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Everything posted by ToukieSmith

  1. Lawd No! Brandi sat on David's lap. Its ova y'all. She knows better than some mess like that. You know that Yolanda don't play with the King like that. I cannot wait for the showdown. I love Babyface and I enjoy the after dinner piano playing at the Foster abode. I hate that Brandi screwed up that song. UGH. Where is the petition to get her off this show? Amen.
  2. Don't throw stuff at me, but I would prefer seeing the OLG on my screen instead of a Bedroom Kandi/Kandi Koated infomercial.
  3. Bravo set this situation up, but they did not tell Demetria to continue making herself look like a fool. I hope that she is getting paid well because there is no way she comes out of this thing looking good.
  4. Okay, I am still laughing at the irony of Apollo getting upset about the fence Phaedra is having built. Why is he worried about something he isn't paying for and something he will probably never see? He hopped up there like he was paying for it. He knows his money goes toward strippers and cars. Fences are not in his budget. Is the new BarOne in the neighborhood where Dr. King lived? Can we stop with the relationship parties? A fashion show held at Kandi's store could have been a venue to embarrass Demetria in front of everyone and Nene could have ignored Claudia there too. Kandi's sex schtick is boring and I thought her questions to Claudia were juvenile. I don't understand it. She looked so much better with a darker hair color. I also think she would look good with a natural style like Aunt Laurie. The pink lipstick she was wearing in her THs was hideous.
  5. She has to keep her main job so she needs to keep these other sidelines going so that she has a storyline. Without Joyce, Kandi has no storyline and she is boring on her own.
  6. I would not want to know why Nene is upset with me if I were Claudia. I would consider it a badge of honor if she did not speak to me or look in my direction. If I were Claudia, I would let Nene continue hating while I continue looking good and collecting my checks. Claudia divides her checks by 1 whereas Nene divides hers by at least 5, excluding her entourage. Of course, Claudia understands how this show works and she is using Nene to elevate herself. Carry on Claudia.
  7. LOL, I have been thinking the same thing about Taylor. Men definitely have a different lens than women. I would think her freakish looking face would take her out, but girl definitely has game (tip of the hat). Yeah, Eddie is hot. When I learned he was in Best Man Holiday, I automatically put my hate glasses on until his first scene with Nia Long. Its too bad he isn't the guy he plays in the movies. Its unfortunate Brandi has a type because she could have married a rich guy who adores her long ago. I can totally see her flirting, propositioning, and hooking up with her sons's 19 year-old plus friends.
  8. Yep. Lisa is in the driver's seat and Brandi put her there. Amateur chess players should never play with Bobby Fischer and expect to win;-).
  9. Yeah, history is definitely shining a more positive light on Kordell. LOL, I would not want her or her people in my house either when I am not home.
  10. Only dogs would be able to hear it with all the screeching. I think Brandi has no filter when it comes to her status. She will do whatever and say whatever if it means that she will earn more money and continue to live the lifestyle that she enjoys. Most of her notoriety to date has come from the bomb she dropped on Adrienne. To Lura's point above, Brandi is not afraid to go back there because it led to her greatest financial success and this makes her extremely dangerous. If my apartment looked like Brandi's rental, I would probably have a house warming too. Her place is gorgeous and that view is spectacular. To keep a place like that, she will walk across a table (tm Evelyn Lozada) and attempt to kick Nene Leake's ass.
  11. I feel the opposite. Her comment was low, but I think her boorish behavior has brought down the BH franchise. She starts shit with people then she starts crying and playing the victim when they come for her without any recognition that she was the person that started it in the first place. She behaves like a sixteen year-old which is not a good look when you are over 40. Nothing changes with Brandi and its really tiresome to watch. I wish we would all stop feeling shitty over what other people say about us no matter what we weigh. People always have something to say and most of its ignorant. I really don't care if some girl does not want to join a club with a bunch of fatties or chub chubs. Fatties and chub chubs have plenty of friends so they aren't missing anything here. If the scale is the only issue any of us have, we all have it really good. Brandi has no filter and no limit so I think Kyle's strategy (if this is a strategy) is a good one: Don't poke the crazy chick with nothing to lose.
  12. I do too. Not many of us get an opportunity to earn so much money at once and its a shame that no one knows what to do with it when it happens to them. I hope she has a good financial planner. She annoys me, but I don't wish ill of her and her family. I watched the first episode from Season 1 today and Nene was very pretty. I wonder why she decided to start wearing those caftan-like blouses and blond wigs.
  13. Brandi is quite parched so she is up for anything. I don't wish her ill, but I wish she was off this show. She is not fun or interesting to watch. She is annoying, whiny, and inappropriate.
  14. LOL, I find myself thinking about this show while driving too. I am still wondering how the hell "ho and pimp" came to mind. Who says this about anybody, much less someone's parents! Not just you. My TV and my parents' TV show the same five o'clock shadow.
  15. Twilightzone, I must admit that I thought the Joyce, Kandi, Todd storyline was scripted, but I am not so sure anymore. Joyce is not a master thespian so I almost ready to concede.... This is my conundrum/fascination with this show. I know that its scripted/phony, but at some point the real person comes out and overlaps the phony circumstances.
  16. I don't think Cynthia is being fake, but I think she is delusional about Nene being the type of friend she wants Nene to be. I think Cynthia wants to go back to the fun side of the friendship, but leave the problems behind. That is unrealistic because Nene is not going to change. Nene is fun, quick witted, and full of excitement. She is the life of the party and people naturally gravitate towards her. OTOH, she is pompous, arrogant, and condescending towards people who she perceives as not on her level. Cynthia has to accept Nene warts and all or don't be her friend. Attempting to explain her side of things will never change Nene. It is what it is.
  17. I caught that. He looked like a young Lorraine Toussaint in that photo, loll.
  18. Todd knew who Kandi was before he married her. I have no sympathy. I don't want to hear Kandi whining about her mother's attitude when she is enabling it. I have no sympathy. Porsha's attitude is terrible. The apology is not about Kenya. When you are wrong, you apologize. Period. Why do these people keep saying "Roger Bob?" Isn't his first name sufficient? His name is said more than Nene's........ I finally figured out who Claudia reminds me of.....Jayne Kennedy.
  19. I agree with you about Apollo's actions, but he is being Apollo. He makes an ass of himself regularly and I thought her not attending his sentencing was her public line in the sand. She demonstrated that she no longer cared about what he did or did not do in public when she chose not to attend his sentencing so her position at the party does not make sense to me. Grabbing her purse and air kissing the ladies goodbye would have neutralized Apollo and allowed her to take the high road.....if she really did not need RHOA. Phaedra is all about appearances. She needs this show and her embarrassment is that this storyline contradicts her carefully cultivated image. Cooksdelight, I think we have heard Phaedra's voice. I don't see her as a victim in this scenario because she wanted all of this. She wanted a man that she could control with her intellect and her money, but he was not as controllable as she thought. Phaedra has been embarrassed by Apollo and she is under a lot of stress because of him, but she will come out smelling like a rose because she won't have it any other way. She is working this storyline to her advantage.
  20. I was uncomfortable with Apollo attending the party, but I never thought he would do anything to Phaedra. I took Apollo's actions as being selfish, tone deaf, and inappropriate - his typically behavior (if we did not know about his legal troubles, it would have been a typically outing IMO). What was telling, IMO, is that Kandi was cheering it on, saying something about they were making up. I really don't see any of the cast sitting idly by if Apollo was a real threat to Phaedra, even Kenya. I think Kenya, Kandi, Porsha and Peter would verbally intervene; I think Cynthia would call security. They only sit idly by when Kenya is threatened. Drivethroo, I appreciate that you pointed out the fact that no one had a problem with it when Apollo was saying ugly things to Kenya at the reunion. Note that the cultured and refined Mrs. Nida didn't say a word nor did she give her husband nonverbal cues that he needed to stop talking that way. As I recall, she sat there with her nose haughtily up in the air because she was under the mistaken notion that Kenya gave her husband head, thus Kenya deserved to be talked to like she was trash off the street. Phaedra could have chosen not to go sit by Apollo if she thought he was going to hurt her or she could have left the party altogether. If she is to be believed, then she has the money to walk away from RHOA anytime she chooses to do so with her legal practice and her funeral business. Phaedra had/has the means to cut Apollo off well before he was convicted. The question is why didn't she sit him on the curb long before now.
  21. On WWHL, she said that she started divorce proceedings and she speaks to Apollo 5 to 6 times per week. I found it odd that she speaks to him so often.
  22. Nene has terrible taste. When Marlo was styling her for those society parties eleventy dozen seasons ago, Nene looked good so it is possible for her to be on point. Her team is not serving her well if they are advising her to become a commodity on the side show circuit. I think she did a good job on HSN in the clips that we saw. She should consider offers being a host of such shows. I can see her doing something like Family Feud or Lets Make A Deal....if she gets more serious about her look and persona. She is going to kick herself for not taking acting lessons. They could really help her get more mileage out of the personality.
  23. Well, Phaedra did coin the phrase "Papa Smurf," referring to Peter and his many children by different women. She has thrown a bit of shade Cynthia's way. I think Apollo is keeping quiet about the whole thing because she is setting aside money for him. He would love to squeal on her, but he doesn't want to move into an affordable housing complex and get a job at McDonalds when he gets out in 8 years.
  24. The lack of natural light from a window is a sign also.
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