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Everything posted by lovesnark

  1. Elaine's entire look was flat out dumb last night. I know Nina would question my clothing aesthetic and say I bore her, but Elaine's entire get up looked like a toddler threw a bunch of stuff out of her closet and that's what she had to put on.
  2. And pepperoni pizza. I bet she had a ranch dressing shelf built in the pantry.
  3. I hated the red strappy thing, but I'm glad Zayden finally had a good night. I think Octavio should have been booted instead of Shantell and wonder if Christian would have saved him. Kini did a black version of the winning look on his season.
  4. I'm still watching, but what the fuck was Elaine high on when she decided what to wear? She looked like she picked out one of Princess Beatrice's fascinators, a garbage bag, some leggings and Napoleon Dynamite's moon boots.
  5. I guess she thinks she's above all of the supply chain problems the rest of the country is dealing with along with a months long wait time for qualified contractors to do the work. She must also think she's above the astronomical increase in lumber prices that have had an impact on her building budget. That tile is hideous. It will fit right in in the room with the black ceiling. I hope MTV finally pulls the plug on this franchise and she's left with a McMansion she can't afford to live in.
  6. She flat out lied about the hat! She covered up the hat designers work because she thought it didn't match the red lingerie thing she called a dress. If I was the hat designer, I'd be mighty pissed about it.
  7. North Carolina needs to do an ad campaign for tourism and relocation aimed at criminals. Do you like to drink and drive? Come on over! We'll pull you over, but let you go every time! Do you like to beat little kids and scream and yell at them 24/7? Come on down! We won't do a damn thing about it! Do you like to terrorize the family pet? Brutally beat it in front of the kids, then take it out and shoot it with your shotgun? No problem! Do you like to hoard animals and not take care of them? Come on down! We'll turn a blind eye! Do you have a problem with road rage? Like to chase people home and pull your gun on them in their driveway with your kid in the car? If you cry and make up a story, we'll let you go! Do you have no respect for others personal property? Do you like to hook onto someone else's vehicle and move it to make your life easier? You're our kind of people!
  8. He was popped for his FIFTH Driving While Impaired, possession of an an open container of alcohol and driving on a revoked license. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2021/11/13/david-eason-husband-of-former-teen-mom-2-star-jenelle-evans-arrested-get-the-details/
  9. Holy cow! She looks like she's gotten even bigger, those jeans look painful. Keep eating those biscuits and gravy and swilling that Corona, Jenelle. So, the Spotted Oaf is driving around with a suspended license, expired tabs and he decides to speed. What a brain trust those two are! I would spend money to see a total of what Jenelle has spent on lawyers, court costs, fines and tickets since she landed her MTV gig. Along with her own stuff, she's paid for lawyers for Nathan, Courtland and UBT and she's paid fines, traffic tickets and child support for her assortment of soulmates. I don't know if she coughed up money for any of Keiffah's legal or traffic woes.
  10. Isn't it about time for her to announce another miracle pregnancy? Chris is having another kid, she'll no doubt have to have another one.
  11. You're right. Reading what her leg humpers write makes me think most of them didn't make it past the 8th grade and are living in trailer parks with their litter of kids by 7 different fathers. It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out some of them get cash benefits on their EBT cards and are getting the cash out of the ATM then buying a prepaid Visa to order her shit. Before anyone jumps down my throat about people needing help with food, I worked at a small grocery store and routinely watched people use their EBT cards to get cash out of the ATM and use the cash to buy drugs in the parking lot or to buy alcohol and cigarettes from the store. Or both. Some EBT cards are for food only, some have cash benefits as well, and there is no way to police what people do with the cash. It's meant for non food items like diapers, gas, clothing, etc. But, a lot of it is spent on drugs, tattoos and gambling at the local casino. Jenelle and the people who defend her are the people who have no problem abusing the benefits. Remember when Jenelle got free food after the hurricane? She saw nothing wrong in taking food from people who actually needed it and her leg humpers defended her.
  12. All I can see is the eyelash coming loose🤣 Since Lurch is her official photographer these days, we know the pics will be pretty bad. I wonder if she'll ever figure out that she's poison and her handful of leg humpers are not enough to buy the shit she sells? How silly of me! That would require some self awareness. Since this latest ridiculous idea is a purchase before it's even made deal, I wonder how long it'll be before someone says they ordered something and paid for it but never got it? Jenelle will spend the money before she orders the stuff, then will blame it on the manufacturer, FedEx, USPS or the hatters. Notice how the brow kits haven't been mentioned ever since people had lab test results confirming mold and other shit growing in them. I wonder if anyone ever successfully got their money back? Last one I remember, Jenelle was trying to blame FedEx for the moldy product and said FedEx was responsible for issuing a refund. We all know how the FedEx guy loves to pull off the road, find a box with Jenelle's return address on it, open the brow kit and introduce some mold spores, seal it back up and deliver it. All to make her look bad. DamnFedEx dudes are all hatters.
  13. I'm sure she does the same thing there that she does on all her other social media platforms. Delete negative comments or turn comments off when she gets called out.
  14. Her mom was on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and was absolutely rabid about making Gigi a model. When she graduated from high school, they had a giant party for her with the requisite high dollar, designer cake. Her mother shamed her into not having a piece of her own cake because she might gain an ounce.
  15. I miss him, too. I want to hear Nina tell a designer she questions their taste level again.
  16. OMG! This is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks🤣 What is she going to piss her days away on now that she's been booted from a site geared toward tweens and teens?
  17. Couldn't Gigi or someone in hair and makeup at least run a brush through her hair? It looked dirty and like it hadn't been brushed for a few days. I also laughed at the random fake flowers stapled onto her jacket. There is some high fashion for you! I also don't give a lot of credence to what she has to say about clothing and/or fashion. She would still be traipsing around California in oversized tshirts and basketball shorts if it wasn't for her insane mother's need to live vicariously through her kids and her father's bottomless wallet. What happened to Nina? She used to be someone the designers feared getting on the wrong side of. Now, she's as dull as Elaine. She needs to bring back a little Meana Garcia when the designers send junior high home ec projects down the runway. Bravo, if you're reading, we want to see more of what happens in the workroom. You know, the designing and construction of the garments. And, please! For the love of all things holy, no more sob stories or convoluted explanations about the clothes.
  18. I do. Wasn't it something like Jenelle told her to go take the boat, some ATVs and other shit while she was in Tennessee? When Jenelle moved back to the swamp, Katrina wouldn't give some of the stuff back because Jenelle owed her a bunch of money. At least Katrina took Jax and gave him a good home to keep swamp dick from shooting him.
  19. And wears nothing but spandex because she won't admit she needs a larger size in jeans. She should have named her new money losing venture Biscuits and Gravy "For the woman who lays around stoned with the munchies 24/7".
  20. Was it suspended for not paying child support? I can't imagine they've been keeping up with his payments to Olivia. The last time he was way behind, there was a warrant out for his arrest and he went to the courthouse and paid it at the last minute. I think it was around the time Jenelle moved to Tennessee or right after she came back? I'm not sure, I just remember it was during one of their more dramastic moments. I kind of remember people thinking she wouldn't pay it for him because they were on the outs, but she did.
  21. Why, yes! Yes she was! And, because of that, CPS was involved before they left the hospital. They did several home visits after she was born and reported that Kaiser had a horrible rash from being left in a shitty diaper for hours while the swamp rats fawned over the new spawn. This tidbit came out when the kids were taken away after Nugget was murdered.
  22. In her twisted mind, she thinks the only thing that counts is when she was strung out on heroin. That lasted a whole lot longer than three months, too! She used it with Keiffer and Courtland. MTV filmed her using with Keiffer and she posted a ton of videos herself while nodding out with Courtland. In between nods, they were declaring their undying love for each other.
  23. I'm on episode 8 and am really enjoying this. Watching her mom brought back a flood of memories of a woman I knew in my 20's that disrupted my life like a tornado for a while. I'm shocked at how disturbing those memories are, even after 40 years. My heart just breaks for Alex and I'm hoping she is finally able to take a breath and have a decent life for her and Maddy. The child playing Maddy is simply amazing.
  24. When my daughter was a teenager, one of her friends routinely over plucked her eyebrows, especially the outer ones. They stopped growing back in and the girl now has tattooed eyebrows. I've never understood why Jenelle didn't spend some of the money she was raking in over the years on having her brows tattooed. She spent $$$$ on a crappy brow make up kit that's growing mold in one of their outbuildings instead. Jenelle logic at it's finest.
  25. Well, we know the hatters have all of this wrapped in a tidy package to send to every law enforcement agency in North Carolina 😂
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