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Everything posted by lovesnark

  1. I hope as the season progresses we get more answers about Myrka's situation. I wonder if she's still insured through her mother? Or, did she apply for public assistance? Can Ethan's parents afford to house, clothe and feed 2 more people indefinitely? Does Ethan have a car to take Myrka (and later, the baby) to doctor appointments? Or, do his parents shuttle them around? So many questions!!
  2. This place used to be called Previously TV 😊
  3. I was in high school in the 70's and even back in the stone age, we were taught the basics of reproduction in health class. None of these kids can use the 'we didn't know you could get pregnant the first time' or any of the other bullshit excuses. They have all of the information they could ever need at their fingertips 24/7! Ethan's parents said they talked to him repeatedly about sex and birth control and made sure he had condoms. He told us they used a condom one time and after that, they chose to forego birth control of any type. My theory is Myrka didn't like living with her mother and all of the things her mom expected her to do. Ethan knew his parents were softies and would feel sorry for her and let her move in. Worked out great for both of them. I wonder what's going to happen when they inevitably break up. Will Myrka still live with them or will they expect her to move out once the romance is over?
  4. I'm pretty sure she mentioned that last season. Cheer is making it possible for her to go to college. She's the most mature person on this show (including the parents) and I wish her the best! I would be very upset if someone moved some rando guy into my child's home, too. I'm sure none of them have taken the time to do any sort of background check on him, he could be a pedophile or some sort of fraudster for all they know. I wonder why grandma is letting her flaky daughter move her boyfriend in? Jenna is such a spoiled brat. I hope her dad and stepmom have flexible working hours because they're going to be taking care of a newborn while Jenna and her boyfriend lay around, glued to their phones and whine about how hard everything is. I hope some of the gossip Jenna heard about herself was how stupid and careless she was to get knocked up. I can't stand 'gender reveal' things and think they're ridiculous. Ethan's parents getting in on the whole thing with the kids and no doubt paying for some stupid announcement party makes me want to scream. I bet they also rent a space and hire a caterer for a huge baby shower. Ethan and Myrka have no reason to think they fucked up by not using birth control. We'll see what happens after the baby gets here and they realize it's a whole lot more than cute Instagram posts. Myrka's friends won't flock to her social media to read about cracked and bleeding nipples, being covered in baby bodily fluids, not sleeping for what feels like days on end and episiotomies.
  5. I wonder if Myrka's mother was treated the same way when she got pregnant? Was Myrka's father ever mentioned? If her mother got pregnant as a teen and was kicked out, I wonder if she moved in with/married the father and they split up after the son was born and she raised the kids by herself? I also wonder about the legal aspect of kicking your teenage daughter out of the house. In the eyes of the law, she's responsible for Myrka and is expected to provide for her. Did she keep Myrka on her health insurance? Give Ethan's parents legal guardianship? So many questions!
  6. Her mom seemed to take Myrka getting pregnant personally. When she was ranting, she said something about being another statistic. A single mother winding up with a pregnant teen. From the little bit of herself she's shown us, I get the feeling consequences have been a part of her children's lives from the get go.
  7. It sounds like the R is silent. To me, it sounded like they called her Meeka. Oh! How I've missed this train wreck! And, TLC did a wonderful job finding this batch of morons. I know I've said this during previous seasons, but it needs to be said again (and again). ALL of these kids willfully created a child. I was a teenager in the 70's, started sleeping with my boyfriend at the age of 15 and I knew enough to get my ass to Planned Parenthood and get on the pill. It was free and 100% confidential. I used the phone book to find their phone number and address and rode the bus to town to get there. These dumbasses are glued to their phones 24/7. If they can google which luxury car they feel they deserve or what their favorite Kartrashian is wearing that day, they can certainly google anything and everything related to having sex and getting pregnant. There is simply no excuse, it's willful ignorance. While I know I could never kick my child out for getting pregnant, I also have no sympathy for Myrka. She's known the consequence of getting pregnant as a teen since she was old enough to understand and she chose to have unprotected sex. Her boyfriend (can't remember his name) even said they used a condom once, then never again. Jenna telling her dad to stop talking when he was pointing out her lack of maturity made me wish her parents would just get up and walk off. When she met her dad for lunch and was whining about a car, I was hoping her dad would say he'd go 50/50 with her on a used minivan just to see her empty head explode. Her mom sounded like she was for it. She said something like once Myrka, the boyfriend and his parents said no to termination, she was out.
  8. Swamp Bitch posted on FB that the dog was chained up outside in cold weather. If it was chained up, how did it just happen to 'wander' over to moldy manor? They stole that dog from it's owner and I hope the owner does everything they can to get it back. Of course, people with functioning brain cells know the correct thing to do if you see an animal in distress is to call the authorities and let them handle it. Not these assholes!
  9. Countdown until the poor mama dog disappears because Enchilada has never been taught to respect an animal's space. Nugget snapped at her for getting in her face and left a little scratch. This dog can do a whole lot more damage trying to protect her babies from that feral kid. If it happens, they'll say the dog was vicious instead of putting blame where it belongs. On themselves for not teaching that child any respect for the poor, unfortunate animals they hoard.
  10. I did see it somewhere this morning. Typical swamp thing behavior. Get a little cash and spend a weekend getting wasted instead of fixing your sinking swamp shack or paying something on the $46k tax debt you owe. Why is karma taking so long to hit these two useless assholes?
  11. I do not believe for one second that they got any money from Clayton Homes. If pigs are flying and unicorns are shitting rainbows and they did get any money, it should be used to install french drains around the property, to install a functioning pump system under the house, to raise the house off the shitty foundation and try to do something to fix the problem. Instead, she wants new floors. Go ahead, Thundercunt. Spend money on the inside of your filthy house. The problems will still be there because you won't fix what's causing them.
  12. This is the BEST idea I've ever read on this forum. It's time for all of us to bombard the producers with this idea. Hell, I'd pay over and above my ridiculously high cable bill to watch it!
  13. Haha! I didn't see your post before I posted. Can we share Rufus? I'm getting old, so I won't need him much😂 Topic: Cindy is a waste of oxygen. I hope the county came in and bulldozed everything while she stomped her feet, shook her fist and whined about her freedom.
  14. Oh, hell. I can't remember the names of the oxen, but will this do? I saw something nasty in the woodshed! Off to watch it and enjoy some young Rufus Sewell 🤗
  15. The plaintiffs were complete idiots to rent to someone with 6 dogs. The defendants were horrible puppy mill breeders. And, JJ showed her completely out of touch attitude towards landlords again. The amount of money the plaintiffs made on the rental should not have been a part of the equation. The horrible dog breeders should have been responsible for all of the damages the dogs did plus the cost of getting the smell of cigarettes out of the home (which can be quite expensive). I own my rental outright, so using JJ's logic, when my former tenants (referred to as the slovenly losers) did over $25k in damage to the home, I should have just sucked it up because I didn't have a mortgage payment coming out of the monthly rent. Good thing she didn't write my lease or make the rules in my state! ETA: One of the things JJ does that makes me fume is to say a small looking bit of damage can be fixed for cheap because it's small. The slovenly losers left two stained areas along with gouges and deep scratches on the hardwood floor. Dogs peed on area rugs and they just left it there, so it stained the floor and it looked like they drug heavy furniture with no cushion all over the place. JJ would have said someone could have just sanded the stained areas, scratches and gouges and be done with it and she would be wrong. I had to have the entire living room/dining room floor refinished to the tune of $2200. She does the same thing with auto body damage, drives me nuts!
  16. Don't forget heapin' helpins' of biscuits and gravy chased down with gallons of Corona.
  17. Louvnia was so beautiful! I also wondered why she was living at the roach motel with her mom instead of one of her brothers. Maybe they lived quite a way from their mom and she wanted to be close to her boyfriend so he could see the kids often? It just didn't make sense to me for her to be staying in that nasty house with her kids.
  18. I fell asleep before it was over. But, I felt really bad for Lovinia. I have a rental property and an eviction on your record is an automatic no when you're applying for rentals. It sounds to me like her landlord was a slumlord and evicted her as a way to keep from having to fix the infestation in the apartment she was renting. Sadly, it happens all the time. The landlord probably bought a couple cans of raid, sprayed the place and rented it again. When the new tenants complain, he'll tell them to buy some bug spray and threaten to evict them if they complain again. I wish Lovinia would have contacted a tenants rights group to learn how to document everything the right way in order to withhold rent until a landlord fixes it. You have to do it a certain way. Off to finish watching................
  19. Bummer that ShuhDuhFuhCup's twitter account is suspended. I hope it's a temporary thing, she cracks me up. I listened to the audio on Leslie Bass's YouTube channel, and while it infuriates me that UBT is going to get away with it, I understand why James agreed to let it go. Jenelle is the only other witness besides Josh and we all know she has no qualms about lying in court. Perjury should be her middle name. James would have to spend a bunch of money on an attorney only to have Thundercunt get on the stand and throw him under the bus. She would have no problem saying UBT was only defending himself and that James attacked him in his own home. I don't know how she could deny what was written in the statement she gave the cops when it happened, but seeing the way NC runs it's judicial system, nothing would surprise me. According to the Leslie Bass live, her car was repo'd because she used the money for the payments on an attorney to represent UBT in this case. She did get it the SUV back. Wonder if Barb gave her the money to get it out of the tow yard? The kids are the victims here. To know they think this behavior is the way everyone lives is wrong on every level. Too bad CPS in North Carolina thinks it's normal, too. I don't give a rat's ass about the swamp monsters, let them beat the shit out of each other daily and go out in a blaze of bullets. The kids deserve a chance at a decent life. ETA: @MKAY, can you clarify something? Leslie kept saying that UBT cocked the gun. His handgun is an automatic, right? I know very little about firearms. But, you don't cock an automatic, do you? You release the safety and it doesn't make noise. Leslie kept saying she could hear him cocking the gun.
  20. After my son was born, I was hoping my husband would never want to touch me again! I had a 3rd degree episiotomy and could barely walk for 2 weeks. His delivery was awful because my doctor had to leave town suddenly because her father was gravely ill and the doctor that was covering for her was scissor happy. It was horrible and the thought of sex or having another baby made me want to throw up. Popping out kids seems to be the only thing Kail has a knack for.
  21. Great googly moogly! The eyelashes and eyebrows on the Sainted Single Mother plaintiff were horrifying. It will never cease to amaze me that women attach 26 pounds of hair to their eyelids and draw on eyebrows to look like they were done with a Sharpie and sealed with shellac is a good look for anything other than Halloween. The skin tight skirt accentuating the generous belly pooch was a nice touch to top off her look. I guess she spent all of her money on eyelash glue and didn't have any left to buy herself some shape wear.
  22. Probably not. She filters and photoshops everything to the point of looking totally unlike the real thing. Someone on twitter posted side by side pics of Lux and the new one, is it Creed?? when they were a few days old and the difference is astounding. The new baby looks a lot like Isaac did as an infant.
  23. Genetics can be so strange. I know a very blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned woman who is married to a Latino man. She had fraternal twin boys and one is fair like her, the other is dark like his dad. Looks like Hulk's genes dominated with this baby.
  24. So, this kid's last name is Lopez? Lux's last name was Lopez for while, too. Until she got pissed at Chris and went to court to change it to Lowry. Bets on how long until the same thing happens with this kid?
  25. Hey, now. I have 5 donkeys and they're way smarter than UBT and they're adorable😂
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