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Everything posted by weaver

  1. Oh, and that Juste en Clou bracelet from Cartier for Tinsley from Scott was worth pretending to like the funeral arrangement.
  2. Yes, and the judge ordered psychological evaluation for Bryn because both parents were fighting so much. Doubt if it went down well with Bethenny. I kept thinking of Kelly when Bethenny had her breakdown, and was shouting at my screen, "Go to Sleep." I love karma.
  3. I was blown away by the acting in this episode. Where has Amy Irving been all these years. I was drawn into the show as I have not been in ages, although the plot was implausible. Please don't let Sienna be pregnant; that would be going too far. Didn't someone upthread predict this early on? And the caricature of California hippie culture is over the top. I love Ruth Wilson; I've admired her since Luther. I think she's a very good actress and unusually beautiful.
  4. No, we haven't. I'd love to know it. I was just using the evidence of Lu's relative frugality to speculate that she didn't get all that much. But nobody knows.
  5. I agree, she settled for very little it seems. In her social circles and geographic area, four million without a residence is peanuts. Maybe the count is cash poor.
  6. I wonder if Lu received any other money in the divorce settlement. If not, she only received half the value of the house, or $4 million. It's not a lot of money for someone who likes to live in her style, especially considering she needed to buy or rent another property. No wonder she couldn't afford an apartment in the city. It might also explain the desperate need to marry Tom. I'm not excusing her actions, just commenting.
  7. Lu already reduced the price of the Sag home to 5.75 and this article claims she bought the new property already. Gosh, Lu, get your affairs in order. I was inclined to believe that the family might be concerned about her somewhat questionable behavior re the new boyfriend and became worried as to where all this was leading as far as the money goes. Maybe she is drinking again; I hope not. Lu does not seem to live lavishly. She's worn the same clothes for 9 years on the show. https://www.newsday.com/classifieds/real-estate/luann-de-lesseps-sag-harbor-home-1.19287124 Victoria's art sells for a pretty penny but how much she sells is a question. http://nononoel.wixsite.com/victoriadelesseps/emotional
  8. I always wondered if Lu's desperation to marry Tom had something to do with money. Gosh, the old count only gave her half the house, essentially. He probably doesn't have too much cash anymore himself. Getting involved with the new guy so fast is not cool, and certainly not recommended by AA. I'm a bit worried about our Lu. Billy Stritch is a very famous cabaret producer. I was really shocked that Lu was able to get him, and that he'd be interested in her. So I'm not surprised that her show is good, of its type.
  9. Yes, I think so too. They were definitely on the West Side. Isn't that where Lu's apartment is located supposedly? I found the show pretty dull. Seemed to be a series of set up scenes with not many organic interactions. I FF'd a lot. Was hoping next week would be the boat ride from hell, but I guess we have to wait for that. Cartagena should be interesting though. Are they going to stretch it out for three weeks? Its unbelievable how good Lu looks in all those cabaret outfits. I also couldn't believe Lu had Bobby Stritch in her corner. He is bigtime. I wish she'd stay away from nightclubs though. Its the wrong environment. She looked really sad at the speed dating do.
  10. It also showed she isn't short of money. She's buying the good stuff in small bottles, Absolut. I don't see the Intervention folks buying that brand. Amy Adams has always looked very young to me. In this show, she looks more like her real life age. But with all the drinking the character does, it wouldn't be too realistic for her to look late 20's.
  11. Thank you for the link. Other than the writing on the car trunk I missed all of them while watching on my iPad. I only saw the one in the last scene because I rewound and replayed the scene about five times. Actually a lot of the show was very dark for me. I was trying to change the lighting settings on my iPad while watching it. I’ve never had to do that before. So I think I might’ve missed a lot of other little nuances in scenes as well. I wasn’t crazy about the show but I love all the actors so I will stick with it for now.
  12. I think Amsale paid for the commercial. Obviously they approved the whole thing, letting Bravo cameras inside the store, etc. Its just a storyline. Tinsley doesn't have one, she loves to dress up in frilly stuff, so it was win win. I do think the Carole/B feud is for real. I think whatever B said or did, Carole just does not care about her anymore, and in fact actively dislikes her. To boot, she's not afraid of Bethenny and her clout so she's not fearful of repercussions. B still wants a friend, even if only to have an ally on the show, so she is stuck with Sonja. Why Carole didn't realize that Bethenny was a narcissistic snake when she saw how she treated Heather, etc, I will never understand.
  13. Harry Winston is not Carole’s jewelry style. Bethenny is dripping with Cartier and Hermes baubles so it fits her vibe.
  14. For sure that Amsale scene was a paid commercial. And no way did anyone from Amsale call Bethenny to report on Tinsley. It was a scripted storyline. Course Tinsley did trivialize Amsale just a bit. "Oh, if I were really getting married, I'd have a hand made dress, blah, blah,blah." I guess Amsale has been in the picture since Bethenny's wedding. Gosh, her dress was terrible. Thanks for posting the link. Yesterday, B was shilling a mask on IG, 20% off with her code. She got a lot of pushback on it; even her fans were a little sick of these tacky commercials from her.
  15. Here is the dumb deer aka the Morgan crest. It looks like any other deer. Don't think its design is protected or anything. I wouldn't look at that shoe and say, OMG its THE MORGAN shoe. As far as JPMorgan Chase, they use the old Chase octagon logo beefed up a bit for the 21st century. Dorinda is never going to forgive Bethenny for disparaging Richard Medley's achievements. He was a big time financial player, and Bethenny portrayed him as someone who wrote congress people's speeches. Yeah, Bethenny, that is why he had big obits in all the major papers. He achieved much more status and fame than her sometimes bf Dennis Shields, who steals from the poor.
  16. I don't think anyone at JPMorgan is going to get upset over this detail from the not famous Morgan crest. Besides, the daughter likes it, and she IS a Morgan. Old JAM is not even on the board of JPM and never has been to my knowledge.
  17. I could not care less about the Morgan family crest. He isn't royalty; he's just a rich American guy whose family was successful. What is it a deer, big deal. If Sonja can make coin on it, go ahead. No one recognizes the thing as "Morgan" anyway. And I've seen Sonja at Morgan Museum occasions, not the Morgan Library in Manhattan, but some museum outside Philly. Maybe the pooh bahs of the family include her because of Quincy, who knows, but they do include her. And Ramona is going to go to any party. Let's face it, she loves to party, loves to drink eat dance and possibly meet a guy. She's know Tom for ages. Didn't bother me. The spa weekend had a really different tone with the lack of obvious drunkenness. They don't really come to life unless they are drunk. I am happy to see that Bethenny no longer has has status as the de facto leader of the group. No one really pays attention to her anymore. She's stuck with Sonja, haha. How does it feel to be frozen out, Bethenny. He gift bags didn't have SkinnyGirl emblazoned on them? I was in dead shock.
  18. That was pretty stupid of them, show him on the floor and then show a preview with him alive and well. Course knowing this show, it could have been someone else's POV.
  19. B is being nice to Sonja and LuAnn because she needs some allies on the show, people to film with. They seem to be the only two available. She and Fredrik are not selling Sonja's place. Bethenny and Fredrik's show failed miserably, and Frederik's answer on WWHL as to whether he would work with Bethnny again was a hesitant "its all good but no." He didn't elaborate on if he meant the show wasn't going forward or Bethenny was horrible to work with, or both. Show stunk. To be fair I watched only half of episode one. Ramona's city apartment is up for sale. I guess that's why she did a reno. Avery has moved and the place is too big for her, and I'm sure she can make a nice profit to put aside for her old age. https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/real-estate/g21147829/ramona-singer-new-york-city-apartment/ The state of Bobby's health and hospitalizations was in Page Six regularly. You know Bethenny devours Page Six.
  20. That was the line that did me in. Bethenny's whole mantra last night was "jill said she was wrong." She seemed to have no appreciation of the year plus of agony Jill must have had with Bobby back and forth to the hospital for weeks and weeks, and then finally home to hospice care for close to a month. She waited to make her dramatic appearance at the funeral in her widow's weeds. Jill's own sister looked more casual. Let's face it, when Bethenny doesn't want to do something, production cannot force her to do it so going to that funeral was her choice. Ramona did visit Bobby many times in the hospital; Jill alluded to it in her Instagram throughout the year. It was no surprise that Bobby died; he was home in hospice care for about 6 weeks; Bethenny had ample time to visit.
  21. Don't know the whole details of her divorce settlement, but this article tells the result of her bankruptcy proceedings in 2015. Supposedly Morgan still owes her $3mil from the divorce and refuses to pay. Makes no sense to me, but that's what everyone reported. Sonja had to get a $3mil mortgage on the East Side townhouse to clear all the bankruptcy debts. It's hard to see how she makes the payments on that plus pay the expenses on the house. I don't think Mr. Morgan was in the mood to pay her one more penny. He went on to his next wife and he has two other kids, and they might not have liked it. I suppose if push came to shove, he'd get custody of the daughter. https://www.abi.org/feed-item/bankrupt-no-more-sonja-morgan-gets-to-keep-nyc-home
  22. Oh, I didn't see that. Thanks. Yes, that apartment has great light and great rooms. It is a nice location too although not the most statusy. Smart of her, now that Avery is out of there. I think she'll have no trouble selling. As loony as Ramona presents herself, I suspect she's been very good at planning for living well the rest of her life. I was also thinking that regarding Sonja, Mr. Morgan is 87, and Quincy will inherit a boatload of $$$. Maybe Sonja is counting on that event of his demise to rescue her financially.
  23. Someone upthread (I can't find it now) said Ramona was selling her property. I haven't seen any evidence of that. Last I saw she was renting it for one month in the summer. $165K for August through Labor Day. https://hamptons.curbed.com/2018/4/24/17274480/real-housewives-new-york-ramona-singer-southampton-rental
  24. Yes that's true. Can't you see Sonja on Judge Judy, claiming renters destroyed her property? And Judy perusing the before and after pictures? Sonja's townhouse is available for rent as of September, so its actually possible that she is really doing a major fix up to the interior. Knowing Sonja, probably not. But why else wouldn't it be available right now. According to this three year old article, Sonja took out a $3.3 million mortgage on the townhouse to settle the bankruptcy. YIKES. http://www.realitytea.com/2015/06/18/sonja-morgans-ex-husband-admits-owing-3-million-wont-pay/
  25. But she's got property taxes and water and electric and oil bills on that house. That adds up. Also, for all we know, she took out a mortgage after her bankruptcy was settled. Child support is probably still in effect, but daughter will be in college pretty soon and I guess that will end. In fact I wonder if Morgan has to pay it now, given Quincy is in boarding school. Wonder where Quincy will go to college. At this point the top schools don't automatically accept a Morgan, unless a huge contribution goes along with it.
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