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Everything posted by dtissagirl

  1. But on NCIS they make it actual text, what with Gibbs uber creepy thing about marrying/dating a bunch of red heads after Shannon died. So from now on every woman Oliver dates wears 57 rings? Like, this kind of stuff has to be visually translated to be part of the narrative. Otherwise it's Laurel's not-deathbed confession all over again. She hid it so well that she was still in love with Oliver that not even the writers knew about it until they wrote it into the episode.
  2. The boobs could have not listened to her and obeyed their team leader's orders, but they did, are they also self-righteous and over bearing? Oh, wait, that only happens when you have a vagina.
  3. ...But they don't have the actress anymore! Sorry, I can't turn off the logic button on my brain on how serialized television works.
  4. Okay, let's assume it's true that Oliver totes realized he's still in love with Laurel now that she's dead... then what? How does that advance story? He can't exactly date zombie Laurel, so... does Susan remind him of Laurel and that's why he's being a dumb-dumb and dating her? Does he stay away from Felicity forever because dead Laurel would've appreciated the ultimate sacrifice? Does he replace Laurel with Tina to ~honor dead Laurel? How do you make this narrative beat -- Oliver's still in love with Laurel -- into an ongoing serialized story?
  5. Not necessarily. I mean, maybe they time jump, but I figure in tptb's head this is straightforward: Tina accepts the invitation to join the team at the end of 511, going to Russia is the first team mission after she's joined the team, ergo she's going to Russia.
  6. The very best part of them getting rid of the flashbacks will be that Oliver will [hopefully, all fingers crossed!] stop rationalizing shit in present time based on bullshit he heard from shady dudes five years ago.
  7. I figure they're gonna go after Merlyn, I don't know, maybe time traveling to the recent past [anytime in the past 10 years?], and Laurel happens to be alive there, and Sara will be tempted to save her, and then doesn't.
  8. I have no idea if they're gonna go this route of Oliver disapproving of Felicity going rogue on him, but I have to admit that if they DO go there, it'll just add an extra layer of my enjoyment of Felicity running circles around him. Yes. Bringing this over from the spoiler thread because it got me on a tangent. I thought it was HILARIOUS that they had that convo between Rory and Felicity about the timing of the party, lampshading that they hadn't even had Mayo's funeral yet. So I thought, "okay, this episode is gonna end with Felicity at Mayo's funeral." ... And then the next day after the fake!Laurel shenanigans, instead of Felicity being at a funeral for her dead Mayo, there she was standing with Oliver in the rain watching a clean-up crew pick up pieces of the dumb statue. They upgraded Mayo to Chopped Liver in death, guys.
  9. Oh my fuck. Amell actually referred to this episode as "a very special episode" in that Twitter Q&A from a couple of days ago. Oh my dear lords of kobol please send your robot cylons to exterminate everything.
  10. They're probably all in foreign lands of piracy living lives of uselessness for the US prime time ratings?
  11. HAHAHA. MOST ACCURATE commentary I've read on this episode, by far.
  12. I still need them to burn the Picture of Doom because that's the last plot-driven macguffin KC can screw them over re: image rights, if that stupid pic isn't dealt with this season. Logically, getting rid of the pic in the finale makes total sense as it ties to the end of the flashbacks, but it's Arrow and they're a dumbass collective.
  13. Oh, I have no doubt whatsoever the punching was ~a statement~. That was a 100% ding-dong-ding-dong whatsherface is gone moment. And I profusely thank them for it because it validated and fanserviced and entertained me all at once. It also made me spontaneously clap and belly laugh, which was super nice as well.
  14. Hmmm. Like, if they're going with BC as the greatest fighter ever on say, Gotham City Sirens, they need that kind of framing for the IP right now? Okay, I could see that. And if so, then I also wonder how much Laurel/KC damaged the IP in Time Warner's eyes that they would need to dictate these terms. LOL.
  15. I find this interesting, because while social media did go with O/F, it did so only in the last couple of days. So that probably helped out with the Top 5, but it was probably too late to reach generic civilian viewer on Facebook whose real world is on fire right now.
  16. I have a feeling they won't look at anyone but Tina next week. There's just her. They're giving her the Palmer treatment -- dude wanted to build a super suit to become a superhero, he built it, the end. Tina has all characteristics to be BC, she'll be BC, the end. And if she doesn't work out -- in a hypothetical situation that audiences reject her to the same level they did Laurel -- I figure it won't be until next season IF they try again, or if Berlanti goes to Time Warner and say, "look, we tried again and it flopped again".
  17. There's no consensus. To me it looks like corporate Time Warner wants the Black Canary IP visible for whatever reason [movies most likely] and the order came for Arrow to keep the IP alive*. It needs to be a new one because KC's contract is over and done. * I have seen people in the know within the industry say that Wild Dog is in the same situation -- corporate needs the IP visible, Arrow is their platform for this. However, I really do not think either corporate Time Warner nor DC Comics have any say in HOW Arrow does nuBC. They push and protect IPs, they don't really push content. That's up to the usual suspects -- EPs and writers, with notes from Pedowitz's people [CW] and Roth's people [WBTV].
  18. It's Oliver, if something isn't in front of his face his brain can't process it.
  19. I haven't watched every episode this season, but aren't they doing that thing they did in S3 in ending each episode with a cliffhanger and/or a hook for the next ep?
  20. To me it looked like the punch itself was aimed at a stunt person instead of KC, hence the awkward editing.
  21. 2 Black 2 Canary Black Canary: Tokyo Drift Black & Canary Canary Five Black & Canary 6 Canary 7 The Fate of the Canary
  22. The worst thing that can happen is nobody giving a damn about Tina. If audiences end up hating her at least they have options. But they'll be very screwed if nobody feels anything either way.
  23. Yup. And I suppose giving fandom spoilers helps his auto selling business? Idek. He is super gross all the time when talking to female fans and talking about actresses, but he's also broke some pretty big spoilers, so fandom keeps interacting with him.
  24. It's his "job", he's an autograph hound in Vancouver.
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