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Everything posted by alias1

  1. The only problem with that theory is that no one will care. Of all the character we have come to know and love (snark) Margaux is going to cause the least upset. I would have said that about Charlotte, but she is apparently gone anyway. They have been rehabilitating Daniel somewhat so maybe it's him, and while I would have been fine with that in season one, now I don't want it to be him. I'll have to think about who would be good (or not good) dead.
  2. Well, I never liked the fed chick. So will Jack find Emily's picture underneath that room service tray? I couldn't tell what Victoria wrote on the picture, but I can't wait for the Emily/hit woman showdown. I guess they could keep coming up with more of these crazy plots indefinitely. Is next week the fall finale?
  3. Oh, now that everyone is talking about this being an episode ahead On Demand, I had to watch it. Much better than the episode that just aired. The show is back on track for me!!
  4. Sarah Bunting is so on the mark (no pun intended) with this show, right down to the probably creepy picture Ian was painting and the unbelievably ugly tops Emily is wearing in the flashbacks. Are they supposed to make her look younger? I agree with mjc570 that Tony is starting to grate on me. And having never seen James Nesbitt in anything else, I feel like he's overacting. Emily has grated on me from the beginning. I'm mildly interested in the new development with Julien and his wife, but is it going to have anything to do with the main plot? There are a lot of balls in the air right now. Who killed the undercover agent? What does Bourg have to do with it, if anything. What does Ian have to do with it? Why does the journalist keep inserting himself into the case? I hope they aren't introducing more subplots just to fill time.
  5. Thank you for this detailed answer. All stuff I didn't know. I'll never be on Jeopardy!
  6. I didn't get this either. It sounded like Alex made the error and they penalized the contestant. Or wasn't the answer Ireland at all?
  7. Thank you! I missed it the first time.
  8. I want to know what she said to Stotz.
  9. Thanks for posting this. It was an easy scene to miss. I watched it more closely this time and I did think the scene was a little strange. It seemed so unnecessary to show Mark putting his son in a car before he started work. And you're right, it may be nothing, but why take up screen time for it.
  10. I really wanted to like this show. I was so distracted by Katherine Heigl's very severe (and not flattering) hairstyle and her way too dark (and not flattering) red lipstick to pay that much attention to the plot. I even thought Alfre Woodard's acting was terrible in that dinner scene. Too bad. I feel the show is going downhill fast. They need to tone down her wardrobe, makeup, and drinking. Well, getting some better scripts might help, too.
  11. The Doctor's outfit looks cool! I hope we're not going to have Clara in her bathrobe for the entire special. I didn't like The Widow and the Wardrobe. Didn't like The Christmas Carol. Didn't like last year's Christmas special. Loved The Snowmen, though. Moffat doesn't have a very good average with me on Christmas specials.
  12. I'm glad more people are watching this and discussing it. jacksgirl, you are so right about Gracepoint. They should have stopped with Broadchurch. Oh, thanks. I'll have to rewatch that. .
  13. I love Fusco! RIP Anthony. I was sad to see his demise. I hope Dominic has a painful death. Maybe his 2nd in command will kill him. Dominic is never going to inspire the kind of loyalty that Elias does.
  14. No Sherlock/Joan romance for me. Then it becomes like every other police procedural out there with a male and female lead.
  15. Yeah, Julien's leg. I didn't realize he wasn't limping in the flashbacks until SonofaBiscuit mentioned it. And the journalist telling Emily "I know what you and Tony did." Hmm. In the pilot, when Emily's parents came to the hotel, the dad told Tony (paraphrasing) "sometimes the perpetrator is someone you know ....who has a grudge...do you think someone knows what we did....?" They have started several plots. I wonder if the creepy construction guy procures underage boys for pedophiles. Could be a red herring, but I think we haven't seen the last of him. And there is the guy at the nursing home who knows Emily. Tony apparently beat him up sometime prior to the disappearance of Oliver since Julien had that file in 2006. MyLisa, you may be on to something in that Oliver is not really Tony or Emily's son. The plot thickens. I watched the episode twice and I don't remember any scene where a kid was put into a cab. Can you tell me approximately where this was in the episode?
  16. I'm kind of sad that more people aren't watching this. Come on people, what are your thoughts about the show?
  17. I didn't think Joe told Tom to drop the skateboard because he didn't want the evidence to be contaminated. I thought he looked shocked that the skateboard had resurfaced, and telling Tom to drop it was his first reaction. But that would indicate that he is still the killer, which they keep insisting is not the case. Tom didn't handle the skateboard in any kind of suspicious manner so it still looks to me like he doesn't know anything about the actual killing. But then he has acted like a robot through the entire series so It's hard to tell what he's feeling.
  18. I think there is something shady about Andrew (or I just don't like him). But I would be surprised if Sherlock is manipulating events. Even if there is something wrong with Andrew Joan needs to find out for herself. In my opinion, Andrew and Joan have zero chemistry (but then I thought the same thing with Mycroft and Joan). I hope there is some followup to this episode.
  19. I'm with the reviewer (and I was going to say this last week already) that Mark gives me the creeps and I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved. He inserted himself into the investigation and seems like he did everything he could to turn Emily against Tony. He was my #1 suspect since the beginning.
  20. Congrats to Ben! (I do love that Arthur beat Julia, though.) I think Arthur can be pretty happy with his $100,000. They are all really smart, though, and any one of them could have won. It all came down to the wagering.
  21. I think the killer will be same as in Broadchurch. It sure looked like Joe who was running from Carver and Ellie. And Tom said his dad was upstairs putting Dylan to bed and he thought his dad fell asleep. I don't think so. Also, in Broadchurch, Joe did not throw Danny's body off the cliff. It was made to look like Danny fell off the cliff. Joe actually stole a boat and took Danny to the base of the cliff where he placed Danny's body. Thus the boat that they found burning. Elaria Sand, we posted at the same time.
  22. Well, the person running from Carver and Ellie didn't look like Vince (and not Susan either and I think she's still in custody).
  23. I don't think I've ever seen that happen. It seems to me that was just Alex showing his bias. No matter who wins it will be fair and square.
  24. Tigershark, I agree about all the attention being paid to Arthur and Julia. While I might have been for Arthur originally (and I think he has gotten a bad rap) at this point I'm for Ben, too. Alex can be such a dickhead about wrong answers or a TS, especially when he has the correct response right in front of him.
  25. I'm with you! I'd like to see Ben win (not only because he's smart) but also because the other two seem polarizing and there would be no end of love or hate for whatever the outcome would be. Go, Ben! I think Sandie would make a great host replacement for Alex. She already has the experience and she has a great personality.
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