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Everything posted by ToukieSmith

  1. Eh, maybe. Kenya has to keep the feud and drama going...thats how she got on this show. I think she should have stopped her comments after she said that she would do what she needed to do as a professional, but she knows this game better than I do. We'll see if it comes back to bite her. I don't see her making it to the finals so her best play is to be memorable.
  2. In grad school, our professor told us that the purpose of an advertisement is to entertain the viewer, not sell product. Kandi should hire Kenya and Brandi to promote her line instead of pitching it herself. LOL, even Brandi and Kenya give off more heat than Kandi and Todd. Geraldo could have had a show where the guests argue about the best coffee brand. A fight ensues and Geraldo is hit in the nose with a box of K cups. Chock Full of Nuts must be a regional brand. I have never heard of it before.
  3. The picture of her getting treatment looks like a still from a TV show.
  4. Get coffee? I get it. Lorenzo's video was better, but its not a viral video. Plus, Geraldo and Kate are not on anyone's social media radar. Leeza's video incorporated sex and a current feud between Reality TV stars.
  5. They are hustling trying to find another compelling storyline. I suspect the only thing off limits is Kaila and Riley. She was wrong - just as wrong as the folks who keeping calling her a whore. I just don't know how people can make such statements without being witnesses. I also don't understand why its anyone's business.
  6. I don't think its okay to call anyone a whore, even someone who is one by definition. Its rude and classless. This group of women allows for women to be called whores. I don't know if it should be off limits to discuss Kim, Porsha, Kenya, and Claudia's alleged relationships with married men. If you do go there, it should be a statement that you know to be true versus an internet rumor that you are parroting.
  7. For me, the conversation is boring and she is essentially say the same thing. To spice up your sex life, you need clothing and props to help with that. I got it. It would be the same thing, IMO, if Kandi was a fitness enthusiast and she constantly talked about working out. She would show us weights, elastic bands, rollers, fitness balls, kettle bells, shoes, clothes. She would have fitness parties that demo the latest ab and leg exercises and have the ladies bond by partnering up to demo exercises when they really aren't interested. I got it Kandi, we need to work our bodies in various ways to stay fit. She definitely should be writing Joyce a check for keeping her relevant on this show. Brooklynista, I cosign your comments. Cynthia/Peter, Porsha/Kordell, Apollo/Phaedra, Nene/Greg and even Kenya/Brandon translate more sexual heat than Kandi/Todd.
  8. But at what price? Why do we have to be portrayed as a bunch of classless assholes? Nene did not apologize to Claudia; that was an opportunity to promote her acculades. I got the reason why Claudia went there, but she should not have IMO. She looked foolish. Yes! Kandi's sex talk is vulgar and mechanical, not sexy at all. She has nothing interesting to say on the subject and her conversation is on a middle school level. She talks a lot about the mechanics of sex, but I don't hear anything about intimacy. I think it helps that Apollo only comes home to change his clothes. Preach. An $80K bag will not hold its value like REAL ESTATE. Plus, land is harder to steal than a handbag. Its her money and all of that, but not everyone gets these opportunities to create financial freedom for themselves.
  9. I heard it the same way you did. She was also hurt that Claudia did not respect her accolades.... I don't think she would either, but I suspect no one is offering. She does not appear to have same level of game as Kim Biermann. I was incredibly bored watching this episode. How do they have a knock down drag out fight then participate in a bonding session then attend Demetria's show? No more bedroom Kandi. Pretty Please? Also, can we stop talking about people's sex lives?
  10. Cookie came across as more sophisticated in the Pilot versus the 2nd episode IMO. I hope the shoe throwing was a one time thing...or at least she doesn't do something like it in every episode to get attention. It was fun to watch, but I hope she does not become a one note caricature. I thought the bib was low and disparaging. When I see men wearing bibs and/or other props to satisfy women sexually, then I will be okay with it.
  11. She is definitely someone who stirs the pot, but I don't see her being nasty. I worked with a nasty person. He would try to physically intimidate me to put me in my place. He would alter and/or delete work that I came in on my own time to complete. He would call into meetings that I attended in person and take that opportunity to ask if I had completed some menial task like filing (knowing damn well that I am not an administrative assistant) to let everyone in the room know that I was not someone as important (by title) as the folks sitting at the table. We were not competing for the same job by the way. I am a financial person and he is projects person. My role was to find and manage the finances for his capital improvement projects from conception to implementation stage. We were suppose to be working in tandem, but contained by the natural boundary of our roles. If I pulled him to the side to show him something he did incorrectly concerning the financials, he would have a conniption fit. If I made a mistake indicating funding went towards the conceptual design versus the detailed design of a project, he would make sure to let everyone know that I did not understand the difference between conceptual and detailed design. It did not matter that I never wanted to be or pretended to be an engineer. This stuff happened over time. It was like a small drip that turned into a water main break. It was like a Lifetime Movie about meeting a nice man and him turning into a serial killer or something. I have never dealt with such a mean spirited, black-hearted person in my life. At the same time, I knew that he was a broken person inside. In the beginning, I got angry about it, but I was just sad for him after awhile. This situation taught me a valuable lesson about perception and reality. It also taught me that very smart people are taken in by a person they perceive to be a good person. I guess another way of saying it is that smart people are not smart about all things. Also, there were people benefiting from his ugliness, but that goes back to what I was taught about perception and reality. Lastly, I was complicit too....I think. I did not file a formal complaint. I talked to our boss at the time, but he did not do anything about it. He told me that his bosses were aware that my colleague had issues. From my POV, they felt that his contributions to the organization outweighed his assholishness and I needed to suck it up. I reasoned that filing a formal complaint would not affect the change I wanted so I did not bother - but would it have affected change? About eight months after my conversation with my boss, the organization did make a change by removing my boss and replacing him with a smart women who takes no shit. My former colleague, not getting mileage from his shenanigans because our new boss had him on a short leash (smile), quit last summer. Y'all, she handled him like a pro. He bad mouthed her to her peers, to staff, and to colleagues that share office space with us. She continued to be very professional and she looked flawless doing it too. I have lived mean and nasty and low-down behavior and I just don't see Kenya in the same category. Girl is a lightweight from my POV.
  12. Kenya is smart and beautiful, but she is not an actress so its not surprising that she has not had a lot of starring roles. Plus, there are not a lot of roles for black actresses and I think Angela Bassett was the preferred choice for leading a movie featuring a gorgeous brown-skinned woman. Nia Long and Jada Pinkett were the it girls on TV. Kenya probably would have been more successful if she had chosen another career, but she wanted to be in entertainment so there is that. If you are still working in the industry, but you are not an A, B, or C lister, does that mean you are not successful? As long as you can pay your bills, wouldn't that qualify as being successful? I like Lupita and I have been trying to watch her performance in 12 Years, but I cannot make myself watch that movie. I've been sneaking looks at it, but I can't sit and watch it all the way through. Lupita is gorgeous and everything is going her way. Kenya probably should have shrugged her shoulders and concerned herself with the folks who were willing to take a picture with her, but she got more attention this way. This strategy seems to work for her. She got herself invited to the party both literally and figuratively. Golden Brooks would have hurt quite a few people for the opportunity to be snubbed by Lupita. Vanessa has real talent and she came from a very strong family. Her parents stood firmly with her during the Miss America drama. While they were disappointed with her, they had the attitude that she was going to be someone regardless of the adversity (they had instilled that in her from the beginning and just reinforced it during the crisis). It helped that she married her publicist who was the key strategist that navigated her out of that mess. Vanessa never pursued Miss America to be in the entertainment industry; she pursued Miss America to get money for college. IMO, both Kenya and Vanessa have been successful. Vanessa has certainly had more and better roles than Kenya, but I don't think Kenya has been unsuccessful in her own right. She works with what she has.
  13. IMO, Vanessa never needed to be Miss America. She would have been successful because of her talent and her persistence. She has hit records and she has starred in hit movies and TV shows fairly recently. I think things have slowed down for her in the last couple of years so she is doing Broadway which is her first love. IMO, she is always #winning.
  14. I once thought like you did, but I think the times have changed. Famous people are going on these shows and/or discussing these shows to appear hip and cool. Good Morning America covered Theresa Guidice's trial and imprisonment. Last week, I watched Babyface sing on RHOBH. Face is world reknowned and should have more money than all of the Housewives on all shows, but he was singing about (its really hard for me to write this) finger banging at a contrived dinner party that featured Brandi Glanville's shenanigans. Face is propping Brandi Glanville? Seriously? I am now going to forget that I watched that. Reality TV, IMO, is a platform for these folks to sell their brands, thus Kenya, Claudia, and the other ladies are just smart business women. This show keeps them in front of old fans and helps them build new ones. They get to appear on other shows and possibly have their own show. If they have products like Kandi, they cross promote their stuff by using the show as a product placement vehicle. Not many regular folk can sustain a 20+ year career without continuing education and the willingness to try new platforms so I suspect its the same with folks that have varying degrees of fame. These shows get talked about because of the drama. Nene was owned, IMO, by Claudia, but who really won if Nene has been trending Google and Yahoo for the last couple of days. Its all about the drama which equals eyeballs which equals the possibility for more gigs.
  15. Good grief, I hope not. They need to read some books if they cannot find any other topics of discussion.
  16. Everybody on Bravo is a thirsty famewhore. This is why Nene's "the thirst is real" line is so incredulous.
  17. Nene has worked her angle and I respect that. I would say the other women have done the same. How many other game show models have actually made a name for themselves in the entertainment industry and how many other pageant winners are still well known and working in the entertainment industry? I respect work ethic and I don't see anything lazy about any of these women including Phaedra, Kandi, and Porsha. With that said, I think the show is lazy for poorly developing good storylines and jumping too quickly into drama. I did not mind the shade among the smaller groups of women because it seemed lighthearted to me on both sides. The conversation at dinner was heavy and foreboding. The zingers that Demetria and Claudia were good, but I really could not enjoy it because I am tired of all of that negativity and mean spiritedness. What was the point of Nene having them meet for drinks and get to a place of understanding with Cynthia and Kenya? I know they have to do these gatherings for the show, but why not make the best of it. Interesting conversations could have been about how Kandi is adjusting to married life, how Phaedra is adjusting to Apollo leaving, Cynthia's new business venture (don't laugh), Demetria's show and why she is positioning herself to be a pop star (she may have a good reason for this choice). I don't know. I attend work related functions all the time where I might encounter people that I don't necessarily care for, but I laugh and talk with them. None of us are best friends or anything, but we keep it cordial and respectful.
  18. I was just thinking about what was hollow about last night's show. The reads were good, but they were out of order because Demetria and Claudia have not been on the show long enough to produce such reads. It just seemed like a lot of ammo delivered after only one or two meetings. Andy is like any other boss. He likes any employee that makes him money and/or status.
  19. And he has a job. Nene was out of bounds and disrespectful. Claudia's sex life is not Kandi's or Nene's business. There is plenty of stuff to shade her on without going there. I was talking with my hairdresser yesterday about black women and how we see are ourselves versus society yesterday. Your comments are on point about perception and reality. Whats sad is that we perpetuate the myths about ourselves. I took it the same way that you did. I believe was referring to Nene's looks. I think all of the women can be beautiful. Nene looked great to me during her first few seasons and Phaedra is very pretty too. Nene looks bad due to her styling choices. Phaedra is hit and miss typically; this season she has been more hit than miss.
  20. Um, Demetria was not speaking to Nene so why was Nene speaking? Why does Nene think that everyone is being manipulated by Kenya? Cynthia and Claudia seem to be operating on their own so I don't know why Nene thinks that Kenya is putting them up to anything. Now, Kenya could have just listened to Demetria's comments without telling her anything about Phaedra, but Demetria chose to confront Phaedra at the table and that confrontation is Demetria's style. She essentially did the same thing to Kenya when she confronted Kenya about Roger Bob. While Phaedra's analysis of Demetria was correct IMO, no one asked her and she of all people needs to keep quiet about someone's relationship. She threw shade in Demetria's direction and she can miss me with the innocent act. Demetria laid her out with the 8 years in common comment. Phaedra thinks a ring from a convicted felon is better than no ring. Okay. I know these shows thrive on drama, but it would have been nice if they had gotten along for once on one of these trips. The subtle shade when they were in their small groups was fine; I just wish they had a nice dinner with some good girl talk without all of that rudeness and disrespect of each other. Nene is always talking about her pockets, but I notice that she did not pull out her wallet to upgrade her room since she thought it was not big enough. Folks with money don't talk, they show.
  21. YMMV, but I don't think a seating chart would prevent Brandi from doing anything. She could have been sitting between David and Yolanda and she still would have tried to be the center of attention by saying or doing something inappropriate. She will smear Yolanda's interior with mud if it gets this many people talking about her.
  22. Its just her. She is the only person that has personal struggles in life so she gets to say whatever she wants...its the way she was raised. When she offends someone, they should always accept her apology and they better do it immediately.
  23. Charming, I think that was all fake. Notice that she kept her face covered while she was crying. Also, her face was not red or streaked when they did get her face in a shot.
  24. Clearly, the song was a setup for Kim and Brandi as none of the other ladies threw in lyrics, but I believe Brandi chose the words all on her own. It would not have been so bad if these people had the proper reaction, but it just leaves me annoyed when she continues to be an ass and no one checks her on it...well except Joyce. Whats the next level? Brandi performing sex acts on people for attention? I guess they want me to stop watching.
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