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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Even if there isn't a buck to be made, a lawyer will step up--see public defenders. It's in the Constitution that every accused is entitled to assistance of counsel. My good friend used to train lawyers in the public defenders' office. They have huge caseloads, they work for very little money, and they don't always love their shitty clients. But they step up anyway.
  2. If you have regular instant coffee, you could try the first method on this page. Or this. There's a recipe for using leftover espresso grounds here. I always keep some instant espresso powder in the freezer, but I agree with biakbiak, that you don't absolutely have to use it. I'm sure the brownies will be fine without.
  3. Yep, that happened. Pretty hard to imagine, but that's what Grandma said.
  4. They're all apparently more interested in nurturing their own petty grudges than in holding out a hand to make sure those kids have some kind of extended family. Having grandparents is part of knowing where you came from. These kids seem to be growing up in a vacuum--no sense of their history, no sense of where they could be going. Although if it's just a family full of grudge holders, maybe the kids are better off. So messy and ridiculous.
  5. They're already grandparents, aren't they? Kroy's children with Kim are their grandchildren. Not counting any other grandkids they might have from his sister. Children that Brielle and Arianna might produce would be their great-grandchildren, based on the fact that Kroy adopted both girls. Hard to believe they'd be much interested in those babies, though, considering there's no contact between them and their actual blood grandkids.
  6. Well, you have to admit that if anyone would recognize a bot when she sees one, it's Erika. Like knows like. He didn't give up his source, you blockhead. He simply eliminated someone as a source.
  7. The thought of adding more disposable crap to the waste stream wouldn't let me just toss things out that casually. I try to buy things that will hold up and fix them if they break.
  8. Most people say either shortly after the warranty expires or after two to three years. Which, if it happens to enough units, makes it more of a disposable item than a long-term purchase. The price when I bought mine was close to $400. I want something I spend that much on to last more than a couple of years. We use ours at least three or four times a day, because, as you say, it's a great alternative to firing up the big oven, especially for just two people. It doesn't do my heart good to criticize this appliance. I loved it, and I wish I could go on loving it. I still love how it works, but the quality control at Breville has been a big disappointment.
  9. Totally. I think Dorit only "cares" for show. She's obviously done a lot of work educating herself on his disease. [/sarcasm off]
  10. I might've been the person panning the Breville Smart Oven in that Amazon review, although I was by no means alone. I have the same one, and I adored it at first. Then the LED display went dark, just after the warranty ran out, and we couldn't use the oven because we couldn't see what function we were on, or the time, or the temp. They agreed to send us a replacement--not a new oven, a refurb--which they didn't have to do, and I was very pleased. After a short time, the display on the replacement went all wonky, too, in a different way. They charge a flat fee of $119 to repair the unit, and there are no local places authorized to do so. For another hundred-plus bucks, I could get a whole new toaster oven. We continue to use the one we have, fiddling with the controls until we get the right reading. There are lots of reviews saying that the unit has problems just out of warranty, so there's apparently a honeymoon period and then things tend to fail. It's a great appliance, but it might not hold up long enough to justify the higher price. Read the low-star reviews from people who come back after having it a while.
  11. I find it easier to believe that Dorinda has been trying to help than that Dorit has. (Forgive me, it was irresistible.) 🍰 Bethenny famously said when she was called a know-it-all that maybe it's because she does know it all. She was being sarcastic, but I suspect that's really what she thinks.
  12. I agree with this. It also occurred to me after I posted about how invasive of personal space she seems to be that her habit of sardining herself up against people could be a result of not understanding how camera shots work and trying to make sure she's included in all the shots. Whatever her issues are, I'll be happy not to see her come back.
  13. One thing about Babs that creeps me out is her seeming disrespect of personal space. I don't like getting physically encroached upon, especially by strangers, and she always appears to be getting way too close to people. Back up, Loretta. You don't need to be close enough to plant one on my lips when you're just trying to talk to me. That is, assuming you're just trying to talk to me.
  14. Saw you haven't gotten any replies, @jenh526, so I did a little Googling. I found a bunch of recipes that mention adding water with the flour, and none of them are any more specific than that. I also found this one that doesn't have any water listed in the ingredients, but the reviews for it from people living in high altitudes are very good. So you might want to give it a try. Curious to know if it works for you!
  15. Oh, what a lovely stroll down Memory Lane yesterday, brightened by the sunshine of Starlina Todd's radiant smile. JJ said something in another case that I want to have printed on a T-shirt, but I can't remember the exact wording, and it should be correct. I was FF-ing through the case, so I don't know what the issues were. But the part I heard was "It's never a good idea to lie to the sheriff, Todd." Is that right? TIA.
  16. I agree with all of the above. Also, the wills of people in the public eye are kind of different from those of us average folks. No one's going to read my will after I die, although they could, since it's then public record. But celebrities' wills are like their final word to the world about who they were and how they want to be remembered and to remember the important people in their lives. So I think that bequests (or lack thereof) to family and friends and employees become part of a mini-autobiography that leaves a lasting fragrance. Most people want a pleasant, generous scent to linger after themselves, but the ones who are determined to carry grudges beyond the grave can do that, too. Not smart, but there you go. How hard is it to at least mention someone's name, especially, in the case of Carole, who cared for your son through a protracted illness? Makes it easy to believe that Lee wasn't the nicest person.
  17. He was on Season 1 of 500 Questions. I recognized him immediately as well, but it took me a while to figure out from where.
  18. And not stop until she gets to Sing Sing. Or in Luann's case, Can't Sing Sing. 🙉
  19. Dorinda should've just told Lu she'd be happy to have bars installed on the windows if that would make her feel more at home in her room. Then she might be singing a different tuna.
  20. We don't eat veal either. Mostly what it contributes to meatballs or meat loaf is collagen, or moisture. I learned the trick a few years ago of adding unflavored gelatin to meat loaf--just sprinkle it over whatever liquid you're using in the mixture and let it bloom for a while before adding to the meat. Usually about a teaspoon for every two pounds of meat seems to work, but you can play with that and add some more to see what suits your taste.
  21. This is what's called "nipping your nose off to spite your face."
  22. I think calling it "Sonja's stuff" is where the truth goes poof. It looks like Sonja is buying product super cheap from China, Vietnam, wherever, marking it up 1,000% or more, and reselling it as her "designer" collection. It beats actually working for a living.
  23. Did you use AP flour or cake flour? Trying it with cake flour might make a noticeable difference.
  24. You're very welcome. Don't compound the technical difficulties by having your own meltdown! There's usually a standard repeat of the Saturday show on Monday at noon, I think (best to double-check the FN site to make sure). So maybe they'll rerun today's then.
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