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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Well Beric came back 6 times. Hopefully Jon will only be coming back once, so he shouldn't have nearly as much damage as Beric. Assuming he comes back using the kiss of life method. I also am expecting some kind of warging to be the solution to Jon's death.
  2. Mirri Maz Duur did go up like a human torch. But she was also bound to the pyre before it started burning. In fact Mirri died before the eggs could hatch ("Only death can pay for life") Dany didn't walk in until after the eggs started hatching. So it could be a combination of her Targaryen blood and the eggs hatching. Or it could just be that she entered the fire at the right time, who knows? All that we know for sure is that she is not immune to fire all by herself. She needed the eggs to hatch or she would've died in the fire. And if she wants to survive another fire she'll need another source of magic.
  3. Targaryens aren't immune to or healed by fire. What happened to Dany is not a normal property of a Targaryen (in the books anyway.) First off fire has never healed anybody in the series. Dany was unharmed by the fire, but it did not heal her. Some Targaryens are also reported to have died by fire, notably Aegon V and Prince Duncan the Small who died in a fire at Summerhall, and Aerion Brightflame who died drinking wildfire (it is possible this just poisoned him instead of actually setting him ablaze though.) Secondly, GRRM has already said that what happened to Dany was a matter of circumstance and magic (specifically the hatching of the eggs), not an attribute she always has. If she jumped into a fire now or at any time before or after the eggs hatched, she'd burn the same as anybody else. It was a one time deal, linked to the magic released when the eggs hatched, she (and every other Targaryen) are not immune to fire under normal circumstances. This is evidenced by the fact that she does receive burns from Drogon's flames in ADwD. There may however be some degree of heat resistance (e.g. Dany likes to take baths that some say are too hot. She might get minor burns or blisters from a fire that could kill or maim a non Targaryen etc.) but it is not a full immunity, and it definitely does not heal. Thirdly we've seen Jon burned himself when he killed the Wight in Mormont's chambers. So even if he is a Targaryen (which seems pretty likely) he absolutely does not have a fire immunity. So unless Jon's pyre also results in the hatching of dragons, it will be just a fire, and he will burn the same as anybody else.
  4. I don't think you can downplay the importance of the wolf. Direwolves haven't been seen south of the wall for 200 years, the only known species being the ones in the company of the Stark children. Its not like they are easy to just drum up and tame. Robb was well known to fight with a giant wolf by his side, so not only is it the Stark sigil, but Robb has created a legend around them as well. If Rickon (or another boy who looks like Rickon, or even another boy with Tully colouring) surfaces with a giant black wolf at his side it's going to make a pretty strong case for him among the Northeners. The smallfolk want a story, and that's a pretty good one. As for the nobility, with all the ill will going towards the Boltons (their only true allies seem to be the Freys), the Northeners will probably be eager to latch onto anything else, a son of Ned Stark is a nice life line to grab onto. So it's not like the Boltons are creating a stable rule with happy subordinates. The Northern lords will want to believe Rickon is the real deal.
  5. You don't really lose the suspense. Frequently when a GoT actor dies, they do actually make an appearence in the next episode as a corpse (or severed head) and thusly can still make the opening credits. So even if he's confirmed for the next season, it doesn't necessarily mean he will be alive, there could be a funeral pyre sequence in episode 1 of the next season. But the problem would be in keeping Harrington on contract. If they are going to permanently kill him next season, it makes more sense to wrap up all his appearences next season and then not have to pay him for the following season.
  6. But it wasn't PB, it was BP. Also Bubblegum is like a bazillion years old (despite her claims to be 19). Any diary that she had written in her (actual) teen years probably would've decomposed entirely. Anyway, yeah that was weird.
  7. That's fair, if there was a reason not to gouge her other eye out and/or kill her. They were perfectly happy to throw her down there eyeless, and see how long she lasted. How does gouging her own eye out change that? As far as I can see it doesn't. She's more trouble than she's worth. Why would they even put her back in the basement with her single eye? Why wouldn't they gouge her other eye out and chop off her hands (or something else equally unpleasant) and throw her back there. Or make it even cleaner and just kill her and throw her corpse back down there to teach everyone down there what happens when you try to negotiate. Fish has absolutely no leverage here. Suicide bombers are completely different, they are willing to sacrifice themselves to achieve their goal. Their goal is to kill people and strapping a bomb to themselves and blowing those people up achieves that goal. How does gouging her own eye out contribute to Fish's goal? It shouldn't, logically, they should just do what they were going to do in the first place and gouge her other eye out.
  8. This could easily devolve into a Monty Python Black Knight scenario.
  9. Fish Mooney has absolutely no logic in her actions. How is gouging out your own eye a legitimate option when their whole plan was to blind you and leave you in the basement? I guess you robbed them of a little profit they might get from selling the eyes, but they can still gouge out the other one and leave you in the basement blind and helpless like they planned on doing before. Are they just gonna forget about taking the other eye, cause they can't sell it? I wouldn't, in fact as further punishment I'd use the spoon to remove her other eye instead of doing it surgically like I'm sure they would've if they planned on selling them as transplants. Or they could just murder her straight up. She's clearly more trouble then her eyes were worth, and now they are worth nothing. This storyline makes no sense.
  10. There was supposed to be a time skip in the original story too. Where all the young kids aged up. If Arya was supposed to have storylines that were more suited to an "aged up" Arya, GRRM may have transferred that part of Arya's story to Sansa.
  11. He did want everybody to stay at home in Winterfell. All those Starks would probably still be alive if Rickon was in charge.
  12. I don't know if she's an android (or gynoid to use the proper term.) I'm leaning more towards some kind of cyborg. I'm thinking maybe she was a normal human like Finn and she got some kind of cybernetic enhancements. That also might explain why she's so strong.
  13. You guys were making me doubt myself so I rewatched the old Susan Strong episodes (there's only 2) In Season 2's "Susan Strong" - There is a reveal where all the other Hyooman's take off their hats (cause the Marshmallow Kids set them on fire) and Finn realizes they are all fish people. Susan doesn't remove her hat though (because she ducked under the fire) and Finn says "Susan? What are you?" before Susan runs away. - Finn asks Jake if he thinks Susan was human or "just another wild animal" and Jake tells him that "We're all wild animals, brother." In Season 3's "Beautopia" - Jake is against helping Susan and says that she's a "fish person", but Finn says "We don't know that." - Susan says they'll swim to Beautopia, and shoves Finn's head under the water. Finn understandably starts drowning and Susan is surprised to learn Finn doesn't have gills. She then says they'll take a boat. So that implies that she can swim underwater, but we still don't see anything under her hat. - At the end Susan asks Finn to stay and he says "I'm not like you" but then she takes his hand and lets him feel under her hat. Finn is surprised by what he feels (or doesn't feel.) So yeah, we've never seen Susan without her hat until this episode.
  14. The first was their desire. Lemongrab sees his creator PB finally accepting him Finn sees a chance to get back with FP This also might be the reason why Jake couldn't enter the Mountain, because he is, for the most part, content. He's not wrestling with lovelornness/loneliness (like Finn) or parental issues (like Lemongrab.) He'd just see like a sandwich or something that would make his life a little better, but not change it drastically. I don't think the second is a fear/dislike. Because Finn doesn't dislike Finncakes, and while he's upset that they might get eaten without him he's not fearful of it. I think the second might be a situation that needs the person. Lemongrab sees Lemonhope ruining his society, which he could stop if he was there. Finn sees BMO and Jake unable to eat Finncakes without him, because Finn always gets the first Finncake. The third is the past, perhaps representing an acceptance of oneself. Lemongrab sees the old scene of himself (himselves?) fighting over Lemonsweets Finn sees the butterfly which was one of his past lives (as seen in the season 5 episode The Vault)
  15. Yeah this is right. In the Beautopia episode she does imply that she can swim under water without needing to breathe air though, she only decides to take a boat after she realizes Finn can't breathe under water. But they never actually show her without her hat. Maybe her cybernetics allow her to breathe underwater?
  16. Typically Batman is depicted in his mid-late 20's (maybe early 30's) when Dick Grayson is a teenager. So he's atleast 10 years older, probably more. So Baby Robin maybe, likely no Robin. John and Mary Grayson on the other hand? They could easily make an appearence. Dick is usually an only child (all comic iterations) but in Batman Forever Dick also has an older brother, Mitchell Grayson, they haven't balked at editing the continuity in this show so they could easily add even more Graysons.
  17. I'm not so against them cuffing him on the spot. She very clearly accused him of rape. That's probable cause to arrest someone in most cases. Not enough to charge them but enough to arrest. But to not walk inside and interview the 4 or 5 people in line for the bathroom? That's ridiculous. As you said they were all clearly still inside the pizzaria.
  18. It's in a few places. Since this is a TV thread, I'll reference TV sources. The below is Bluray extra stuff I believe from the Season 1 Blurays. Skip ahead to 0:50 if you tire of Charles Dance's silky smooth voice. So as Lord Tywin tells us,
  19. The Starks are probably the oldest ruling family in Westeros, arguably the Lannisters could be just as old. Both trace their lineage from the First Men As descendants of the First Men, it's easily possible the Starks could have had some kind of magical contract with the Children.
  20. The ironborn aren't really in the show in season 4 all that much. Also Ironrath doesn't seem to be near the shore at all, instead being located deep in the Wolfswood. It's already established that the ironborn don't really like venturing too far from the sea. I think they wanted to keep it a little grounded to the season 4 happenings, just to give everything a bit of context. And to let everyone get a little excited when they see show characters voiced by their own actors. Ironwood actually exists in the books as well. It's just not mentioned as being a crucial resource like in the game
  21. Ugh I feel like I keep making all of the wrong choices in this game. House Forrester is friggin screwed with me making the decisions.
  22. She has. In AFFC. Galladon of Tarth, Lord Selwyn's only son, drowned when he was 8 and Brienne was 4. She also had two elder sisters, Arianne and Alysanne, but both died in the cradle. Brienne is currently the last issue of Lord Selwyn, so if she doesn't inherit, they'll probably go looking for one of Selwyn's reletives to take the Lordship of Evenfall Hall.
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