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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. On Investigation Discovery or ID had a special called The Wives Did It.  This featured the death of Rulon Alldred who I think is related to Christine.  And how I thought they would reveal one of his seven wives did it.  It turned out to be a rogue polygamist planned it and convinced two of his very young wives to do it.


    One wife of polygamy -not his-talked about the rampant jealousy and financial hardships.  The two young wives were acquitted and one later wrote a book about it stating she was the killer.  Allred was a chiro and  seemed to be well respected in the community.

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  2. It's a heavier cake donut with lots of crispy edges - the tops look like an overbaked cake



    Thanks. Love these types. Entenmanns has them and Starbucks.  A few extra calories.


    Was on the AV Club board and someone pointed out that this show actually has good guys in it.  I think of them as simply decent. Lou and Hank are decent people doing their jobs as best they can.  It is refreshing.  


    So far i am enjoying this season a little better because everything is tied together more. Peggy is probably a sociopath but she did not set out to murder anyone.  Lester made the decision to kill his wife even though it was not premeditated.  Ed and Peggy are getting swept up in this mess.  What they did was wrong and they have been callous about it but now they are in the middle of a war and may not come out of it.


    I kind of rooted for Lester but he really was stone cold.  I am not rooting for Peggy and a little for Ed. I agree with most he will not get through this.

    • Love 2
  3. What is an 'old fashioned donut'?


    I am liking this a little better than the first season.  I did watch it recently however and I am really enjoying viewer's comments.  They really add to a show like this.

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  4. I vastly prefer Ben Stone to Jack McCoy.  He wasn't nearly as sanctimonious, nor was he all "I'll get this sucker no matter how many laws I have to bend within an inch of their lives to do it".  His last episode, where a witness he'd tried to protect was murdered by the Russian mob, is stunning primarily for his emotional reaction to the news.  Michael Moriarty might be a loon, but he's a damned talented one.

    I am with you.  The main reason I was no fan of Mc Coy was an episode where a former radical of the sixties who killed a cop was charged and everyone was telling the assistant DA that she "just didn't understand the sixties".  I thought was very patronizing and untrue.

    • Love 3
  5. I loved Rudolph and Charlie Brown Christmas (the Vince Guaraldi Trio's Jazz soundtrack is beautiful), but later in life, I realized how much I HATED it. First, because everyone is such an ass - include Santa - that they totally treat Rudolph like crap. Then, Santa decided he suddenly gives a shit about Rudolph, when R can be used to "save" Christmas. Then you have the island of misfit toys, that no one cared about but little R.


    Assholes, the lot of them.


    Same thing with Charlie Brown - all of those kids (and adults) were undeserving bastards to poor Charlie Brown (adults giving a child rocks for Halloween, for god's sake!) Yeah, I had issues as a child...


    As a trusting naive kid, you apparently get one message from those two shows. As a bitter cynical adult, you get another.

    Still adore Hermie.  You are right about everything else.  The rest were all jerks.  The adults were the worst.  Also,Dancer?? encouraged bullying.  SMH.

    • Love 5
  6. I was never a fan of Chris Hansen but he really did find some terrible and shocking murders that I had not heard of.  There are a couple of shows Fatal Vows is one, that have a diffferent slant that I really like even if I have seen it before. I just like the angle of the crumbling marriage and how hard divorce can be.

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  7. I had never watched Evil Twins before, but that was a really gripping story that I had never heard before.  Is it usually pretty good?


    I like it, it has a narrowed premise so there can be a klunker here and there.  I also really like Evil Kin as they often have fresh stories and older stories many i have not heard of.  I am fascinated with the evil family premise, that mothers and fathers teach their children crime.

    • Love 4
  8. I stopped watching Once Upon a Time.  It has gotten increasingly far fetched for awhile now.  The way they butcher so many fairy tales was okay with me.  Camelot was the last straw and evil King Arthur.  That was my limit.  I am sad about it because it is one less show to enjoy and this has not been a promising season.


    The thing is I like all the various versions of the Camelot tale, especially the one with Clive Owen and Kiera Knightly.  I find the one on OUaT to be confusing and cheesy and stupid.

    • Love 5
  9. I am a little depressed today and just seeing this subject puts things in perspective.  Bottom line I am not locked away.  Such sad stories and no real bitterness with these people.


    I would think the city of El Paso would not want the expense of a new trial.  Who has the final say. Because this is costly.

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  10. I'd love to see that, and maybe throw in someone from The Innocence Project and Kathleen Zellner, too.


    quoting from my latest post in the 48 Hours All Episodes thread : "The Innocence Project found that in cases of people wrongly convicted of homicide and later exonerated by DNA, over 60% gave false confessions, usually after lengthy intense interviews."

    That is such a high number.  I just think of all the money spent, not just in this case but all of them.  It was into the six figures and most people don't have that kind of money or time.  It is such a massive task to overcome the conviction.


    I really felt bad for the friend who was scared.  Also the the district attorney that was co-counsel and sympathetic to this cause said that in their office they take the confession as is and don't look into it further.  Maybe they should.  There are so many cases of over zealous cops and prosecutors.  The Hudson river kayak case comes to mind.  Why are they wasting their time?  Again all that time, money and effort and someone gets away with murder.

    • Love 3
  11. It really does need to be addressed.  As most people on this board has expressed, false confessions happen all the time.  It is time to get the word out.  People are scared and tired and confused and they just want to go home.  Not good police work.


    Also wanted to mention that it seems there may be a smear campaign brewing against the business man that he "intimidated witnesses" per the reporter.  How low can they go.

    • Love 6
  12. Did anyone see Evil Twins?  Not sure what to think.  They were horrible people but the train crash was a stretch.  They were so fucked up on meds they could not get off the tracks.  They drove from Tennessee messed up.  They should not have been on the road.

    • Love 1
  13. I am not finding any new good shows.  So far Grandfathered is mildly amusing. I have hopes for The Last Kingdom.  Can anyone recommend a new show?  Right now I like sitcoms The Middle and  The Goldbergs, Grimm, Sleepy Hollow and OUAT and Fargo and Manhattan.  Thanks in advance.

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  14. Agree about 10/10 episode. not much sympathy for the dead.  There was a little boy now paralyzed.  The kid did it with planning and intent, have no sympathy for him at all.


    This episode seemed very atmospheric if that is a word.  I like when each episode is featured.

    • Love 1
  15. Killer Instinct last night was one that's been done before on another show.  Lady has affair with single guy.  He moves in with his girlfriend, so she kills her and then stabs her husband during a blindfolded game of "guess the object."  (I shouldn't lol, but, um, let me guess...a knife?!)  So, yeah, that was memorable.  Anyway, I just thought the actor portraying the husband was an odd choice.  A lot of times on these shows, they cast someone considerably better looking than the real person, but the actor they chose to portray the husband was heavyset when the real guy was not.  Plus he really needed to work on his screen kissing technique.  I thought he was going to eat the actresses' faces off, blech.

    I noticed that too.  Sometimes they have less attractive actors, not sure why.  Either way what was up with this guy?  Did he have a magical penis?

    • Love 4
  16. Apparently his training prohibited him from thinking of any alternative tactics. I guess law enforcement folks are robots who shoot to kill in any and all circumstances in which they "fear for their lives", common sense be damned.

    That would explain a lot.  There have been many unarmed people shot by law enforcement.   Many were black.  Sad.

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