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Everything posted by Ilovemylabs

  1. Thanks. Caleb get her out of there!
  2. In the previews they show Kody alone with Caleb and Caleb saying he wants to talk about Maddie. Then Kody in a TH says he could see Caleb was nervous. I really doubt it. Caleb is what? 28? If I were him I'd say be thinking ,"All I have to do is wait 1 year and then Maddie will be 18 and I can take her away from all this BS."
  3. I went to the Netflix homepage and went to the site where you can 'chat' with a representative if you are having a problem. I chatted with a guy named Dan and told him I had no problem but just wanted to thank Netflix for carrying Longmire. He was very pleased and said something like there was more to come. I took that to mean they will continue to carry the show. I hope I'm right!
  4. I have a hard time remember ages, but I remember birth years. So I'm always doing a lot of quick subtraction in my head! Ages change. Birth years don't! I'll give Michelle a pass on this because Jessa just had a birthday and this was a 911 call. She may have sounded calm for Jessa's sake, but who knows how she felt inside?
  5. There are so many adorable baby clothes out there (even if you buy used). Why on earth dress the kid in a prison jump suit?
  6. I assume the picture is Ben's mom holding the baby. He is obviously a newborn. But WHERE was the pix taken? A hospital? No hospital I know of has cobblestone floors. Odd! The baby, like most newborns, is adorable.
  7. Asking respectfully of the mods: Why can't we discuss this episode here? I went to the other forum and it is more about SVU than the Duggars.
  8. I don't cry easily but the end of the Hallmark movie "Head of the Class" gets me every time, no matter how many times I watch it. It's based on the life of Brad Cohen, a young man with Tourette's syndrome who wants to be a teacher. James Wolk should have received an Emmy for his portrayal of Brad. It was truly stellar. There are many moving scenes in the movie. Highly recommended. Showed it to my junior high classes at the end of the year and, after I explained about Tourette's, there was ABSOLUTE silence as they watched it. A critic of the new Peanuts movie lamented that Charlie Brown did not have a girlfriend of color...not diverse enough. The response from some of the viewers of Fox and Friends this morning: Fat Albert didn't have a white girlfriend so why should Charlie Brown have a black or brown girlfriend? Charlie Brown loves the little red-haired girl. Orange is the new black. Problem solved!
  9. Retired teacher here. I used to take a nice warm bath every Sunday night in prep for the week ahead. It relaxed all my muscles and helped me get a good night's sleep. Since I've retired I've taken maybe 3 baths! Showers all the way now.
  10. I taught junior high math in the community where I lived and I always had my students coming to my door on Halloween night. I even had former students, now in high school, come and it was always fun, and a pleasure for me, to see them. I loved the little ones who were unsure of just what was going on but participated at the urging of their parents. I loved dressing up as a kid and loved dressing my kids as a parent. One of my favorite costumes was dressing the kids as M&M plain and M&M peanut. We had brown and yellowish plastic garbage bags and my hubby painted the logos on the bags. The kids just slipped them on over their clothes and were good to go. The candy stealing lady has apparently taken down her FB page. At least I couldn't find it. What a low-life!
  11. I only wanted to respond to your Christine comment. I was ready to throw something at the TV because I had just been talking to my sister (not sister wife) about how I am feeling poorly with bronchitis and my hubby seems a little put out that I can't do for him as I usually do (like when he has a hang nail). She said her husband is the same way. I guess men are just not as nurturing, but you don't need a sister wife to complain about your better half. Don't 'poor monogamous' me Toots! Proudly monogamous for 42 years and still going strong.
  12. Gosh yes! But I worry that I'll become one of those smelly older people, so I get off my butt and hit the shower. Sometimes though, it seems like an effort. Glad I'm not alone.
  13. RE: Daylight Saving Time. A friend sent me this quote with a picture of a wise old Native American man. He says,"Only the government could think that cutting a foot off the top of a blanket and sewing it on to the bottom of the blanket would make the blanket longer." I love it!
  14. Ah! This is not a case of getting a well earned reward. This is a case of abusive parenting. Those parents you cite were out of line and mean. Shame on them.
  15. That's it! We can agree to disagree. Someone who consistently loses learns a valuable lesson...try harder or find some other area where you can succeed. Maybe soccer isn't for you. Maybe you're the next Wilt Chamberlain or Dorothy Hamel, or Peyton Manning (or Billy Joel).
  16. I don't think it's offensive. Winners should be acknowledged. I don't care if everyone gets a participation trophy, but the winners should get something special..The dad states that his kid's team won every game. They did more than participate...they won! We should not shame or downgrade winners. When has it become wrong to be the best at something and to receive acknowledgment for it? In the Olympics not everyone gets a gold medal. If you work hard you should reap the rewards of that work. It might encourage the ones who didn't win to try harder next time. We are becoming a nation of wimps.
  17. I like the Kia Sorento ad where the dad rips off the 'participation award' from his son's trophy and writes 'champs' on it, because the boy's team had won all their games. I don't know the product, but I LOVE the commercial where the man is going crazy and shouting 'representative' into the phone over and over. Been there a million times.
  18. Just my opinion but KK looks not only pregnant but FAT. She's always been well rounded but that picture---ugh! I am NOT a fan of fitted maternity wear.
  19. Yahoo is my search engine and I am truly sick and tired of them posting a Jessa update every single day. Enough already!!!!!
  20. I taught 7th and 8th grade math for many years. You either have to love the age or be committed to an asylum. I found them so funny...a mixture of adult and child, navigating their way through life as they demand independence, but also want the comfort of mom and dad (though they'd never admit it). I found the girls to be much harder on each other than boys. They could be like piranahs. They would subtly bully each other, shun each other, be best friends one moment and fiercest enemies the next. Tears were never far from the surface. Boys were generally easier. They'd have a physical altercation and then go play basketball together. I never pranked any of them...too risky even for the ones you were pretty certain could take it.
  21. Very true. And 'reality' shows are cheap to produce and bring in the bucks. But I would never want my family on TV to be open to such criticism and speculation. I'm not sure what drives families like The Little Couple and Our Little Family to agree to do this. It reminds me of when I was a VERY little girl and my father took my sister and me to the circus. They had the infamous 'side show' where unusual people were on display...the world's tallest man, the bearded lady, etc. I guess we all (or at least some of us) are voyeurs at heart. If there were no ratings the shows would disappear.
  22. Well, if you are a single mom whose hubby runs off that cannot be blamed on you. You must do what you can do. But if you choose to have kids with a slime ball or out of wedlock then it is better to choose not to have those kids. There are good reasons for having children and poor ones (some one will finally love me unconditionally for myself). As a mom of 2 (and every single other mother out there will agree I believe) I can attest to the fact that having kids is long hard work. And having a partner to share the tribulations, work, and joy is a tremendous benefit. Doesn't mean a single mom can't do it, but why would you choose to do it...probably because you have no idea what a difficult job good parenting is. I am not speaking about wealthy movie stars and personalities, but regular folks. I used to joke that my husband and I wanted to really be farmers...live off the land, work for yourself, etc. Then I would add, we aren't farmers because we really have no idea how difficult that life can be. But yes, Dr. Laura can be harsh sometimes. Don't like her? Turn the dial. On another topic, do the people who snark on this forum (I include myself) dislike Fundamentalists in general or just those who claim their way of life is the only right one? I have Fundie cousins in the South and I love them to pieces. They are good people. We do not agree on some things, but we are always cordial and loving to each other. I don't think you can paint all conservative fundamentalists with the same brush. They are entitled to their beliefs no matter how much we might disagree with them.
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