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Everything posted by lovesnark

  1. In a typical visitation situation, it wouldn't be a cause for alarm. Kids get hurt even under the best of circumstances. But, since Aubree was injured as a result of her father violating a court order (for the gazillionth time), I'd want to at least talk to my attorney. The lack of supervision by the responsible parties and not putting a helmet on her little noggin are icing on the cake.
  2. I would sure hope so. Do we know if Adam's weekends with Aubree are supposed to be 'supervised' by his parents per the court?
  3. The cat probably has fleas. Somehow, I can't see Leah or her family as the type to a) know that there are easy ways to keep cats flea free or b) remember to apply a topical product once a month.
  4. Thanks! It explains her emotionless, dead eyed affect the entire season. Might be part of the 'I can't do anything besides lay in bed or on the couch' lifestyle, too. Unless, of course, Nipples needs a ride somewhere.
  5. Dirtbikes can be small 50cc things meant for kids or big, powerful motorcycles. My son rode a 500cc. They're different from street bikes. They're made for riding off road and don't have things like headlights, windshields, etc. Adam is prohibited from operating ANY motorized vehicle. I'd be pissed, too, if my daughter's grandparents let their son take my kid on a motorcycle ride with no helmet. That's not even factoring in that the idiot isn't supposed to be operating anything with a motor. Aubree most likely burned her leg on the exhaust pipe. Which indicates she was riding behind Adumb.
  6. Her totally flat affect has made me wonder if she was either staying really stoned while she was pregnant or if she was on something prescribed. I'm clueless as to whether there would be anything a doctor would prescribe for whatever mental/anxiety disorder she claims to suffer from that would be considered safe to take during pregnancy. She's just emotionless unless she's screaming at Barb or Nipples.
  7. Jenelle would have to get out of bed to go, so I think you're spot on that she would have opted out.
  8. Definitely when the show is cancelled. He's just so skeevy and every time his ugly mug is on my TV, he just oozes an explosion simmering right under the surface. I think it was last week that Barb made reference to roid rage. Great. He's already a ticking time bomb and might be using roids to keep his body in nipple showing shape.
  9. I looked around to see if Nathan paid support and found a couple articles from last summer quoting his ex that said he's paid a grand total of $150 in support since their daughter was born. I'm still sticking with his only motivation to push Jenelle to try to regain custody of Jace is to hurt Barb and keep Jenelle away from her mother. I hope Barb has a good attorney to advise her on how to give Jenelle more access to Jace without giving her carte blanche to cut Barb out of his life completely. Grandparents are generally screwed if a parent decides to cut off contact. Hopefully, Barb can secure court ordered visitation if she decides to give Jenelle custody. But, we all know it's only a matter of time before Jenelle and both boys will be living at Barb's because Nathan and Jenelle will wind up breaking up. Most likely sooner than later.
  10. You are correct. And, the appointed guardian ad litem won't stop at interviewing Leah, Corey and their families. I have a strong suspicion that Corey made some serious allegations about drug use by both Leah and Germy and am wondering if Miranda's job in local law enforcement made them privy to some unsettling info.
  11. Thank you for my belly laugh of the day. Wasn't Jenelle nursing little Kaiser Roll when they came home from the hospital? I swear she was and she said something about pumping. But, last night both of them were making bottles with powdered formula. I guess nursing while laying in bed was just too exhausting.
  12. Thank you. I can't imagine a judge would look at Corey's history as a father and take away his right to be involved in any decisions involving Ali. Healthcare related or not. Leah's a spiteful, little wretch. She should be counting her lucky stars that she was fortunate to get knocked up by a guy who loves his kids, is very involved in their lives and works hard to provide for them.
  13. I'm really and truly confused about Leah asking the court to grant her medical authority with Ali. What exactly is she asking for? Permission to badger the insurance company about the wheelchair she could have halfway paid for with what she spent on Mary Kay and appliances? For Corey to give up his right as her father to make decisions about her healthcare? Does she want to drop Ali from Corey's insurance and provide coverage herself? Anyone know what she's hoping to gain from this request?
  14. This. Nathan knows Barb has his number. She's called him out for his crap and he doesn't want her to be involved in their life at all. His pushing Jenelle to try to get custody of Jace isn't about Jace at all. It's about sticking it to Barb. And, considering his lack of intelligence, he probably thinks Barb would have to pay Jenelle child support if Jace were to live with them. If hell freezes over and Barb hands Jace back to them, it's only a matter of time before Jenelle packs up little Kaiser Roll and Jace and runs back to Barb after another DV incident. Hell, what am I thinking? With or without Jace, she'll be packing the baby into the school bus yellow Hummer and screeching up to Barb's after the neighbors call the cops while they're having one of their 'disagreements'.
  15. My guess is that if Amy had to have dental surgery while working, it was because of an infection. Impacted, infected wisdom teeth can cause some serious complications if let go. Kat showed us last year that when she's shitfaced, she lets anything with a dick know that she's available. I'm not sure if it's because of the hooch or because that's just who she is. Her nasty remarks last night make me think she's extremely competitive when it comes to men and it's like she was crowing about blowing the guy that came to visit Amy. When I was in my 20's, I had a friend a lot like Kat. Every time we went out, she had to let every guy that looked at her know that she was up for a romp, especially if any other woman was talking to him. I don't really consider that attracting men. Most of the men I knew back then would happily bang some drunk chick if she offered right after she slurred hello. Her bio on Bravo says she's 29. I also think Amy is much prettier than Kat.
  16. High five! Thanks for making sure they're well fed, not reproducing and living a happy life. Should we bombard Jackson with pleas to feature TNR for a whole episode? I wonder if he'd go for it?
  17. I'd love to see an episode devoted to TNR. I'm getting very tired of watching what should be titled 'Cat Guardians From Hell'. Jackson has a pretty awesome platform to educate and would love to see an episode with him going with a group of trappers and showing the process from start to finish. From how to successfully trap, transport to a clinic, what happens at the clinic, post-op care and release.
  18. That would be appointment TV! Another boot camp situation I'd pay to see. You live in a house with four people and everyone shares a bathroom. No one flushes the toilet. Your challenge is to use the bathroom several times a day even though it looks and smells like an episode of Hoarders. Leaving the house to do your business isn't an option. You peed in the corner? Off to jail with you!
  19. She said she got the dogs at about the same time she got the boyfriend. It boggles the mind that someone could be so dense. Two untrained dogs terrorize your 12 year old cat, cat lives on top of the fridge because it's the only place she can escape the dogs, cat pees randomly because she can't get to her litterbox for a year and you have no idea why the cat is behaving that way. I wish Jackson would be tougher with dumbasses like these people. Like go all Gordon Ramsay on them. I also thought it was really stupid to not have the dogs on leashes when they put Precious down with them. That poor kitty.
  20. My Owners From Hell is the perfect name for this show. How wonderful for you and your once feral guy! I am part of a coalition that promotes and educates people about TNR and have a huge soft spot for gnarly toms. So many times, they become big lovers after being neutered and given a chance to live the good life.
  21. The woman with Precious is proof that some people aren't bright enough to have pets. Especially dogs. The dogs terrorize the poor cat to the point of her living on top of the refrigerator and the woman is too stupid to make the connection. Her barely being able to muster up a 'bad doggie' as those two little terrors went for the cat told me everything. She got the dogs and has treated them like stuffed animals, never giving a thought to the fact that they're dogs and need to be treated as such. I was hoping Jackson would ask her if she'd want to use her own bathroom if being chased down the hall by a couple hungry wolves was part of the deal.
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