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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. Watched Forbidden: Dying Love and was really saddened and upset about the honor killing episode.  Joseph's mom was little OTT but Mira's?? mom.  To just take your two daughters to their death.  How awful that he threw the money for one last meal.  That mom had gotten them away and she then takes them back.  And why Sarah too??  Too sad. I will not forget this soon.  IMO the mom is as guilty as her husband and should also be on the FBI's most wanted list.


    i think sometimes I've become a little numb to some of these murders because I watch so much true crime. Especially the ones about spouses killing each other.  Parents killing their children will never be something I can accept.  All for cultural reasons.  Screw the culture.  These were two nice girls.  I am not saying anything against the Muslim culture in general.

    • Love 6
  2. Many year ago, I watched an investigative report about children like Robbie.  Their parents had tried everything, as had the medical/mental health community, but these kids had to be locked up in a special facility.  They were stone cold sociopathic killers and/or killers-to-be.  The scariest thing for the parents was the realization that once the children turned 18 or 21, they would be released and unleashed on an unsuspecting public.

    Unfortunately, some people are born with a brain chemistry gone awry; they are true sociopaths and no amount of love, support, medicine or therapy can "fix" them.


    This is truly tragic.  I work with 4 and 5 year olds and we all wonder about certain kids (I know not PC), yet some kids this age really worry me.  Some are bullies and it breaks my heart.  I spend so much time with the problem kids that I don't get much time with the others.


    The smoking reminds me of Mad Men.


    I am really enjoying some of the new shows on ID.  They are having a special next Saturday on Steven Avery from the doc Making a Murderer with Keith Morrison.  I watched and want to see what was not presented in the very well made documentary.  It happens in Wisconsin which is my neighboring state. i had never heard of this story before.

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  3. Maizie, it aired on Jan. 13th can't remember the name.  The woman hired a guy to kill him but the gun jammed and her husband went off the deep end with help from his wife.  She claimed he had tried to shoot her -as he carried a loaded pistol.  They fought with the gun and she shot him and got away with it.  It probably worked out better for her.  Then she stupidly hires her nephew to kill her brother-in-law and he goes to the police.


    As they say in Justified most criminals are stupid.

    • Love 3
  4. I really like this site too.  I am so glad the christmas frenzy is over.  Roamyn. do you know when this will re-air?  I forgot to record.


    I looked for the shows coming up and was happy to see 2016 pop up.  I know it is new. I am looking forward to Vanity Fair Confidential because I used to get the magazine and they do dig deep into their stories.  Also like Murder Comes to Town, I like the small town stories a lot.


    Still enjoying A Crime to Remember and Fatal Vows.  Bad Blood has proved to me it has some good stories.  Murder really does leave so many victims, collateral damage.  I would love a show about the many innocence projects out there.  The stories need to be told.


    IT is a new year so there is some hope that it can be a good one.

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  5. The next one is the Sheppard case and then another one set in the thirties.  I also enjoy the older ones and the thirties is fertile ground has anyone read The Poisoner's Handbook or seen the PBS show on American Experience?  Just fascinating.

    • Love 3
  6. Wow, I just can't watch OUAT anymore.


    My UO is to do with The Man in the High Castle.  I liked it and was shocked when I saw the American flag with the swastika on it.  I still love this country with all it's many faults.  I am not a flag wearer but I am glad I was born here.  If that makes me naive and stupid to some I don't care.


    My other UO is that when I saw the jewish family practice their faith it moved me.  I am borderline atheist but I wish I had faith in something like many do.  Again not the faith where the bible is quoted  ad nauseum and only certain people make it to heaven but of the quiet faith some have and are stronger for it.

    • Love 1
  7. Has anyone watched Bad Blood.  I have and have liked it so far.  My heart did go out to Kevin Kyne in the death of his mother.  I would want to have some family members believe in me.  I was curious why he had the last name of his stepfather though.


    The other one about the preacher, I believe he did it but I can see where the daughter may have been convinced of his innocence in the end. It is hard to be estranged from people you love.  


    Does anyone have any thoughts, I know from my other post about this that I was alone in some of my thoughts.

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  8. The Pilgrims was very well done. I learned a lot.


    I was surprised about them not burying their dead and propping up very sick men to die in the wilderness while carrying muskets.  I actually think maybe Ed Winslow was the more candid writer of the Pilgrim's saga.  Bradford left out a lot of key details.  I am trying to watch Saints and Strangers on NatGeo.

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  9. I have been waiting for a show like Bad Blood for awhile. I think it is about people who are falsely accused of killing a family member.  I can't think of anything worse.  To have your family accuse you and worse yet believe you killed someone. Three cases come to mind.                                                                                                                                                          


    The shock jock from Palm Beach who was accused of killing his aunt.  A young girl steps in and fingers her uncle because he had some really expensive art work in his garage.  He loses a lot of his family.  A retired professor of engineering is killed by intruders and his son and wife happen to show up.  He was known to have a lot of guns.  It really was an odd story but was all true.  Some family members said they did for money, some stood by the couple.  Sad.


    Third was the case of the couple and the mortgage broker.  Boy did her family throw her under the bus.  Maybe she had something to do with, I didn't think so.  Just know I came away thinking what a crappy family.


    I think about my family and myself.  Not to sound conceited but I do think I would fight for a family member.  If there was a lot of good evidence I would probably accept it.  But I do wonder about my family at times.


    I think it would be so hard to think people you love could think you could be so evil.

    • Love 4
  10. She was a terrible person who involved her son in a murder and I think lied about the gay lover-not that there's anything wrong with that.(TM Sienfeld)  I really like Fatal Vows, but it seemed the talking heads took everything at face value when a lot was not true. That is a flaw of the format.  Justice was not served in that case.  She was a real piece of work!

    • Love 3
  11. I'm watching the Your Worst Nightmare about John List. Aside from the fact that this story has been covered ad nauseum by every possible show that could cover it, the acting is eye-rollingly terrible. Turning it off and switching to something on my DVR.

    I didn't find it so bad.  I just thought they should have given America's Most Wanted more credit in helping solve the murder.  My memory is they made a sculpture of his head and it was new and experimental-again if i am wrong let me know.  I always thought that show was important.

    • Love 7
  12. I DVR'd a few episodes of a show on A&E called "Escaping Polygamy."  I don't know how I missed it the first time around.  It features Kolleen, the blonde who made an appearance on Sister Wives a couple of seasons ago.  While I am certain that some of the show is reenacted and scripted, it features real members of the Kingston cult trying to escape the compound.  The majority are young girls who have been presented with a list of potential husbands, where every man on the list is either a relative (uncle, half-brother, cousin), several years or decades older than the girl, or both.  These girls are between the ages of 14 and 18.  Some of the stories involve mothers moving several of their children under the cover of night to avoid having their young daughters abused by the Kingston men.  I have gotten tears in my eyes, and sat with my mouth open in disbelief, as the narrators of this show talk about the lineage of terror from this clan.


    And then we have the Browns.  Are they a church?  Well, sometimes - when Kody knows that he's got anthropology students watching.  Are they modest?  Well, sometimes - but it's pretty hit or miss.  Are the kids encouraged to follow polygamy and its tenets, as set forth by the Church of Kody Brown?  Not really...I guess they don't have to if they don't want to.  Does Kody lead by fear?  Hard to say, but mostly he just runs around from mirror to mirror, making sure his hair looks okay.


    Real polygamy is scary, and awful, and abusive.  Kody's brand of polygamy is ridiculous in comparison.  He's not following anything but his own loins.  He makes rules that are very bendable, depending on how motivated he is to get off the couch and enforce them.  His kids are leaving one by one and so far, none of them are following their father's church and its rules.  What this all says to me is that Kody is making a mockery of a very serious issue.  I don't see how Kody's beliefs, if we can call them that, are rooted in anything but his own brain.  Maybe I'm comparing apples and oranges here, and I'll admit to not really being clear on the differences in the Mormon sects.  But having watched Sister Wives, followed by watching Escaping Polygamy, it just deepens my disgust of Kody Brown.


    /end rant, just had to get this off my brain.


    I am the opposite.  At least Kody is not super strict with his wives and children. They have some freedom.  He is an ass.  The worst part is the jealousy of the wives and playing favorites.  There are some real horror stories from some of these sects.  There is a show on ID called The Wives Did It and it shows some very messed up situations.

  13. I just watched Murder Book and was very touched by the story of the Appalachian police officer.  There is so much mistrust of the law right now and much of it is justified.  I just liked this little story.  Also,like the narrator-sort of old school policeman. 

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  14. I agree it was really great to see how they rallied to find Opal. I also liked how they got him to talk.

    By not talking to him, not saying a word. What a sick man.


    Yeah, how do these people act so normal.  I have a hard time of that myself.

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  15. i did too.  I did like that the town rallied for the black girl Opal.  It is these stories we need to hear about .   In 2015, we could be doing better.


    Also, I watch Sister Wives about polygamy, did anyone happen to see The Wives Did It?  I am fascinated by plural marriage so I liked it.  Of course it was yet another tale of how hard it is on the wives.

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