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Everything posted by outtosee

  1. I really don't like them either, and everyone is pretty much their BFFLs on this board. We can go be anti in a corner together lol. "Bebbehhhhhh!"
  2. I didn't imply she's ever asked for slack, because she hasn't. :) I just dislike her, and I feel like they're getting a way too positive edit. I still think there is some producer shenanigans going on. Come on, a surfing task... for pro surfers.
  3. I might be the only one but I find Bethany to be kind of a snake in the grass. To me, she's just a normal person and I don't give her any slack because of the arm (though she is bad ass)... she's competitive and kind of nasty and I thought so all along. And this is superficial, but I find her voice annoying. I smell a production setup with their FF. Of course... surfing for professional surfers! COME ON. I won't even talk about Brooke. She is such a defeatist and the total villain of this season, ugh. Go away.
  4. Like that little clip of them rapping in the car and Jordan didn't know the lyrics... ahahaha! I was DYING.
  5. I hate to say it, but this show feels so different. I used to laugh out loud every single episode but I hardly ever smirk now. Key and Peele, come on! I can't quit you...
  6. ... who can also afford her own place in a brownstone in Brooklyn. I'm sorry--as a NY native, it always makes me roll my eyes when shows do this. I know TV isn't supposed to be realistic but come on. Rent stabilization? Maybe. But mention it in passing, at least!
  7. Yeah, seriously. I'd be scared of her too! "You stay. You sit down and you serve. And use the sharper knife." Yes ma'am...
  8. God, this show is my absolute jam. Chelsea and Yamir: I feel like Yamir is genuine and is really having conflicted emotions, but Chelsea Ono is horridly selfish. She's been away for ten years and is only now realizing she wants to live at home? Girl, bye. He moved to another country and left everything for you--you can move a few hours away to Chicago. Yamir is an adult but he seems so innocent and totally sweet. I'd be his friend. Evelin and whatever his name is: The point of eloping is that you do it on your own. His family needs to back up. A wedding is not all about you--it's about the couple professing their live in any way they see fit. Chill out and let them do what they want to do. Cartoon turtle and Cassia: He cleaned the pool! Daya and mouth breather: I'm glad she and the daughter seem to be getting along. In the beginning I really didn't like Daya but now I believe she can do so much better than Mouth Breather. Amy and Danny: I, too, feel he is in denial about things. But Amy is so sweet, and she looked beautiful in those dresses. Her mom seems like a class act, and the sisters in law were very sweet, especially the one with the curly hair. I am actually mad at his stupid dad for being racist when love is such a beautiful thing no matter the color or orientation. Gah. Amy is my fave too.
  9. I agree it's also comical. The accent is actually very nuanced (little things like "ahrange" instead of "oarange" for orange, etc.). I'd like to see, for once, someone get a real NY accent right and not exaggerate it for comic effect! But I digress. I totally agree with whoever said Ruth's mouth is distracting. I feel awful for saying it but sometimes I get so distracted staring at it, that I have to rewind.
  10. I know, I know... tv shows aren't supposed to be realistic. But I still don't understand why for the life of people on this show aren't portrayed with NY accents. As a native New Yorker (City) with a summer home in Suffolk County, you'd be hard pressed to find someone anywhere on Lawn Guyland without an accent, especially out on the End. Which brings me to my next point: on this show they act like they're in the middle of nowhere removed from civilization. Granted, Montauk really is the end of the island but they're hardly in the middle of nowhere. They're free to leave at any time, especially since their property values are so high they could just sell.
  11. What I don't understand about this show--and what really bugs me because I pay attention to the little things like this--is that nobody on this show has a New York accent! Montauk is Suffolk County, which is filled to the brim with people who have these hilariously thick New York accents. I love it.
  12. I guarantee you they're setting up that judge to have taken heat from Hudson University or the mayor's office, and that this won't be the last we hear of it (I also feel like something is up with the defense attorney too). JMI.
  13. The twins' father was cracking me up! He's like a wise Danny De Vito. And I'm SO OVER JAC. She is a bottomless pit of need. How does Chris stand her?
  14. Yup! Manzo means beef. Giudice also means judge, as in the person behind the gavel! From the verb 'giudicare' or 'to judge.'
  15. I hadn't thought of that! You're absolutely right. They're definitely saying scimm'. I'm Sicilian (we say scemu or scimunitu or babbu, etc.) so it hadn't even occurred to me those little kids would be speaking Neapolitan and not English! That makes me feel better because saying "shim" in English isn't cool.
  16. Oh my gosh, so many thoughts! 1. I don't like Korina but I do feel she is the better designer than Char. Nothing Char has done has been particularly interesting to me except her first ever look. 2. I think Char is such a nice lady and I'd love to have some coffee tawk with her. 3. I loved Kini and Amanda's collection because it was fun! and happy! and creative! 4. Loved Sean's jacket and would wear it but the collection was horrible. 5. I don't think Char could have done anything without Sean's help this episode. 6. The wrong designer went home, solely based on talent imo. 7. It's really messed up that they so clearly manipulate them for drama.
  17. Scimunitu, which indeed does mean idiot, stricly in Sicilian. But their family is Neapolitan (different language) and that's not a Neapolitan word. I'm pretty sure they were saying "shim' as in she/him. :(
  18. I totally get it. Completely. It's not cool to have bad qualities associated with gay people and to be assaulted with that almost daily by media and I respect that, understand it, and feel horrible about it. I wish it weren't like that (again, Rosie is universally liked and admired and she is gay!). But I think the misunderstanding here is that I am passing a judgement on Jim and Bobby alone, and not a community on the whole. And I know I'm not the only one on this board who feels that way. Anyway, I've gone way too OT here so I'll not say anything more about it!
  19. I actually thought they were trying to say "shim" and I was really disappointed in them tbh. :(
  20. What are you even talking about? I said he is venemous and obsessive towards Bobby, therefore he must have feelings for Bobby. This is not a qualifier of all gay men; it is simply a qualifier of Jim as he related to Bobby. I didn't qualify him as being gay because he is a venemous and obsessive person. You're grasping at straws here. I simply said if someone is venemous and obsessive over another human being the way that Jim is obsessive over Bobby both on the show and in real life, they probably have feelings for that person: gay or straight. I'm straight. If I obsess over a man... I probably have feelings for him. And that's all I'll say about the matter. Nowhere did I intend to paint all gay men with the same brush (not at all), so I apologize for the offense. I'm definitely not speaking for all gay men--I'm just speculating re: Jim's own behavior with Bobby. Nothing more, nothing less. Internet truce? :)
  21. But who said that? Nobody said "Jim is an asshole, therefore he must be a bitchy ole queen!" We're simply saying that based on what we have seen of his interactions with Bobby, he is acting more like someone who is involved with him in a more than platonic way, whether actually or only in his mind. He is way too venemous with Bobby and way too obsessed with him to be just someone who views him as a friend. YMMV.
  22. I'm a huge ally. My brother is gay. I am HIGHLY aware of the issues facing the LGBTQA community and I make it a point to volunteer for the community. I didn't say he was gay because of this episode--I am simply stating that I believe his feelings for Bobby are not entirely platonic. So don't call me an asshole. I'm not the only one who has this opinion, by the way. And I love and admire Rosie. She is "soooooo gay."
  23. Oh my god, was this episode the gift that keeps giving or what? 1. Kathy and Rosie's mom is THE BEACON OF TRUTH. She sat there, ensconced on her throne over her spaghetti with broccoli di rape just truth cannon-ing it to death. Finally someone calls 'em as she sees 'em. The Giudices did wrong and they have to pay for it. That's that. You can still support them, you can still pray for them, heck, you can still even love them. But they did the crime and they have to pay the time. 2. "You have this house in arroars!" I think she meant in an uproar. Either way, I literally could not. 3. Which brings me to my next point of view. Jim. I think Jim has to be gay. There is no way he is not gay; I've said this since episode one. I can almost guarantee you that Amba is his beard. Mark my words: Jim is gay and he has a crush on Bobby. 4. Why did Bobby hide in a bathroom like a little kid? That was so bizarre. 5. Did anyone catch Melissa's faces while she was on the couch listening to Jim go from zero to crazy? I was laughing so hard. I didn't like Melissa or Joe that much last season but damn, they're hilarious this one. 6. I want a baby gator :(
  24. And you'd think someone who went to law school would know the difference, too. ;)
  25. I'm bothered by this comment. There is nothing inherently wrong with sex work, and if that is what a woman chooses to do with her body, then that is her choice. Just because a woman is intelligent and/or educated does not mean she is "demeaned" by engaging in sex work for a living. A person is only demeaned when s/he personally feels so.
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