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Everything posted by Literata

  1. When a Duggar marries someone who values higher education, it increases the chances that couple's offspring will value it as well. And that makes me happy.
  2. I just tried to find this. If it's the Inquisitor article, the conversation about wearing skirts so people know she's a woman was between Boob and MEchelle way back when. As far as I can see, no one has called Marjorie out on her jeans-wearing. And when the photos were taken, her family was there, too, so chances are Boob might have been more inclined to keep his thoughts to himself. ETA: Here's the link. Don't think this is the most reputable publication, btw. But still, the pics are cute. http://www.inquisitr.com/2092985/josiah-duggars-girlfriend-wears-pants-in-date-photos-marjorie-jackson-isnt-following-duggar-dress-code/
  3. I caught the episode again today, and it seemed her labor began as the result of a fall, probably a bit early. There seemed to be concern over whether the baby would be OK.
  4. Just watched this episode. I like Soundman Jim, but the Enlows just seemed to be a little overly enthusiastic, and I found Courtney kind of annoying. Their baby looked to have some issues at birth. Does she have special needs? Poor little thing looked pretty fragile.
  5. I was sure those answers would result in a Jana match!
  6. She's not the second-eldest, is she? Isn't it Zach, then Michael? She looks lovely. Congratulations to them.
  7. Her dates are fishy as hell. I don't really understand why they'd lie, but I'd bet my firstborn that she's pregnant here: http://img2-3.timeinc.net/people/i/2015/premium/first-look/150302/jessa-duggar-320.jpg Here's the rest of the shoot. It ran in People March 2. According to her due date, she's not pregnant yet in these photos. But in addition to the bedroom shot, look at the strategically placed guitar. Something's up. http://images.mstarz.com/data/images/full/52740/ben-and-jessa-seewald.jpg?w=600
  8. Maybe that's why Frank Sun's not there anymore, as he didn't seem to have been Christian. Here's a TLC story from five years ago: http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/19-kids-and-counting/michelle-duggars-blog/behind-the-scenes-with-the-crew-of-19-kids-and-counting/ I'm hoping to watch the "Behind the Scenes" episode on On Demand tonight. It doesn't seem to have been the most compelling, but I want to be able to snark with y'all. :) (Trying hard to do my best Sierra imitation...)
  9. I'm Jinger. The only similarities, I hope, are photography and curls.
  10. She reminds me of Jessica Simpson, when she used to sing (does she still sing?). Everything is way too stylized and overwrought. Personally, I don't like high, nasal voices. I much prefer the voice of the dark-haired sister who sings harmony. But I prefer them all to the Duggars' renditions of "Amazing Grace."
  11. Moved from the "Anna's Having a..." thread, because isn't this family's cheap-ass-ness on all our nerves? :) My question: Isn't the onus on TLC to issue a separate paycheck to anyone over 18? Or is that not how it works? I wouldn't think, once the kids are over 18, Boob would be able to dictate to a major corporation how they're to be compensated.
  12. Doesn't she have one? I distinctly remember someone referring to "Jana's van." Unfortunately, I can't see Jana demanding anything.
  13. The People makeovers? Did we see his reaction to those? All I know is this is the man who, when MEchelle was trying on dresses for their vow renewal, said he'd like to see something with "puffy sleeves."
  14. The true irony in all the gender-reveal stuff is that once the baby's born, no one's nearly as interested in him or her as they were when the gender was being speculated. So Smuggar and Anna's baby is a girl ... to Boob and MEchelle, that's a big so-what. We've seen how little interest they take in the grandkids; unless that baby's named Michelle, I think she'll quickly be regarded as just another in a huge kiddie pool.
  15. Sorry -- I meant at the home for pregnant women. I doubt Smuggar and Anna made a contribution beyond the stupid bear, but I imagine TLC donated some money.
  16. I was watching the episode last night that involves Smuggar and Anna taking the kids to Anna's first midwife appointment for baby #4, and I caught a sweet moment I'd missed the first time around. The midwife had given MacKynzie the doppler so she could hear the baby's heartbeat, and when she heard it, she looked up at her dad with a look of absolute wonder on her little face. And he reacted much the same way to her -- you could tell he was tickled that she was so thrilled. Once in a while, we see signs of humanity in these people. I think it's clear Smuggar and Anna love their kids, which makes it all the more disappointing that they seem to be on the road to having way too many of them. I dread seeing MacKynzie's sense of wonder turn to, "Oh, great -- another buddy."
  17. I'm not hopeful that Smuggar and Anna forked over any money, but I suspect TLC dropped off a check.
  18. The story made the rounds a few weeks ago and is not from a reputable source, sadly. As much as I would love it if this were true, I don't see Jana having the cojones to fight the power. As many have noted, she seems content with her current role, even to the point of being excited about the bedroom makeover (which indicated, to me, that she's planning to be in that room a while). The only spark of defiance we've ever seen from Jana was when she insisted that Jessa's bridesmaids' dresses were "weird."
  19. Boob didn't yell at Michael, but he told him repeatedly that his mommy would be upset with him. For a sensitive little boy, that's harsh. Emotional intelligence is not Boob's strong suit. I crept on Susannah's social media, and she's posted recent pictures of the whole family. She and another sister are wearing pants. (And she had a girl, so I'm not sure about the swaying-to-the-music thing.)I'm sure the Kellers aren't pleased, but it doesn't look as though anyone is being shunned. Maybe you're right and they initially shunned her, then rethought their decision.
  20. Poor Michael. From putting the wrong soap in the dishwasher (poor little guy; just trying to help) to getting paint on his clothes because no one covered him up, this was not his episode. (And props to him for trying to help, as I guarantee his dad and grandpa have never seen the inside of a dishwasher.) To hell with Jinger; free Michael.
  21. The dad seems pretty controlling, and the oldest daughter's singing voice is hard for me to listen to -- she's pretty shrill. But there's a lot to like here, especially when one compares the Willises with that other famous J-naming family. They're proof you can be Christian -- conservative Christian, even -- without being crazy. Homeschooling can work just fine if parents truly teach their kids (using materials other than Wisdom Booklets). Women and girls can wear jeans and still dress tastefully and modestly. It's possible for parents, even in a very large family, to know all their children's personalities, strengths, likes and dislikes. Knowing something about pop culture (The Jackson 5!) won't necessarily consign you to the depths of hell. I don't find the show fascinating, but it's a nice contrast.
  22. Sierra is heinous. She's obnoxious and unfunny and just really, really bad at what she does. Even if she did confuse flamingos with storks, which was probably the case, the party still had no theme whatsoever. Everything was disjointed. If she wanted to go with flamingos, she could have used flamingo signs along the road, flamingo decorations in the house, and some sort of flamingo thing for the reveal -- a pinata, maybe, although Jill already did that. Instead, the decorations in the house were a mishmash of everything. A real event planner would have worked to try to make things cohesive. I loved the side-eye Johannah was giving her when she was explaining that the boys would have to paint the flamingos.
  23. But, really ... I'm kind of thankful for the blurring.
  24. I'm hoping Josh and Anna made an actual donation to the young mothers' home. They had to have done more than unload that stupid bear, right? And really, WTF did the yard full of flamingos have to do with anything? What was the theme of that party ... pink and blue? Flamingos ... and signs ... and cupcakes ... and then the unfurling of a sign. Someone explain this to me, please.
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