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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. False accusations are so wrong and this was a teacher. It is her livelihood.  Also think that if a spouse accuses another spouse of molestation.  The accuser should lose custody.  That is so low. I'll have to look  up this episode of Tabloid.  


    It is Jerry Springer that I have a hard time getting passed.

    • Love 4
  2. What I have noticed about young girls are many are more athletic than in my day.  They wear their hair in a ponytail and then wear a thin headband.  I just see that so much.


    I remembered Farrah and her feathered hair.  Also Dorothy Hamill loved her and her hair.  Could never pull off her style.

  3. For what it's worth, customer service people have it drilled into them to express empathy for the customer. In some cases it also serves to restate the problem, which can actually be helpful, if only to make sure you're both talking about the same thing.  It sounds stupid, but it happens all the time.  I worked in cable for five years (not even as a CSR)  and have stories.  Bottom line, I guess I'm saying hate the malfunctioning equipment, hate the company providing you service, hate the process, but try not to hate the person on the other end of the phone.  Or do; it's your choice, of course. 

    I have been dealing with my internet provider.  They just don't offer high enough speeds.  One guy even suggested i go to the competition (which is a monopoly).  I have a hard time playing you tube and I had just found a good workout.  A guy came and tried to help he was quite friendly.  I found out they had a union so I stayed. Things like that sway me and just the numerous complaints I hear about the other company.


    There was a lot of frustration on my part and then my anxieties kick in.  I actually like the foreign people a lot and prefer a woman over a man.


    One time I needed to change my password and it was just not working.  We tried everything and he was getting annoyed with me as I was with him.  We try one last time. I type and say S-a-f-f-i-e, my cat's name.  He said , I thought it was Sassy.  We laughed but I said you owe me an apology for getting so short and he did. He was a good guy.

    • Love 5
  4. The sex stuff is distracting.  I also don't like Dirty Little Secrets because of the sex and they say "secret" about 50 times an episode.  The Neighbor show is scary because most of us have neighbors.


    Andyourlittledog how do they get away without paying?  Do they not pay taxes?

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  5. I like Fear Thy Neighbor but when i watch it I sometimes feel soo outraged (That's why I can't stand the stalking shows).  I don't see how some of the offender's get away with the crap they pull which in almost any community would be violations for example running a business in your home. Or building a hideous fence. The insane bright lights.  How is this okay?  


    When I was a kid(many years ago) we were taught your rights stop where another begins.  The basis of the constitution IMO.  Just like when John Adams said the basic tenet of The United States is Do Unto Others.

    • Love 3
  6. I liked the swap. Pia was OTT about the sun and AC on full blast but she wasn't terrible or mean, just a little entitled.  I liked her husband and son and you could tell they loved and respected Cloris. I laughed a lot which I don't usually with this show, some people take themselves so seriously Gunner, those two soap stars, Hines and Pia. 


    I really enjoyed her regular guy husband.  Hey he is a cop. that he and Pia have made it work says something about her.  


    Also, could someone explain Pickfair to me?

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  7. Someone up thread mentioned the show about the prison escapees.  It was well done and actually quite scary.  Through the ordeal it hit home how scary it was for these residents.  This pair was hard core and would have done anything to stay out of prison.  I kind of understand why the lady might help but was baffled about the guard.


    Anyone else see it?? anyone Ferris??


    One other thing, I tend to not follow the crimes and would rather be presented with the whole story complete with an ending.

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  8. Did anyone catch Frontier House when it was repeated on a cable channel recently? (I think it was on DYI.) Surprisingly, they chipped in for a catchup segment.

    I did they changed the narrator. I only saw the end of it.  What a good series.

  9. Maharincess, sorry that happened to you.  I feel sorry for the dogs.  My neighbor got a new dog that has a really loud bark and it can be annoying.  He is a good guy so I tolerate it and it is a nice dog.  I am more of a cat person.  To me the constant barking is like a baby crying..I could be very wrong about this.  I do think a person should try to correct the situation if it bothers so many people.

    Don't ever watch Fear Thy Neighbor on Investigation Discovery Channel.  There are some crazies out there.

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  10. Did anyone watch Trigger Point?  I was wondering what the point is?  Rich people aren't so bad.  The leader lived among them but hated them.  Just a hodge podge and no real lesson or point.  


    I think we do have to fear the 1% but don't advocate their death, just to save a random building.

  11. I feel like those historical reality shows were another big victim of the Great Recession. That stuff couldn't have been cheap, and the last one was Texas Ranch House, which hit just a year or two before.


    I would love to see them do a concept that BBC America did- Electric Dreams, where a family has to live through 1970 to 2000 at a pace of one year a day in order to learn about how technology affected British society.

    They had great reality shows.  Colonial House and Manor House were my faves.  I will say that like all reality shows there was often unpleasant effects from being on these shows which I hate. Remeber the Clunes from Frontier House?

    • Love 4
  12. They are very expensive.  I live in Iowa and you can buy them in Missouri, not a long drive.  The irony is I called my sister who lives in Kansas City and she did not have the problem we have had.  I guess they are cracking down.


    I love summer for a lot of reasons but it really is the noisiest of seasons.  The loud car engines and some motorcycles.  Lawnmowers, weed wackers, local construction(I live close to a hospital). People who leave their dogs out all day sometimes barking a lot and loudly.  On my walk this morning I passed 2 dogs one was white and fluffy and would not stop barking. I tried to talk to it.  What made me laugh was the other dog was a pug and he really could not cough up a bark.  I felt guilty walking past.

    • Love 1
  13. New Digs , this year had some doosies  on Fear Thy Neighbor, the one I thought saddest was a teacher who lived next door to some crazies.  It was his dream home but the neighbors were on him relentlesly and he was killed.  He was acussed of many things and at the end the police said he had done nothing.  It made me so mad but also frustrated.  WHY don't the police get more involved?

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  14. Indian Summer of a Forsyte, which is an "interlude" in the saga, was always my favorite part.  I tried to read the entire series back in the day, but except for this one it was a hard slog.  Anyway I enjoyed that story, and I enjoyed that episode in the first series.  It's probably the only one I would re-watch.

    Was this only in the books?  Or was it part of the 2002 version as well.  Also, why was it your favorite.  Editorgrrl has alerted us that the movie version of 1950 is on Mon. july 6th with Errol Flynn.  Was he considered a good actor?? 

    • Love 1
  15. You can burn the flag which I think falls under free speech.  I remember seeing this advocate burning the flag for really no reason. I thought there may be a valid reason, but I didn't get it.  It didn't make me outraged that he did it. Seemed pointless.


    I am a basically patriotic person.  In the sense that I do love my country.  I am glad I was born here and greatly admire the constitution and most who founded this country.  My pet peeve is that the right has hijacked the flag waving and I do not share their beliefs. I don't think my country right or wrong.  I do however see the flag as a symbol that should be respected.

    • Love 6
  16. Couldn't sleep last night and stumbled across a mini-marathon of House of Horrors.  Sweet baby Jesus, that show is just too much.  I sincerely do not want to know all the gory details of young women being raped and tortured in basement dungeons.  I really worry that there's budding psychopaths who might watch this show for the fun of it and to get pro tips (shudder).



    Some things are worse than murder to watch.  The one episode I saw was horrific, child illegally adopted by holy roller parents.  She was their slave.  The other children were treated better.  She drank antifreeze and a sibling call 911(thank god).  


    Young girl had so many marks on her and those parents both got hefty sentences.  Too hard to watch.

    • Love 3
  17. Happy 4th, My pet peeve is how most choose to celebrate with noise.  Last night I went to sleep to the sounds of a battlefield- at least what I imagine it to be.  I remember sparklers and fireworks as a kid.  There were always firecrackers, now people get the expensive, loud stuff. To me, just a little odd how we choose to celebrate our country's founding.

    • Love 10
  18. My UO that will piss folks off.


    I really like Poldark 2015.  I'd like to talk to people about Poldark 2015, not how it compares to the 1970's version or the book version.  If you don't like this version, then don't watch.  If you liked the book better, read the book; if you liked the 1970's version, then watch that one.  Don't go on and on and on about, "her hair's the wrong color" or some shit like that.  It's like GOT, people who complain that the TV show is different from the books.  If you want to read the books, then read the books, goodness.  

    Where can you watch this show?  Thank you.

  19. How funny!  The things parents do.  In my case my parents grew up i the depression and were a part of WWII and I have 8 brothers and sisters.  They could not bear to waste food. i get the bun thing and when out of milk using the dry milk trick.  I also remember the milk man.  I feel old.  My Dad would takes at least 3 of us to the store and it wasn't a supermarket.  Siblings tell me they would give you a hot dog to eat. Odd.


    I remember never ever getting Oreos or pop.  If we got pepsi or something you would share.  My fond memory was my dad going to the hostess store to get day old goodies.  They were made in a nearby town.  I think he did it so we would have what others had for lunch.  I think they tried.  That's all you can do.

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  20. Loved  City Confidential I thought with that show there was a little more emphasis on the city. I still want to go to Bermuda because of it.  The crimes were iconic and I think the show started because of the Boston murder where a guy killed his lawyer wife and blamed it on a black guy.  When it all came out people were outraged about it because of course it was the husband.


    I still like Fear Thy Neighbor millenium, the show with the creepy crawlies is Blood Relatives. 


    I too wish there was an organized forum, there has to be more ID watchers than the handful that post here regularly.

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