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Everything posted by Lillybee

  1. I liked the fact that Michael sent Avery off to the elevator with Julian. Sonny and Carly will not be pleased if they find out about it.
  2. Erin really needs to get laid, PS, I have never said this about a tv character before.
  3. I am beginning to hate the Nina almost as much as I hate Carly.
  4. Jeff seems to be mugging more and more especially when the focus isn't on him. I find him very annoying.
  5. When are Drew's dark secrets going to show up? Spoilers have been on for weeks about this.
  6. Nathan was trying to buy a plane ticket but couldn't afford one. I guess no one told him about the PC wormhole.
  7. Must Sonny berate a woman every damm day. I am so tired with Sonny acting as though he is so much better than everyone else when he isn't.
  8. In California it is illegal to pick California poppies anywhere.
  9. Michael is a dam fool. He should be realizing that what Snarly and Sonny are doing to Avery is the exact same thing that they did to him; keeping children away from their bio parent.
  10. So, is the main storyline for May sweeps going to be the Sonny/Carly divorce?
  11. Remember Monte, she now has a show called Help my Yelp and goes to restaurants with bad Yelp reviews and helps them get more stars. She is really good on this show.
  12. Guys, you are right, Minnick is totally awful. Her resting bitch face expression seems to be smirk. I think that Stephanie was correct to tell those parents that if they refused care, Liam could die. Why did Minnick get on her case for doing that? Should she have let them go on their merry way without that knowledge? I liked Mer giving Amelia Derick's tumor drawing.
  13. That street where the girls were kept was the same one that my aunt lived on back in the day.
  14. What is Sonny planning on having Diane do in court to Carly, She hinted at something which seemed to be nasty.
  15. Amy 2.0 is every bit as annoying as the Nina.
  16. Stella is the best female character on all of the Chicago shows. The woman with the fire should have had insurance on her home and perhaps hired Casey is fix it up.
  17. Damm it , why must JE last week be ruined by Scummy sex? Snarly trying to break in to another hotel room, why.
  18. I hope that Sonny remembers to use a rubber for his nightly fun. We surly don't need another Sonny spawn.
  19. Sonny's new love interest is almost a Brenda bot.
  20. During the 60's and 70's the British were known for having very bad teeth. So all the working class people of Poplar with perfect teeth seems to be unrealistic.
  21. Why did Nelle lie to Nina about Valentin and Anna?
  22. One thing I like about Tracy's sl is that Ned is doing more than propping up Olivia.
  23. I am really hoping that Snarly gets his mansion and kicks him out of Greygallows or whatever his estate is called.
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