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  1. Maybe the blondes weren't great racers but they seem to be great people. I'm sorry to see them go. Will and James, please go away.
  2. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about the same time as Alex. (At the moment I'm still on my feet, but I know the prognosis for this disease.) Over the past year and a half, seeing him on TV five nights a week has been an inspiration as we both went through the unpleasantness of cancer treatment. As a longtime Jeopardy watcher, I will of course miss his presence on the show, but also as a fighting role model for us cancer patients. RIP Alex, and thanks.
  3. It's a wonderfully silly show that's a great diversion in these weird times. Venus and Gronk are excellent in their roles as team leaders with a lot of personality on top of their athletic skills.
  4. I know this is only a sitcom, but I just don't see how an overly earnest, college-educated white guy could make a credible run for city council in a mostly black, blue-collar neighborhood. I suppose the writers were looking for a plot that could carry over into next season, but I don't think it's going to work for me. Then again, since Calvin endorses Dave, I'm sure it will all work out. 🙂
  5. I've enjoyed reading everyone's thoughtful comments this morning. After watching the episode I felt like I really needed to get some impressions from fellow fans. It was beautiful but also made me sad, by design I guess. I really would have preferred to see everyone living happily ever after in the Good Place, which after all had been their goal for the whole run of the show up to the end. Having three of the four humans decide to leave "paradise" for the unknown just doesn't seem right. But I can see that the ending seems to have resonated with a majority of you folks, so maybe I just need to watch the last to episodes again. The doorman and his frogs: wonderfully weird.
  6. I guess I'm in a minority on this but I find the two lead characters to be highly likeable and the aunt and uncle are funny in an over-the-top way, so while this won'[t be my favorite show of the season I plan to continue watching it. The only problem I have is that sometimes I miss a line or two because I have a little trouble comprehending the Nigerian accents. Maybe I'll turn on captioning next week.
  7. I knew that Chelsea/Gina was leaving the show and I wondered how they would send her off. Last night's plot worked for me because it showed Jake being so supportive of her ambitions. I know that a lot of folks found the Gina character grating, but as one who has spent a fair amount of time in New York City over the years I think she represented a certain sort of pushy, wiseass native New Yorker that I suspect would be found in any precinct house in the city. All of the other B99 characters are so conscientious about their jobs (well, OK, there's Hitchcock and Scully...) that Gina's general smugness and indifference was a nice comic balance. The show will do fine without her, but I'm not celebrating her departure.
  8. Absolutely. She was amazing and then some. Kudos to the show's computer team as well for all the digital manipulation, which was pretty neat. So assuming that someone is in charge of the (real) Good Place, did he/she/it not notice that humans had stopped showing up there in recent centuries? And is the Judge in on the Bad Place scam too?
  9. No. Right? I don't remember seeing any. So could the Puking Moose actually have been some sort of constructed supernatural space, rather than a real bar that the gang happened to wander into while waiting for Michael and Janet to finish their visit with Doug Forcett? How else would the demonic hit squad have known where they were?
  10. I see several negative comments about Eden Sher as Penny/Sue Heck II, but I found the character reasonably amusing. The whole Cloud 9 crew is made up of oddballs, and adding a fast-talking hyperactive as another recurring character is fine with me. No, I wouldn't want a whole episode of her, but a scene now and then could be fun. The otherwise sane-seeming guy relieving himself in the middle of the store was a perfect ending. As for the postpartum plot, it had its funny moments -- the pumping/praying bit especially -- but more importantly I appreciate the point America Ferrera was trying to make about the difficulties faced by working mothers without maternity leave and/or decent health insurance. I love the show as a sitcom but it's fine with me if it occasionally makes a serious point.
  11. I really want to like this show and loved the characters last season, but I too think it's starting to drift without focus. Last night's episode just felt off somehow, although I did like the way Martin made an effort to see Lena's side of things when he took on the real estate agent. C'mon writers, you can do better
  12. I loved the football references this week -- Jason discovered fellow Jaguars fans in Sydney and Tahani dated Tom Brady! But as usual I have to watch the episode again over the weekend. The dialogue on this show often moves so fast that I think I miss some of the extremely clever references that the writers throw in. I do like the concept someone mentioned above that Simone could be an agent of the Good Place. Anything seems to be plausible in this show, and it makes sense that whoever runs the Good Place might want to help save these flawed but basically decent humans from eternal damnation.
  13. I figured that any show with Cedric The Entertainer and Max Greenfield would have to be good, but the premier disappointed me. Cedric was pretty funny as the grumpy black guy, but Max/Dave is just SO nice and earnest and perpetually cheerful that he was unsettling. I'll give the show a couple weeks to find its footing and maybe get a little more subtle with the writing for the white characters, but I don't think it's off to a great start.
  14. I was a fan of the original show and I'm very happy to have it back with the same cast, even if the beating of the orange-haired dead horse did seem a little forced at times. I expect that now that the basic premise has been established, future episodes will be a little smoother.
  15. That was a nice sendoff, with an appropriately chaotic Nick/Jess wedding. I could have done without Russell, but otherwise it was fun, including Stoned Jess's plastic eyeball over her eye patch. And the flash forward to everyone living happily ever after with a big herd of kids was sweet. New Girl's best seasons were the early ones, but I always enjoyed looking in on these crazy folks and I'll miss them. Thanks to all involved with the show for a lot of smiles.
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