I’m not going to last through the whole thing. She needs some new material, because “it’s not a threat, it’s a promise” has been done to death in countless bad movies. It’s such a cliche I was reciting it as it came out of Heather’s mouth. Yep. In my book she’s tied with Erika from BH. Erika is coming back so I guess Andy doesn’t care if the HWs are so vile they’re unwatchable.
  10. No worries. We are the same age. I sometimes say “neat” too, which has never been cool. Ha! I’ve heard “dope” used in a similar way to cool.
  11. I was surprised at the snapping. I was in a treatment facility for depression and anxiety. We snapped instead of clapping because a lot of people had PTSD and issues with loud noise. I didn’t expect to see it on this show. It looks like a wig, a good one, and it’s pretty. However I don’t think it’s flattering to SJP. She has a long, thin face and the really long hair makes her face look even longer IMO. I think she’d look cute with a long, wavy bob with lots of volume that framed her face and maybe side swept bangs. I also call it pot because that was the term most used when I was growing up, but I realize I have aged out of what is hip now. Most of the younger people I know call it weed. This is how I know I’m old. My sayings are out of date. I still say “cool” too. Ack!
  12. I don’t really care who they are bringing back because I won’t be watching. Erika and Lisa Rinna are deal breakers for me.
  13. I don't live in California and there have been times when I've felt this way. Cue the menopause jokes, the "ma'ams" from everyone and the surveys that say "55-plus" or "Over 50." I sense sadness in Shannon. She seems a little lost knowing her daughters are leaving the nest. Where will that leave her? I've known some friends who went through the same thing. She's now the oldest one on this show, which probably doesn't help. I'm glad she seems happy with her boyfriend. I hope it lasts for them. Did Noella say if she had a pre-nup? I may have missed that part. The Puerto Rico thing did make me think he's leading a double life like some Lifetime movie. And that means... how many other women? Kids?
  14. I did too. She looked more natural this episode. I also thought the dialogue sounded better, as if the actors have found their rhythm again. But the scene with Carrie and Natasha. Ouch! Natasha was much more gracious than I would’ve been. I would’ve told Carrie to get lost. I’m used to seeing Bridget Moynahan on Blue Bloods, so it was nice to see her revisit an old character on SATC. I was hoping they wouldn’t recast the part. I think she’s lovely, kind of an old-school classic beauty. Carrie was dismissive to Charlotte’s concerns about Miranda, but I could see this happening. She’s overwhelmed with grief now and doesn’t really have the bandwidth to process anything else. At least that’s how I interpreted it. Miranda seems lost. Are the writers going for a late midlife crisis? Has Steve’s voice always been this weird or has it gotten squeakier? I wonder if the Big storyline has been put to bed now or if they’ll bring it up later and Carrie will find out more about him, kind of a double-life thing. I’m guessing it will be the former because the writers don’t want to taint Carrie and Big’s love story. I guess I’ll watch until the end. I thought this episode was better than the first few, although I couldn’t stand Che’s routine. I would’ve walked out. Actually, I probably wouldn’t have gone. Not my kind of humor.
  15. I don’t know but have wondered the same thing. I get her mixed up with the other daughter. Is Delilah the one with the eating disorder?
  16. I saw a story that said Lisa isn’t speaking to Delilah now due to Delilah’s video. Good! Run away Delilah! It doesn’t get better with a narcissistic mother. It only gets worse.
  17. What?! Who on earth is that on the left? That’s Teddi? If so she needs to ease off the Photoshop because she’s not recognizable. I hope that’s what it is and she didn’t actually do that to her face.
  18. I think she’s had filler in her lips and cheeks, probably too much and not in the right area. The face filler pushes up the cheeks, distorting her face and giving her an unnatural look. You don’t notice it as much in motion. IMO that’s why she looks better on video than photos. I noticed this in myself when I got filler once. I didn’t think I looked that different until I saw myself in pictures. I looked horrible. This was years ago and I haven’t gotten it again. I’ve also seen the same thing with countless other celebrities. I think SJP and Cynthia Nixon look good and more natural, although I don’t like SJP’s makeup. I was surprised to read the comments from Kristin Davis. I wonder if she’s more sensitive because she’s getting a lot of comments that she looks odd, whereas before on SATC she probably mostly got compliments. I’m not sure I believe her that she’s upset about the pear-shaped comments. She’s bothered by that all these years later? I don’t think so. She probably doesn’t like the scrutiny she’s getting about her current look, the unflattering cosmetic work.
  19. I was so irritated watching Shannon grovel to the sanctimonious Heather. Stop! Has Heather always been insufferable or did something happen to her during her absence from this train wreck? It was startling seeing the old footage of Shannon. Her face looked so much thinner and more natural than it does now. Please Shannon, no more fillers! And Heather’s cheek implants are so exaggerated she looks like a puppet. I think it was someone on this board that mentioned the old Madame puppet, and now that’s what I think of when I see Heather. I don’t like Gina anymore. She wants to be a cool girl and thinks Heather is the HCGIC. Wow, that was cold of Noelle’s husband. Yikes.
  20. I kept waiting for her to call 911 or get his pills. I have heart issues and carry nitroglycerin in my purse. When I had an incident once, the medics gave me aspirin first and then nitro. Carrie knew he had a heart condition. Why didn’t she look for his pills and call 911 while was the running around? I know it was a stressful situation. My sister had a heart attack right in front of my mother and me. We called 911. She didn’t make it. : ( Carrie isn’t known for being graphic with language. I remember scenes in the show of her wincing at Samatha’s language. I read SJP doesn’t like coarse language. I wonder if they wrote Carrie that way for her. Not saying she doesn’t swear, but as a rule she’s not graphic like the woman on the podcast.
  21. They could’ve easily just done an hour on Rust. They didn’t have enough material so they added the part about the Midnight Rider film. That was tragic. The director certainly didn’t help himself in the interview footage and on the stand. I find it hard to believe the gun went off by itself. Still a lot of unknowns but it didn’t seem like a safe set. The fact that the whole camera crew walked off the set at one point doesn’t bode well.
  22. Anyone follow Lisa on Instagram so we can see the actual post? Did she really say “in the same of Lois”? Super tacky!
  23. It seemed like they were taking shots at her to me too. I know they had to address her absence, but I’m not sure it was handled in the best way. I thought this episode felt forced. Something was off. When they were talking it was like I could see the dialogue on the page. I don’t know if it was the writing, the performances or both, but it didn’t have the natural rhythm I remembered from the original show. Maybe it will take some time for them to relax and settle into their characters. ITA! They could get so much material out of this subject. Menopausal women are often dismissed, mocked and stigmatized in our society. As a woman in my 50s, I’ve noticed it. Sometimes I feel like the message I’m getting is, “You aren’t sexy or relevant anymore.” Why not explore the topic? But it would have to be handled by a female writer. A man is just not going to get it right. Shocking and upsetting about Big. I’ve always enjoyed Chris Noth in this role. It seemed like the dialogue was written for someone else, someone neurotic and insecure. This didn’t seem true to Miranda at all. Is it me or did Miranda’s hair look more beige blonde than gray? They made such a big deal out of it and it didn’t even look bad to me.
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